I had an injury to my neck and back so I think it is related. The calf stretching exercises cleared it up for me in just a few days. WebThis condition occurs when nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are damaged. I exercise regularly and am at a healthy weight. Its a matter of finding the nerve location that is inflamed or pinching that is causing this to occur. Thanks for the info and glad it isnt anything serious. Im not a diabetic. I hadnt expereinced the ice-pick, electric shock pain in a year or so and this time its in the opposite ankle. hi all, Why does this happen during the NIGHT when youre peacefully SLEEPING. So I was sitting in the lunch room on a sofa at work 2 days ago, and I had some mild stabbing pain at the top of my left ankle, I had my right leg crossed over my left at the time, so I switched them over to take the pressure off my left foot, and the pain went away. My job wont allow me to wear a boot or cast, or use crutches. But you can also get a neuroma in your forefoot, in between your metatarsal bones. Often, unexplained nerve pain is worseat night, interfering with sleep. I do not think it is typical diabetic neuropathy as that would be more numbness and burning for most people. Cold leg. When it was present, I was in excrutiating pain. It may become quiet and send no information, which causes numbness. Im glad it is gone for me but it would have been much more satisfying to have a definite answer. Currently its increasing and Im waiting for it to become full blown while hoping I can calm it down somehow. This is crazy that with all these same symptoms they cant figure out what is causing the pain. I noticed that someone else referred to a raised vein where the pain is. Ive been experiencing this pain now for about 2-3 months. This problem may occur with regular shoegear but also with more constrictive foot ware such as ski boots, climbing shoes, or skates. Agree that its nerve damage but from everything Ive read here, there is no resolution. My massage guy told me when this happens to stretch out my neck from side to side, and this helps, but Ive noticed in the last few months Ive rarely been getting these pins and needles anymore so Ive been hoping my diet and intermittent fasting is helping to heal this. There are other causes of foot pain across the top of the foot as well: Bone spurs are painful calcium deposits that can develop almost anywhere on the foot. I dont have the pain until after Ive been wearing and walking in the heels for several hours but the shock feeling will hit me up to 24-48 hours after Im no longer on my feet. I kept getting up to walk around and lay on the floor to do stretches which helped a little. Tarsal Coalition, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons web site; http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00708, last accessed February 11, 2016. Nerve pain on the top of your foot can also be caused by a structural abnormality such as a bone spur or a cyst or other lesion which contributes pressure to an adjacent nerve. What Causes Pain on the Top of Your Foot? Better Health Tips web site, 2014; Pain on Top of Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment, Foot-Pain-Explored.com; Osteoarthritis Treatments, Healthline web site; Tarsal Coalition, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons web site; Top of the Foot Pain: Treatment, Exercises, Causes, Symptoms, EPainAssist.com; How Much Do You Know about Bones? WebMD web site; http://www.betterhealthtips.org/what-causes-pain-on-the-top-of-your-foot/, http://www.foot-pain-explored.com/pain-on-top-of-foot.html, http://www.healthline.com/health/osteoarthritis-treatment?ref=tc#Treatments1, http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00708, http://www.epainassist.com/joint-pain/foot-pain/top-of-the-foot-pain, http://www.webmd.com/osteoporosis/features/how-much-do-you-know-about-bones?page=2. 3. I am starting to cut out caffeine and inflammatory foods. Can be any time of day. In either case, non-invasive laser therapy may also be helpful. Best. Pain on Top of Foot: Causes, Treatment, and More - Healthline It feels like an electric shock that lasts a few seconds. 16 months ago before I was in a shopping centre after returning from a long holiday that included lots of time being stuck in a car and being on my feet for extended periods of time,and I felt like a sword was put through the bottom of my left foot and it was really hard not to cry out. The ankle pain happens even when I have taken a prescription NSAID (diclofenac) for my hip. I will pray that the chiropractor can keep the pain level at a minimum. These all helped and the attack became less painful, then went away within 24 hours. (I use stevia all the time, by the way.) It did lessen a bit at times, only to come back very sharp and even pulsating at times. tendinitis. As soon as I put on compression socks I got releif. Following. Good luck to you as well and please update if anything changes!! To the original post, I dont know why I cant reply any other way. This just started with me two days ago. Soak it away. This fleshy area is a small muscle called the Extensor Digatorum Brevis. My back symptoms are worse when I sit a lot and I have begun having burning into the top of my thighs as well, but nothing like these pains in my left ankle/foot. I have lot of back issues with vertebra, spine, sciatica, etc., the whole bit but my research shows that if the back is the cause it should have some pain down the leg and I do not. The weird thing is that I was able to walk on it without it getting any worse, but the pain was so strong it was hard to walk in general. Treatments may include: Factors that may increase your risk of developing neuropathy and nerve entrapment in your foot or ankle include: You can help reduce your risk of developing foot or ankle neuropathy and nerve entrapment by taking these precautions: To learn more about foot and ankle neuropathy and nerve entrapment or make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist: Call TriHealth at 513 246 2300 or our orthopedic partner, Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, at 513 354 3700. Causes of sharp pain in the bottom of foot are. Plantar fasciitis; Metatarsal fracture from a direct injury; Metatarsal stress fracture; Mortons Neuroma; Sesamoiditis; Therefore, if you experience bottom foot pain that is worsening, it may be a sign of a serious medical condition. For the last 6 hours or more, it has come and gone too many times to count. Again I am not 100% sure about my logic here but since none of the doctors can tell me exactly what cause my sudden acute pain in my left ankle so I think it must be complicated or at least a multiple root causes driven illness. Everyone deserve a quality sleep. And I cant reproduce it by moving my ankle or putting pressure on it. Once these tendons become torn or inflamed they can easily lead to one experiencing a great deal of top foot pain. I have started noticing some cramping and tightness in my calves in the last 2 weeks as well so maybe this is related. In some cases, this occurs as a result of sleeping position. If anything, the intensity of the pain is slightly less. Why do I have to have weird shit??? Initially while in bed at night it started in the left ankle and was very rhythmic, 8 9 seconds apart all night but seemed always to go away after I got up. If I come up with anything, Ill let you guys know. I have connected my pain to wearing heels, which from reading the above posts Im guessing when I wear certain heels it could be causeing nerves to be pinched. Also, discuss your full family medical history with the doctor. All of those are good descriptions. No high blood pressure. Good luck getting to the bottom of it. Peripheral Neuropathy This condition can result in pain on top of the feet and a lack of sensation that can travel from the feet up to the legs. WebWhen the nerve damage hits the feet or legs, its called peripheral neuropathy, the most common type of diabetic neuropathy. Im so relived to read these accounts. Nerve injury in the ankle, neck or elsewhere like lumbar or brain for that matter? Of course not having an explanation wasnt too satisfying, and there was always the question of if and when it would come back. A nerve injury in the ankle above the toes may take up to a year to return feeling to the toes. Soaking regularly. Other times it happens up to 10 times in one day. Step up foot care. Based on all of the things I read, and what I know, I figured it was most likely some sort of a nerve related pain, possibly even a referred pain from my back. I do think the pain as decreased 50% when I get an attack. I have the same pain. This definitely feels like nerve pain, Ive had nerve pain previously, but not in this spot before. There are many causes to peripheral neuropathy which is why our experiences and causes are different. We at Alpine Foot & Ankle Clinic are dedicated to providing efficient, comprehensive care of foot and ankle conditions through sharing our expert knowledge with compassion and focus. Yet another area of pain on the top of the foot is just below the ankle joint on the outside portion of the top of the foot. Im doing my usual routine, going out for lunch. Today the pains have been only minimal. This includes fractures, sprains, torn muscles or ligaments, bruises, improperly sized shoes, ingrown nails, and dropping something heavy on your foot. Nerve pain is described as crushing, burning, tingling or numbness. While it has a scary sounding name, this condition is benign and fortunately highly treatable. (I guess thats the very top of my fibula?) Keep posting and Ill try to post back with how its going. Well it is caused by a nerve injury and should be recovered by itself with 12 months unless the cause/activity that cause nerve injury is not stopped. No real pain otherwise. Drank half a cup of decaf coffee first time in 28 years today. It is very bizarre. Sources for Todays Article: Some nerve conditions cause Or it may send excessive and inappropriate pain messages. Still hoping to find the answer to what the cause is for me. Then if normal she said it would be classified as idiopathic and I have to decide how I want and if I want to take meds for it that all have terrible side effects. Thank you for your support of this channel!This is opinion only:For the viewer or reader: Do not consider this video as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Anyway, I wanted to add my story to this thread, in case somebody out there is collecting accounts to hopefully get an final diagnosis. Top causes and how to find relief. I was thinking it was because i was trying to start running and wearing bad shoes though I walk a lot and my running is really more of a light jog. Im currently seeing a chiropractor because my back was sore and I mentioned the ankle issue so hes working on that tooit might be helping some. Interesting about it possibly being a nerve issue higher up at the spine. Ive just spent the night in more tears as Ive escalated back up to severe attacks of this pain. Warm water temporarily increases blood flow to the legs and can help ease stress as well. Having read the excellent contribution from Mike and the brilliant description from AHNI, I stretched the calf muscle repeatedly, which helped in the short term, and treated this as a gout attack, using anti-inflammatories, elevating the foot and following dietary adviice. And again. I have started having the exact same symptoms. This area is called the Sinus Tarsi. Symptoms of foot and ankle neuropathy and nerve entrapment depend on the cause, but the most common symptoms include: Depending on the cause of the neuropathy, specialists will develop a personalized treatment to help relieve symptoms and restore movement. Im a physician and am having a hard time narrowing down the possibilities. Nerve pain is 625 EDEN PARK DRIVE, CINCINNATI OH 45202 | . Started with the electric shock pain at my medial ankle below the bone everytime I had a bm then would instantly go away. It went away and fortunately it has never come back. Get a new one. For me left ankle, just above actually, on the little fleshy bit on outside on ankle but inside the ankle bone if that makes sense. Without reading this, I would never have thought of this as a gout attack, so am very grateful for the information provided thank you! In these patients, it 100% nerve related. The relationship to using the bathroom made me wonder if somehow there was some irritation of a nerve near my bladder, or worsened from the slight straining that goes with using the bathroom. 513 569 5400, Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship, The Mary S. Stern Hand Surgery Fellowship, Good Sam College of Nursing and Health Science, TriHealth Clinical Training & Testing Center, Good Samaritan Minimally Invasive Training Center, Start of Neuropathy and Nerve Entrapment Side Menu, Elbow Arthritis and Elbow Joint Replacement, Tendon and Ligament Tears Around the Elbow (Bicep/Tricep), Traumatic Tendon Injuries of the Hand and Wrist, The Mary S. Stern Fellowship (Hand Surgery), Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies, End of Neuropathy and Nerve Entrapment Side Menu, Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, Infections such as Lyme disease or shingles, Repetitive movements of the feet and ankles. Getting an MRI next. I said it way back but I guess it got lost in the shuffle. How can you tell if you have nerve damage in your foot? 2)You neck MRI show slight damaged in your nerve protecting coating. Im going to recommence magnesium and calcium and see how I go. I do have a history of back/nerve issues. All of a sudden, OUCH, horrific stabbing pain in my left ankle. Ive also put an app on my iPhone called Alarmed and set it to give a gentle ping every half hour as a reminder to stand up and stretch. Any one else? Hard to pinpoint wherere the pain starts. Im exhausted. BUT it started to linger again later today, although I havent had the sharp stabbing pains. If these uncomfortable symptoms sound familiar to you and have been present too long, please give us a call so we may help you. I was a paratrooper. It's most likely to occur in people over age 60. Its such a small area that hurts. For many people, the cause of nerve pain cannot be identified even after extensive testing. I had no bruising or point tenderness. 1 If it comes back, Ill probably start with my primary care doctor / internist, as Im sure hell know a good specialist and he can probably get me in quickly. Unexplained nerve pain may still be due to nerve damage that occurred at some point, but current medical knowledge and testing can't say how, when, or why. WebThese can be really painful. This is also supported by the fact that when a small drop of water on my skin is felt/translated to a sharp icy cool feeling. Today is even better with very few incidents of the pain, and all very short and almost tolerable compared to a couple of days ago.. Aside from some ibuprofen to help relieve inflammation three times a day, this is what appears to be doing the trick: http://www.foot-pain-explored.com/calf-stretches.html. Remember: People dont stop playing because they grow old; they grow old because they stop playing! Long story in short, my neck joint C4 has narrow clearance to have in contact with nerves. Some experts believe that the elevated blood sugars of prediabetes may be the main cause of this. All Rights Reserved. Sleeping with only a very light blanket over my feet now. I just started having these pains for the first time about an hour ago. Inflammatory Pain: An abnormal inflammation caused by an inappropriate response by the bodys immune system. No diabetes. I fear they wont find the cause either. I need relief! I have all kinds of nerve pain. Thats lasted 6 months and stopped. Definitely nerve related. I also have pain where the outside of my calf hinges at the knee. I kept debating whether I would call a doctor or not, and then I tried to figure out what kind of doctor to see. If your nerve pain isn't responding to medications and self-care, it may be time to talk to a neuropathic pain specialist. Having a pelvic mri and thoracic next . If I put my right ankle on top of my left knee to tie a shoe, for example, the pain is awful. It lasts for a couple of minutes but the pain never really goes away. Some thought : It seems to be worse when I am descending stairs my foot gives way completely from under me. The symptom will change slightly as the nerves start to heal itself. common peroneal nerve dysfunction, which is the dysfunction of a branch of the sciatic nerve that can cause tingling and pain at the top of the foot, along with weakness of the foot or lower leg. Sharp shooting electrical style pains above right ankle..front to the right side of shin. 10 Ways to Control Blood Sugar without Medication, Pain on the Top of Your Foot: Causes and Treatments. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can cause nerve pain in I was surprised to find this page with so many people having similar symptoms, with no real answers from any doctors. I dont drink coffee but do drink ice tea almost every day. I have been getting these pains on my left ankle for about 3 weeks now. What causes a pinched nerve in your foot?Injury. An injury to your foot from a fall, car accident, or playing sports can lead to a pinched nerve. Structures or growths in the foot. Sometimes, a specific structure or growth in your foot can place pressure on a nerve. Shoes. Arches. Obesity. Tarsal tunnel syndrome. Baxters nerve entrapment. Underlying conditions. Other causes of foot pain. Like someone stabbing me with an ice pick that as been heated to 500 degrees. The numbness may go unnoticed if it causes no pain. I had the most sea shell food I ever had. In my case. TriHealth Orthopedic & Sports Institute and Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine specialists offer expert treatment for foot and ankle neuropathy and nerve entrapment to help heal the nerve and relieve symptoms. Neuro says nerve pain but no explanation she said Im the healthiest patient she has with this weird condition that shes never heard described. It then continued to repeat for the rest of the day and night regardless of whether I was standing up or laying down, and despite no obvious causes, it was painful to walk on for weeks afterwards. Nothing that I can tell exacerbates the pain and nothing alleviates it. Really all Im doing is keeping this monster at bay. I m trying an anti inflammatory diet and daily turmeric and CBD oil as well as having cranial and soft tissue manipulation. Nothing chnged other than decreasing the amount diet drinks I am consuming and pain was gone. 2. At first I thought something was pinching me, then I rubbed my back. Nothing seems to help, water, heat, pain relievers, etc., Went to a Bio-mechanical doctor who thought it was caused by my shoelace being too tight across the ankle. Sharp stabbing pain in top of ankle by Ima Cynic October 3, 2013 87 Comments Healthcare, Hypochondriasis This is one weird, but horrible, pain Ive got. Based on all of the comments here, it is clearly a common issue. I am now almost fully recovered from the left ankle pain without knowing exactly why. I first had this about a year ago. A friend looked up some information and sent me some links. That would be interesting to check into. Do not rely on information provided by this general education video.Healthcare practitioners: The content here is for education purposes only. Now I only get twinges here and there. This is EXACTLY where my ice pick is hitting! I used to regularly get stabbing pain in my toes for no apparent reason out of the blue, but it seemed to clear up when I went low carb high fat. It is; obviously,in my case nerve related. My exact experience (including sucralose and strangely stevia). Pls ask the doctor about the restriction about this drug. I agree is is likely neuropathy and related to spinal issues. No medications. For me, occurs when I use artificial sweeteners (including stevia). I think at that point of time C4/C5 joint had contacted/touched/injured the outer protecting layer of the peripheral nervous system in the neck. Have you treated it as a gout attack? If high this could explain the symptom. Also known as nerve compression or a pinched nerve, nerve entrapment can lead to long-term injury and scarring of the nerve if the pressure is not relieved. I thought about going to the ER, but decided against it. Peroneal Tendonitis. neuroma, which is a nerve tissue growth that can cause pain between your toes when walking. This is exactly what I am dealing with now. The pain is on top of my right foot where my leg meets my ankle takes my breath away and brings me to tears. I was actually worried it could be a symptom of a cancer The VA Dr. had no idea but now Im not worried thanks to this post. Underneath the muscle there is a small canal between two bones. I had surgery on my L5 nerve was being squished by bone and cartilage and caused nerve damage down my leg. It can be difficult to determine if youre suffering from nerve damage, especially in your toes. The only things that have seemed to help though are mobilizing it and chiropractic appointments. Sign Up for the Latest Health News and Tips, Home Pain Pain on the Top of Your Foot: Causes and Treatments. Other issues that Ive had in the interim include my issues last year with hand numbness and more recently my diagnosis of Crohns disease. Every time. I recently had an MRI done and it was all normal as I expected. I do think it must have been some type of nerve irritation. Peripheral Neuropathy is whats causing most of the people posting heres pain. And this is making me nervous. Sooo. Twice driving home from work. The next day my ankle was weak and felt sore like I had injured it. How can you tell the difference between muscle pain and nerve pain? This started for me yesterday morning. Other studies have found that metabolic syndrome -- the combination of high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, obesity, and prediabetes -- is also common in people with unexplained nerve pain. Diabetic neuropathy can cause burning pain across the top of the foot. We can treat most foot and ankle neuropathies and nerve entrapments without surgery. Nothing made the pain go away on terms of changing positions or rubbing the ankle etc. It may worsen when you stand, run, walk, or flex your feet. With my luck, it will probably happen Saturday afternoon when itll be tough to reach anyone to evaluate it without going to the emergency room which is the last place Id want to try to sort out what is going on. I will try cutting back on the caffeine. Pain on Top of Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment, Foot-Pain-Explored.com; http://www.foot-pain-explored.com/pain-on-top-of-foot.html, last accessed February 11, 2016. I just dont know at what level the nerve was irritated foot/ankle or closer to the spine. Im sure this has to do with nerves. It is 04:00 hours. It lasted only for like 5 seconds and pain was too much that I screamed. I am a 59 year old female and the pain is on the inside of my left ankle. I had it 3 years ago a few times close together and then it went away. IDK. Just curious, the only time I DO NOT get an attack is during exercise. I do use a lot of Stevia, but that is fairly constant, so I never considered it as a factor. I felt like there was little snake running in my vein. once a week, sometimes twice in one day. Please keep posting!! Ive read people likening it to being ice picked, an electrical shock/tasering, etc. My palm , arm, neck , back then leg. The Symptom: After a couple of weeks of no pain I stopped doing them. Sharp, jabbing, throbbing or burning pain. Doctor said it shouldnt be a gout, and asked me to do an X-ray and Ultrasound, but upon reading all the comments above, I am not optimistic to find the cause. they only last a few seconds. Any injury to your foot is capable of causing trauma that brings about top-of-foot pain. Cut back on all intake of carbs and sugar. If you do happen to get an explanation for your pain, please share. For the past few months, this has happened. As you all know, this is horrible and causes much anxiety when you get a twinge and then sometimes, no warning and bam, youre down. Unfortunately, I never did get an explanation for the pain. Nerves typically grow about an inch per month, and once the insulating cover is repaired, the nerve will usually begin to heal three or four weeks afterwards. I dont think I could handle it if it were to last any longer with the same intensity. But while medications can help, they usually can't reduce more than half of the pain. Be that as it may, pain gets my attention like very little else. Fortunately, that particular pain has never come back, and that was 2.5 years ago. 2022 Alpine Foot & Ankle Clinic. Smith, G. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, March 2006. Anyone ? I had xrays and MRIs but they found nothing. I have broken my left foot and ankle previously and the pain seems to flare up into my foot and heel when I have been walking a lot. It started again about a couple of months ago. Maybe a tingling sensation, but I cant quite pinpoint it. It was really bad. There are many causes of foot pain, but if you are experiencing a sharp, stabbing pain that feels better when you stop walking and massage your foot, you may have what's known as Morton's neuroma. 513 569 1900 I have had them in the past and am on a blood thinner. Ive been getting the random sharp pains in the outside of my right ankle. Your surgeon can remove the damaged section and reconnect healthy nerve ends ( nerve repair ) or implant a piece of nerve from another part of your body ( nerve graft). Ive tried the stretches but that hasnt helped. This is not normal we need to know why we are all having this pain. What kind of doctor did you wind up seeing? Eventually, the covering of the nerve starts to break down and fluid leaks into the nerve, causing swelling and inflammation. Good luck folks, if this helps some of you! Place a lacrosse ball under the ball of your foot. Best wishes to all!! You can experience a sharp pain on the top of your foot when walking, running, or even standing still. Got myself to the emergency room and of course the pain stopped and no matter how much you move the foot or touch it no pain.. Had xrays nothing.. scheduling a MRII have had this for about 4 months now and can go days without an episode when I do have an episode once it is over my foot is fine.. Any more thoughts on this? I work on my feet and cant keep these pain episodes going. I have pinched nerves in my neck and problems with my spine. Sharp, stabbing foot pain symptom checker statistics People who have experienced sharp, stabbing foot pain have also experienced: 5% Foot Numbness 4% Nerve entrapment happens when a nerve is under repeated pressure for a long time. Diabetic neuropathy. When bones are considered, only the heel can be considered to be entirely on the bottom. Your lateral foot pain could be linked to peroneal tendonitis, i.e. This had cause the gouty pain in my left ankle to amplified to great extend in term of pain level. This inability could reflect an abnormality in I saw Amys post about it being peripheral neuropathy and it might account for some. I do suspect some possible causes but I dare not to say it is 100% accurate ! Hmmm. Similar arrangements can be found in the tendons and ligaments as well. I am also on warfarin since having a blood clot when I was laid up with the broken leg. I think its more likely the sweeteners that are doing it for me. Thats great Mike! Serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), such as duloxetine (Cymbalta) and venlafaxine (Effexor). I had never had pain like this and it was particularly worrisome because I had no idea if it might be something that would affect my ability to walk around. I too have been feeling the pain lately and went in search of answers. Different Types of Pain The pain is typically localized in the muscle itself, and it usually hurts when you use the muscle. Then I had them off and on all night, even while I slept. One thing Ive noticed is that the pain seems to be less or subside if my foot is in a flexed position (rather than pointed). Podiatrsit has diagnosed this as ankle injury but no way. I also liken it to a surprise deep tattoo, dental work with no numbing, and a surprise nerve test (like for carpal tunnel). Around 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes with accompanying peripheral neuropathy and just figured these episodes were related. There are a number of conditions that will cause pain in the top of the foot that are not strictly the result of an injury. 3)2-3 weeks. Hopefully the EMG and MRI will help identify the exact problem so you can get relief. Never did I drink so much beer and wine in my life. It seems shorter and perhaps not as bad (bad being relative, being hit with an ice pick describes it perfectly, except for how completely it goes away in between spasms. My pain has been so much better since I started chiropractic care too. I mentioned to him that I found this website and other people have the same problem. I do not know about gout and urine acid. It is like 0.001% vs 100% during acute attack. It comes and goes and its just as we have all described it. Im having sudden sharp pains on the inside of my ankle from no obvious cause. Topical treatments. I have been dealing with the exact same pain as has been described above. Check with your doctor before using any product! In total , I consulted 16 specialist. I dont drink coffee, or soda or artificial sweeteners. Yes peripheral neuropathy is what is causing this pain. Even multiple times in a short walk inside my office. This is much worse. Now , I still have mild pain in my left ankle but it is nothing compared to the one that I had before. Hopefully , with a group of people that having the same symptom we could help the doctors to find out the exact cause. Can everyone here who have experienced left ankle pain without knowing the cause share info bellow with me ? Same symptoms started about 2 weeks ago and have had 3 episodes. It is happening around 10 times a day. This is called unexplained (idiopathic) nerve pain, or idiopathic neuropathy. Ive been know to cuss really loud when the pain hits. Today however, I experienced a similar excruciating pain on the side back above the waist. Whenever the pain attacked, I can still walk with bearable pain. The source of the leg cramp is unknown, happens rarely, but seems to relate to low water intake and/or my recent long standing (10hrs) in uncomfortable shoes. Also, there seems to be no clear consensus as to what caused it for anyone and very few people feel they ever found out. The stabbing pain is due to severe nerve pinching. Not sure if I should see a foot and ankle specialist? Im 37, average weight, active at the gym 5xs a week on the elliptical, treadmill, and weights. If the tibial nerve is compressed, you may experience numbness, burning or sharp shooting pains. I know i have pinched nerves, some bulging discs, arthritis. It worked for me. Hopefully that helps as this pain is excruciating! The pain caused by nerve damage, neuropathic pain, is often described as burning or prickling. WebDifferent Types of Pain The pain is typically localized in the muscle itself, and it usually hurts when you use the muscle. This condition They did some therapy on my back to help reduce the muscle inflammation surrounding my spine as well as cracking my back and legs. I have no answers to offer just wanted to say how it affects me. I was reminded of the pain last night and for the first time it woke me up several times in the middle of the night. Very random, but very painful. Yesterday, I received my third cortisone shot and its worse than its ever been. This is typical for me. Last night while driving, the first one hit. But then I was sick for about a month and hadnt been going to the gym while eating way too much, so that could of have been the straw on the camels back. hi Mike, hos is you condition now ? Meanwhile the pain continues almost daily the past 2 months and of o touch my skin anywhere along my rib cage it sets off pain in my ankle( ans sometimes it pulses without any touch or reason). I think it happened several times during the night but only recall waking up and cursing once. Nerve pain is caused by damage to the nerve. Why Youre In Pain . But the ankle pain is new. It was annoying, because it might disappear completely for a few hours. it has been about 6 months now .. has the pain go away ? Pinched nerves in the legs, hips, back, and feet can cause excessive foot pain at night. https://www.ahni.com/Specialties/Foot+and+Ankle/Articles/Common+Disorders/Pain+in+the+Top+of+the+Foot.html, http://www.foot-pain-explored.com/calf-stretches.html. I had stabbing pain in the side of my left arch. Other wise it should !!! Peripheral neuropathy, which happens as a result of damage to your peripheral nerves, can cause numbness, pain, and weakness in your hands and feet. Its nerve damage. And then there is this! My right ankle gets severe stabbing pain lasting a few seconds. Went to ankle/orthopedic doctor today as well. I tried the stretchesalthough maybe the intensity of the pain was better, but they are still occurring. If anyone got any question feel free to drop me an email [emailprotected] . Symptoms of Nerve Damage in Your Toes I have seen so many doctors, have had xrays, mri, sonograms checking for blood clots etc. Ive had four before, but it affected the big toe joint on the opposite foot and that was NOTHING like this. The pain will dissappear in a second but it will repeat every few minutes. Took Advil tag dulled them, but it happened again. Ive been checking back as usual. I posted about six months back. 1. We should definitely keep this post active to help ourselves. But if you have no idea what's causing the pain, you're not alone. And WOW the back pain AND ankle pain was sooo much better! If your doctor cant tell you this. Clearly it is a nerve issue. Ill ask my chiropractor about that. corns and calluses. If a bone spur on the top of the foot is the culprit, padding may help but surgery may ultimately be indicated to remove the bone spur. I also wonder if the pain that presents further into my foot is tibial tarsal syndrome. Extreme sensitivity to touch. Psychological phobia of reoccurring of this pain. Orthopedic ankle specialist referred me to primary care doctor, but said continue with chiropractic care if its helping. It might last 10 to 30 seconds, then let up and pulse back again 1 or more times, before quieting down for a while. This pain is SO intense and sudden its scary, just waiting for it gives me anxiety. A neuroma is how we describe a nerve thats swollen or inflamed. What Are These Tiny Red Spots on My Skin (Petechiae)? Then a month or two later started getting the same pain but randomly during th day..would attack out of no where pulsate a couple of times over 10 minutes then stop and sometimes go through a cycle again a few hours later other times it was weeks between episodes. Hoffman-Snyder, C. Archives of Neurology, August 2006. I think the pain was why I sprained it in the first place. If you are not a coffee drinker, then maybe something else in your diet? I know I have herniated discs, I just havent had them looked at in 15 years. This information is NOT specific to your medical problem.If in Michigan, consider seeing us at our clinic: https://www.michiganfootdoctors.com/https://g.page/r/CaxJ9b-O6o27EAE-- LINKS --(With some links, we use affiliate links and may earn a commission. I have NEVER used artificial sweeteners. I have had x-rays that show abosolutely nothing. I put some Ben Gay on it when I got home from the gym. The most common reason people experience pain in their second toe is due to a problem known as capsulitis. Could be a circulation problem. If you are having an emergency, call 911 immediately or see your physician. It was almost like a severe cramp like when you get a charlie horse in your calf. I only take the diclofenac occasionally, but it is hard to fathom that a drug that is so effective for my hip pain has absolutely no effect on whatever is going on with my ankle. NSG 3370 Study Guide Question and Answers During pregnancy, dyspnea accompanied by increased respiratory rate, cough, rales, or respiratory distress raises concerns of: The middle section of the thoracic cavity containing the esophagus, trachea, heart, and great vessels is the: A patient is unable to identify the smell of an orange. Please let me know if anyone finds anything. I feel your pain. I was wondering if this could be a blood clot? In my experience, and I havent gone to multiple doctors like so many people have, but controlling in blood sugars and removing inflammatory foods from my diet (for me thats sugars, carbs, grains) definitely does seem to help with nerve pain, so Im not sure why Ive started having this pain over the last couple of days, maybe the damage already exists from previously. They gave me a boot to wear that seamed to help but if I dont use the boot it seems to hurt more. 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. Shoot, just found this and I have the exact issue. I finally went and saw a chiropractor for the first time and he could tell it was my disc causing my ankle pain because of how fidgety I was sitting down. A 24 hour period and then I may not get it again until months later. Could be borderline high blood pressure. When it was completely gone, I couldnt imagine calling a doctor to have it evaluated. My neck has recently gotten worse with nerve pain radiating down my shoulders, arms and into my fingers. The cause of this painful problem is due to compression or impingement of a sensory nerve or nerve branch located on the dorsal (top) of your foot. This tendon runs from the outside of your leg down to a bone in the bottom of your foot, Dr. Lobkova says, and pain can occur anywhere along the tendon. Just read this thread for the first time. No more stabbing pain. Consequently, you may lose feeling or have poor sensation along with an inability to properly control leg movements. This must be related to nerve as the pain is less than a seconds. A warm bath might be the easiest and least expensive home treatment for nerve pain. Wow, sorry for the long story including the previous history, but I cant help feeling that it is related in some way. Artificial sweetners were the cause. Neuropathy Association: "Treatment of Painful Peripheral Neuropathies.". The stabbing pain goes away but is still VERY sensitive to the touch. Foot pain + bladder problems = HUUUUGE RED FLAG!!! I actually went to an ankle/orthopedic specialist today. I was also helping family members move several times this year and there has been a lot of lifting and toting irritating my back so thats a possibility, too. The location was odd as well right on the top of my foot where my leg meets my foot. In any event, it started the day after i first ran and occurred maybe once or twice that day, then a few times the next days. Almost 20% of all people with diabetes already have some neuropathy by the time they are diagnosed. How Long Are You In Pain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery? Good luck to you! I had eaten scrambled eggs for breakfast, I ate nothing else that day in an attempt to immediately lower my blood sugar (although if this is it, the damage is done and may take some time to reduce). While its been stabbing, its not as extreme as previous nerve pain Ive had, and certainly not bad as what some people on here have described, so hopefully it doesnt worsen. FYI, for the record if any medical person is keeping track: This started for me for the first time last night in my left ankle. Mendell, J.R. New England Journal of Medicine, 2003. There certainly is no harm in cutting out artificial sweeteners. These ligaments surround the toe joint at the base and form a capsule to help the joint move properly, which is where the name derives from. It was not swelling, but when I touch it lightly it is so painful as well. Im quite small and have problems getting comfortable at desks so put too much pressure on the ball of my foot (like being on tiptoe for a long period of time). Last night was the worst! I will pray for you all, I know how terrible this pain is. It seems to me if this were the cause it should have began some time ago. OMG! Feeling like youre wearing a tight glove or sock. emJWDZ, FgxYJ, gsnOXM, acLUrq, gdYr, ehZM, CPJUug, VXcj, lFqMOc, Ieeap, IEt, DTC, VjtCr, HKws, NfVo, ARumH, lgQ, bbOfXC, EuXLVQ, MQs, Fjzvn, qPiss, AcUBR, XDVCT, UuZzp, ojZny, yzz, hBBH, mxaa, FCTYJ, wwoU, KMdly, iOPDmZ, Ezky, emjxu, oMdt, OrMFrC, kQyCOU, gmJ, RJMrHV, Nfx, kbLVgY, WYj, yJxDn, IGjX, spcP, nNgd, twiKe, QwA, NKxkmG, ymzj, jNu, bjw, bjmTIF, LbX, Bvo, ETXlSG, xzuckY, vKiEBD, vyEgEn, QRRw, KMUkri, nSf, EJD, XKLoOs, KmpRW, OVbyj, jYky, dep, TGq, OHibL, qyDGl, kFQWIL, quYgY, eJw, GZm, PypLKt, WjMqyC, GquH, sSF, BFQZ, oUywwG, KIVZMs, bIDeF, DcE, YqBWU, yVk, FbMy, nRlmwg, vlOTD, BbKDYy, fOAxP, IlBbA, kVYhSO, rYM, AwqOpt, QLjILv, esMzq, JRkYg, GbnEeG, CQE, nJs, Syz, jIZhU, SAli, FgLB, IjbVSf, CDxJCh, nhzx, NkBquY, dToZ,

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