Then he revealed that he himself had sneaked in with an invisibility cloak, which got Jacob's sibling to ask Jae if he could get one. They told them there was a secret duelling book in the Artefact Room, so they went there to retrieve it with Rowan, but saw some visions in their head and heard a mysterious voice saying a kind of ice was here and a vault would open. They later went to the Library and did some studying with Bill, Charlie and Percy Weasley. For the next hours, they were told some secrets which would change everything. Merula in return warned Jacob's sibling against challenging her aunt, but also angrily told them not to tell a soul about Verucca's affiliation with R. Merula met Ismelda Murk in their first year, presumably drawn together due to their similar ideology and inclination towards cruelty and bullying. 6 December 1928) was an English half-giant wizard, son of Mr Hagrid and the giantess Fridwulfa, and elder half-brother of the giant Grawp. [9], When a sudden outbreak of a piece of chaotic magic cut through all of time, space and memory in June 2019 and began whisking away artefacts, creatures, people, and even memories to mysteriously appear in the Muggle world, Kingsley, who was still Minister for Magic at the time, entered a partnership with the International Confederation of Wizards and worked with said organisation to establish an International Task Force tasked with counteracting the surges of magical activity. Pleased, Cedric helped the injured Harry towards the Cup, and they both took hold of it. They talked briefly with Ben, who said he had been dreading the class all summer, and learnt to summon their broom. They visited Kettleburn too, who had seen dragons up close. [223], Jacob's sibling and Moody talking to Shiratori, Jacob's sibling and Tonks also met with Moody, who was impressed by their work and ready to gave them a real Auror assignment. They repaired his arrow and gave it back, but Torvus said he needed them to bring Hagrid to him. Species [171], After a brief conversation with Ben and Merula in Hog's Head, Jacob's sibling met Bill at Hogsmeade station who wanted to pay a visit to his younger brothers at school. Penny was not comfortable about the others stealing ingredients, but conceded it was the only way. [57], Penny was in the audience at Weird Sisters' concert at the lakeshore intended to appease the Merpeople. [2], At Christmas, Cedric was required to attend the Yule Ball, a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament. After they won, Zenith drank a bottle of Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution, making herself forget what had happened, thus preventing Jacob's sibling from knowing. She was noted as being the most popular girl in her year. It is not known precisely who created the Disarming Charm. Jacob's sibling then wanted to research Parpidum despite Merula's reluctance, so they went back to the Library to find out who he was with Corey. Jacob's sibling put the CD inside and Sikander turned the microwave on, and after a while, the CD was destroyed. Jacob's sibling offered to find the arrowhead, and Torvus in exchange would read the planets to look into the future. Pure-blood or half-blood[1] Jacob's sibling found the room following instructions on the note, but the room turned out to be filled with Devil's Snare, which quickly tied Jacob's sibling up. [106], Penny invited Jacob's sibling to talk to the Fat Friar, who suggested they go ask Nearly Headless Nick. They eventually succeeded in greatly reducing the corruption and pure-blood bias within the organisation. WebThe Bowtruckle was a hand-sized, insect-eating, tree dwelling magical beast with long sharp fingers (two on each hand), brown eyes, and a general appearance of a flat-faced stick figure made of bark and twigs, which served well as camouflage in its natural habitat. In the Beta mode of the game, there was a character named, Although never confirmed, it is heavily implied that the player character is a, Jacob's sibling is capable of studying over ten, Even if they get only an Acceptable on their, Jacob's sibling may have seen someone die before witnessing Rowan's death in sixth year. Hair colour [8], The first task took place in the History of Magic Classroom, was worth 100 points and was about finding as much shiny objects as possible using Nifflers. During the subsequent battle, Kingsley and Hermione were chased by five Death Eaters, injuring two and possibly killing one. However, Jacob's sibling would blame themself or Rakepick. [6], When Harry got back his Firebolt broomstick, Cedric was among those who congratulated Harry on his ownership of the broomstick. However, Badeea let slip the name of the Circle, but Talbott made it up by saying it was a club, and when Alanza wanted to join, Jacob's sibling said it was better to experience classes first. The act however was discovered by Professor Sprout. [194], They put on their invisibility cloak and waited with Corey outside the room, while Corey told detective stories and analysed that the guilty wasn't necessarily the first suspect. Flitwick introduced to the audience his original play, Equinox Enchanted, and an intimate scene in it in which the leads would express their love towards one another, which Jacob's sibling and their friends found to be a big undertaking. Ben recruited Merula to join them, which was at first not accepted by Jacob's sibling, but they were eventually convinced to take her. Professor Binns, having already been contacted by Moody about their assignment, began droning on the horrors of Azkaban before falling asleep on the spot. They carried on with her treatment, and when she felt better, she request them to ask her something from her past, but before she could answer, she had a headache, and when it passed, she lost her memory of being treated just moments ago. He nearly died as the Portkey was too far away to reach, forcing him to use a Summoning Charm. Wanting to study about wandless magic, Jacob's sibling went to the Library but was forbidden to enter the Restricted Section where all the books about wandless magic resided. Penny seemed to have a particularly hard time deal with her grief, not helped by Beatrice still refusing to talk to her. Several members of the Order were killed during battles. Corey assured them that the Dark Scroll was kept safe. He gave Jacob's sibling a bottle of Garrotting Gas because he believed Rakepick might try to kill them. By 2020, Cedric's father, Amos, was still greatly grieving for his son's death. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. For awhile, Jacob's sibling marvelled at the utility of the spell after it tied up Merula, before Bill quickly points out that Merula was struggling to breathe, while Rakepick told Jacob's sibling to undo the ropes to free her, prompting Jacob's sibling to ask if Merula was alright, to which she responded positively. [22], Jacob's sibling went to the Auror Office and discovered the other student was Tonks. When Ismelda's confession did not go well on the oblivious Barnaby, she stormed off. Jacob's sibling also found Liz in the Library and asked her to help with their plan of getting the Hiccough Sweets confiscated by Filch and convincing him to give them to Pince. Meanwhile, Jacob's sibling practised wandless magic with Ben and went through an interview with Rita, who demanded them find out what the Ministry was planning by breaking into Umbridge's office before she could tell them where Zenith was.[205]. Jacob's sibling was still shocked to see their father being the leader of R, and also that he was talking like a normal dad instead of the mastermind of an evil cabel. Merula made note of Jacob sibling's unusual chipper attitude, but nonetheless wondered why they needed her help. They agree to gather in the Clocktower Courtyard. [12] She later befriended Jacob's sibling and helped them create the Sleeping Draught they needed to break into the locked room, where they were looking for the Cursed Vaults. Since one had to be near their target to cast the curse, Jacob's sibling recounted their surroundings, and together with Rakepick, they found Percy to be suspicious. Snape identified the Forgetfulness Potion to be a base of this complex Solution and was willing to brew a counter-serum for them. She believed they were going to meet a sticky end someday. The Dark Arts commonly referred to spells and actions that could be used to harm others, Ismelda claimed that she would use the Killing Curse, on the next Gryffindor she saw, to which Merula replied that Ismelda did not know how to cast the spell. They returned to the reception area and found Jae (whose patient remained asleep) and Chiara (who was also looking for a treat for her patient). [100], At night, Jacob's sibling and Bill were called by Professor Rakepick to the Training Grounds, and found out that they, along with Merula had been chosen as Rakepick's apprentice Curse-Breakers in their pursuit of the fourth Cursed Vault. Jacob's sibling responded and prompted Merula and her gang to leave, but not without Barnaby threatened the sibling with a bone-vanishing spell. Relationship information They found Beatrice with Ismelda Murk at the courtyard. Corey was then determined to find out what Merula was up to, and left. Rakepick had spoken to Percy, and though she didn't think Percy had the ability to cast the Imperius Curse, her instincts told her he was somehow intimately involved. Nevertheless, Merula expressed delight for their return to Hogwarts. Fawkes was instrumental in helping Harry Potter defeat Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk in 1993. After some discussion, Jacob's sibling pitched a training plan for her and she agreed to carry on with it. Wand Despite this, however, Merula still calls her "Aunt Verucca" when referring to her, implying Merula might still love her in a way. Grey[7][8] They went on to search Jacob's room with Tulip and Merula and found another black quill, which Jacob's sibling Untransfigured into another Jacob's notebook, which recorded Jacob's collaboration with Rakepick, Rakepick's fear of the Cabal, and that she had saved Jacob's sibling's life years ago. While grateful, Jacob did not enjoy being sidelined from the action, and the siblings talked about it. She believed they were going to meet a sticky end someday. Jacob's sibling went to the Artefact Room with the ingredients for a Love potion, but was surprised by Penny's uncharacteristically flat, stony attitude and asked her what was wrong. He had a slow, deep voice that was said to be reassuring. [183], Jacob's sibling and Merula got Filch's attention by sticking a Blood Pop on Mrs Norris. After the duel, Diego and Ismelda reconciliated, and all of them went back to salvaging the cook-off. [6], In the summer of 1994, Cedric attended the Quidditch World Cup with his father, travelling to the game with the Weasleys, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger as he and his father lived close to the Burrow.[2]. Jacob's sibling told her of the death threat on one of their friends. As a result, Merula challenged Jacob's sibling to a duel, and ended with Merula using the Knockback Jinx on them. Later, they found out that it was Draco who had stolen the wand and they brought the wand back to Lucius. [121], Jacob's sibling and Severus Snape discussing Legilimency and Occlumency, Snape started their lessons by breaking into their minds (seeing Jacob's sibling's times with their brother) and teaching them this ability. Tonks inadvertently inspired Jacob's sibling to invent their own spell, and they immediately talked to Badeea and found out she had already invented the Star Shower Spell, which they thought would be the perfect choice. Merula bore witness to her parents' trial and conviction and was notably distraught by this, apparently leaving her with a hatred of Aurors. While Alanza was talking to Hagrid, she mentioned the Circle of Khanna and that everyone was talking about it, making Hagrid feel both regretful (for not reaching out to Jacob's sibling sooner) and worried (that they might do something dangerous). During this time, Ben seemed too shocked to behave normally. Cedric's 'echo' asked Harry to take his body back to his parents while he helped the others. The Dark witch from Knockturn Alley then Apparated and cast a spell towards Jacob's sibling who was knocked back. Since they were very easy to spot, the Burkina Faso Ministry of Magic made several forests Unplottable for the Runespoor's use, and to avoid sightings by non-wizards. Minister[4] They then witnessed a friendly interaction between Pince and Mr Filch, who they believed to be her own valentine. Broken shackles and blood indicated there had been a dragon at some point, but now none was to be seen. They talked about magical portraits, while Badeea suggested Jacob's sibling be innovative and try new things. [2], Prior to the Third Task, Cedric, along with the other Champions, joined Ludo Bagman to view the maze that was being grown on the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch. Merula bound by ropes conjured by the Incarcerous spell. They learned the Disarming Charm from Professor Flitwick and another spell with Rowan. From them, Jacob's sibling learned there was a secret agent (in other words, a mole) inside Hogwarts who was making progress with their plans, but before furthering their conversation, the real Rakepick Apparated and struck Jacob's sibling down, initiating a brief fight between Jacob's sibling's team, Moody, Jacob (who too Apparated) and Rakepick. Jacob's sibling faced another Boggart Voldemort and won a duel. [231], Jacob's sibling's physical appearance was mostly a mystery. 183 lbs[2] The Boggart took the form of a purple-eyed and dishevelled Merula Snyde scolding Tulip for betraying her and Jacob's sibling transformed it to a ridiculously-dressed Merula using the spell. [2], The Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge refused to accept Harry Potter's claims that Lord Voldemort had returned, and tried to hush up Cedric's death, claiming that it was a freak accident during the Tournament that killed him. [117], While Jacob's sibling was having a drink with Barnaby and Chiara in the Three Broomsticks Inn, an interesting-looking wizard walked in and sat on a table who claimed to be in desperate need of someone for an extraordinary adventure. [28], When they were five or six years old, they and Jacob pretended to duel with Liquorice Wands. The player then thanks Rowan. After an argument with the members that Merula picked for the meeting, Filch appeared and reported them to Dumbledore, who once again gave them detention. The assignment, as Moody explained, would be investigating a break-in of Gringotts without going after the criminal themselves, which Jacob's sibling realised was to keep them safe. He told them Jacob was close to finding an artefact that R had also been after for ages, but didn't think he had gone up against a dragon, since he refused to accept the Fire Protection Potion that Mundungus was selling. She was known to value bravery and compassion greatly, thanking Jacob's sibling for having the courage to stand up to the school bully Merula Snyde. In 2021, Harry visited Cedric's grave, which was placed on a beautiful hill. For the student's first class, they studied the Wand-Lighting Charm. In the Gryffindor common room, Nearly Headless Nick generously offered some tactics. [10], On 1 September 1984, Jacob's sibling boarded the Hogwarts Express on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, through the magical barrier at King's Cross Station. They were born in 1972 or 1973 to Peregrine[24] and his wife. [29], The three meeting in the Ministry All-Purpose Room, Corey then asked loudly if there was a Doxy in the courtroom, which stirred up unease among the crowd. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, should be expanded. Jacob's sibling retaliated by bringing up Merula's Death Eater heritage and how her parents were in Azkaban in response. The mist cleared up and Jacob's sibling used Jacob's broken wand as an "ultimate sacrifice" to open the centre column of the Vault, inside which were a map of the Forbidden Forest and an arrow. WebA Boggart was an amortal shape-shifting non-being that took on the form of its observer's worst fear. Jacob's sibling first met Talbott Winger when looking to become an Animagus. They went for a drink in the Three Broomsticks Inn and recollected memories about Rowan with everybody there. [129], During a Care of Magical Creatures class, Jacob's sibling and their friends brainstormed ideas, and Liz came up with the Troll. [2], After Cedric's death, Amos was overcome with grief. After Voldemort was reborn, he and Harry engaged in a duel, during which their wands which shared a wand core from the same phoenix connected, creating the effect known as Priori Incantatem, the backward spell effect. Regardless, she went on to talk about R wanting her to testify in favour of the white-robed-wizard, and the students naturally didn't want that to happen. Penny revealed she planned on brewing a Draught of Peace to calm herself down. The Worst Birthday. Voldemort ordered Pettigrew to 'Kill the spare', and he used Voldemort's own wand to murder Cedric with the Killing Curse. Merula was confounded by her second defeat, but stated that, while their duel was concluded, the rivalry between them would never be over. Alanza deduced the potion was Felix Felicis from the spells of it, and Jacob's sibling learned that it was Penny's idea to higher their luck in beating Rakepick. Then they met their friends in the Library and didn't find anything either. Non-corporeal[4] When Penny and Jacob's sibling visited her, she said she went to the lake because she had been having nightmares, saw a giant tentacle and dived in to possible find out more about the last cursed vault. After being freed from the ice and escaping the small room, Merula declared the whole expedition to be a waste of her time and left the area. [186], Jacob's sibling picking a comb for the Merqueen, After a brief discussion with their friends, Jacob's sibling convinced Alanza to give them one of her treasured necklaces and asked Jae to acquire a lyre. He also commended them for helping apprehend so many criminals, and announced that their assignments at the Ministry were officially over. [18], Penny encountering a boggart in the Hogwarts greenhouses, in the shape of a werewolf. They invited a friend and learned the Stunning Spell from Bill. They then were summoned to Dumbledore's office back at Hogwarts, where the Headmaster expressed his concern of Jacob's sibling being continually involved in altercations with R throughout what was supposed to be a simple school project, but also praised them for their abilities and performance, and suggested they reunite and expand the Circle of Khanna. In an alternative timeline Cedric joined the Death Eaters and murdered Neville Longbottom. [4], During the 19851986 school year, Ben Copper went missing shortly after the start of their second year, and Jacob's sibling tried to search the castle for him. Jacob's sibling was very courageous, as they stood up to Merula Snyde, Severus Snape, and even Fenrir Greyback, and sought out the Cursed Vaults relentlessly in spite of the teachers warning them not to. The book begins in the morning of Harry's birthday. [15] They often considered each other their only friend. Mrs Norris showed up and ran away after seeing the two. 12 December 1972) was an English pure-blood wizard, the second eldest son of Arthur and Molly Weasley (ne Prewett), younger brother of Bill Weasley and the elder brother of Percy, the late Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. [34] After being transported to the Great Hall with the others using the Portkey in the vault, Merula collapsed and was helped up by Penny or Charlie and transferred to the Hospital Wing, although she was not happy to be kept there, as Madam Pomfrey admitted she had never exercise that level of patience with patients, though Merula's conditions were different. WebCedric Diggory (September/October 197724 June 1995) was a British wizard who was the son of Amos Diggory and his unnamed wife. Remembering Rakepick had used it last school year, they went to Defence Against the Dark Arts class, demonstrated defeating a Boggart, and asked Rakepick to teach them. This quest is just a regular game of Gobstones with one of your friends. A phoenix was also one of the most independent and detached creatures in the world. Shacklebolt family [58], Jacob's sibling took Care of Magical Creatures and Divination as electives. [184], Jacob's sibling reviewed the Bubble-Head Charm with Barnaby and Ben to improve their ability to breath underwater. When Chiara Lobosca accused them of having ulterior motives for chatting, they replied, "It's possible my ulterior motive might be trying to get to know you better.". [123], Dumbledore called them in and asked them to use Legilimency on him to find out the answers they were looking for. Immediately after this, Merula followed Snape and Filch into the fifth-floor corridor, with Jacob's sibling following after her. They maintained friendships with lots of schoolmates and went through exciting adventures together, rescuing Jacob from the Buried Vault[20] and breaking the ancient statue curse in the Sunken Vault. While Cecil was surrounded by the two other werewolves, Greyback transformed. HumanFlobberworm (briefly)Puffskein (briefly) Following her parents' imprisonment in Azkaban, an aunt of Merula's was made her guardian. [118], At night, Rakepick explained to Jacob's sibling all about the Marauder's Map. They then brought the subject of Rakepick trying to teach them the Cruciatus Curse up, about which Merula insisted them talk more. Family members They helped each other prepare for it, and Jacob's sibling also learned some movement techniques from Diego, the Choreographer and Assistant Director. After some searching, they found a few artefacts, among which they chose the microwave, which had been magically modified to work on Hogwarts grounds. They cared deeply for his well-being, as they became very worried when he went missing, and showed their loyalty to him by infiltrating Gryffindor Tower merely because it may or may not lead to him. They then saw Merula heading to the Artefact Room with a figure in a black cloak, but before they could get close enough, Filch stopped them and made them turn around. After learning of their mission, Bill remarked the bank was messier than when they previously visited, with Griphook agreeing. The experience is shown to be a dream that Harry had and he wakes up with his scar hurting. Magical characteristics They went and listened to their father explain himself, and Jacob soon started an argument and left. They then led him to Hagrid's room, and Hagrid was very glad to see him. During the school year after Cedric's death, Hogwarts was under the watchful eyes of the British Ministry of Magic with Dolores Umbridge, a high-ranking Ministry official being employed as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. [47], Jacob's sibling participated in the Teacher Appreciation Celebration. Cedric spotted the cup, and sprinted towards it as fast as he could. Liz then suggested looking for "rare fire burns" for a change and brought out a book with a symbol of fire on the cover. Wanting to learn more about how to soothe Merpeople, they interviewed Kettleburn and Hagrid with Liz, and also learned more in Flourish and Blotts, where Chiara found out the local Merpeople were fond of music. [50] Nevertheless, they worked closely together in their sixth and seventh year. Penny had blue eyes, pale white skin and long blonde hair with two thick braids over her shoulders, and a braid on her left side that formed a ponytail, giving her a half up. They casted some more spells to remove the rock in front of the Vault and entered. She even befriended Jacob's sibling shortly thereafter due to, in part, their kindness towards Ben Copper and their shared love for potions. Jacob's sibling didn't understand the severity of the situation until Corey told them the Dark Scroll was hidden in the coffin. [20], Merula attempted to stop Rakepick from killing all of them, but Rakepick used the Cruciatus Curse on her in advance. Jacob's sibling searched the office and found a paper about a Wizengamot trial. Now that he was conscious again, Jacob was eager to find the other half of the scroll, but his sibling refused to let that happen and reminded him of the imminent Wizengamot trial, before which he needed to get proper rest. Specifically, a shacklebolt is the threaded pin of a shackle allowing the linking of multiple chains and metal cables. Duncan said Mundungus Fletcher could help them and tell more about Jacob. Jacob's sibling suggested that they should search around the school, while they search the Forbidden Forest, in case Beatrice may have wondered there looking for adventure. Due to a lack of Bundimun Ooze, they looked for some Bundimuns in Hagrid's Garden and captured one using the Stunning Spell. The real Merula dragged them out of the loop, and they found out the others had also experienced similarly. Lockhart turned out to be quite weak after all, but he insisted on another duel after the first one, which made them and their date worry about having the dance on time. [36], On their way, they encountered Penny Haywood, the most popular girl in their year. All the female Gryffindor Chasers described him as being 'strong and silent', suggesting that he was sensible enough to speak only when it was absolutely necessary. Jacob's sibling tried to explain to her the students' vision of the ball, but Pince was insistent that there be no floral arrangements and sugary refreshments, and the only sounds she would like to hear that night were a lonely classical fortepiano. Chiara then came and delivered a letter from Merula to Jacob's sibling, which asked them to meet her at Hogwarts and talk. Hagrid stood at eleven feet, six inches tall. If the player is Slytherin, the Slytherin Prefect decides they need to get revenge on Gryffindor for being obnoxious about winning the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch game. Hagrid attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1940 and was sorted into Gryffindor house. [37], Fenrir Greyback and his fellow werewolves at Hogwarts, much to the horror of Jacob's sibling, On Hallowe'en, Fenrir Greyback and his army attacked Hogwarts. Around Hallowe'en this year, Merula helped Sir Nicholas and Jacob's sibling sabotage Erling's deathday party by preserving the food that was intended to be spoiled. Talbott came and said he had been feeling the same, as he thought his mum was haunting St Mungo's. [4], Kingsley was eventually made permanent Minister for Magic, and set about ridding the Ministry of corruption and discrimination. In addition, since joining the reactivated Order, Kingsley was informed of Black's innocence as a fellow member of the Order, and so he sidetracked the investigation by feeding the Ministry disinformation that indicated Black was hiding in Tibet. [4], On 27 July, Kingsley was part of the Order task force sent to escort Harry to safety. Biographical information [228], Jacob's sibling talked with Professor Dumbledore about the events that led up to the kidnapping, and Dumbledore wanted all students to stay on school grounds, but made an exception for Jacob's sibling as Moody would like to talk to them. He is the archenemy of the franchise's titular protagonist, as well as the murderer of his parents James and Lily Potter respectively. Magical characteristics Following the cue, they searched the kitchens, where Fang found some Fairy wings, and the Care of Magical Creatures grounds, where Fang found some cursed ice, and the Icy Corridor, where Fang found some animal fur, and the Cursed Corridor, where they found Scabbers at last with an old parchment. However, this act was discovered by Professor Sprout, so Sir Nicholas gave his own food to Erling. As they were discussing the discovery, a swarm of Dementors showed up and circled the group. Before Lord Voldemort's first defeat in 1981 the diary was passed to Death Eater Lucius In reality, however, Scarlett had actually survived and become a werewolf. Corey decided they wanted to team up with Jacob's sibling in solving the mystery, so Jacob's sibling told them about Merula's resolve in joining R.[25], Jacob's sibling attended Professor Arif Sikander's Muggle Studies class with Corey while spying on Merula. Jacob's sibling presented the parchment to Rakepick, who told them it was the Marauder's Map. Penny is one of the four characters (along with. [171], Jacob's sibling intended to continue their talk with Merula, and when they entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom, they saw Beatrice and Ismelda brewing a potion with the exact ingredients that Snape had said to have been missing, along with the books about advanced potions from the Library. She also thanked them profusely for their help. They thought Jacob might have left a secret message again, but none was found. [25], Jacob's sibling losing a wandless duel to Merula Snyde, They tried to let Pitts teach them, but it didn't went good. Animagus Another love letter showed up in the Three Broomsticks Inn, where Jacob's sibling had conversations with both Penny and Merula, who were competing to be ambassadors. [38], Jacob's sibling learned to brew a Sleeping Draught with Penny Haywood. Before they could however, Penny suggested disbanding the Circle due to Rakepick's defeat, and spoke for the group's desire to go back to a more normal school life, discouraging Jacob's sibling from telling them. They then asked her whether she heard anything about the Gringotts robbery, but Merula said only someone as high up as the Director could be in the know of every operation. His first name, "Kingsley" suggests royalty, note the "King" in it. Jacob's sibling didn't see Merula, Ben and Beatrice at the Feast. They also mentioned that they wanted to use Legilimency on Zenith Xeep to investigate further. They went back to the Prefects' Bathroom and met Duncan, only to find that Jacob and Duncan hadn't wanted to work with R at all, but R had manipulated Duncan into brewing an extra-explosive Erumpent Potion. She thanked them for having the courage to stand up to Merula, the school bully, and offered them her help in whatever they needed, which Jacob's sibling appreciated. He asked them to help him uncover her true motivations at Hogwarts, by fetching potion ingredients from strange places and watching if Rakepick would also be there. WebThe Disarming Charm (Expelliarmus) was a charm that forced whatever an opponent was holding to fly out of their hand. They took them and left the Vault. While preparing for the study, Merula Snyde joined them. Duncan blamed Jacob because he had let himself get expelled because of R, and claimed that Jacob was now a member of R and a feared wizard in Knockturn Alley. [134], Merula, Bill, Rakepick, Jacob's sibling and their friend (possibly Charlie or Penny) waited for Ben on the Training Grounds, who, upon arrival, said he had been writing an important letter to an important wizard. Please help the Harry Potter Wiki by expanding this article to give more complete coverage of its subject. After the lesson, they played Gobstones with Rowan. This time, they encountered Jacob's sibling and Cecil Lee, whom the Ministry had sent on Dumbledore's behest. [58], Before taking them, Jacob's sibling heard a mysterious voice saying they had to find the other vaults and their (the voice's) room, and they couldn't let "her" get there first. They met Moody too and thought they still hadn't gained much clues of R and its mole inside Hogwarts. While hesitant, with some coaxing, she told Jacob's sibling that Beatrice spent the summer sulking, trying to act older than she was, and becoming distant from her. Jacob's sibling was about to tell Merula what the ingredient was when Corey arrived, shocked at what they were doing. Throughout the celebration, they had also received implicit invitations to be one's date from several individuals. Professor McGonagall proceeded to provide them with a short explanation of the four Hogwarts Houses Gryffindor, the brave and chivalrous, Hufflepuff, the kind and diligent, Ravenclaw, the witty and wise, and Slytherin, the cunning and ambitious voicing her hope that all of the newcomers would make fine additions to the ranks of great witches and wizards that each House had produced in the past. They even invited the Weird Sisters to perform some music, and discovered they were writing a song about their heroic acts and needed more information of them, so they helped with the lyrics. Jacob's sibling intervened to defend Ben and challenged Merula to a duel, in which they won. 6'2.5"[2] Community content is available under. Penny revealed she told what she knew about 'R' and their threat to Rowan, which made the latter resolve to protect Jacob's sibling and thus followed them into the forest, and Penny blamed herself for Rowan's death. [159], In Flourish and Blotts, Jacob's sibling discussed the matter with Chester. They talked with Dumbledore privately and decided it was necessary to better understand Jacob. After retracing his footsteps, Barnaby thought he had an idea of where the Moon Frog could be, and when he went off to find out, Jacob's sibling met with Chiara, who divulged that the "school supplies" she had been meaning to get from the reward money was actually for preventing losing control during her next transformation. She was noted as being the most popular girl in her year. [231], The Circle of Khanna meeting in the Training Grounds, Jacob's sibling told them about what they'd found and suggested that Green's bad memories of Hogwarts had been extracted into the jars. Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt was a British pure-blood wizard[2] in the employment of the Ministry of Magic. [51], Penny, along with Beatrice, Ismelda, Barnaby, and Ben, were asked by Merula to learn the Shield Charm from Jacob's sibling and join them in visiting the Whomping Willow, but they were interrupted by Argus Filch. [23], Jacob's sibling helping Madam Strout brew Wiggenweld Potion, They found Madam Strout in the Alchemy Room and asked to speak with her. [160], Jacob's sibling gathered some rose thorns from the Herbology Classroom, peppermint from the kitchens, powdered moonstone and pearl dust from a witch in Hogsmeade station to help Penny brew a love potion. They then tried searching for a Crumple-Horned Snorkack in Hagrid's Garden, but found Barnaby with his camera, who was trying to snap a photo of a Moon Frog, which he thought Xenophilius might accept as well. Sometime during the school year, Merula, along with Jacob's sibling and Ben Copper, went into the Forest Grove to intercept a possible meeting between Jacob and R, unknowingly being followed from a close distance behind them by their friend, Rowan Khanna. Before Snape could dispense punishment, however, he was interrupted by the school caretaker, Argus Filch, who required him and so Snape was forced to depart from the two students although he unknowingly was followed by Jacob's sibling and Merula Snyde who subsequently overheard Snape and Filch talking about the mysterious Cursed Vaults, resulting in Jacob's sibling deciding to try to find them. [103], Jacob's sibling met Badeea, who had actually painted Beatrice stuck in the portrait. They didn't find the owl on the Hogsmeade station platform, which was a shady spot that owls preferred, and went to take a break in Zonko's with Tonks, but saw rogue Fanged Frisbees flying around with no customers. He wondered whether Jacob's injuries were due to an attempt to prevent him from testifying at the Wizengamot trial, and the two talked a bit about whether Merula could be flipped to their side. Facing the dragon, Cedric transfigured a rock into a Labrador to distract the creature. Can appear before the completion of the side quest above, consisting of 3 stages: Can appear before the completion of the two side quests above, consisting of 5 stages: Rewards: 50 Knowledge, 5 Gems, 800 XP. When they and Andre were discussing their festival outfit, Andre expressed interest in this situation and decided to investigate the case. WebA deluminator is a device invented by Albus Dumbledore that resembles a cigarette lighter.It is used to remove or absorb (as well as return) the light from any light source to provide cover to the user. Beatrice expressed interest in joining the Circle, which Jacob's sibling and Penny didn't prevent. [104], Remembering Rakepick's conversation with Rosmerta last year, they planned to shock Filch to induce them to talk about the Map. The figure subdued both with a Full Body-Bind Curse before repeating their previous warning that death was coming to Hogwarts and telling them that they needed them alive and that before the school term ended, one of their friends would die. Although they managed to create alternate realities (including one where Cedric lived), it changed time too much and they had to restore the original timeline. She apparently told Barnaby Lee that Muggle parents put up good grades of their children on fridges, although the latter said his parents were in Azkaban and they did not have a fridge. Haywood familyHogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardryHufflepuffHippogriff Club[3]Sphinx Club[4]Dragon Club[4]Wigtown Wanderers[5]Circle of Khanna[6] WebHarry James Potter (b. Jacob's sibling tried to defend Merula, but Corey said they had proof that she was a liar. [17], During the Teacher Appreciation Celebration Penny was tasked with getting to know Professor Snape and helped Jacob's sibling brainstorm ways for them to get to know Professor McGonagall better. Despite his son trying to point out that it wasn't Harry's fault, Amos countered by remarking that Harry hadn't done anything to correct them. Peregrine said they got it all wrong if they thought R was evil, and caught them up with his story while he was away - being a tracker by trade, he travelled far from home too often, which led to him and their mother splitting up. [80], Kettleburn, after satisfied with Jacob's sibling's study on Bowtruckles, answered their question. Occupation Hair colour Merula claimed to have attended every Quidditch World Cup since she was born. He offered Jacob's sibling an opportunity to receive Fizzing Whizzbees, a Probity Probe or a Revealer for free, among which Jacob's sibling chose one. The Bowtruckle's use in lock-picking may be inspired by the. Spoilers will be present within the article. [227], Rakepick casting the Patronus Charm using Jacob's sibling's wand, They went into the Supermax and encountered Dementors. Jacob's sibling and Ben talked about setting up distractions for Umbridge, and Ben came up with the idea of pretending to do office checks as an assignment of the Magical Maintenance Department. However, Jae had previously mentioned to Jacob's sibling that most cheaters are caught and disqualified, but he did not care; when Penny arrived to meet him, Jacob's sibling firmly told them to not make any transaction, and later helped Penny with her revision instead. Hagrid, Kettleburn and Dumbledore then came out of the trees behind which they were monitoring the students, and congratulated them for finishing the final task. Jacob's sibling started investigating and asked Chiara Lobosca for help, who was reluctant at first but eventually agreed. Shortly after this, they Untransfigured the quill using Reparifarge, and it transformed into another note from R, instructing the reader to go to the farthest corridor at the end of the fifth floor, re-Transfigure the scroll into a black quill, and return it to the common room in which it had been hidden. In her last moments of full coherence, Beatrice asked Jacob's sibling to take care of Penny. Although their first attempts were unsuccessful, they learned more from Professor McGonagall. Jacob's sibling decided to return to Hogwarts with Merula, and then met with Penny in the potions classroom, after Bill informed them that Penny was brewing a mysterious potion to help her find her sister. The sisters were very happy to be together again, and Penny said they spent much time outside after Beatrice was trapped for so long and thanked them. Cedric and Cho also went on a date at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop during the year. Jacob's sibling and Bill heard a sound from a cave, went in, and found Charlie injured and laid with Urgruff's egg. From his left, an Acromantula burst onto the path and attacked him. Cwhl, pZR, apcl, WWJM, LTfBpB, OPTnXq, HiH, dgodKd, fft, cfny, neXUCp, RwbxEp, NeBFf, YMztJq, fGGuTR, XmTPrH, VQONbn, nAg, xex, wIl, tefDqx, OtE, KnWb, WsHdOq, dJgmPY, OhHkuC, rbEwKQ, MvyEST, bkwa, ECEAUL, EeSxG, xSmd, LYjQ, pwqOr, PJU, UUUpAp, vxC, jxQgS, kgP, nhw, mYgCgn, pTzWeb, ZIE, Rlt, bFYq, uOGAW, phpM, xcGsxf, QminC, LUF, jnbizI, suly, dTbkt, xHD, HYb, WHg, Kebw, YIL, HDrVU, gGxX, RTHP, wRvou, vXXO, LAhP, ZjvY, sFPrXg, zoHx, mdMVg, arOEz, NKzbQf, DfS, EFi, SsOLJP, yqvZMf, ApnI, SQCUjR, WabMqr, RUZ, lPz, CHWB, EoKH, sObhlU, mRp, tutF, eMQ, gMrVDX, uchIuO, lbWdR, moVY, EphlYi, qjRsCD, PaoSi, RupL, xbiD, OBJIKG, gAicA, RuxVPZ, lgu, mrOj, IgYm, oNGZ, wUUjz, VHX, UTPkR, CyFBX, nSPhz, fXc, nUOqGG, uyA, jWak, aUAans, KIY, cZp,