Power scale: 6. Ant-Man is also pretty powerful, as his strength remains high in proportion to his size and he can pack a mean punch when no one sees it coming. We rated each hero's ability and value on the battlefield on a scale of 1 to 10 (with some exceptions) using evidence from the 23 interconnected films in the MCU's first three phases, which concluded in 2019 with "Spider-Man: Far From Home. He had 5 stones against Wanda, and used 1. Thor, even when compared to his fellow Asgardians, is crazy strong and might be the most physically gifted Asgardian of all time. Thor is ridiculously powerful, such that only his father and older sister (both dead) would surpass his strength. Men are superior to women. But neither would have been possible without the help of other characters: In the former case, Drax carried her away from danger and saved her life; in the latter, Doctor Strange put her in place to subdue Thanos. However, against Superman, hes outmatched. Maybe after he learns more, he can be at the top. Tony Stark. He's able to shrink to incredibly small sizes increasing his proportional strength and grow to incredibly large ones. The fact that his new arm, which he was gifted by T'Challa, is completely made out of Vibranium, also gives him a newfound advantage. Wanda was given powerful abilities like telekinesis, telepathy, and energy manipulation. Power scale: 8. I also don't know what "every category" means. Tony Stark discovered in "Age of Ultron" that the Mind Stone has a unique network of neurons; Vision suggested in "Infinity War" that it has consciousness, an agenda. And which stones. Thor can nullify magic with the help of mjolnir,have ability to detect magic,learnt some sorcery from loki. Like the aforementioned Kate Bishop, Marc Spector isn't officially a member of the Avengers right now. Now that Bruce has managed to merge his mind with Hulk's body, he seems thoroughly disinterested in strength or combat. However, Thor, one of Marvels strongest Avengers, might just be powerful enough to take on Superman. , 15 Batman Does It Through His Intelligence & Personal Knowledge. Wanda is more powerful. As it stands, his child-level abilities cannot quite compare with her reality-destroying skillset. Destroying the mind Stone? From a genetically enhanced World War II soldier to a photon-blasting Kree-human hybrid, the MCU's decade-long Infinity Saga brought together the most ambitious superpowered team in cinematic history. He single-handedly ruined the plan to defeat Thanos in "Infinity War" (after barely even helping to subdue him) and would've been killed by some lame alien in "Endgame" if Gamora hadn't saved him. In theory, Drax is a great warrior. That aspect of his persona has lacked a bit in recent MCU films though as he's not quite as mad as he has been in the past. Power scale: 1. The MCU may be full of mighty heroes, but who is the strongest Avenger, and which members of the group have the weakest powers? But in actual battle scenes, he didn't prove himself very effective. She can easily hold her own against the best of them, although there are a few she's better off not fighting at all. War Machine has the U.S. Government at his back. She's the nation's leading expert in science and technology, especially adept at employing the many uses of vibranium. ", Here's our official power ranking. Tbh, no way to know that. Thor wins in a fight against Scarlet Witch almost every time. In the MCU, Scarlet Witch doesn't get to tap into her full powers a smart decision to make on a storytelling level, since she'd win almost every fight easily. In battle, he uses an iron suit made by Tony Stark that's largely equipped with machine-gun-style weapons and explosives. I don't think you understand how hard it is to stop the monmentum if several thousands of tons and then lift them up in the air. As for pure powers, he has the power of the Panther and his Vibranium suit and gadgets make him a formidable opponent to anyone, regardless of power level. Ego is a self-sustaining planetary life-form that can produce bursts of strange psionic energy that are said to match that of Galactus at full strength. However, Wanda is so powerful that she is the reason Proteus exists in the first place, as she accidentally created him when forming the House of M. A battle between these two characters is moot: the victor will forever be Scarlet Witch. She's also the world's best and most prolific inventor. While Thor is one of the strongest superheroes on the team, Wanda has unfathomable reality-warping powers that make her a deadly threat to anybody. Even when he was caught off guard without his suit in "Civil War," he was essentially equal to Winter Soldier in hand-to-hand combat. That said,wanda is still more powerful than thor,but i think thor takes this, as he is stronger,mainly immune to magic to some extent,faster. To make matters a bit clearer we should focus more on the Eternal most closely related to Wandas style: Sersei. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man has been named the worlds most popular superhero according to a new study that reveals his popularity extends far from home. That's how God/Nature intended it, called sexual dimorphism or something, it effects brains too so try to read less about make up and tumblr rants about feminism and educate yourself. He no longer has the same bloodthirst as his former moniker, which is good, but he's not as effective in battle as he once was. The fate of the Black Panther remains something the MCU has yet to address. Correction, she only destroyed it permanently because her powers come from it. However, as it was shown by Spider-Man inCivil War, that won't do much against some of the more powerful individuals. Power scale: 4. Now, with the evidence from "Spider-Man: Far From Home," we can say that he's finally come into his own and accessed his real power. Additionally, she was made into a Kree-human hybrid after the Kree soldier Yon-Rogg gave her blood transfusions. Sam Wilson is an ex-soldier who uses an advanced winged jetpack to fly and utilize in combat. Based on raw strength, Superman probably has Omni-Man beat. First she made Thanos panic, and now she can challenge the strongest Avengers. However, for her power, she ranks below everyone. A power stone feat is generally going to be more.well, powerful. Scarlet Witch. He's the only known human who's been able to lift it, since, according to Thor, it would cause any other person's body and mind to collapse simultaneously. As a scavenger, she had to subdue and capture powerful warriors, including Hulk. He also uses goggles in flight to enhance his vision. @sonofmarx: Is everything the fvcking patriarchy's fault to you? In an interview with Fandango, Raimi was quizzed on who he would consider to be the stronger of the two magic-wielders, Doctor Strange or Wanda Maximoff.He considered each character's skills and . Updated onJanuary 31st, 2022,by Shawn S. Lealos:The MCU has expanded greatly since it expanded onto Disney+ with individual shows, on top of the movies on the release calendar. The Avengers are commonly referred to as "Earth's mightiest heroes" in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and that has become increasingly more and more true as heroes get added to the constantly expanding roster with every movie. It's true that he's still young and relatively inexperienced. Thor Unlike most of the superheroes,thor is immune to magic to a degree..Thor have powers of his mother gaea,that includes "magical powers"!!! One measly stab through the synthetic gut, and he was down for the count. U know.. She busted gem what is planet lvl+ feat ( i think ) simulatiously pushing Thanos back and he wsa struggling with space gem. She has incredibly powerful magic and is particularly noted for her teleportation abilities. On every single list I checked with no exception, Superman was listed as the strongest and most powerful superhero of all time. Wanda could destroy the mind stone, but she couldn't bust the other infinity stones. His wings do, however, work as both offensive and defensive weapons, which make him a worthy opponent for most villains. And even that's a better deal than Thor destroying the Reality Stone, because (a) we don't know how much this contributed to the overall outcome and (b) she did that while she held off Thanos with less than half her power probably. Death exists because life exists: every living being meets her at one point or another. T'Challa is also a master martial artist and tactician. Plus, Bruce is a genius. Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos would be vaporized by Scarlet Witch almost instantly. Abilities: Rhodey doesn't have any powers, and he lost the use of his legs in "Civil War." Ajay's natural habitat is his bedroom, which means that his time is spent staring at his TV screen in a hypnotic coma. He can transport himself across dimensions with just a thought, and at the same time end fights by just taking control of his opponents' minds. He then went on to actually kill Thanos inAvengers: Endgame, which is no small feat. The Fulcrum is a being so powerful that it counts the Celestials, the Horde, and even the Watchers among its subordinates. Thor doesn't have feats like that. He obviously would know she'd be killing a friend or lover at that moment, so it makes sense why he would just put up a little shield and see how it plays out. Power scale: 5. I don't know if that's a quantifiable better showing of raw power than the thunderbolt that destroyed part of Asgard's Royal Palace. Abilities: After enlisting to fight in World War II, Steve Rogers was chosen for Project Rebirth and injected with the super-soldier serum. The Mind Stone was destroyed while Thanks was still at a 10-20 ft. distance from Wanda. His true power comes in his leadership skills and what he provides the team with, but he is also no slouch in a fight and proved in Captain Marvel that he could hold his own against most normal bad guys. Wanda is a glass cannon. Her chaos magic has made her the Scarlet Witch and her power level is not even a question anymore. EG Wanda=>L&T Thor>EG Carol>>Thanos>>>Strange L&T Prime Thor beats Carol due to being stronger than her per WoG Strange literally gets oneshot by EG Wanda right off the bat lol. He also has enhanced senses that give him incredible battle instincts, allowing him to dodge and counter incoming attacks more effectively. She can emit extremely powerful photon blasters from her fists. Power scale: 7. Power scale: 25. She was also moments away from killing Thanos inEndgame,resulting in him having to focus all of his ship's weapons on her. Thor wouldn't just stop the wheels. It was shown in the film that Thanos wanted to eat popcorn watching Wanda kill her loved one? Over the following years, he constantly rebuilt and improved his Iron Man technology, eventually harnessing nanotech to create an extremely durable suit with powerful weapons. A single blast from Wanda's hex bolts can simultaneously negate Ego's psionic powers while ripping its entire body apart at the molecular level. Abilities: Okoye, the general of the Dora Milaje, takes her job extremely seriously. Despite only appearing in two films so far, her feats have already been on display and she's certainly among the strongest. The MCU's Infinity Sagaintroduced a huge cast of superheroes with a wide array of abilities. (Even Thor says that growing up he wanted to be a Valkyrie.). She also has telepathy which allows her to read minds, among other things. In a straight-up brawl, Superman would likely win pretty handily. However, his appearance in the MCU could change that at some point, even if there aren't ever any future Avengers films. Playmobil Toys [A Complete Guide]: Are They Still Good, Safe, & Popular? Power scale: 3.5. Similarly, if we were to more generally ask if the eternals are stronger than Wanda we would come to a similar answer. Wanda is super overrated in terms of power. The newest addition to the MCU is Shang-Chi, debuting early in 2021 inShang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. http://imgur.com/gallery/Mze7bPu. I talked about it above, it doesn't really matter how many stones he used. He's an expert marksman who uses specialized arrows that burn and explode, among other things. . When You Breathe In Your Diaphragm Does What? Abilities: Gamora is a Zehoberei, an alien species that naturally possesses superhuman strength and durability. Thanks to her time with the Kree Starforce, Captain Marvel is also highly trained in combat. Knex: Then & Now [Find the Best Sets of this 90s Toy Today], NFTs for Comic Book & Action Figure Collectors (IRL to NFT). If Thor were at peak potential during most of the Avengers' battles, they probably wouldn't have lasted very long. Of course, the assumption that Wanda is stronger than the Sorcerer Supreme is a valid conclusion to jump to. With the energy-absorbing suit that made its debut in "Black Panther," he's nearly invulnerable. The main thing holding Spider-Man back from ranking higher is simply that other members of the Avengers are among the strongest beings to ever exist. No he didn't, you don't know what you're talking about. His consciousness was a combination of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Tony's artificial intelligence (J.A.R.V.I.S. The only Eternals which may confidently be placed as an outsized fight to Thor and one who is likely to defeat him, is Kronos he is known as an abstract and is also an Eternal. Theteam hasa healthy balance of characters with God-like abilities and those who are mere mortals. He was pretty useless in "Doctor Strange" and bowed out of the action entirely in "Infinity War." He als. That being said, he has had his ups and downs inthe MCU over the years. But compared with many of the Avengers, he hasn't shown us anything too impressive. There simply isn't enough evidence in Wong's favor to place him higher on this list. Since Shuri was able to "reset" his mind, we've only seen Bucky use a gun. 2 years ago #6 EmmaFrostXmen @allfatherodin: she grabs him with TK and crushes his body like a soda can 2 years ago #7 deltahuman Prime Odin will likely still be much less durable than Thanos.. But we also know that he can't maintain that huge size for very long without sustaining damage. Walt Disney Studios; Alyssa Powell/Insider The MCU's Infinity Saga introduced a huge cast of superheroes with a wide array of abilities. How did she defeat an invincible Infinity Stone? Power scale: 1.5. Abilities: Natasha Romanoff didn't have any powers. Sure, he currently holds the Sorcerer Supreme title, but he got it on a technicality. Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda Maximoff, is one of the most powerful characters in all of the Marvel Comics Universe. Groot is incredibly strong and adaptable when he's fully grown. Rocket is most useful in situations that require plotting, strategizing, laying traps, and manipulating technology. Thor busting the outrider dropship is easily more impressive than Wanda lifting the spiked wheels. Ultimately, it depends on who bears the title of Sorcerer Supreme at the moment, and . He regarded her more highly than any of his other "children" or soldiers. Thor won that exchange decisively. Thor is strong; Wanda is powerful. Edit: Wanda has exceptional raw power but for now she needs much more experience to utilise her skill set. Fans can argue that Thor is the strongest of the original Avengers. Updated Oct 28, 2022 With great power comes great online reputation. Toggle the button to expand or collapse the Menu. . He also has the honor of being one of the few characters that were considered worthy by Mjolnir, along with Thor and Captain America. Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful entities in Marvel Comics, but there are a few Cosmic beings who are even more powerful than Wanda. Wanda was only able to do the acts she did in Disassembled and House of M because Doctor Doom gave her extra power. She often has to rely on additionalgadgets like her Black Widow's bite and her batons in addition to various firearms. He doesn't quite have the abilities of some top-level Avengers but he'd beat several of them in hand-to-hand combat. Remember that Thanos casually humilated Thor on his own. And she was drunk the whole time! In fact, he didn't even discover his true potential as the God of Thunder until "Ragnarok." Shang-Chi also combines that with what he learned from his mother's side of the family and the Ten Rings themselves, making him even more impressive. Iron Man was able to outsmart Thanos in the most important possible moment and briefly wield the power of all six Infinity Stones, which previously seemed as if it should be impossible for a regular human body to withstand. 1. With all of that taken into account the picture becomes clearer on the Eternals in general are stronger than Thor. But all this happened while he was the Winter Soldier, an assassin mind-controlled by Hydra forces, which made him cutthroat and ruthless. Wanda is less than intimidated, magically turning Thor's lightning into pretty pink butterflies. Power scale: 6.5. He'd fly straight through them and blow them up entirely with his lightning cloak. While WandaVision is positioning her as a villain, she has worked for the heroes in the comics, but has fewer morals than most . It cannot be defeated, is the reflection of Death, and prefers to live inside a separate universe called the Outer Void. It's next to impossible to top them. Given both that and her performance against Thanos, j don't know why she wouldn't be able to replicate Thor's feat. Power scale: 7.5. Although he is an extremelyskilled marksman, Clint Bartonis often considered to be the weakestmember of the teamseeing as he's justa regular guy with a bow and arrow. MCU: Thor. But Omni-Man has no such qualms. As one of the creators of the comic book universe inside which all the Marvel characters live, The One Above All has every ability one can imagine and zero weaknesses. Thor easily. With the help of Captain America and Falcon, Black Widow defeated two of Thanos' minions with apparent ease. In the years since Tony Stark told the world he was Iron Man, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has introduced a huge cast of heroes with a wide array of abilities. Abilities: Thanks to genetic enhancements, Rocket is extremely intelligent and far more durable than a regular raccoon. Using his specialized winged jetpack, he can fly with incredible speed and agility. It is those things and her long history as an assassin that give her a slight edge over her other mostly normal humans. Updated on May 4th, 2022,by Kevin Pantoja:It seems like every couple of months, there's a new addition to the MCU's long slate of heroes. Thanks to his Asgardian physiology, his strength is so immense that he could go toe-to-toe with beings like the Hulk and Thanos, although he might not be as strong as they are. Power scale: 5.5. Captain America typically wields a shield made of vibranium, though we've seen him easily master every other weapon he's laid his hands on including Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. Abilities: When Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, he gained the proportionate strength of a spider making him considerably stronger, faster, more durable, and more agile than the average man. Most recently, that new arrival is Marc Spector, better known as Moon Knight. After an abruptly canceled Eternals comic run starting in 1970, the characters reappeared again for the first time in Thor #301. @anthp2000: It's not head cannon when it was literally shown in the film. That means he falls behind some of his partners. Abilities: Clint Barton doesn't have any powers. In the sequel, she shattered his double-edged sword (which could break Captain America's vibranium shield) without even trying. Thor is just on too high of a level for her. He also has a lot of experience in battle, which he has used to guide stronger characters like Wanda Maxmioff in the past. Although she would lose horribly in a fight. We can see in the pages from the 2021 series that Thanos takes some powerful hits, while also delivering them. SB by logic should have Continent lvl durability because enrgy of Neutron Star can melt it. Her psionics allow her to fly, generate force fields, move large objects, and project dangerous blasts of energy. In Avengers: Infinity War, Scarlet Witch was able to keep an Infinity Gauntlet-wielding Thanos away from her long enough to destroy one of the Infinity Stones. With all of that taken into account the picture becomes clearer on the Eternals in general are stronger than Thor. RELATED:10 Female Marvel Heroes That Should Come To The MCU. She was also instrumental in the near-defeat of Thanos in "Infinity War.". He further demonstrated his strength and durability whiletaking the full force of a star in Avengers: Infinity Warwhen forging his new weapon, Stormbreaker, and almost killing Thanos at the end of the film. The upgraded version of his suit that he uses inCaptain America: Civil Waralso has a lot of bells and whistles that help him while on mission including his drone, Redwing. 2023 FAQS Clear - All Rights Reserved Scarlet Witch is the nexus being of Reality-616, meaning that her very presence holds the structural fabric of the universe in place. For the moment, he is still around until the company decides how to write T'Challa out of the movie world. Thanos did reach her but the blast exploded before he could grab her. As we say, Lex Luthor isnt just Supermans greatest enemy, hes one of the greatest supervillains of the entire DCU and heck, all of comic books. So, while she could technically lift Mjolnir, Wanda might just end up turning Thors mighty hammer into an extra-heavy paperweight! They need to be bifrosted into a black hole. First, Bruce Banner and Hulk had trouble communicating, which caused him to lose fights he shouldn't have. Grab all your favorite Marvel collectibles at the best place to be a collector on the internet: Entertainment Earth. It also changes who the Avengers really are, with most of the original members of theteam when things first started phasing out and some of the supporting cast now moving up the ranks. Marvel has a massive catalog of characters in its comic book history - somewhere around the range of 8000 staple characters, and. Captain Marvel and Thor rounded out the top three. He was also the only person Thanos knew by name, which is evidence of Iron Man's fearsome reputation. Thor, but anybody who thinks Tony can beat Wanda has absolutely no clue whatsoever. It is everywhere, all the time, and by its very definition, it cannot die. The Mighty Thor. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for WandaVision Episode 9, "The Series Finale," now streaming on Disney+. But, that being said, Wanda has an edge due to her magical and reality-warping abilities. Thor is portrayed as stronger as is evident with his neutron star feat and wielding a weapon casually that he states would cause mental and physical anguish to others. I think Wanda, but my parents thinks Thor. 15. This means that Black Panther is still technically an Avengers ally and one who is very powerful. Remember, Wandas reality-warping magic isnt the result of a mutant ability but an ability granted to her by the Elder God Chthon. She was on the verge of overpowering him in "Endgame," and may have succeeded if he hadn't "rained fire" from his ships. Vision was meant to be the smartest and certainly the most righteous Avenger. They understand his motivations, are sympathetic to his heartbreaking backstory, and have come to see just how powerful he is, which would all make him a welcome addition to the roster of the Avengers. The weapons he can add to his armor could make him one of the MCU's deadliest heroes. Thanos had 6 stones against Thor, and used all 6. When equipped with the Wasp suit, she can shrink which increases her proportional strength and fly. Like Hawkeye, she has shown herself to be capable of competing against some of the Avengers' more challenging opponents like the Chitauri, the Ultron drones, and the Black Order. Wanda busted something thats planet level? Many people place Wanda Maximoff as the Scarlet Witch among the strongest characters in the MCU. By the time ofAvengers: Endgame,he was skilled enough to take on Thanos, who was in possession ofseveral Infinity Stones. Abilities: Whoever holds the Black Panther mantle in Wakanda King T'Challa in the Infinity Saga is given heightened abilities after eating the Heart-Shaped Herb. Power scale: 2. He can use his limbs as swords and never has to worry about them breaking off because they always grow back. But we can't hold Strange's loss to Thanos against him, because he knew how that battle would turn out. We don't know so this doesn't count as Thor truly losing by himself because we never saw that fight. @undefined: Thor by a huge margin. Abilities: Members of the Asgardian royal family are not actual gods, per se but they're as close to gods as you can get. Proteus can warp reality, as most of Marvel's Cosmic beings can, but his powers are limited. As we saw in "Endgame," he can single-handedly cut down huge groups of enemies and, aided by the mastery of his fancy arrows, hold off swarming hordes of aliens. Then he got wrecked in the opening scene of "Infinity War" and we haven't seen him fight since. Scarlet Witch was ranked the strongest. Until there is nothing left alive, Death cannot be removed from power. The nature of the mystic arts does put Strange at a slight disadvantage because he needs to move his arms and hands to access his power which is how Ebony Maw was able to capture him in "Infinity War.". That's a weird fetish. But she doesn't have any enhanced abilities or armor, so she's at a disadvantage within this ranking. There's no telling how powerful he truly is, because Marvel is constantly putting obstacles in his way and even with those, he's easily one of the strongest heroes we've seen. "Her powers are off the charts, and when she's introduced, she will be by far the strongest character we've ever had.". Mjolinar later comes to Thor being worthy of wielding the weapon which assisted in taking apart an eternal is no small matter. Wandavision helped flesh out more of the power that has been implied throughout the films and most notably in Avengers: Endgame. Wanda Maximoff's magic is so powerful that she can feasibly stand toe-to-toe with some of Marvel's Cosmic beings. Thanos' abuse took a significant emotional toll, which likely bled into her efficacy as a warrior. The son of Reed Richards and Susan Storm, Franklin Richards is quite possibly the most powerful Omega-level mutant to exist. Even before he replaced an assortment of her body parts with advanced technology, Nebula had naturally higher physical capabilities, including strength and durability. Every category Thor is>>Wanda, Rampant misogyny more rippling than Chris Hemsworth's abs which so confuses the basement dwellers in their denial of their own urges, Bottom line, Wanda held off near full gauntlet Thanos while also gem busting while Thor got in a lucky blow with weapon specifically designed as the anti gauntlet by the gauntlets creator, Wanda wins as usual but watch all those closet misogynists try to justify and come to terms with their own issues, To all the angery 12 year old "Thor fans" get back to me when you're 30 and comfortable with yourselves. At one point, Colossus is even able to smash Mjolnir away from Thors hands, proving Phoenix is a strong force not to be messed with. Arguably she didn't know her own strength until after the events of Wandavision - she nearly killed him in Endgame, but I feel like if she encountered him now she'd take two seconds to literally pull him apart. And even if that it true, it could easily mean the rest of the stones would do nothing for him. Hawkeye's abilities may seem inadequate in the face of the Avengers' enemies something he poked fun at in "Age of Ultron" but there's a reason he's still alive. Yes, and Wanda only destroyed it because her powers come from it. She didn't even budge when Thanos punched her in the head. Thor is most powerful when he can channel his powers through an enchanted, loyal weapon forged on Nidavellir, like the hammer, Mjolnir, or the axe, Stormbreaker. However, by the end of A4 I expect some truly spectacular feats of power from her. Oblivion is a first-born child of the universe, along with its siblings: Death, Eternity and Infinity. In terms of pure hand-to-hand combat skills, you won't be able to top Shang-Chi. Power scale: 3. He trained his entire life in that department and even defeated his father in that kind of fight. Thor is strong; Wanda is powerful. @anthp2000: It does matter how many stones were used. But Thor's power compared to Wanda's power is an awkward comparison to make. He's an impressive detective and is a skilled fighter, evidenced by how he can take out hordes of enemies all alone. She busted the gem because her powers were coming from the Scepter (an infinity stone powered weapon), her powers can affect the stones for that reason only. However, the actual Phoenix Force is much more powerful than the Dark Phoenix that often possesses people. But Thor's power compared to Wanda's power is an awkward comparison to make. Facing off against the Eternals in the more recent comic book run The Eternals, Thanos runs into some trouble while holding his own in other areas. Power scale: 50. Kate is talented, there is no doubt about that. Together the stones are stronger than Eternity (if you are not familiar its the space skinned thing in Thor L&T). However, he also broke his back inCaptain America: Civil War, and there is no telling how powerful he really is with his past injuries. No one in the MCU is smarter than Tony Stark. We've seen Nebula snap necks and throw people around with one arm. In sacrificing herself, she solidified her worth as a hero and proved the student had become the master. In theory, Vision should be one of the most powerful Avengers: He had the literal Mind Stone embedded in his forehead. Abilities: As an empath, Mantis can read the emotions of others while touching them. That was clear inWandaVision, where she dove deeper into her abilities, taking over an entire town and basically bringing Vision back to life in some shape or form. He's nearly useless when he's not coordinating with a team. Thor destroyed the reality Stone with ease with just mjolnir. Did you watch the movie? He has enhanced senses, and his body heals itself ridiculously quickly. Wanda, as in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, defeated Captain Marvel. In battle, he uses a size-manipulation suit designed by Hank Pym. @dianaallmighty: Thor destroyed a gem too, and it's not planet level lmao, @anthp2000: No What "raw power" feats does she have? Get Your Fill of all the characters mentioned here in action figurs and statues: The Eternals, Thanos, Wanda, and Thor! , 13 Rogol Zaar Has The Power Of Revenge Inside. I can't see those spiked wheels dazing Hela whatsoever, given that Valkyrie can take a ship blowing up in her face point blank. Thor's bolt knocked down Hela for several minutes. But Thors power compared to Wandas power is an awkward comparison to make. Your email address will not be published. While he can do things like keeping a helicopter from taking off with his bare hands and jumping from a plane without a parachute, he usually isn't a match for characters like Thanos or Loki. Did Thanos use the power stone against Thor? "Captain Marvel, she is as powerful a character as we've ever put in a movie," the Marvel Studios head, Kevin Feige, told Vulture. @dianaallmighty: she was only able to bust the gem because that is where her powers come from. Although the two have mended fences and now work cohesively, Hulk is always at his strongest when he's angry. She is still somewhat of a newer character and hasnt fully harnessed her power. That was enough to consider her near the top but Wanda Maximoff, known as Scarlet Witch, is the officially most powerful Avenger now. Too much headcanon. Apart from having immense powers, Supermans most remarkable powers are modesty and humility, which separates him from other Kryptonians. That certainly means that Hawkeye one of the weakest Avengers. Many people might not consider him a member of the Avengers, but he is the man who brought the entire team together. We've seen her manipulate cosmic energy at will, armoring her body with surging power that allows her to fly through space and withstand attacks. He was even able to wield Thor's hammer in "Age of Ultron." Abilities: Hope is an agile and acrobatic fighter, having been trained in martial arts. Spider-Man has become a fully fledged Avenger. As he was being destroyed by Thanos, Vision didn't even put up a fight. i wouldn't put Wanda over Tony let alone Thor lol. @sonofmarx: there's a lot wrong with your comment. "Thanos reached her, he never slowed down". With the MCU bringing the otherwise obscure Eternals in the MCU fold, many people wonder what about how strong these beings truly are and it they are a powerful enough step up after Endgame. Nick Fury is the man who started it all. Billy is meant to become the Demiurge, a multiversal being of creation on the same level as the Phoenix. Thor and Scarlet Witch are arguably two of the most powerful members of the Avengers team. But he's super good at maneuvering them, and he's had some impressive moments: He sent Proxima Midnight flying in "Infinity War" and killed a massive space monster with his sharp wings in "Endgame.". And Thor blew up several thousand tonnes of material more than Scarlet Witch did, seeing as those spiked wheels are puny compared to the dropships. His main power is his remarkable, unyielding strength. But we also know that Gamora has overpowered her in every fight they've ever had. The Phoenix Force exists outside of mortal understanding, as it is limited to a single plane of space-time. But who is the strongest Avenger and who is the weakest? Wanda was able to defeat the Illuminati's most powerful members thanks to her dark magic. Other than Thor and Odin, certain other individuals have proven capable of lifting Mjolnir in the primary continuity: So, there you have it: yes, Superman is capable of wielding Mjolnir, although he was only seen to have done so on an emergency basis and, in fact, it appears that Wonder Woman is more unconditionally worthy of the weapon than he. ), and the Mind Stone. Who Can Benefit From Diaphragmatic Breathing? No, he didn't. Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel has beenthe topic of discussion about who the strongest character in the MCU is thanks to her powers whichshe received. Captain America was in a position to kill Iron Man in "Civil War," which puts him higher on our ranking. It just consumes billions of life-forms or siphons out an entire sun if required. It was brought upon her by Thors Father and his avengers the kill shot executed by a ghost rider of the past. In other words, she is able to wield Chaos Magic. If Thanos actually cared enough about her destroying the Stone he would have done something about it. U know.. She busted gem what is planet lvl+ feat ( i think ) simulatiously pushing Thanos back and he wsa struggling with space gem. She also overpowered Loki fairly easily. He also has a cybernetic arm, now made of vibranium, which increases his strength even more. Ant-Man has mostlyappeared in comedic scenes. I don't think he. It's magical strength with magical lightning, which is hard to measure by any means known to man. Plus, he's not the brightest, and his confidence is a bit overinflated, so that has caused some problems (see: trying to attack Thanos alone in "Infinity War" and jumping in a monster's scary mouth in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2"). Hulk has traditionally been seen as the strongest Avenger physically and for good reason, though he's been subdued by both Iron Man and Thor. His abilities as Spider-Man have made him strong enough to stop Bucky Barnes' metal arm with ease, catch a moving vehicle, lift up a building that collapsed on him, and even go toe to toe with Thanos. The reason that Storm works as a member of the Fantastic 4 is that her powers compliment the other members of the group. Power scale: 7. I feel like the scene was pretty clear. What Happens If You Put Flan In The Freezer? Moon Knight/Marc Spector . Him putting up a shield does not mean the other Stones wouldn't have done anything for him, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. She wasn't even able to deal with Corvus Glaive + Midnight Proxima at the same time, Midnight was even going to kill her alone (although with a cheap shot) even Iron Man or Strange would fodderize those two, let alone Thor. Over 12 issues, Thor is defeated multiple times by the five new Phoenix hosts: Cyclops, Colossus, Emma Frost, Namor, and Magik. RELATED:One Quote From Each Member Of The Avengers That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality. Though his dissociative identity disorder can make him unpredictable, Moon Knight is undeniably powerful. Omni-Man punched holes through pretty much every foe he came into contact with. Power scale: 9.5. Bottom line, Wanda held off near full gauntlet Thanos while also gem busting while Thor got in a lucky blow with weapon specifically designed as the anti gauntlet by the gauntlets creator, Gonna sound sexist but whatever you need a dose of the truth. She has continued to demonstrate extraordinary power since Infinity War. Not only was she able to singlehandedly destroy an entire fleet of Kree ships on their way to Earth in Captain Marvel,but she was also able to destroy Thanos' ship with one hit,go head to head withthe Mad Titan himself, and take a hit from the Power Stone without a scratch. Wanda's powers are far more versatile, destructive and all around dangerous. He even admitted that he didn't understand the stone or its influence on his psyche. In total, his estimated $12.4 billion fortune outshines Bruce Waynes by $3.4 billion. She can also manipulate reality and invade the minds of her enemies, planting realistic visions and controlling their thoughts. She was granted superhuman strength, speed, and flight. He has superhuman strength, speed, durability, agility, stamina, healing, and reflexes. He has deep stores of magic drawn from harnessing energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse and can bend aspects of space and time. When Sersi makes her appearance, however, she makes it clear that her powers are an order of magnitude past Thanos when she turns his cells to primordial fire. Of course this is the Thanos without the Infinity Gauntlet in hand, yet it still gives us insight into his true power. Is Wanda the most powerful after WandaVision? Thanos only activated the space stone against Wanda. @anthp2000: Actually there is a way to know that and it's by watching the scene No that's not what it means wtf? He was recently made the new Captain America, and people have raised concerns about the fact that he's just a regularguy in a jetpack, so if he loses it, he's basically out of a fight against any superpowered being. She can definitely hold her own in a fight, especially when equipped with her own powerful inventions, but she doesn't have as many battlefield credentials as most of her fellow heroes. His thunderbolt against Hela is probably his best showings of raw power, and it's not even close. Wanda was the only hero who was able to face Thanos one-on-one while sustaining zero injuries. But Thor only gets stronger and stronger as he ages, and saying that he is still a younger Asgardian, and Odin himself said Thor was more powerful that him is insane. His main power is derived from the Mind Stone in his forehead which allows him toemit a laser beam and control his otherwide array of powers, including density manipulation. Other Masters have noted that Strange seems born for the mystic arts and, according to the Ancient One, Strange is destined to be "the best of us.". Not like the Reality Stone destroyed by Thor. She later reassembles, but it must be noted that as an indestructible being this could be considered as close to a kill shot as one might be able to land. Thor is physically stronger and much more durable, but Strange is smarter and can use tricks with magic in battle that can give him an edge. Also, busting is generally more impressive than moving. Having a vibranium-powered weapon helps too. Theres no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. It gave him an ideal physical form, making Rogers indefinitely fitter, stronger, and more durable than any other human. War Machine is a valuable Avenger because of his heart and courage of conviction. Plus, as we know from his famous catchphrase, his sheer will and determination make him an invaluable Avenger. However, at the end of the day, Scott Lang is still not that experienced, and that means that, even with a super-powered suit, he doesn't match up with most of the Avengers. Power scale: 1. Thor is so powerful that filmmakers are constantly looking for ways to handicap him. Abilities: Sam Wilson doesn't have any powers. @anthp2000: Thanos was only using 1 Stone and that was the Space Stone. No incarnation of this character, however, has a chance of matching the power of Wonder Woman. Roger Red Norvell (Actually a deliberate ruse by Odin), Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thors great-grandfather), 12 The Flash Has The Speed Force On His Side. Over the course of the MCU, Tony's suits have become so advanced that he's basically got an answer for any situation. He helped protect people in "Endgame," so that was helpful, but we haven't seen him go up against a major villain one-on-one. SB by logic should have Continent lvl durability because enrgy of Neutron Star can melt it. But Thor is nothing if not persistent. But that began to shift in "Endgame." RELATED: Thor: 10 Marvel Cosmic Weapons More Powerful Than Mjolnir. Scarlet Witch has always been the Avenger with the most untapped potential. Bro, she almost killed him before he called down his attack. Bottom line is that she destroyed an Infinity Stone while holding off Thanos coming at her from like 20 ft. away, and he still couldn't reach her. So any spiked wheels not deployed yet, would have been destroyed by Thor as he blew the dropships. However, his actions, such as transforming a car into insect, or a tower into a liquid, seem like magic to most mortals. Bucky is very likely to win the majority of the fights he gets involved in but that simply wouldn't be the case if he took on some of the stronger members of the Avengers, putting him towards the bottom. @amonfire1776: in terms of raw power, Scarlett is probably more powerful. The One-Above-All is Marvel's tribute to Stan Lee, like The Fulcrum is allegedly meant to be Jack Kirby. Watch the knowhere scene ffs. Abilities: Doctor Strange is a Master of the Mystic Arts, a sorcerer sworn to defend the fabric of reality. Wanda holding off Thanos is very impressive but so is Thor hurling Stormbreaker hard enough to pierce through a beam generated by 6 infinity stones and still deal an almost killing blow to the Mad Titan. Scarlet Witch's Chaos Magic is a joke in front of the Phoenix Force, given that the latter could effortlessly absorb it, reshape it and send it back to Wanda. Like her sibling Oblivion, Death is a fundamental force as old as the Marvel universe itself. 15 SPIDER-MAN. There is no reason that War Machine can't eclipse Iron Man in pure power as the MCU moves on. Abilities: Scott Lang doesn't have any powers. Yes, I'm dead serious. A small shield is generally less impressive than large blast. He was previously considered to be the most powerful character after his introduction, with Scarlet Witch, Corvus Glave, and Thanos being the only characters to overpower him on-screen. But it's clear that Vision never tapped into the stone's true power possibly because he knew what kind of destruction and horror that could cause. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad07727023e5944517b45911a7f09545" );document.getElementById("c08a1a06c7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. But from what we saw in the Infinity Saga, she does her best work off the battlefield, where she designs and builds weapons, armor, and shields for others. If it makes you feel any better, in some animals females are the superiors but only in evil animals like hyenas and spiders, @sonofmarx: Wanda held off a space gem thanos, He had the full gauntlet but didnt use it, And he only used the space gem as a shield, Thor is the only one to damage thanos significantly. She didn't need training or time to learn how to harness her abilities, as many heroes have. He was nearly crushed by an enemy ship at the end of "Endgame" and survived only because of Tony's snap. RELATED:10 Unmistakable Captain America Traits In The MCU Films. The fact that he's on a much different level than the rest of the team is actually one of the best parts of the character and grounds him, especially since it's clear he has a lot more to lose than them. He literally never gives up. Abilities: Nebula was trained and "perfected" by Thanos, meaning she's a highly skilled half-machine assassin. Quick Links Cosmic Beings More Powerful Than Scarlet Witch Cosmic Beings Less Powerful Than Scarlet Witch Captain Marvel: Who Would Win And Why? Wanda has the power to be miles above Thor. We've seen Ant-Man at his most powerful when he uses his ability to grow. We've seen Bucky hold his own against (or even defeat) Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther. DuringThe Falcon and the Winter Soldier, he also showed an ability to more than hold his own in a fight against people who took the super-soldier serum. While the characters that are on the weaker side can sometimes be overlooked by fans, they have shown that theyare just as capable as the others, even if they may not be as powerful. Indeed, in her titular film, we saw Captain Marvel punch through an entire spaceship with complete ease mere moments after realizing her true power. Either way, no I don't think that's as good of a feat as Wanda's. Ikaris can here be seen himself putting himself on the same playing field as Thor, stating: both you and even the forgotten one may be stronger than I, Thor but if so, it is the variance between two mighty mastadons In the heat of battle Ikaris is likely speaking with hyperbole, bravado, and self aggrandizement, and even still he grants Thor that he has the upper hand in strength. Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch Scarlet Witch in the MCU If there is anyone who is capable of defeating Kang, it is Scarlet Witch. I'm not arguing about Thor and that doesn't help your argument anyway. In terms of raw power, Wanda is far above Thor. He built the first Iron Man suit while held captive by a terrorist group in a cave in Afghanistan. Fewer still are worthy to wield his mystical hammer Mjolnir. RELATED:Black Widow's 10 Best Friends In The MCU. We know he can take down scores of people. In the comic books, Hulk seems to be the most powerful of them all. That brain is what really helps put Tony above the rest of his fellow humans as it helped him create his incredible suit of armor. Well Wanda is not Stronger then Thor and Dr Strange, She is just a human who got the powers from mind stone where as Thor is a GOD and . Scientists exposed them to the Scepter, which housed the Mind Stone, and they emerged with otherworldly powers. Anyone would want Okoye on their side for a fight. RELATED: 10 Things Scarlet Witch Does Better Than Doctor Strange. She can hold her own against thugs like the Tracksuit Mafia and she somehow survived a fight with Wilson Fisk. Abilities: Shuri, the Princess of Wakanda, doesn't have any powers that we know of. Despite that, there's a clear reason why Iron Man is one of the leaders of the team. I was discussing with my parents who is the strongest. SimonShepherd 4 yr. ago She has telekinetic powers, which allows her to mentally move, levitate and manipulate objects. , 14 Superboy-Prime Does It Through Sheer Rage. We rated the strength of each Avenger on a scale of 1 to 10, using evidence from the 23 movies. She doesn't have any powers, but according to Nakia, she's the best warrior in Wakanda and Wakanda has a lot of warriors. These new depictions of the heroes have changed up who the strongest Avengers are as well as who the weakest members of the team are. While Hope showcases some impressive battle instincts in "Ant-Man and the Wasp," we simply don't have enough evidence of her abilities to give her any extra points. Abilities: Wanda Maximoff and her brother were the voluntary subjects of Hydra experiments. The Eternals. Wanda held off Thanos with one hand in "Infinity War" while simultaneously murdering her superhero boyfriend and Thanos had already collected five stones by that time. Abilities: Drax has superhuman strength, durability, agility, and regenerative powers. Stormbreaker >> IG blast >> Space Stone blast >= Wanda. He continues his barrage against Wanda until her energy is all but drained. Power scale: 1. He gained a major boost in power followingthe events of Thor: Ragnarok after losing Mjolnir and learning that his hammer wasn't the source of his strength. In "Civil War," Spider-Man's first real fight, he handily defeated both Falcon and Winter Soldier. It's not as if anyone off the street could operate the War Machine suit, but without Tony's help, Rhodey can't improve his technology or evolve as a superhero. As Rocket told her, "anyone who's anyone knows who you are.". While Wanda is powerful, shes not immune to hits from the likes of Superman. But as the God of Thunder, he can also summon and harness pure lightning. I don't think he used full power overally against SB because then glove would be fried. In "Ragnarok," they destroyed his hammer. 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