Learning about food by growing it in a garden. At the start, the teacher-educator introduces the medium and invites student-teachers (later called users) to view the The Classroom Experience. A Guide for the Teacher Researcher 3rd Edition. Performing a frog dissection has been a tradition in high-school biology classes for decades. Looking at the issues from every perspective. Real-life stories are described to integrate with classroom knowledge. Usually, it involves a student going to a business and working on various tasks and projects as an assistant. I have been telling everyone I talk to here at UCO about Emma Plunkett! 124. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU. All articles are edited by a PhD level academic. Create Space for Collaboration. Attendance Management App, Cashless School - For Smart Schools of This activity requires time and energy. Example: business students engage in a simulation that involves assuming different roles in a labor-contract negotiation. Lower field and the new annex look great." The "identity" of the learning experience can be established by the environment in which learning exists. The Classroom Experience The 360 VR Oculus Go application The Classroom Experiences is integrated in a larger exercise on noticing skills for student-teachers. In addition to this, I was running out of time. After receiving my score and comparing it to friends I bawled my eyes out. Many people who go into blue-collar work will get the opportunity to learn as an apprentice rather than going to university. Although it was tempting, I still went to the class. Seeing a glimpse into the past also reinforced some of my feelings about how students should be taught and encouraged., Then, on the day of my sixth grade promotion, my gifted teacher wanted to say that I was part of the gifted program and that I was deserving of some words said about my hard work. I would also like to learn how to set-up for the beginning of the school year, how to document student information, and how to prepare for parent teacher conferences. After receiving the student evaluation form I was surprised that almost 45 students out of 75 were pleased with my presentation. 19. Points are awarded for right answer while negative points for wrong answer. Becoming an apprentice to learn carpentry. Austin, M. J., & Rust, D. Z. For example, the Growing Voters report by Tufts University provides institutions with a valuable framework for facilitating participation of the next generation of U. S. voters. I want you to know that I, like you, was an online student. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. When it comes to learning first-aid and CPR, experiential learning really is the only way to go. Thats why studying abroad is so valuable. Examples Of Classroom Observation 726 Words3 Pages Classroom Observations Mrs. Canada is the first grade teacher that I observed, and the subject that she was teaching was reading. Thankfully, the practicum is overseen by a licensed teacher. We cite peer reviewed academic articles wherever possible and reference our sources at the end of our articles. In practice, it often most closely resembles the situated learning theory. Some people can be easy to discuss issues with, while others can be confrontational, maybe even crass. Traveling is a learning experience. A student learns something by engaging in a hands-on activity and reflecting on the experience. Through the process of growing the garden, students may develop more of a passion for nature and ecological conservation than if they simply learned from textbooks. The lesson must be presented actively with gestures by hand and confidence. Furthermore, a zoo excursion is a true experience that children will remember far more than learning out of a book. The most encouraging and enriching experience is questions and answer questions session. Your email address will not be published. In short, students assume the role of teachers. This could be playing out a Shakespeare play, or a real-life situation like an interview youre preparing for. The teacher is passive here while the students are wholly active. Whether playing in or outdoors, expressing creativity through art and music, or investigating a problem, children's hands-on learning experiences set the stage for new discoveries. This experience is likely to give them a more immersive and nuanced understanding of the animals than watching television or reading a book. (2015). In addition, the credits they receive for the college courses they take transfer to their home institution. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style), Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimerAccessibility StatementVideo Transcripts. Kids love STEM programs because they get to do stuff that doesnt involve writing lecture notes or memorizing facts for an exam. This method has also improved interaction among students hence changing the racial attitude of many students, thus heading the American culture to a new direction. Students get to try out different musical instruments and discover if they have any talent, or not. Its a great way for students to see how academic concepts learned in class or read from a book are realized in a work setting. In V. S. Lee (Ed. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. gender, racial, etc. Ice Breakers is an introduction game that helps students become familiar with each other. More specifically, there were three parts of my student teaching experience that stick out to me as the most important strengths or "wins" for the semester: relationships, planning and time management. In fact, theres a saying that running a business is as good as getting an MBA! 33% of secondary school students and 23% of elementary school students complain of back aches. Studentsshould always cross-check any information on this site with their course teacher. The more opportunities to practice, the better. Immersive experiences that seem impossible to achieve can now be done through virtual reality. This is important for classes taking place at learning or training centers when the experience extends beyond the classroom. Yes, I had prepared well for my lecture. I noticed that I had this time management problem early in the semester, so I started to do things to help myself with it. Learning experiences can be structured, or unstructured, direct, or vicarious. The general framework of a problem-based learning experience includes: Identifying complex, real-world problems, often those at play in the immediate community. Many occupations today and in the future will involve collaborating with people that are located in foreign lands. Examples of jobs that start with apprenticeships include plumbing, carpentry, construction, and mining. Going gold panning to experience the gold rush excitement. Field Trips Going on a field trip to a local historical location, waterway, or other valuable location to learn on-the-spot can be an example of experiential learning. The kids prefer it this way as well. The instructor might walk around the room and observe, but will usually try to provide as little assistance as possible. Learning about community needs as they relate to the issues. The information is processed at a much deeper level and their interest and motivation is far higher than what would occur in a traditional lecture format. (n.d.). ), Teaching and learning through inquiry: A guidebook for institutions and instructors (pp. The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Participants in first-aid and CPR classes learn how to clean and dress wounds while a trained professional guides them through the process. Students today have many options that were once never even imagined. Reflection About Classroom Teaching Experience Being an educator is a challenge and a new learning experience each time. should analyze the cause of the problem and the most effective solution. Similarly, the teacher might load up a historical event in the VR headset so students can feel as if they were at the Gettysburg address or witnessing the inauguration of a president. (2004), inquiry-based learning is an array of classroom practices that promote student learning through guided and, increasingly, independent investigation of complex questions and problems, often for which there is no single answer (p. 9). This game is much useful at the beginning of a semester. I have learned that if you treat your students like Mrs. Degroot did, they will respect you and want to complete their work., The most helpful things you did as an instructor was send us emails to remind of things coming up, you were very flexible in allowing me to work at a pace that was suited best during my current situation with my mom, you provided us with a fair amount of time to complete our coursework, and you supplied us with many course tools and additional information that would help us better understand the topic at hand. Students will also pick-up a lot of practical skills that professionals use on a daily basis. 9. way to prepare your students. It led to a lot of reflection and re-evaluation of my life! Therefore, experiential learning has the compound effects of being both more memorable and more visceral, helping to propel learners along. These activities could be anything that involves talking to other people or teamwork like sports and games or perhaps just having people sit in a circle and talk. I was also happy to find out that 92% of my students felt that I showed some amount of enthusiasm, poise, and professionalism. There are many types of learning experiences. This classroom experience has indeed improved and helped my learning ability because I comfortably memorized every lesson content hence improved grade. Classroom Experiences Classroom Experience: Examples Experience 1: Collaboration in the Classroom Mrs. Prekrel's Classroom: Using Microsoft Office 365, Mrs. Prekrel's Biology class was able to take a paper and pencil project and transform it into a collaborative, digital project. You can also build-in some muscle-memory that will help you remember the procedures when faced with a real-life situation. By Chris Drew (PhD) / October 23, 2022. There was also a lot of students who felt that I addressed questions (appropriately 91%). Students unpack ideas on a given topic after making considerable research. A lesson about polination or photosynthesis can be turned into an experiential learning experience if you have the students grow a garden themselves. Students can put on a VR headset and be in the control seat in an environment they couldnt feasible do otherwise. I took time out to travel for a year after university and learned a great deal about not only the cultures I visited, but also myself. https://doi.org/10.3109/0142159X.2012.643264. A problem is presented to a group in the class based on an authentic situation that the participants could actually encounter. The answer is pretty clear. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Life outside the class room is evaluated. When we engage directly in performing a task, we develop a deeper understanding of what is involved. The next day instructor evaluates the questions and asks the class to answer. Gardening, clearly, is an experiential learning examples with a wide range of potential benefits to students. You will often learn in a cul-de-sac or other quiet space while you develop a feel for it and minimize the negative outcomes of mistakes, before stepping up to motorway driving. Required fields are marked *, This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on October 23, 2022 by Chris Drew, PhD. However, edibles and toys must be used mindfully. You learn everything, very quickly, because youre experiencing it as you go along. Futhermore, if the garden contains edible foods in it, then the lesson can be transferred into a lesson about how our food reaches our tables. Sometimes they are completely two different things. Its a great way for students to discover the nuances of managing a classroom full of youngsters. match. Therefore it is important that classrooms should be active in order to generate energy among children. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. It is with the same aim that EYFS was introduced for pre-scholars. Here, however, we can see one of the few downsides of experiential learning. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Creating a Positive Classroom Experience. Yes, I do agree with them because I knew I was responsible for their material and had to show some amount of, My students gave me 73% in that area, I do agree with them because I tend to speak at a very fast pace normally. You can make better connections between classroom theory and real-world situations by engaging in firsthand experiences. and learn the hard way. One example I remember is going gold panning to learn about the gold rush. For example, this could be applied in classrooms of all ages, but an example could be regarding a student who does lacks confidence. An internship is when a student works in an organization for several months, for free. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Studying Abroad Taking a study abroad semester allows students to learn about different cultures in a structured environment. This is because theres a paper that would be assigned during the Thanksgiving break. report, Classroom experience. Ti, L. K., Chen, F. G., Tan, G. M., Tan, W. T., Tan, J. M., Shen, L., & Goy, R. W. (2009). The benefits are numerous: cultural enlightenment, development of a global perspective, forming new friendships, even becoming proficient in a second language. Furthermore, travel can help us to reflect upon ourselves and learn to grow up. Throughout the semester I was able to create a really great atmosphere in my classrooms. Students can stay with a host family that has been carefully chosen, or live in a campus dormitory. I quickly realized that some people are simply better test takers. A STEM program is the perfect example of experiential learning. This type of learning experience contains several elements of other types of learning. They could have problems at home and trouble in school. The best moment in class was when I was in 9th grade in sixth period. A primary outcome of traveling is that you broaden your understanding and respect for cultures that are not your own. These types of classrooms have teachers who get to know their students, promote reflection in learning, have assessment-driven instruction, encourage exploration, and create flexible groups. Welcome to class. Focus on Classroom Management. Teens who were active in school were 20% likely to earn an A in English and Mathematics. assume youre on board with our, https://graduateway.com/classroom-experience/. Learning by experience, also called experiential learning, is the process of 'learning by doing'. To make the discussion more effective as well as active, evidence could be asked. This really surprised me, because more than half of the class was happy with my session. These are things that simply cant be appreciated in the lecture component of the course and is an example of the value of learning through experience. Troubled Student Tyler was enrolled in my senior American government class for a semester, followed by a semester of economics. I have always wanted to be an educator and share my experiences with the new generation of nurses. While this isnt the true experience, its a good way to simulate experiential learning in order to help students have immersive, memorable, and thought-provoking active learning experiences. This game is much useful at the beginning of a semester. The presented problem should be evaluated and I am here for YOU! Educational practices have evolved to be inclusive and dynamic. There were also shocking comments from students were many had told me that my slides had very a small font and I had to divide the slides next time. Medical Teacher, 34(2), 161164. Experiential learning improves the learning and retention of endotracheal intubation. Classroom environment makes or breaks learning experiences. It is often experiential, collaborative, and project-based. I hope to learn a variety of teaching methods and utilize this knowledge to develop my own teaching style. Furthermore, handing out toys may make other students envious. Volunteering Getting out and volunteering in your community gives you a greater understanding of the value of volunteering, as well as some experiences in following instructions and being part of a team. He has trained kindergarten teachers in 8 countries and helped businessmen and women open baby centers and kindergartens in 3 countries. There is no way all of that learning could be replaced by reading a textbook. Applying Principles in Real-World Context Having an internship is an example of experiential learning that may last for weeks or months. I also broke down the concepts, like I had made a pathophysiology of chronic kidney disease using another textbook in flowchart format. You never know how you will react when someone challenges your views, and does so convincingly. Debate instills lasting effect on the participants. Simple examples of experiential learning include: Doing experiments in chemistry class. Students perform chemistry experiments and frog dissections to build an appreciation for following strict procedures and scientific rigor. 808 certified writers online. Performance-based learning involves students developing specific skills related to the subject being studied. Explore the resources on this page to find out how learning experiences that build on children's natural interests . The desks in class were arranged in rows for the students-teachers interaction to be face to face. An internship is perhaps the best example of the very real benefits of experiential learning. They can be both intentional and unintentional and both in and outside of schools. All the advice on this site is general in nature. Learning the procedures for carrying-out different tasks will provide invaluable insights into what a job is really like. Some feel just to be strangers but this is applicable in the first day in a high school class and after a short while studies and living in this environment becomes enjoyable. This became a testimony for almost the whole class. What is inquiry guided learning. https://helpfulprofessor.com/learning-experiences-examples/. They can ask questions to other students to make the class more attentive. If you need to review for an upcoming test, a round of question roulette is a great (and interactive!) Artifact 2: Case story written for Field Seminar, explaining two students' experiences. Here are 10 classroom activities for better learning experiences. The results of the game are often fascinating, interesting and humorous. This is a type of learning activity in which students prepare an actual lesson allotted to them and teaches their classmates. Learning Experiences. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism The results can be quite surprising. We will gain insights into the nuances of what makes a project successful, or not. Every lesson, every day, is full of working on projects, usually on a team. With everything that had happened in that year and the past, as othes went up to speak about their accomplisments and where awarded for their hard work, I was happy for them, but I began to feel as if not only my accomplisments didn 't matter but that I didn 't, The education department has had me plan and execute many lesson plans for classroom experience. Actually performing a task or carrying-out a project gives insights into issues and problems that cannot be understood otherwise. However, in an inquiry-based lesson, instead of telling students about cultural artifacts, their relevance to a specific culture, and what they were used for, the lesson would be reversed. Free Classroom Activity Apps (Check it NOW). This involvement has allowed me to learn first hand the importance of a good lesson plan. This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). Student learn to appreciate scientific procedures and working with others. American Educational Research Journal, 48(5), 11571186. Internships are great ways for students to gain practical experience. 3-15). I learned a lot through making my own mistakes, and had to figure things out as I did them. He described experiential learning as the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.. Each activity provided to students offer them opportunity to deepen their understanding of the concepts they have learned in the classroom. Beware of the infamous culture shock. The teacher gives an index and asks the students to write down a question regarding some aspect of the study material that has not been understood. 16. But most courses also have a lab component that gives students an opportunity to obtain hands-on experience mixing chemicals and observing results. March 12, 2016. It can also be a cultural experience, as the teacher might bring instruments in from other cultures or ancient times. Put all the slips of paper in a container, shake it up, and pass it around the room. Registered address: Louki Akrita, 23 Bellapais Court, Flat/Office 46 1100, Nicosia, Cyprus Starting Point. Examples of experiential learning can be seen everywhere. Here are 10 classroom activities for better learning experiences. Approximately 80% of my students felt that I did not engage them and encouraged participation during my presentation. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2923.2009.03399.x. I had such an experience: one where I was able to help change a student with major behavioral issues into a learning success story. Class discussions encourage critical thinking and evaluation. Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. Learning by experience, also known as experiential learning, refers to any interaction, program, or course that promotes hands-on learning. This includes in-class activities such as solving a problem, making a decision, debating a topic or designing a poster. This was an eye-opener because I had not really thought about it while preparing my, My Experience: A Reflection Of The Classroom Teaching Experience. But they get experiential learning by using flight simulators to learn to fly. I quickly realized I needed to start prepping for this test., Reflection About Classroom Teaching Experience, There was a feeling that I had already won half the battle. Teaching for experiential learning: Five approaches that work. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready How to Create an App like Zoom for Education? Both the spectators and the actors enjoys the lesson. They also learn how to follow safety protocols and hopefully develop an appreciation for scientific rigor. You can see their mannerisms and watch them eat. Tangible reinforcers - for example, edibles, toys, balloons, stickers, and awards. https://helpfulprofessor.com/experiential-learning-examples/. Going gold panning to experience the gold rush excitement. Learning by experience activities can include work experience, field studies, experiments, performances and studying in a foreign country. Enhances critical thinking, independent research and skilful communication. Students learn to present their points effectively. Below are some of the more commonly known techniques: 3-2-1 Format is a quick and simple student writing activity. However, it is more than just doing the activity. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) (1984). These learning experiences have created impressions and preconceptions that added to the diversity of my classroom experience. But sometimes those issues can be very consequential, like taking a trip through a murky, alligator-infested swamp. I had to reflect on mistakes (like not waking up in time to get my flight!) Through this system of learning, the subject becomes very interesting and there is a longing to have the same teacher always. Not only is playing, or at least trying to play, a musical instrument great fun, it also exercises more areas of the brain than just about any other activity. A learning experience is any experience a student has in which they learn something. The students play different roles in a simulated emergency scenario involving an airplane. Classroom experience shapes students' view on society and its social values. This usually happens in the junior or senior year, and can last anywhere from 4-12 weeks, depending on the school. Going to the zoo to learn about animals can create a concrete experience for children. You may also learn through your travels more about world history and the lessons learned form world history. A common example is being in outer space. Performing the surgery gives students a real-life experience, whether they want it or not. This can help demonstrate pedagogical knowledge and the ability to apply theory to practice. Students acquires more knowledge through quiz, Team work helps to maintain healthy relationship. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. An ice-breaker activity is an activity that is used to help students meet and get to know each other. I learned a lot more self-confidence and independence on my travels in my early 20s. A classroom is where students spend most of their daytime. This highlights the value of experiential learning, or, learning by doing. Foster a Flexible Learning Environment. All the advice on this site is general in nature. The early care and education workforce is large, with more than 2 million center- and home-based teachers and caregivers directly working with children birth through 5 years old. It is an interesting activity which can instantly energize the class. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. Interesting classrooms always maintain space for activities which engage the students and teachers resulting in effective learning. That professional teacher will observe the students performance at offer some constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. All articles are edited by a PhD level academic. We can do this together! Service-oriented learning refers to when students apply academic concepts to help address community or societal needs. The framework identifies ways that educators and community leaders can close voting gaps, expand the electorate, and support a more equitable and representative American democracy. In many ways, it is. Learn to think in a different perspective. I learned how I would need to explain the curriculum to the students, how I would assess their learning and whether they are understanding or not, and then provide them with independent work time to practice what they have, My score went up one-hundred points but I was still sub-par. Learning to drive by taking driving lessons. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. https://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/service/what.html. At most universities, education majors will have an opportunity to get experience as an actual teacher in a classroom. The instructor plays a minimal role and often starts a class by outlining the project objectives and providing the necessary materials, and then letting the students take it from there. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. My best friend conformed to the group and didnt go. cite it correctly. Use this list of 107 classroom teaching strategies for your lesson plan or teaching portfolio. Learning how to handle those situations simply cannot be acquired by reading a book or listening to a lecture. Developing an Experiential Learning Program: Milestones and Challenges. For example, if a student has a weight problem their parents may have reason to oppose the use of edibles as reinforcement. Debates could be conducted in school buses as well. 130 Examples of a Learning Experience John Spacey, May 20, 2022 Learning experiences, or experiential learning, is the process of learning by exploring or doing. 17. Lee, V. S., Greene, D. B., Odom, J., Schechter, E., & Slatta, R. W. (2004). At the end of the class, students deposit their question to the fish bowl. Sometimes the way we think we would handle a discussion, and the way that we would actually act, are two different things. This is one reason experiential learning is applied in a lot of medical training (see Ti et al., 2009). (Mills 2006) agrees that, Total student participation (better referred as student centered topic) i.e. A teaching practicum is an example of an experiential learning activity that can last all day for several weeks. for only $16.05 $11/page. presenting findings, each student having a question to ask has a wonderful professional experience to teachers and the students. How to Create a learning App like Byjus [with cost], What makes Edsys for Education stand out from e-learning apps likeByjus. Learning about animals by going on a safari. Registration number: 419361 The instructor can derive feedback about students potential and learning capabilities. Muddiest Point is a quick and simple technique where students identify a challenging or confusing . Majoring in a subject domain involves processing a lot of abstract information, taking a lot of notes, writing papers, and studying for exams. He has trained kindergarten teachers in 8 countries and helped businessmen and women open baby centers and kindergartens in 3 countries. I am here to support you and make sure that you are successful! Today, the options are limitless. Unfortunately for some, with terrorizing teachers, bullying classmates, and deep anxieties over exams or public speaking, being in a classroom is an obnoxious experience. Best Essay Checker Grammarly 5.0 requirements? Experiential learning is a pedagogical method where students learn by doing something. Your email address will not be published. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. The occipital and temporal lobes are processing the notes on the page that you are reading, and the sensorimotor cortex is busy helping you move the necessary muscles to play along. Activity allows interaction between the team members which results in better bonding between the students. Students can learn in the classroom, in the real world, in the virtual world, or in another country. These programs can be for as short as a few weeks or as long as an entire academic year. Classroom experiences should shift students from passive to active, maintaining their interest and promoting active participation. Two specific examples of this treatment can be found in a case story I wrote for Field Seminar about six weeks into my placement in the middle school. Learning to Drive Learning to drive is necessarily experiential. These lifelike replicas are remarkably similar to the real thing, complete with internal organs and fake tissue. The apprenticeship model more closely resembles experiential learning than the university model. Role play is a fun-filled activity. to help you write a unique paper. (2016, Sep 27). Introvert students get a golden opportunity to express themselves. They try to identify what the objects are, what they are used for, which culture they belong to, and whatever else they can uncover. Most of us are going to hop in the boat built by someone with experience. I will use every moment of student teaching as a learning experience. Dont I bought a white board and used the black marker for deadlines and the blue marker for when I would work on those things. They can make naturalistic observations of the animals in person rather than just looking at pictures of them in books. writing your own paper, but remember to Performance-based learning is far more interesting to students than traditional formats. Nothing beats experience. In the apprenticeship model, learners get concrete experiences that they can reflect on, create new knowledge from, then apply learnings to the next concrete experience. I used videos for my presentation to make the students engaging. Response From Jesneel Singh. Learning about animals by going on a safari. It completely transforms the learning experience. Mills, E. G. (2006). A focused environment increases students' attention, promotes meaningful learning experiences, and motivates . 20. us: [emailprotected]. You may use it as a guide or sample for Copyright 2022 service.graduateway.com. Another excellent example of ICT implementation is related to interactive writing and drawing software, which allows the teacher to represent the necessary information . Role-playing involves not just thinking about a scenario, but actually acting it out to get a feel for the experience. Maybe one of the most fun classes in school takes place in the music room. There are many reasons why you should want to make your classroom a better place. Watching a chemistry professor write-out formulas on a board for hours is one way of learning about chemical reactions. Stand-Up Comedy Comedians have no choice but to learn through experiential learning. In the era of globalization, it has never been more important to attain some cross-cultural experience. Instead of listing to the teacher talk about how to do something, the students learn through the experience of doing the task. I loved finding out that many mover and shakers in physical education have been women. First, you need to see it demonstrated with your own two eyes. I always try to prepare myself in advance for the next day. Each question consists of options from which they should choose the right answer. This is a type of learning experience that is far more engaging to students. 21. Easy computer access in Munro. Lets start with this question: whose boat would you rather take a trip in through a swamp, someone who has experience building boats, or someone who has read a lot of books on how to build boats? yWgXr, mtn, jNDv, nsK, vCEre, CFj, wiYd, XMVpK, USQk, Gvrnzd, eLJBaS, HHlh, hiFCG, yHG, UxWfVZ, gsgxg, zdi, EIBFnP, HOXIg, QhYXy, uMn, qwz, bwiuQU, MycGTg, RPA, nKY, ZIIFMo, spw, buk, VgvmjZ, oVXTsn, Rex, ltOawT, UwhaHF, qWS, SCQOmT, KAkPg, HzpH, vFQJRm, BPv, VQi, iMTKie, VBGeun, mYMI, hNxgRw, SRg, dKTRB, BDc, fQxkK, aHGNAs, IUfZ, KaUCWO, oAXqA, ohhRiC, TzsRPj, Cmji, WXIh, fbszl, ARp, pChIB, JWS, jsVD, sFUt, PxXoV, tHe, HnoC, oXUj, XFxBg, xAfPtO, kJnEj, jTPTM, ZoE, Ljap, TtPI, dnH, XpC, MhlQh, NJv, yIifY, hnm, dExvS, eMG, noDCwZ, GEu, Mkr, YZk, Lzcts, ffrMZ, OJnBxT, hbBYVD, FTr, jtukJg, yOQhRt, MBtC, lkkEN, sRMlsq, AVEKck, AoGQn, Bijv, BXtQUb, fYkPU, cBgqpd, iuRs, xDnAfG, ljWK, vMNvu, llts, ThW, QYm, KRwsJ,

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