While on the planet, his fighting prowess and strength increased exponentially as he fights in the arenas. With the acclaim of massive crowds and in such a violent environment, Hulk develops his combat skills and gains a fair amount of intellect, so it's easy for him to defeat Thor when the god arrives at the arena. He ran through the most powerful heroes around and proved formidable in battle, thanks to his ability to gain strength by absorbing energy, including radiation. Therefore, when his heartbeat reaches acertain threshold, a rage-fueled creature takes over his mind and body. The results speak for themselves - Hulk wins against the Thing comfortably at least 9/10 times. The Avengers officially assemble for the first time and Hulk follows Captain America's orders to smash dozens of Chitauri soldiers effortlessly. This transforms the Hulk into a Galactus-like being that can destroy entire universes in an instant. The two friends have a storied history of fighting each other, and Wolverines adamantium body and razor-sharp, unbreakable claws give him an advantage over Hulk. After punching him, dragging him on concrete, blasting him with reinforced lasers, and hitting him with an elevator, he only manages to knock out one of his teeth. They were unknowingly exposed to higher amounts of dangerous rays than expected, and Hulk brought them back down to Earth, beginning the conflict between the green monster and the U-Foes. He ends up landing on a planet called Sakaar where he becomes a gladiator. This time the big green monster is nothing more than a nuisance in the battle. He enjoys writing for Screen Rant with a specific focus on everything Disney, MCU, and Netflix. The Hulk posses leg muscles that are so strong that can leap 3 miles in a single pounce. In 2014s Hulk #2, an organization by the name Ancient Order of the Shield has Bruce Banner shot in the head. The Hulk has also been shown to have a special attraction to kittens which can be used to distract him in certain circumstances. She-Hulk has defeated a collective of powerful foes using her strength and intelligence. David Harth has been reading comics for close to 30 years. Hulk grows weary of causing chaos everywhere he goes, and his participation in the destruction of Sokovia after wrecking Johannesburg is the last straw for his rapidly-evolving conscience. Comics have shown that like in the movies, Thanos wins against the Hulk. This mutated Peter into a supernatural being who could transform into a spider-like gamma monster with the sheer rage and strength of a Hulk. Emil Blonksy is a character thats well known to comic book fans. Besides, his healing factor is the most efficient out of any other character in the MCU so far and even applies to Banner in his human form, as evidenced by how he once tried to shoot himself but"the other guy spit it out". This made the Entropy Hulk the strongest Hulk of all. Banner resisted such notions, but failed attempts at landing steady work convinced him to accept a position at a federal nuclear research facility at a missile base in the New Mexico desert. Hes therefore stronger and more reckless than Hulk, an enemy that has seized control of Earths dystopian future. In his debut in 1962s The Incredible Hulk, the original Hulk was Dr. Bruce Banner, who was exposed to gamma radiation turning him into the giant monster weve come to know and love. Professor Hulk was introduced in the early 90s when Peter David was the main writer. Though powerful, Joe Fixit is among the smallest of the Hulks. This version of the Hulk is probably the most famous among fans, in part thanks to his famous catchphrase Hulk smash. He usually refers to himself in the third person. He was the commander of the military base where Bruce and his team were experimenting on the Gamma Bomb. No one wants to fight a Hulk because their great strength is enough to destroy even the most powerful of enemies. The green Hulk eventually returned and due to the work of psychiatrist and fellow gamma-mutate Doc Samson, grew more intelligent. This article will take a deep dive into the Hulks history, ranking the characters versions by their level of strength. Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Hulk has actually defeated Thanos, which is why The Mad Titan avoids conflict with him whenever possible. Walt Disney Studios Asking. This version of Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) is convinced by General Thaddeus Ross (William Hurt) toreplicate the Super Soldier Serum that gave Captain America (Chris Evans) his powers. Thor is one of the strongest and most powerful superheroes in the MCU, but at the time of the events of Avengers: Endgame, that wasn't the case. 2023 Comic Basics, a property of Incomera d.o.o. Luka Glavas. Robert Bruce Banner, Breaker of Worlds, Patient #133, Green King, Green Scar, Holku, Sakaarson, Green One, Eye of Rage, World Breaker, Harkanon, Haarg, Once-Savage, Two-Minds, Captain Universe, Professor, War, Maestro, Joe Fixit, Mr. Fixit, Annihilator, Mechano, Bruce Barnes, Bruce Smith, Glenn Summers, Ross Oppenheimer, Fred Pottsworth, Bob Danner, Bruce Ross, Bruce Jones, Bruce Roberts, Mr. Bergen, Bruce Franklin, Bruce Green, Bruce Bancroft, Bruce Baxter, Bruce Davidson, David Bannon, Robert Baker, Bruce Bixby, David Banner, David Bixby, Two-Hands, Greenskin, Mr. Green, Jade Jaws, Green Goliath, Jade Giant, Gray Goliath, Mighty Bob, Anti-Hulk, Friday, Green Golem, Golem, Ph.D in nuclear physics and two other fields, Rebecca Banner (mother, deceased), Brian Banner (father, deceased), Caiera (spouse, deceased), Elizabeth "Betty" Ross (spouse, deceased), Skaar (son), Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk, cousin), Elaine Banner Walters (aunt, deceased), Susan Elizabeth Banner (formerly Susan Drake, aunt, possibly deceased), William Morris Walters (uncle). This version of the Hulk is robotic and was created by a young Mad Thinker who received a telepathic message from Galactus to do so. Blue to teach her husband self-hypnosis to help him control the inner Hulk. Hulk might not live up to his comic book counterpart's preposterous feats of power, but he's still one of the strongest characters in theMarvel Cinematic Universe. His powers are unlike those of any human or god, including superhuman strength and skin and bone density that is unusual. When the Asgardian god of mischief Loki sought to sow chaos for his half-brother Thor, he manipulated Hulk into a clash with Thor, Iron Man, Ant-Man, and the Wasp, though he only succeeded in the inadvertent creation of a new team of heroes, the Avengers. Published Oct 26, 2022 Exactly how strong is the Incredible Hulk at maximum power - and why does Marvel never let him turn loose? In the Ultimate Universe, the Hulk was still strong, but he couldn't beat the Ultimates. Much like many villains, his ego often gets in the way of his plans, his intelligence by far the greatest threat Hulk has ever faced. Wendigo, the beast monster who lives off humans in the woods of Canada, was created by the Northern Gods. The Green Goliathonly received a proper cinematic translation of his beastly powerswithAng Lee'sHulk in 2003, but the director opted for a more psychological approach to the film instead of the typical high-octane brawl extravaganza. We are yet to see the true extent of Titan Hulks powers because he was just recently introduced, but he could prove to be the strongest incarnation in the future. Related:Thor: Ragnarok Made One Important Change To Hulk's Character. Gray Hulk When the Hulk was first created, he was quite different than the character we know today. This resulted in the Merged Hulk who had the intelligence of Bruce Banner and remained a gigantic version of the Savage Hulk, though stronger. The Incredible Hulk #300, by Bill Mantlo, Sal Buscema, Gerry Talaoc, Bob Sharen, and Jim Novak, depicts the Hulk completely smashing through the Avengers in this form. This gave rise to a supremely strong Hulk who also boasted an intellect until then unseen in any Hulk version. Superhuman mystical powers inhabit his body due to an ancient curse, making him a fierce and vicious animal. Hulk is among the most popular and powerful Marvel superheroes, and over the course of his long comic history, many versions of the Jade Giant have been created. This version of the Hulk is largely considered the least strong and would form a baseline for the evolution of the character's powers over the years. After beingmistreated by his father, Cain Marko found the hidden temple dedicated to preserving the entity Cyttorak. Betty Ross, Bruce Banners ex-wife, is a version of the Hulk referred to as Red She-Hulk. When he was extremely angry, he would revert to Bruce Banners body but with the mind of Savage Hulk. Immortal Hulk smacked around the Avengers like it was no big deal, and he only got stronger and smarter as time went on. The Hulk has long had a reputation as "the strongest one there is," but even he faces stiff competition from his powerful, hulking variants. Not only was Kluh stronger than previous versions of the Hulk, but he also had some additional powers including telekinesis. This mission played out over many years in a cat-and-mouse game between the general, Bruce Banner, and his green alter-ego, to the point of many battles and wasted tax dollars in weaponry and equipment on Ross part. The creature is capable of fighting for days on end, making it difficult even for Hulk to defeat him. Eventually, Banner has the Extremis virus removed because Doc Green is too powerful and he fears that Doc would turn villainous. Barely conscious, Hulk is saved by a dying Heimdall (Idris Elba), who uses his last strength to send him to the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York to deliver the message that Thanos is coming to Earth. Still feeling unbalanced with the Hulk inside him but without the ability to fully control him, Banner spends eighteen months in a gamma lab trying to fuse the man with the monster. Because hes been around longer, his strength level has increased exponentially and his continued exposure to Gamma Radiation only adds to this. The Hulk is undoubtedly one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. That is close to the truth as well. Perhaps ironically, the Hulk has arguably made more friends and allies than Bruce Banner, some of them have even grown close to him and formed lasting bonds. The Marvel Universe is a place where there are few definites. The Immortal Hulk stems from Banner and Hulk being through multiple deaths and rebirths, thus allowing Devil Hulk to suppress other incarnations and become the dominant Hulk. Lists 10 Strongest Hulks In Marvel Comics, Ranked By David Harth Published Sep 7, 2022 The Hulk has long had a reputation as "the strongest one there is," but even he faces stiff competition from his powerful, hulking variants. Doctor Doom managed to separate Banner and his alter-ego once again, and the now-insane scientist sequestered himself on a remote island where he waged a private war on the Hulk. Therefore, Doc Green can increase his strength beyond normal Hulk limits. Shorter but bulkier than the Hulk fromThe Incredible Hulk, Mark Ruffalo'srage machineshakes Loki (Tom Hiddleston) around by his foot like a ragdoll and punches Thor out of frame without even looking. Furthermore, Ross daughter Betty takes a liking to Hulk, making Ross even more upset that his family is involved in Bruces fiasco. Bruce Banners intelligence has made him one of the worlds leading authorities on nuclear physics, as well as other related disciplines, but these qualities become submerged normally upon his transformation into the monstrous Hulk, who exists as a physical extension of his pent-up rage and mental imbalance. Only Rick Jones witnessed the transformation, and perhaps out of a feeling of guilt over Banners exposure to the gamma rays shepherded the creature to a place of safety until it changed back into the scientist. She is a self-professed Marvel and DC geek, having an unrivaled in-depth knowledge of both universes. Peter Parker, AKA Spider-Hulk (Earth-122) The Perter Parker of this reality befell a sickness that his professor, Bruce Banner, attempted to treat with a gamma-emitting spider. Still, Absorbing Man has a wide range of potential abilities and powers that can be detrimental to the green monster. Video Production by Wild Comet Media. His real name is Carl Crusher Creel, a criminal and former boxer who became Absorbing Man after drinking a liquid potion given to him by Loki. Superman, ever the reasonable one, tries to talk Hulk down but this only makes Hulk angrier and results in stronger punches. This new Hulk made an immediate splash. Part of why Tyrannus is so dangerous is his superior intelligence, which Bruce Banner himself has acknowledged. As a red version of the Hulk, she can absorb Gamma Radiation but doesnt have as much control over her abilities. Still, the constant turmoil within Bruce Banner's mind makes Hulk a character in permanent evolution. Red Hulk was undoubtedly powerful, with nearly all the same powers as his green counterpart. Both Hulk and Thanos have won at different times, making Thanos one of Hulks greatest threats. This August, Ewing's IMMORTAL THOR #1 hits stands with art by Martn Cccolo and a cover by Alex Ross. The Hulk is a trademark image that has been associated with the character since his early comics run with Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Back in 1966, Jack Kirby created Galactus because he wanted to make a villain that had god-like powers but didnt fall into stereotypical clichs. Superman might start out with a few blows to test the Hulk's strength . The Hulk can leap to cover great distances. In Norse myths, they called him Thunderer. This transfusion worsens her illness and she dies. At one point, the Hulk was transported to another plane of existence, where he met the beautiful queen Jarella and fell in love with her. He currently lives in the United States and writes about Marvel, DC, Star Wars and other properties. Strange and Namor defeat an otherworldly threat to the Earth and joined Stranges loose non-team the Defenders for many adventures in the years to come alongside various teammates. He's the Hulk that all the heroes are afraid of. One mysterious version of Hulk that always stirs up a lot of questions is The One Below All Hulk which debuted in Immortal Hulk #24. Ouch! He occasionally loses control and ends up turning against his teammates, the Avengers. The only known way to destroy Wendigo is to sacrifice a human heart to the Elder Gods. As the Totally Awesome Hulk, Cho prided himself on being a better Hulk, keeping better control of himself and using his brains as much as his brawn. Wolverine is fast and aggressive when he needs to be, and is also (slightly) better at controlling his anger than Hulk is. Marvel's Incredible Hulk has tremendous strength and is often considered one of the strongest, if not the strongest, superhero in the Marvel Universe - but what is the upper limit (if any) to his power? His strength has been additionally described as limitless. Gamma radiation played a major role in the creation of two of the Hulks greatest opponents, the Leader and the Abomination, with the latter gaining heightened intelligence from the unique radiation, and the former transforming into a grotesque monster even more terrifying than the Hulk. This version of Hulk has similar characteristics to the regular Hulk. Bruce Banner's many transformations each result in a gigantic musclebound being with superhuman strength in the extreme, but if other strong superheroes like Captain America and Iron Man have limits to their strength, the Hulk certainly has some as well. Because of this, Vali is able to withstand powerful blows and use shapeshifting techniques when needed. Over the years, not only has the Jade Giant himself gone through multiple changes, but there have been various Hulks as well. If the star's weight was equivalent to the weight of Sol, the Hulk is capable of lifting 2 octillion tons. Even Hulk gets in trouble when he messes with his enemies' families. Updated Sep 24, 2022 Thanos defeated the Hulk in Avengers: Infinity War, spurring debate in the fandom as to who, in fact, was the stronger fighter. This version of the Hulk combined the strength, intelligence, and power potential of every Hulk that had been created until that point. Dr. Bruce Banner lives a life caught between the soft-spoken scientist hes always been and the uncontrollable green monster powered by his rage. The Immortal Hulk quickly proved his immense power. For instance, she was able to hold her own in a fight against Zeus, getting in several powerful blows. One of the most powerful incarnations of the Hulk is Captain Universe Hulk. He can alsoleap great distances for a prolonged time, climb brick walls using his bare hands, and run faster than most vehicles. This version was lost when Scarlet Witch cast a reversion spell to revert the Hulk. To begin with, she has all the same powers as he does, down to getting stronger when she gets madder. Betty was exposed to gamma radiation in the same explosion that transformed Bruce Banner into the Hulk. Finally Ironclad is made of metal, insanely durable and able to withstand strong blows. In the comics, Hulk has always been aforce to be reckoned with, strong enough to beat Juggernaut with only one hitand break entire planetsusing only his fists. Guilt-ridden from all the hurt his alter-ego delivered to the world, Banner placed himself into seclusion until drawn from it by another civil war between Earths champions over an Inhuman with visions of the future. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Voices Rising: The Music of Wakanda Forever, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, Count down five of Star-Lord's out-of-this-world comic outfits! At around 9 ft tall and with a muscle-bound physique, this new being earns the name of "The Hulk" - a stronger, faster, and more durable entity than any Super Soldier General Ross could have ever wished for. No world was safe from this Hulk's power or rage, and it was a living embodiment of entropy. The Big Green is simply too powerful for the original Rock to conquer. When a teenager named Rick Jones wandered onto the test field just as Banner started the countdown for the gamma bombs initial test detonation, the scientist rushed out to the area to warn Jones, but the foreign agent purposefully continued the test. By the moment the Avengers storm the Sokovian HYDRA base in the opening sequence ofAvengers: Age of Ultron, Hulk has already accustomed to the idea of teamwork. This mixture of powers and abilities resulted in one of the most powerful Hulk versions ever. Whether it's the. Betty Ross saw something in Bruce Banner from the moment they met at the New Mexico missile base and, despite her fathers objections, tried to understand the shy scientist. Embellishedwith makeshift armor, Hulk becomes a celebrity and refuses to transform back into Bruce Banner for around two years. Next: Captain Marvel Steals An Iconic Hulk Attack (Will She Have It In The MCU?). The Hulks strength remains at the top level of all super human beings on Earth and increases exponentially as his anger grows. As a young man, thanks to his standout work in the field of nuclear physics, he attracted the attention of the U.S. Army who wanted to adapt his theories for weaponry. Being a greedy man, Crawford decided to use the technology on himself but it backfired when he was unable to control the power of Hulks DNA. We also know that he has good intentions at heart, which makes it extra difficult at times to watch his fights play out. For a few moments, Hulk appears to win the fight, but even the Black Order knows Thanos is just testing the ground. Spend a day with Dormammu, discover the meaning of 'Punisher no more,' sing a song with Spinstress, and more in this week's comics! When an accident allowed the Hulk to retain his alter-egos intelligence, the U.S. president pardoned the creature, until Banner once again lost control of his other self. Few heroes have ever taken him on by themselves and come out victorious. 1 #1 as an aggressive adversary,taking outWindigo and Abomination and destroying the S.H.I.E.L.D Heli carrier. However, his biggest problem in a strength contest was the way his strength increases. Mindless Hulk. The Leader proved the more persistent of the two foes, building scheme upon scheme to waylay and destroy his fellow gamma-spawned nemesis, even to the point of attempting to take over the Hulks body when his own was mortally damaged. This version of the Hulk had grown to a size that rivaled the most powerful Celestials and traveled the cosmos destroying worlds as if they were nothing. Follow him on Twitter- https://www.twitter.com/harth_david. A deep dive into the comics reveals the precise amount of tons the Hulk can lift before he cannot lift anymorebut Hulk has a secret to his strength that other superheroes cannot hope to match. Fighting the Hulk is a recipe for pain, something that's made very clear by the existence of the Maestro. and after being healed of a head wound by Iron Mans Extremis formula, manifested yet another new personality, Doc Green. Change is nothing new to the Hulk. The amazing thing about the Hulk is that unlike nearly every other superhero ever created, the Hulk's strength has absolutely no upper limit. Lucifer's argument was that God loved his human creations more. 20. The Hulks strongest villains are not only the ones who understand his power, but also mimic his traits and match his intensity when needed. Hulk'smight is one of the most important aspects to get right in a live-action adaptation. However, after further inspection and analysis it seems that She-Hulk is the more powerful out of the two cousins. The angrier She-Hulk gets, the stronger she becomes, though she does have a semblance of control over her anger. In 2014s Avengers & X-Men: Axis, readers were introduced to Kluh, whos an extremely powerful version of the Gray Hulk that Banner had long suppressed in his psyche. Although he's a big, Wendigo is capable of running at extraordinary speeds and retain his stamina. The Abomination is a strong foe, but Hulks ability to elevate his anger the longer the two fight allows him to get the upper hand. The Hulk helped the mystic Dr. As Juggernaut, he also has the ability to create force fields, shielding him from Hulks powerful oncoming attacks. This assumption would be disproven in The Incredible Hulk #299 in which Banner commits psychic suicide thus releasing Hulk from his bonds. 3 Lucifer. After ten billion years, the Breaker of Worlds has wreaked havoc and decimated everything rendering the universe dead. In addition to tremendous strength, the Immortal Hulk can also drain gamma radiation from other beings allowing him to become even stronger. During this time, the Hulk was befriended by boy genius Amadeus Cho, and Banner witnessed the advent of both a new Red Hulk (secretly Thunderbolt Ross) and Rick Jones transformation into the blue beast called A-Bomb. Hes a member of the superhuman race the Eternals, and his powers include everything from extraordinary strength and stamina to telekinesis and psychic commands. Contrary to what one would expect, he doesn't accomplish this by keeping his mind in aserene state; instead, he retains all of his rage barely under the surface so he can decide when and where to transform. Yes, one of Hulks greatest allies is also one of his most dangerous enemies. The Savage Hulk emerges when the Hulk gets pushed beyond any level of control. He also gained powers like flight, psychic and telekinetic abilities. most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, The Flash Producer Confirms the Movie Has a Post-Credit Scene, The Flash Director Talks About Ezra Millers Future as Barry Allen, Deadpool 3: Three More X-Men Cast Members Will Reportedly Return. Whats more, his apparent insanity also serves to enhance his anger levels and, therefore, his strength. This is where Tony Stark steps in and administers the Extremis virus which he hopes will heal his mind. When the species ended, Bi-Beast was left to function on his own, developing a dangerous thirst for power. The Gods know him as Asgard's King, keeper of Mjolnir, hero . This strength grants him not only upper body prowess, but also the ability to leap great distances and land without harm to himself. In the future, Earth has been decimated due to nuclear was and almost all of the heroes with superhuman abilities have been wiped out. Most MCU fans know Thanos from the Avengers films, but of course, The Mad Titan has a storied history in comics as well. Wandering once more, and near-mindless, the Hulk found himself at an other-dimensional crossroads, the result of Dr. Stranges well-meaning spells, and entered into a new series of weird adventures there. Normally, the scientists personality and intelligence give way to his alter-egos brutish mindset, creating what appears to be two different personas who seem to share only the singular desire to be left alone. The 25 Most Iconic Comic Book Covers of All Time 26 Images While it seems as though Ben's honeymoon is about to turn into a funeral, Alicia reminds her husband that he has the one thing Hulk. Ironically, General Ross eventually became a Hulk, too, at a time when Banners own creature was nowhere to be seen. When Bruce asked for his help to control Hulk, Crawford developed a machine that could weaken the gamma rays in Bruces body, thus reducing Hulks effects on him. Thing's best attribute is strength, and Hulk trumps him in that regard by a mile. Galactus is a cosmic entity without a fixed form, meaning he often takes the shape of something each species that sees him can understand. These numbers are far beyond human comprehension, and the laws of physics as humanity understands them simply do not apply to the Hulk; lifting a mountain is a trivial matter. The fact that he captured the green machine in the first place is pretty remarkable though. Equipped with the towering Hulkbuster armor, Stark still struggles to keep up with him. Strange trick Hulk into leaving Earth believing him to be a threat. Meet the new Avengers team, celebrate 700 issues of Fantastic Four, follow a documentary crew into Hulk territory, and more in this week's comics! In the 616 Universe, the Hulk thrashed the Avengers nearly every time they fought. Here's a breakdown. Joshua Isaak is a Comics Staff Writer for Screenrant and attended New York University. He first appeared in The Incredible Hulk #1, published in 1962. Ultimate Hulk Is Strong But Couldn't Beat The Ultimates, Amadeus Cho's Hulk Was Powerful Didn't Reach The Level Of Other Hulks, Red Hulk's Biggest Weakness Was How His Strength Increased, Worldbreaker Hulk Ripped Through Powerful Heroes Like They Were Nothing, The Immortal Hulk Broke Everything Thrown At Him, The Maestro Destroyed Everyone In His Way, 10 Weirdest Things That Happened To Hulk In The Comics, She-Hulk has defeated a collective of powerful foes, The Immortal Hulk quickly proved his immense power, Marvel: Hulks 10 Greatest Accomplishments. If youre a fan of the MCU, you cant help but enjoy watching Mark Ruffalos take on the character. The Leaders greatest power and most dangerous weapon against Hulk is his mind. Tyrannus uses his intellect to create new weapons, like advanced radiation guns and teleportation devices, making him the more dangerous. However, Banner can still transform involuntarily if his emotions get out of hand. Here are the ones who have stood toe-to-toe with The Hulk and proved themselves to be worthy adversaries. Afterdestroying Hawkeye, the being moved on and fought Hulk, appearing with the green monster on the cover of The Incredible Hulk #183 in 1975. Unlike Bruce Banner, Jennifer is powerful and strong in her human form as well as . Wolverines superhuman abilities rival those of any of Hulks other foes. In Infinity #6, the Hulk supports the entire weight of a star with his strength alone. Since then, the Savage Hulk has made many appearances. Vali Halfling (aka Agememon) is Lokis son, a strong character descended from frost giants and born to a mortal woman. A member of The Fantastic Four in the new, limited time, lineup in the '90s, Hulk served alongside the other notable heroes of Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, and Wolverine. Check out Julys collection of Stormbreakers Variant Covers celebrating the X-Mens 60th Anniversary! The second issue of the 1962 six series The Incredible Hulk saw the transformation of the Hulk from being gray to green. The Hulk Has His Own Council Of Reeds, And It's Very Sad, the maximum strength that the Hulk has displayed, the Immortal Hulk can even destroy planets, Captain Marvel Steals An Iconic Hulk Attack (Will She Have It In The MCU? The Hulk is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Like all heroes, he has flaws, and he enemies sometimes know exactly how to exploit them. In 2008, Hulk finally put hisbrawn to the test forThe Incredible Hulk, where he not onlyreceived a clearerdisplay of his power but alsoplayedan important part in founding what would later become the most successful franchise in film history. This technique allows him to work alongside his fellow Avengers and aim his power at the right targets during the Chitauri invasion on Earth. He fought and defeated the Heroes of Earth in a week and even after this displayed that his true power was still untapped. His powers include superhuman size, strength, stamina, and agility, as well as the ability to regenerate when hes hurt -- just like Hulk does. There's no talking to him, and fighting him just makes it worse. On top of that, Cho seemingly started off weaker than other versions of the Hulk, possibly because his emotional control also held his strength back. He can also mimic the powers of his opponents, making him capable to matching any enemy that attempts to fight him. While avoiding General Ross and the U.S. Army, the Hulk took on extra-normal opponents such as the wily Gargoyle and the subterranean Tyrannus as his transformations back and forth to Bruce Banner became less erratic and more stabilized. Lucifer is the angel that led the failed rebellion against Heaven and was cast down to Hell. He achieves it but sacrificesmost of Hulk's power to make peace with his alter ego. The child of an abusive father, Bruce Banner grew up shy and introverted, yet a scientific genius. The Hulk noticed Betty early in his existence, most likely due to Banners own interest in the young woman, and after she learned of their dual identity, she began to sympathize with their plight. The cover of the issue asserts that the mountain weighs over 150 billion tons - and the Hulk lifts it all for an extended period of time (thanks to the heroes making Hulk angry enough; his strength is directly proportional to his level of anger). General Ross comes from a military family background, so he takes pride in the projects he leads, which makes it infuriating to him that Bruces experiment goes awry. Recently, Thanos battles with Hulk were documented in the series Thanos vs. Hulk (2015). For almost six decades, many villains have attempted to take him down to mixed results. Although in theory, the two should have more or less the same levels of power there are many occasions where one of them is shown as more powerful. When it became apparent that the personalities of Savage Hulk, Gray Hulk, and Bruce Banner were conflicting and would destroy each other, Doc Samson used hypnosis to merge all three of them. Superhuman Strength The Hulk possesses the capacity for vast levels of physical strength. The Hulk and Thunderbolt Ross's enmity made Ross do the unthinkable. Many of us can relate to The Hulks constant battle to control his inner demons while finding a constructive outlet to relieve his anger and stress. The virus does its work, but it also causes the emergence of a new personality, Doc Green. The Maestro had spent years absorbing more gamma energy and growing stronger. When Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) implants a nightmarish vision within Bruce Banner's mind, Hulk becomes more violent than ever. X-Ray is an energy field, hovering in the air and able to change his own weight at will. For example, in Hulk #126, Savage Hulk destroys an entire universe just by fighting. He then uses it to transform himself into the Red Hulk. The Sentry finally defeated him, but that was only because the Sentry's powers gave him an advantage over the Hulk, not because Worldbreaker Hulk was weaker. But Bruces larger than life personality and strength as The Hulk is not unmatched. The Sentience of the Universe who thinks Bruce is still in control wants to merge so they can become a new being but The One Below All possesses Hulk and devours the Sentience. While Hulkcan'tlift billions of tons like in the comics,he canclap his hands so hard that hesets off a powerful shockwavecapable of putting down a gasoline fire instantly, and also smash his hands on the ground tocreate deepcracks that destabilize his enemies. After Loki reveals he secretly took the Tesseract from Odin's Vault, he prompts Hulk tocome out of the shadows and attack Thanos despite feeling weary fromthe unexpected raid. Theres one difference though, Doc Green doesnt have any of the limitations that Banner has imposed on Hulk. In fact, in the early days of their bond, Jones became the only person who could calm the raging creature and help him return to Banners form. Cosmic Hulks powers come from a never-ending resource of Power Cosmic, unlike the other Hulks who utilize Gamma Radiation. From the beginning, the Hulk was the strongest one around, but he wasn't as strong as he'd eventually become. Power scale: 20. Cosmic Hulk from Earth-5000 is one of Galactus early trials at creating Heralds and made his first appearance in Eternals #14. Although Hulk is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, his power level varies greatly throughout his six appearances. The Hulk's powers changed a lot since those early days, and his strength grew in leaps and bounds. Bi-Beast is an unusual creature with a noticeable trait: two heads, one loaded with the knowledge of warfare and the other with knowledge of culture. He has an advanced knowledge of weaponry, electronics, and technology. Several humans have become Wendigo in comic book lore, but the beast is unable to remember his human lives. Immortal Hulk reminded everyone what kind of monster the Hulk could become. He was able to defeat one of the strongest Avengers rosters including Thor, Scarlet Witch, Luke Cage, Wasp, Sam Wilson, and Medusa. As a fellow scientist, Crawford took Bruce Banner under his wing and acted as his mentor. Cho stood with the beast through many hardships, and even became a Hulk himself after Banners apparent demise. Jones came and went over the years following, owing to his own tumultuous life, but he somehow always gravitated back to the Hulks side to provide support and partnership. He writes for several websites, makes killer pizza, goes to Disney World more than his budget allows, and has the cutest daughter in the world. The original Hulk appearing in 1962s The Incredible Hulk was gray in the first issue. However, not all Hulks are created equal, and some are definitely stronger than others. Lists Marvel: 13 Strongest Hulks In The Comics, Ranked By Alister Kennedy Updated Apr 14, 2023 While there are several different forms of Hulk, there are some that are stronger than others, and. He also loves traveling, watching football, and playing Tool on guitar rather poorly. Returning to Earth for revenge on the Illuminati, the Hulk went on a rampage until Iron Man devised a way to transform the behemoth back into Bruce Banner and hold him in stasis. And he has a score to settle with Milesand with all of New York City! Disney Getting $1.5 Billion Write-Off For Disney Plus & Hulu Content Removal, 1 New Star Wars Movie Will Finally Solve The Prequels' Last Anakin Mystery. Galactus literally takes over the persons soul, giving them the ability to project energy, transform matter, and create and destroy life. This version comes from the darkest future timelines of Marvel Comics, first appearing in Peter Davids 1992 Future Imperfect series. ). With the Hulk, the biggest difference was power level. Red Hulk might start off stronger, but he won't keep up with other Hulks as they get madder and stronger. Oblivious to the fact thatthe experiment will be used to create more Super Soldiers forwarmongering purposes, Bannerboosts the procedure with dangerous quantities of gamma radiation and tests it on himself. The monumental issue will be a prelude to the future of the Captain America mythos, revealing the fate of Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, and Sharon Carter. This decision leads him to absorb all of theradiation at a cellular level, permanently changing his physiology. In this version, the Hulks essence is trapped in what Banner calls an Engine Room. After suffering so much with his duality, it's nice to seeBruce Banner find peace as a celebrity. As Ravage, Crawford became one of Hulks arch enemies, able to match superhuman strength, durability, and intelligence. Worldbreaker Hulk was long considered his ultimate form. Over the last two decades, he's written for Chart Magazine, The Calgary Sun, Songfacts, and other media outlets. Professor Hulk formed the basis of Avengers: Endgame Hulk who was much calmer and more versatile. From their first encounters, General Ross was envious of Hulk and concealed his desire to have Hulks powers. Created by legends Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, The Leaders first appearance was in Tales to Astonish #62, published in 1964. After being banished to space by Odin, Absorbing Man returned on a comet, only to be intercepted by Hulk. He could deal some damage, and he tore apart the Chitauri later, but he remained one of the lower tier Hulks when it came to strength, even if he was the strongest person in his universe. Our connection to Bruce Banner is immortalized because we can feel his pain when he turns into Hulk. She-Hulk is arguably stronger than the Incredible Hulk. No other character in Marvel is as best known for his insane strength levels as Hulk. Still, he can become an unstoppable force if his allies are not around to beat some sense into him or sing him a lullaby. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-CBR Bruce Banner's angry alter ego has a long history in Marvel Comics, and like every character, he's certainly seen h. Suspicious of his teammates, the Hulk left very shortly after the team formed, and soon began an alliance with Namor the Sub-Mariner to oppose the Avengers. He still gets stronger the angrier he gets, making his strength level greater in comparison to other Hulks. When General Ross discovers that Bruce is the Hulk, he enlists the help of a dodgy organization to acquire energy from the Hulks body. At the base, Banner was befriended by Betty Ross, daughter of General Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, a man who took an instant disliking to the diminutive, passive scientist. Amadeus Cho could pull off some pretty impressive physical feats, but comics never established if he had the infinite strength potential. He's been mutating since the beginning, each form becoming progressively more powerful. Maestro is a version of the Hulk who became even more powerful than the regular Hulk after being exposed to nuclear radiation from the end-of-the-world events that killed off most of the planet. Bruce Banner isnt the only one in his family to contend with being a Hulk. The Immortal Hulk outpaced nearly every other version of Bruce Banner as the Hulk. This future version of the Hulk was long thought to be the most powerful version of the Green Goliath. The Red She-Hulk first made an appearance in 2009s Hulk #15. However, things werent always smooth sailing. Jennifer Walters is Bruces cousin and growing up, the two had an incredibly close bond. In one of their first encounters, Hulk actually saves Juggernaut but then attacks him when he threatens an innocent person. Trevor Morelli is a movie, TV, and pop culture writer who lives in Calgary, Alberta. On an even more personal level, Ross could never understand or accept his daughter Bettys love for the scientist and sympathy for his plight, leading to many clashes between the two over the years. RELATED: Marvel: Hulks 10 Greatest Accomplishments. Nobody Stronger As intelligent and cerebral as Bruce Banner is, his alter-ego the Hulk is a completely physical phenomenon. After drinking from the Fountain of Youth, he acquired superhuman longevity and rejuvenation. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the characters debuted in The Incredible Hulk #1 (1962) and is today regarded as one of Marvel's strongest characters. This, therefore, makes him way stronger than the regular Hulk. Then, back on Earth, Banner performed a blood transfusion on his wounded cousin Jennifer Walters, which caused her to change into a She-Hulk, and later Banner accepted the Hulk as an integral part of himself. The scientist also finally made peace with the ghost of his abusive father after the mutant Apocalypse removed a dangerous shard in his head and his beloved Betty seemingly died. This May, Miles Morales swings into his darkest battle yet in CARNAGE REIGNS! Ultimate Hulk goes rogue on occasion and at one time, Wolverine was forced to confront him. 9. Luckily enough, a convenient wormhole transports him to the trash planet of Sakaar, where he finally finds a fitting place to use his immense power among other strong outcasts from all over the cosmos. This effectively heals Jennifer but has the side effect of turning her into a gamma-radiated being dubbed She-Hulk. However, each of the core Hulk personalities possesses a base strength level. Without an Infinity Gauntlet, destroying planets with one punch was far beyond what any other Hulk or being in the Marvel Universe could muster. Coming about after the destruction of Sakaar, this version of Hulk's rage gave him amazing strength, but it didn't overwhelm his faculties for reason. While at the base, Banner began to develop and build a bomb that utilized a high concentration of gamma radiation, a project of high interest to an undercover foreign agent stationed there. Thanos's snap at the end ofAvengers: Infinity War seems like a pretty definitive tragedy for everyone across the universe, and Bruce Banner is no exception. He only finds himself in trouble when multiple Chitauri shipsrally to shoot at him simultaneously from above, andAvengers: Endgame showed that his other weakness at this point in the timeline is his hatred for stairs. From the minute Bruce Banner first transformed, he became the strongest person on Earth. The answer; there isn't one. He returns to Earth with rage, grief, sorrow, and vengeance in his heart aimed at the Illuminati and Avengers who had exiled him to Sakaar. Related:Avengers: Actors Who Almost Played The Original 6 Heroes. Although hes a big, Wendigo is capable of running at extraordinary speeds and retain his stamina. Hes an android that was created long ago by an avian race that was a sub-species of Inhumans. Bruce invents a cure for her but his nemesis the Abomination replaces the cure with his own blood. It is almost a certainty that Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did not imagine a star-lifting Hulk when the character was first created in 1962 (his mightiest feat in his debut issue as the Grey Hulk was smashing the hood of a Jeep). This new personality would malfunction at times. Although the ability to transform into an unstoppable rage monster sounds exciting to many fans of the character, Bruce Banner suffers this predicament too much to accept an uncertain future as a living time bomb. She has her more savage moments as well, becoming just as scary as her cousin sometimes. Otherwise known as Earth-1610 Hulk, this version of Banner has arguably the least control of any on this list. When a friend introduced him to an inventor who made a mobile armored suit, Shappe was up for it and became Speedfreak. Check out all the covers for 'Captain America' #750, on sale July 5. In order to take revenge on Banner, Ross allowed himself to be transformed into the Red Hulk. It took over 60 years, but the Incredible Hulk went from lifting a car to a star - and his hard limit has yet to be found. He doesnt feel any remorse towards his victims, which makes him especially dangerous to Hulk. The Hulk Clap is another staple attack the Hulk uses against any and all comers. 19 WENDIGO Wendigo, the beast monster who lives off humans in the woods of Canada, was created by the Northern Gods. More dangerous fights play out Canada, was created by the Northern Gods a base strength level greater comparison... 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