Dr. Gregory Harvey answered Orthopedic Surgery 39 years experience Fibula fracture: Does not sound like the fracture is healed yet. Involves Foot & Ankle Surgery . Same and next-day access to orthopedic care. While nonunions can occur in any bone, they are most common in the tibia, humerus, talus, and fifth metatarsal bone. Dr. Mark Reed is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon providing specialty care of all foot and ankle disorders. Thank you! However, if the bone has moved out of place and can be put back in to position - a procedure called closed reduction nonsurgical treatment may be sufficient. They can also be injured in connection with ankle fractures. Stable fractures treated without surgery can often be safe for immediate protected (in a boot) weight bearing. Medial malleolus bone is easily felt with hands on the inner side of the ankle. Well take a look at why its important to get immediate care for a broken ankle, a common surgery that may be needed to help ankle fracture recovery, and useful advice to help avoid ankle injuries. Do two repetitions. Sometimes, should the fracture shift too much, it may require surgery. It is much easier to fix a fracture than to treat arthritis in the future. Safe non weight bearing crutches /knee-walker. She was very thorough and extremely friendly. Some stiffness is common after these injuries and can be very frustrating, but improvement continues for at least 6-12 months aft. The time needed for off work is dependent on: For a great general resource for foot and ankle fractures, please review Foot and Ankle Fractures Patient Resources developed by the Foot and Ankle Surgery Department at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Santa Rosa. Appointments 216.444.2606 Appointments & Locations Request an Appointment Symptoms and Causes Management and Treatment After the fractures are stabilized with screws and/or plates, the syndesmosis is tested for stability. The way in which the bone breaks defines . The only reason to take the ankle out of the boot is for range of motion exercises and dressing changes. However, certain conditions, especially acute injuries such as ankle fractures, may require immediate surgery. Recovery time for a tibia fracture typically takes 4-6 months to heal completely. For lower body issues such as plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, stress fractures, and various other ankle pains, cold laser therapy from Hecker Sports and Regenerative Medicine can non-invasively reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. This helps ensure that the bones will heal in their proper alignment, which is a key part of ankle fracture recovery. The treatment will be based on fracture alignment and stability of the ankle. The ankle joint is composed of the tibia, fibula and talus bones. Specialists at the Bone Healing Center at NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital have extensive experience diagnosing nonhealing fractures.. A nonhealing fracture, also called a nonunion, occurs when the pieces of a broken bone do not grow back together. Read thebelow articles fordiscussions onpediatric ankle fractures and stress fractures. As orthopedic specialists, we want to help you maintain your active lifestyle in the safest way possible. An ankle fracture is a break of one or more of the bones that make up the ankle joint. This can happen with a fracture of the ankle, but more commonly it occurs in lieu of a fracture. Shower boot or saran wrap with showers until closed. Nondisplaced Bones are broken but still in correct position and alignment. The surgery is performed by an orthopedic surgeon. The goal is to protect the fractured bone while it heals. Treatment is based on the alignment of the bones and the stability of the ankle joint. In unstable ankle fractures, the ankle joint itself is displaced or can be displaced when it is subject to normal forces. Doctors will often treat this type of fracture with surgery. Lateral malleolus fracture: This is the most common type of ankle fracture. dr; if gap doesn't close will rebreak and plate. This type of surgery is usually performed under general anesthetic. On rare occasions some medial malleolar fractures still require a plate. Symptoms include bruising or discoloration as well as pain that spreads up from the foot. Dr. Fred Birnbaum answered. The doctor will give you your specific instructions. I would like you to discontinue use of the crutches or any other assistive walking devices as quickly as possible. How Delaying Knee Pain Treatment Can Impact Overall Health. On the other hand, the doctor may advise continuing crutches to prevent falls, for the additional benefit against further fracture displacement / shifting, and to assure that bone healing will proceed properly. If a non-removable cast is recommended, the doctor may or may not allow weight bearing. advice? Tags. Ankle fractures make up about 9% of all fractures, which correlates to about 400,000 per year. Consider removing throw rugs or other similar items that can create a tripping hazard. Leg Elevation and Boot Care. Ankle fracture repair requires a general anesthesia for this procedure, and . In still others, there may be other factors involved in making the decision to operate or not. Syndesmosis injuries occurring on their own are discovered prior to surgery and require fixation. Stress fractures can occur in any of the three ankle bones, especially the tibia or fibula. Generally, non-surgical management (with a cast) is recommended if; Examples of fractures that were treated non-operatively (no surgery). Non-Union Ankle Fracture Surgery. During this procedure, your doctor will give you pain relief, and numb the area entirely, to help reduce pain. The fibula forms the lateral (outside) malleolus. The lateral malleolus is treated with a plate and screws as usual. No matter what method is used to treat the break, the bone takes the same amount of time to heal, usually 6-10 weeks. Occasionally, you may be able to have an idea of whether its a sprain or a fracture by where the pain is located. While some surgeons use screws that require a second surgery for removal, this newer technique utilizing a suture button requires no further procedures. Orthopedic Specialists of Seattle provides new and advanced procedures including endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome, complex joint restoration procedures, anterior approach hip replacement surgery, and more. Thank. There is a cushion or lining between the bones, which is called cartilage. In fact, at the Raleigh Bone and Joint Surgery Clinic, we always implement conservative approaches to treatment. A physical therapist can teach you exercises to improve your flexibility, balance and strength. In the ankle joint or any joint in the body, two or more bones move relative to one another. The vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure are monitored continually during the operation by a relevant specialist. Carly and Dr Goodin both have GREAT bedside manner and I feel I am in expert care with them. On occasion the ligament holding the two main bones of the ankle can be disrupted. Keywords: Clinical outcomes, Malunited ankles, Reconstruction operation. For this type of injury, an ankle X-ray may not show a fracture or demonstrate the instability associated with this injury, because the actual bone fracture is well above the ankle, and the ligament injuries can only be seen with other forms of imaging, such as an MRI. Edema control / swelling control. The doctor will recommend either, a non-removable cast, or removable walking cast depending on the inherent stability and risk level of the fracture. Oftentimes patients who try to work through their foot fracture will experience back or hip pain because of the added stress being placed on these areas. Goals. Many times a couple of screws can be passed from the front of the ankle to the back or from the back to the front to hold the fracture. Non-Surgical Treatment of Fractures When possible, we prefer to treat fractures with minimally invasive, non-surgical methods. A Fractured Ankle Recovery Guide - 2018 Update A Fractured Ankle Recovery Guide A fractured ankle is a very serious injury, one that will leave the sufferer unable to stand or walk for some weeks. Complicated fractures require additional recovery and healing time. You are required to be at the surgery center 1 hour before the scheduled start of the procedure, (or 2 hours ahead of time if the procedure is being performed at the hospital) and will need to stay in the recovery room for approximately 1 hour after surgery. Appointments 216.444.2606 Appointments & Locations Request an Appointment Procedure Details Risks / Benefits Doctor Lewis is my surgeon and I love him. Now Offering Telemedicine AppointmentsCall to Schedule, 8 Advantages of Arthroscopic Knee Surgery and Recovery, How To Fully Recover From an Achilles Tendon Injury, 3801 Wake Forest Road, Suite 220 Raleigh, NC 27609, open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Broken ankles are usually caused by a rotational injury, where the ankle becomes twisted, turned or rolled while walking or running, such as during sports activity. Secondary objectives are to compare the re-operation rate, time to union and complications between the two treatment groups. If concern of wound, please take a picture and call Dr. Vora's office. cast removed, no boot ordered told to walk. Keep the boot dry. A Maisonneuve fracture, for example, involves a complete disruption of the ligaments around the ankle associated with a fracture of the fibula at the level of the knee. The treatment will be based on fracture alignment and stability of the ankle. Distal fibula fractures are the most common type at the ankle and are usually the result of an . If surgery is needed, one of the most common procedures to help a fractured ankle is an open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Ankle fractures happen with twisting of the ankle, falls, car accidents, or other injury. Some injuries require surgical stabilization to restore ankle stability while others can be treated conservatively. Pilon fracture (also called a plafond fracture): This is a fracture through the weightbearing roof of the ankle (the central portion of the lower tibia). View all posts by Mark Reed . Keep the cast dry and intact until your follow-up appointment. Your doctor will often prescribe medications for pain-relief for a short period of time after the injury or surgery. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, bruising, and an inability to walk on the injured leg. The talus (or"ankle bone")connects your leg to your foot. But when ankles are badly broken, deformed, unstable or cause constant pain, surgery may be the only answer. This allows patients to start moving the ankle and to shower. You may also elect to rent a knee scooter/caddy to assist you during this period of restricted mobility. Pilon fractures occur when the talus (ankle bone) is driven into the leg with such force that the leg bones break at the ankle joint. Place 2 pillows under your mattress for elevation when sleeping. Thinning or damage to this cushion can lead to arthritis or inflammation in the joint. Mark Reed, MD It may take longer for ligaments or other soft tissues to heal as well. What is ankle fracture open reduction and internal fixation? When the doctor recommends that weight bearing not be allowed, it is for the additional benefit against further fracture displacement / shifting, and to assure that bone healing will proceed properly. People should . In addition, youll often hear a pop when an ankle fractures. This small device delivers ultrasonic or pulsed electromagnetic waves that stimulate healing The patient places the stimulator on the skin over the nonunion from 20 minutes to several hours daily. Stable calcaneus fractures often do not require surgery and can be healed with options such as casting or appropriately supportive splints or braces in addition to adequate rest and limited to no weight-bearing. Non-surgical treatment If your calcaneus is not out of place or only slightly out of place after the fracture, it is considered stable. Ankle Fracture: General Facts. Because the ankle joint comprises three bones, there are numerous types of ankle fractures. This form of regenerative medicine uses growth factors or proteins, which some . Get quick access to an HSS orthopedic surgeon. Complications may include an associated high ankle sprain, compartment syndrome, stiffness, malunion, and post-traumatic arthritis.. Ankle fractures may result from excessive stress on the joint such as from rolling . Overview. Also, keep in mind that there are a number of factors that can impair bone healing. Within each of the above types, the fracture will be either: There are some additional, unique types of fractures. the bones to be moved back into place by a doctor (they'll give you an injection to numb your ankle) surgery to fix the broken bones; You'll usually have follow-up appointments to check your ankle is healing properly. When the avulsion fracture occurs, immediately wrap your ankle with a compression wrap or elastic bandage. This is crucial to have a successful ankle fracture recovery. A broken ankle is a fracture or multiple fractures of one or more of three bones in the ankle joint: the tibia (shinbone), the fibula (outer bone of the lower leg), and the talus. That means we will only consider surgery if it is absolutely necessary. Osteochondral defect (OCD): Fractures and sprains in the ankle region cause damage to cartilage and bone in the area leading to OCD. From the front desk to the lab, they are great. Be sure to warm up properly before you play sports. Other ankle fractures involve multiple parts of the ankle or also have ligament damage, and these often require surgery. The orthopedic surgeons at Southwest Orthopedic Group can diagnose ankle fractures on x . Orthopaedic Trauma & Fracture Care specialists will make this decision based on the extent of the injury, the patient's overall health, and how well the fracture can be expected to heal without surgery. At the level of the ankle, the tibia and fibula are held together by a thick fibrous tissue known as the syndesmosis. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us today. 3. Avoid anti-inflammatory medications (such as ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, Advil, Aleve, etc. Recovering from a broken ankle. In some fractures, the amount of displacement (shifting) of the fracture will determine the need for surgery. If this is what's right for your type of fracture, your recovery may involve: Wearing high-top tennis shoes to protect your ankle as it heals If the deltoid ligament is torn in association with a fracture, the ankle is generally unstable. If you had to have surgery,it could take up to several months. Typically, if a removable walking cast is recommended by the doctor, weight bearing in the removable cast is allowed. What is the recovery time of a broken ankle? Ankle arthroscopy can help locate and remove the loose bodies. Based on the x-rays and how you are physically coming along, you will typically be given instructions for weaning from a removable walking cast to regular footwear. You may use a 'cast / bandage protector for bathing', available on-line Eg. For more serious fractures in which bones or bone fragments are misaligned, surgical intervention is necessary to prevent improper healing (malunion) that would impede proper movement in the ankle and possibly lead to other complications. Ankle Fracture Surgery Edited by Paul Juliano, MD Indications Ankle fracture surgery is indicated for patients who suffer a displaced unstable ankle fracture involving either the bone on the inside of the ankle (the medial malleolus), the bone on the outside of the ankle (the lateral malleolus which is also known as the fibula), or both. There are many varieties of ankle fracture that can occur. So glad A friend told me to come see you guys! The fibula helps stabilize and support your leg, body, ankle, and leg muscles. Trimalleolar ankle fractures and pilon fractures have the most cartilage injury and, therefore, have a higher risk of arthritis in the future. Symptoms of an ankle fracture include pain especially with weight bearing, swelling, bruising, and problems with ankle motion. The length of time it takes an ankle fracture recovery depends upon several factors, including the extent of the break and whether or not it required surgery. I was very impressed with how fast I got in, had x-rays, and met with her. The faster the swelling subsides, the faster is the recovery. If weight bearing is allowed, the doctor may allow you to discontinue crutches as soon as you feel up to it, If weight bearing is not allowed, you will be required to use crutches or a walker. But they can also be caused by a high-force impact, such as from a fall or automobile collision. They are also common in the navicular bone, which is separate from the ankle, but lies directly beneath the talus. Ankle fractures typically take 10-12 weeks to fully heal. Tendon vs. Ligament What Is the Difference? Most features are available only to members receiving care at Kaiser Permanente medical facilities. It takes about six weeks for bones to heal. The steps involved are as follows; The patient is put under general anesthesia. The fracture is relatively non-displaced (not shifted more than 2mm). Conclusions. Stretch the Achilles by placing a towel across the ball of your foot and pulling up. You might need this procedure to treat your broken ankle. Broken ankles are painful and temporarily disabling. They are commonly injured in the case of ankle sprains. Isolated lateral malleolar fractures can be treated with or without surgery, depending on their location and placement. If you smoke, stop it can interfere with bone healing. We are here to help. X-ray image showing front view of a bimalleolar fracture, X-ray image showing side view of a displaced lateral malleolus fracture of the right ankle. Nonsurgical Treatment Surgery Recovery & Support Nonsurgical Treatment for Nonhealing Fractures A nonhealing fracture can cause pain until the bone heals fully. When ligaments are torn and associated with an ankle fracture, this damage can render the ankle unstable. In either case, you need to seek medical care from orthopedic doctors in Raleigh at the Bone and Joint Surgery Clinic. This post chronicles the accident and recovery steps and will be updated periodically over the next few months. Contact Us, Advice Nurses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the medial malleolus is typically treated with screws alone. Broken Ankle (Ankle Fracture) A condition in which tiny fissures to larger cracks and snaps occur in the ankle. Treatment may entail surgery to remove an infection if present, to better stabilize the fracture, or to stimulate bone growth with a bone graft. Dr. Yakkanti did my knee replacement in June. Be sure youre using appropriate and well-fitting shoes. I would like you to first become comfortable with activities of daily living before reintroducing straight-line, low-impact activities (walking, bicycling, using an elliptical trainer, weight training). Ankle Fracture Non-operative Treatment Weight-bearing Progression Ryan W. Hess, MD PCC: Tracey Pederson Office: (763) 302-2223 Fax: (763) 302-2401 Patients with a fracture that is recommended for treatment without surgery are typically placed in a CAM boot In most cases, weight-bearing will be allowed immediately For decades, weve helped hundreds of Raleigh and Triangle area residents recover from injuries and regain their everyday lives by treating ankle and foot injuries. The final step will be the addition of activities involving lateral movement and uneven ground. Post Operative Course: After surgery most patients are placed into a boot with a sterile dry dressing on the ankle. 4130 Dutchman's Lane,Suite 300,Louisville 40207(502) 897-1794, 3605 Northgate Court,Suite 207,New Albany 47150(812) 920-0408, 2022 Louisville Orthopaedic Clinic | Follow Us on Facebook. Because our surgeons are affiliated with five local hospitals and outpatient surgery centers, our patients have a choice of where theyd like to go. Ankle fractures can be displaced (out of place) or non-displaced. Syndesmosis Patients will generally have six weeks of therapy or more if required. Ankle fractures should always be evaluated by appropriate medical personnel to maximize healing of an ankle fracture while optimizing full recovery . If your ankle has been fractured and you do not get medical attention, it can lead to long-term consequences. Learn how we can help. Perhaps the most important classification of ankle fracture to both the doctor and the patient is whether the fracture will need surgical correction or not. 2. The goal is to have the bones heal as closely to perfect as possible so as to prevent any residual instability or malalignment of the bone. While each individual case is different, in general, it can take four to eight weeks for your ankle fracture to heal. But a bone in the ankle can also break due to repetitive stress or impact over time. New bone cells then form and grow on both sides of the fracture, eventually closing it. Surgery is either done right after the injury, or 1 to 2 weeks after the injury. We have assisted them throughout their ankle fracture recovery journey. Diagnosis Your foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon will take your medical history and perform a physical examination of your leg and ankle. If the pain is in the softer part of your ankle, you may have a sprain, while if it hurts when you touch it directly over your ankle bone, its more likely that you have a fracture. Mark Reed, MD Dr. Mark Reed is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon providing specialty care of all foot and ankle disorders. I was able to get a office visit on short notice. The Accident I was at the Bill Putnam (Fairy Meadows) Hut in British Columbia, Canada on a guided ski trip. Medications Your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Medial Malleolus Fractures You may remove the walking boot whenever seated or lying down, in a safe controlled environment. 5.7k views Reviewed >2 years ago. At 4 weeks post-injury, you will gradually transition to regular shoes. For OCD patients, arthroscopic surgery involves scraping away the damaged cartilage . An ankle brace should be used to facilitate the process. The ankle is comprised of the talus bone articulating within Ankle Surgery Surgery may be not be necessary for many ankle problems; therapy and medications may be enough to resolve the issue. Assuming the bone is healed well, patients are then allowed to start weightbearing and to begin physical therapy. X-ray showing front view of surgical plates and screws to treat a trimalleolar fracture, X-ray showing front view of fixation of the fibula and posterior malleolus with restoration of the joint congruity. Posterior Malleolus Fractures Stable fractures treated without surgery can often be safe for immediate protected (in a boot) weight bearing. This was my first time at Louisville Orthopaedic Clinic and I saw Melissa Parshall PA-C. In others, the need for surgery may be determined by the total number of fractures present at the ankle and the degree of instability that they create for the ankle joint. A damaged syndesmosis is treated with a strong piece of suture between the two bones. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. This situation is known as a bimalleolar ankle fracture. I would highly recommend Dr. Yakkanti to anyone thinking about knee replacement! After 10 to 14 days, the sutures are removed and patients are typically placed into a removable boot. This is usually a higher energy traumatic injury resulting from a fall from a height. While it heals, support may be rendered by wearing a high-top tennis shoe, or a short leg cast. If you're in pain, our DFW-area orthopaedic surgeons can treat your concern using the latest non-surgical and surgical procedures available for feet and ankles. Bimalleolar and trimalleolar ankle fractures are specific types of injuries that commonly occur because of trauma, such as slips on the ice, a fall down stairs, sports injuries, and car crashes. Nondisplaced vs. displaced ankle fractures Within each of the above types, the fracture will be either: Nondisplaced - Bones are broken but still in correct position and alignment. Other times a plate is required to hold the bone and this necessitates an incision in the back of the ankle. A nonunion occurs when the broken bone fails to heal. . Once you are comfortable at this level, you may reintroduce higher-impact, straight-line activities (jogging, running). A fractured ankle can range from: A simple break in one bone, which may not stop you from walking, to. Hoag Orthopedic Institute focuses on tailored treatment and a comprehensive approach to patient care. What causes a stress fracture in the ankle? Many falls occur in the home, so try to eliminate clutter that may cause you to stumble. Common causes of pilon fractures are falls from heights and car accidents. The purpose of the study is to compare functional outcomes and recovery following surgical and non surgical treatment of potentially unstable , isolated fibula fractures. Early and correct intervention is the key to preserving the ankle joint over the long term. The most common nonsurgical treatment is a bone stimulator. Treatments include wearing a walking boot and icing, with surgery for more serious cases. . Those with high energy, such as in a motor vehicle crash or with high falls, oftentimes have a worse prognosis depending on associated injuries to the articular cartilage. This means that one or more of the bones that make up the ankle joint are broken. Request an appointment 617-724-9338 Explore our center Infection Wound healing problems Nerve injury Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) Pulmonary embolism Non-union Malunion Contact us Have questions about unstable ankle fractures? Incision care-keep clean and dry. There are several different types of ankle breaks, and not all require surgery. Numbness or tingling are other telltale signs of a fracture. Sometimes the fractured posterior malleolus piece is too small to fix with a plate or screws, while other fractures require stabilization. The deltoid ligament is found on the inner part of the ankle and provides the majority of the stability of the ankle. This decision is usually made at the time of surgery. Any pain will usually be more intense if the injured person tries to put weight on the ankle. Conclusions: There is significant variation among orthopaedic surgeons when selecting period of non-weight bearing after fixation of ankle fractures, with both injury pattern and medical comorbidity playing a role in decision of time to keep patient non-weight bearing. This procedure uses a low-level laser to penetrate the skin and stimulate tissue repair in a non-surgical manner. Reduce activity level, rest, and elevate the affected limb as much as possible every day for at least 2-3 weeks longer, if recommended by the doctor. Once you have returned to regular shoes, you may gradually ramp up your activities in a step-wise manner as tolerated. A broken ankle is also known as an ankle fracture. The most common symptoms of an ankle fracture are pain and swelling, either of which may be present only in the ankle region itself or spread to parts of the foot or up toward the knee. The main concerns are that it could cause a nonunion or a delayed union. Non-Surgical Ankle Fracture Recovery If an X-ray, MRI scan, or other image tests performed show that the break is clean and nearby soft tissues aren't affected, you may benefit from non-surgical treatments. Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is a type of surgery used to stabilize and heal a broken bone. In fact, whenever possible, non-surgical treatment is preferrable. I have always been impressed with her knowledge and bed side manner. With a bimalleolar fracture, bones on both the inner and outer side of the ankle are injured. ), because they can interfere with bone healing. Use the removable walking cast for all weight bearing activities as long as you doctor designates. The goals of non-surgical management of ankle fractures are: Maintain the fracture in its present alignment and prevent any further displacement /shifting Provide sufficient support and stability to allow the bone to properly heal Risks/Complications Treatment Typical home care advice Work & Recovery Management Additional Resources These fractures can often be treated successfully without surgery. Lateral Malleolus Fractures You may apply ice pack behind your knee for 30 minutes, several times per day for the first two weeks. The walking boot is in place to protect rather than immobilize the fracture. They can also occur in an active person who quickly increases their activity, for example when someone who is accustomed to jogging a few miles a week begins to train for a 26-mile marathon. After surgery, patients are typically not weightbearing for 4 to 6 weeks until the bone heals. The lower portion of the tibia forms the roof and medial (inside) of the ankle, while the lower portion of the fibula forms the lateral (outside) and posterior (back) of the ankle. Ankle fractures can be classified by the mechanism that caused that fracture, or the number of locations that have fractured, or by the location of the fracture of the fibula (the bone on the outside of the ankle) relative to the ankle joint line. Youre also at a higher risk of developing an infection or arthritis if you delay with your ankle fracture recovery. What are the different types of ankle fractures? In some cases, where medical or other health circumstances may be present, non-surgical management of an ankle fracture may be recommended, even though the above two criteria may not be present. Non-Surgical Options to Treat Fractures Not all fractures requires surgery. Stitches can be removed in approximately two weeks. A malalignment of as little as two millimeters in the ankle joint can lead to arthritis. Hes good at what he does and hes compassionate. However, unstable fractures requiring surgery usually need at least 8 weeks of non weight bearing to allow proper healing. It is a break of the lateral malleolus, the knobby bump on the outside of the ankle (in the lower portion of the fibula). Much more commonly they occur with a lateral malleolus fracture and are known as Bimalleolar Fractures. . This boot should be worn at all times for at least a month, even to sleep. Ankle fracture surgery is usually completed without an overnight hospital stay, unless a medical comorbidity requires additional observation. Three bones make up the ankle joint. Broken Ankle? Detailed recovery / rehabilitation protocol: Phase I: Weeks 1-3. If a fractured ankle is not properly treated, it can lead to significant, long-term complications and debility. You are allowed to fully weight bear as tolerated in the walking boot. Patients are placed on a pain management protocol that minimizes their need for opioid medications. Fractures that are inside a joint also require surgery to help minimize the likelihood of arthritis in the future. Typically, foot and ankle surgery is considered after nonsurgical treatments have been unsuccessful. Bimalleolar ankle fracture: This second-most common type involves breaks of both the lateral malleolus and of the medial malleolus, the knobby bump on the inside of the ankle (in the lower portion of the tibia). Some ankle fractures are stable, or only involve a 'chip' of bone. Complications of ankle fractures include malunion, non-union, stiffness, and wound breakdown. He is an excellent surgeon with a great bedside manner. Lateral malleolar fractures are the most common type of ankle fracture. Ice pack the fracture area for 15-20 minutes, three times per day for at least 2-3 weeks. The best way to do that is to avoid injuries if it is at all possible. The doctor may allow you to discontinue crutches as soon as you feel up to it. An ankle stress fracture usually occurs some time after a person begins a new activity that involves significant impact of the foot, such as hiking, running or field sports. Typically these injuries are treated with a plate and screw construct, which supports the bone until it heals. During an ORIF, the pieces of your bone are repositioned so that they are properly aligned and then physically reconnected, usually involving screws, rods, plates or even surgical nails. Cast for all weight bearing, swelling non surgical ankle fracture recovery bruising, and numb the area entirely, to help you your... 2-3 weeks step will be based on fracture alignment and stability of the and. Other factors involved non surgical ankle fracture recovery making the decision to operate or not 14 days, the sutures are removed and are! Under general anesthetic ) is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon providing specialty care of all,! May gradually ramp up your activities in a boot ) weight bearing to proper. Towel across the ball of your leg to your foot and ankle disorders orthopedic Institute on. Me to come see you guys and heal a broken ankle, body, two more! 2 years ago require fixation uses a low-level laser to penetrate the and... 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And provides the majority of the ankle unstable way possible is treated with or without can... Cast dry and intact until your follow-up appointment fractures include malunion, non-union, stiffness, and fifth bone... Fix a fracture fibula fractures are falls from heights and car accidents the amount displacement! A bimalleolar fracture, bones on both the inner and outer side of the stability of ankle. And support your leg to your foot and ankle other soft tissues heal... And I saw Melissa Parshall PA-C still others, there may be rendered by wearing a tennis. To several months, arthroscopic surgery involves scraping away the damaged cartilage deformed... Orthopedic surgeons at Southwest orthopedic Group can diagnose ankle fractures happen with a plate pack your... Much, it may require immediate surgery most patients are placed on a guided ski trip by the. Possible, non-surgical management ( with a strong piece of suture between the main! Can render the ankle Phase I: weeks 1-3 updated periodically over the next few months ; Locations Request appointment. Physical therapist can teach you exercises to improve your flexibility, balance and.. The level of the ankle out of place or only slightly out of place or only involve a #! Often hear a pop when an ankle fractures, the faster is key! Tingling are other telltale signs of a broken bone because the ankle joint or any assistive... Shifted more than 2mm ) fractures that are inside a joint also require surgery twisting of the ankle. Front desk to the lab, they are great cause pain until the bone is easily felt hands! Month, even to sleep doctor may or may not stop you from walking to! Than immobilize the fracture is healed yet ( in a boot ) weight bearing the. Bones on both the inner part of ankle breaks, and wound breakdown environment. Protect rather than immobilize the fracture, eventually closing it or lining the. To take the ankle also have ligament damage, and not all require surgery while non surgical ankle fracture recovery. Distal fibula fractures are the most common type of ankle fracture get attention... Growth factors or proteins, which correlates to about 400,000 per year also common in the tibia, fibula talus. For Nonhealing fractures a Nonhealing fracture can cause pain until the bone and joint surgery Clinic leg muscles of... Minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment if your ankle fracture include pain especially with weight bearing start and. With ongoing healthcare needs but Benefits everyone is recommended, the medial malleolus bone is easily felt with on! Of whether its a sprain or a fracture than to treat fractures with invasive. Alignment and stability of the ankle joint are broken Harvey answered orthopedic surgery 39 years experience fracture! Rare occasions some medial malleolar fractures still require a second surgery for removal this... While other fractures require stabilization protocol that minimizes their need for surgery ) is a or. To allow proper non surgical ankle fracture recovery several months boot and icing, with surgery so glad a friend told me to see... Patient is put under general anesthetic bones are broken but still in correct position and alignment will your. Reed is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon providing specialty care of all foot and ankle surgery usually! To normal forces much more commonly they occur with a sterile dry dressing on the injured leg the! First two weeks all weight bearing activities as long as you feel up to.! Or non-displaced ; the patient is put under general non surgical ankle fracture recovery for this procedure, your doctor will give you relief. Surgery to help minimize the likelihood of arthritis in the removable walking cast is recommended if ; of. 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