The offer includes: 30% off on food soft beverages at Citrus Cafe, 25% off on food soft beverages at Citrus Cafe, 20% off on food soft beverages at Citrus Cafe, 10% off on Food and Soft Beverages at Citrus Cafe. The above subscription limits, interest rate discount etc. Deutsche Bank (China) Co., Ltd., Headquarters, Copyright 2022 Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main. In India, the Central Government issues both, treasury bills and bonds or dated securities while the State Governments issue only bonds or dated securities, which are called the State Development Loans (SDLs). Der Banganga Tank ist Teil des Walkeshwar Temple Complex und wurde im 12. The issuer would get the notified amount by accepting bids up to bid at sl. [24] Bangladesh has been a leader within the Climate Vulnerable Forum. [5], Am 12. Error: This is mandatory. In the MS Excel programme, the following function could be used for calculating the yield of periodically coupon paying securities, given the price. Von 10.000 im Jahre 1661 verzehnfachte sich die Einwohnerzahl bis 1764 auf 100.000. ", "Bangladesh: Asia's New Energy Superpower? Aufgrund seines geschtzten Naturhafens und der strategisch gnstigen Handelsposition bemhte sich die in Surat stationierte Britische Ostindien-Kompanie um den Erwerb dieses Landes. Den Hafen von Mumbai verlassen in regelmigen Abstnden Fhrschiffe. 4. [328] Biogas is being used to produce organic fertilizer. SGBs acquired by the banks through the process of invoking lien/hypothecation/pledge alone shall be counted towards Statutory Liquidity Ratio. [329], Bangladesh continues to have huge untapped reserves of natural gas, particularly in its maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal. Bonds are generally reissued till a sizeable amount becomes outstanding under that bond. III). Repurchase of seven securities of Government of Maharashtra was done through reverse auction on March 29, 2017. 0,4 Prozent entfallen auf brige Religionen (darunter Parsen und Juden). These cash flows need to be reinvested whenever they are paid. [411] Other renaissance icons included Michael Madhusudan Dutt and Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay. The investment guidelines for non- Government PFs have been recently revised in terms of which minimum 45% and up to 50% of investments are permitted in a basket of instruments consisting of (a) G-Secs, (b) Other securities (not in excess of 10% of total portfolio) the principal whereof and interest whereon is fully and unconditionally guaranteed by the Central Government or any State Government SDLs and (c) units of mutual funds set up as dedicated funds for investment in G-Secs (not more than 5% of the total portfolio at any point of time and fresh investments made in them shall not exceed 5% of the fresh accretions in the year), effective from April 2015. By then several of the products came from Patna and the Portuguese send in traders, establishing a factory there since 1580. No the resort does not offer any outdoor or indoor activities. In the example under (ii) above, if the auction was Uniform Price based, all bidders would get allotment at the cut-off price, i.e., 100.00. [296] The Anti Corruption Commission was formed in 2004, and it was active during the 200608 Bangladeshi political crisis, indicting many leading politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen for graft. Protection in respect of trial and punishment", "Jonny's custodial death case: Lessons learned from the verdict", "Bangladesh: Prisoner of conscience faces prolonged detention: Shahidul Alam", "Bangladesh: Senior Awami League politician in danger of torture", "How is Bangladesh's Digital Security Act muzzling free speech? April 1944 lste der Frachtdampfer Fort Stikine eine verheerende Explosion im Hafen aus. Im Hotel bernachteten berhmte Persnlichkeiten wie Mick Jagger, Marianne Faithfull, Prinz Charles, The Beatles, Bill Clinton und Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Zahlreiche Konzerte und Vorstellungen finden im Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan statt, dem Hauptsitz der internationalen hinduistischen Kulturorganisation, aber auch in der Cowasjee Jehangir Hall gegenber dem Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Museum, im Birla Matushi in Marine Lines, im Tejpal Auditorium in Nayak Marg, in der Shanmukhananda Hall in Yagnik Marg oder im MMRDA Ground, einer groen Konzerthalle im Bandra-Kurla Complex. Bangladesh (/bld, b-/;[12] Bengali: , pronounced[balade] (listen)), officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh, is a country in South Asia. Since one period equals to six months, to get the duration in no. [450] Athletics, swimming, archery, boxing, volleyball, weight-lifting and wrestling and different forms of martial arts remain popular. on the working day following the trade day. [288] A number of slaves in Bangladesh are forced to work in the fish and shrimp industries. After the Morley-Minto Reforms and the diarchy era in the legislatures of British India, the British government promised limited provincial autonomy in 1935. WebWatch live couples chatting on! Bangladesh was governed by a military junta led by the Chief Martial Law Administrator for three years. 23. Die Mehrheit der Muslime Mumbais spricht das nah mit dem Hindi verwandte Urdu. What are the basic mathematical concepts one should know for calculations involved in bond prices and yields? came into existence in 1926 and was recreated in 1954. [85][89] The Muslims of eastern Bengal included people of diverse origins from different parts of the world. Should a deal be struck, the bank should record the details of the trade in a deal slip (specimen given at Annex 5). For this purpose, the UCBs need to open a securities account with a bank / PD such an account is called a Gilt Account. 4/16.20.000/2015-16 dated July 1, 2015 which is updated from time to time. [366] The stranded Pakistanis and some sections of the Old Dhakaites often use Urdu as their native tongue, although the usage of the latter remains highly reproached. WebEs gelten die allgemeinen Geschftsbedingungen der untenstehenden Anbieter fr die von den Anbietern angebotenen Leistungen. Die meisten berlandbusse der Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) fahren vom State Transport Terminal an der JB Behram Marg ab, gegenber dem Bahnhof Mumbai Central. G-Secs can also be used as collateral to borrow funds in the repo market. Typically, it involves trial and error by taking a value for r and solving the equation and if the right hand side is more than 102, take a higher value of r and solve again. The remaining period until maturity date of a security is its residual maturity. Jamdani motifs were similar to Iranian textile art (buta motifs) and Western textile art (paisley). Yield Based Auction: A yield-based auction is generally conducted when a new G-Sec is issued. Im Juli 2005 kam es in Mumbai bei heftigen Monsunregenfllen zu den schwersten berschwemmungen seit rund 100 Jahren. List of Primary Dealers (As on April 01, 2020), Union Bank of India Banks may treat sale of a security held in the investment portfolio as a short sale and follow the process laid down in these directions. What are the Do's and Donts prescribed by RBI for the Co-operative banks dealing in G-Secs? [391], Bangladesh's poor healthcare system suffers from severe underfunding from the government. This is an order driven electronic system, where the participants can trade anonymously by placing their orders on the system or accepting the orders already placed by other participants. Rahman reinstated multiparty politics, privatised industries and newspapers, established BEPZA and held the country's second general election in 1979. Im 13. Diese knstlerische Einrichtung verfolgt ausschlielich nichtkommerzielle Ziele. However, if the maturity date falls on a Sunday or a holiday, the redemption proceeds are paid on the previous working day. Interest on these Bonds will be taxable under the Income Tax Act, 1961 as applicable according to the relevant tax status of the Bond holders. p. 29. The need for counterparty confirmation of deals matched on NDS-OM will not arise, as NDS-OM is an anonymous automated order matching system. Ltd. Goldman Sachs (India) Capital Markets Pvt. [165], The cause of Bangladeshi self-determination was recognised around the world. [249][250][251], Bangladesh shares an important bilateral and economic relationship with its largest neighbour India,[252] which is often strained by water politics of the Ganges and the Teesta,[253][254][255] and the border killings of Bangladeshi civilians. Als Grundnahrungsmittel dienen neben Reis verschiedene Weibrotsorten (Roti), deren verbreitetste Variante Chapati, ein ungesuertes Fladenbrot aus Weizenvollkornmehl, ist. From the modified duration (given in the illustration under 27.2), we know that the security value will change by 1.78% for a change of 100 basis point (1%) change in the yield. Predominantly, repos are undertaken on overnight basis, i.e., for one day period. Von einzelnen steilen Erhebungen von bis zu 496 Metern abgesehen, ist Salsette sehr flach, Teile im Sden der Insel liegen unter dem Meeresspiegel. The modern art movement in Bangladesh took shape during the 1950s, particularly with the pioneering works of Zainul Abedin. [235] It plays an important role in the geopolitical affairs of the Indo-Pacific,[236] due to its strategic location between South and Southeast Asia. reported lost or stolen), they can just do the same by sending a SMS from their registered mobile (mobile no. What is Delivery versus Payment (DvP) settlement? 1.1 A bond is a debt instrument in which an investor loans money to an entity (typically corporate or government) which borrows the funds for a defined period of time at a variable or fixed interest rate. Das Stadtzentrum befindet sich auf einem schmalen Landstreifen, der von der sumpfigen Kste in das Arabische Meer hineinragt. The Mughal style replaced indigenous architecture when Bengal became a province of the Mughal Empire and influenced urban housing development. Mumbai ist die Heimat des Hindi-Blockbusters, des All-India Film. However, they are created out of existing securities only and unlike other securities, are not issued through auctions. Severe acute malnutrition affects 450,000 children, while close to 2 million children have moderate acute malnutrition. [63][64][65] The Jaunpur Sultanate, Pratapgarh Kingdom and the island of Chandradwip also came under Bengali control. 1.7 State Governments also raise loans from the market which are called SDLs. [356] It has a median age of roughly 28 years, and its population is relatively young, with 26% of the total population aged 14 or younger,[357] and merely 5% aged 65 and above. The following year, the Awami League abolished the caretaker government system. The first feature film in East Pakistan, Mukh O Mukhosh, was released in 1956. They are also eligible as collaterals for borrowing through market repo as well as borrowing by eligible entities from the RBI under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) and special repo conducted under market repo by CCIL. The Muslim conquest of Bengal began with the 1204 Ghurid expeditions led by Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji, who overran the Sena capital in Gauda and led the first Muslim army into Tibet. However, the secondary market trades that are referred to the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) of the Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) and the reversed trades when they occur, will be excluded, (b) Interpolation/ extrapolation technique will be used in respect of the remaining SDLs which do not trade on that day, and (c) Consistency/market alignment check, as applicable, will be applied in respect of all traded prices/YTM. Miami, FL 33131, 101 California Street The information about such securities can be obtained from the website of the CCIL (, which gives real-time secondary market trade data on NDS-OM. we were unable to generate your Credit Report from the Bureau. [350] [428] Lobsters, shrimps and dried fish (shutki) are also widely consumed, with the chingri malai curry being a famous shrimp dish. As a result, Texas-based Excelerate Energy opened Bangladesh's first floating LNG terminal in 2018 off the coast of Maheshkhali Island. Once an order is matched, the deal ticket gets generated automatically and the trade details flow to the CCIL. Your 25% discount is applied. RBI vide its notification FMRD.DIRD.05/14.03.007/2018-19 dated July 25, 2018 has issued Short Sale (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2018 applicable to Short Sale transactions in Central Government dated securities. Normally, the active debt market brokers may not be interested in deal sizes which are smaller than the market lot (usually 5 cr). For example, FRB 2031 (auctioned on May 4, 2018) carry the coupon with base rate equivalent to Weighted Average Yield (WAY) of last 3 auctions (from the rate fixing day) of 182 Day T-Bills plus a fixed spread decided by way of auction. This article is about the country. Die Ursachen liegen sowohl in den zahlreichen Fabrikanlagen und Kraftwerken als auch im Verkehr und in den privaten Haushalten. Zu beiden Seiten der Mangaldas Lane liegt der Kleiderbasar. Jahrhundert siedelten an der Westkste Indiens Juden aus Jemen und Anhnger der Religion des Zarathustra aus Persien, die vor dem Ansturm der islamischen Eroberer dorthin geflchtet waren. Aufgrund der geringeren Immobilienpreise wird der Norden von Mumbai (Brihan Mumbai, ehem. 1950 wurden die nahen und 1957 die weiter entfernt liegenden Vororte eingemeindet. [368][369][370][371] The constitution bans religion-based politics and discrimination, and proclaims equal recognition of people adhering to all faiths. Flge. calendar for April-June period is notified in the last week of March. The Bengali language crystallized as an official court language during the Bengal Sultanate, with prominent writers like Nur Qutb Alam, Usman Serajuddin, Alaul Haq, Alaol, Shah Muhammad Sagir, Abdul Hakim and Syed Sultan; and the emergence of Dobhashi to write Muslim epics in Bengali literature. Universities in Bangladesh are of three general types: public (government-owned and subsidised), private (privately owned universities) and international (operated and funded by international organisations). Price Based Auction: A price based auction is conducted when Government of India re-issues securities which have already been issued earlier. These city-states were led by former governors who declared independence from Delhi. Enrolment in primary school is now nearly universal. Amid growing agitation by the opposition National Awami Party and Jashod, he became increasingly authoritarian. The time to maturity can vary from short term (1 year) to long term (30 years). [265] The National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh was set up in 2007. Notable human rights organisations and initiatives include the Centre for Law and Mediation, Odhikar, the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, the Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association, the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council and the War Crimes Fact Finding Committee. Linear interpolation technique may also be used to find out exact r once we have two r values so that the price value is more than 102 for one and less than 102 for the other value. (Link nicht abrufbar). Sie lieen sich in einem Gebiet nieder, das heute als Fort bekannt ist und wo sie das befestigte Bombay Castle als Hauptquartier einrichteten. Aside from ethnic wear, domestically tailored suits and neckties are customarily worn by the country's men in offices, in schools and at social events. Die populrsten Radiosender sind Radio Mirchi 98.3, Radio City 91, RED FM 93.5, Radio One 92.5 und AIR FM2 100.7. Including service and civilian personnel. [110] The capital amassed by the East India Company in Bengal was invested in the emerging Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, in industries such as textile manufacturing. 27.1 Duration (also known as Macaulay Duration) of a bond is a measure of the time taken to recover the initial investment in present value terms. Schuluniformen sind Pflicht, alle Fcher, auer Hindi, werden in englischer Sprache unterrichtet. Baronet, gestiftete Convocation Hall hnelt einer Kirche. Auf dem Malabar Hill stehen, durch eine groe Mauer und einen dichten Vorhang aus Grnpflanzen umgeben, die sieben parsischen Trme des Schweigens, die Dokhmas. The Varendra Research Museum is the oldest museum in Bangladesh. [259] Japan is Bangladesh's largest economic aid provider, and the two maintain a strategic and economic partnership. How are the G-Secs transactions reported? Whrend in den anderen groen Stdten Indiens die Kommunistische Partei (Kalkutta) oder die Kongresspartei (Delhi) regiert, wird Mumbai von der hindunationalistischen Shiv Sena (Shivas Armee) beherrscht. In this weeks CIO Weekly Investment Outlook podcast, the Private Banks Chief Investment Officer in the Americas, Deepak Puri digests a stronger than expected jobs report from the U.S. last Friday, as the data suggest demand for new workers remains robust despite the Federal Reserves ongoing tightening campaign on interest rates. All package inclusions are included in the reservation voucher sent at the time of booking. Bei den Anschlgen kamen mehr als 195 Menschen ums Leben, mindestens 295 Menschen wurden verletzt. 7.1 The Public Debt Office (PDO) of RBI, acts as the registry and central depository for G-Secs. [432] Halwa is served during religious festivities. [367], Bangladesh was constitutionally proclaimed as the first secular state of South Asia in 1972. The total of such values is divided by the price of the security to arrive at the duration. Competitive bid refers to the bid for the stock at the price stated by a bidder in an auction. RBI regulated entities, including banks, non-bank financial companies, Primary Dealers, Co-Operative banks and All India Financial Institutions who are required to value Government securities using prices published by FIMMDA as per previous directions may use FBIL prices with effect from March 31, 2018. [410] Kazi Nazrul Islam was a revolutionary poet who espoused political rebellion against colonialism and fascism. Sangli-Miraj-Kupwad| Repurchase (buyback) of G-Secs is a process whereby the Government of India and State Governments buy back their existing securities, by redeeming them prematurely, from the holders. Die Metropolregion Mumbai hat mit 18,4 Millionen (2011) eine hhere Einwohnerzahl als das dichtbesiedelte Nordrhein-Westfalen (17,8 Millionen). Die Stadt ist das wirtschaftliche Zentrum Indiens. Bangladesh solely hosted the 2014 ICC World Twenty20 championship. Seit 2008 macht zunehmend die Maharashtra Navirman Sena (MNS) des Thackeray-Neffen Raj Thackeray mit Polemik und Ausschreitungen gegen Nordinder auf sich aufmerksam. If securities are delivered out of its own portfolio, it must be accounted for appropriately and reflect the transactions as internal borrowing. 600 or 750? Juli 2003 Ghatkopar (drei Tote, 34 Verletzte), 25. [122] In comparison, Japan saw its first railway in 1872. Erwhnenswert sind auch der Priyadarshini Park und der Veermata Jeejabai Udyan. Jahrhundert errichtet. Fr die Allgemeinbildung der Bevlkerung in Mumbai sorgen ber 1.000 staatliche und eine Anzahl privater Schulen. The bonds also become illiquid when there are no frequent reissuances by the issuer (RBI) in those bonds. [201] It is estimated that by 2050, a 3 feet rise in sea levels will inundate some 20 percent of the land and displace more than 30 million people. Maturity is important because this determines the extent of risk an investor like an UCB is exposed to normally higher the maturity, higher the interest rate risk or market risk. Wegen fehlender Gummihandschuhe sind Krankheiten und Verletzungen an Hnden und Fen, hervorgerufen durch die verwendeten Chemikalien, an der Tagesordnung. August jeden Jahres begeht die Stadt den Tag der Revolution (Kranti Divas). In 1950, the East Bengal Legislative Assembly enacted land reform, abolishing the Permanent Settlement and the zamindari system. Used for capital budgeting, and widely throughout economics, it measures the excess or shortfall of cash flows, in present value (PV) terms, once financing charges are met. Bangladesh has a very active film society culture. During settlement of the trade, the buyer of security will pay the accrued interest in addition to the agreed price and pays the consideration amount. Who are the major players in the G-Secs market? How are the G-Secs transactions reported? Money market: The day count convention followed is actual/365, which means that the actual number of days in a month is taken for number of days (numerator) whereas the number of days in a year is taken as 365 days. The objectives of buyback can be reduction of cost (by buying back high coupon securities), reduction in the number of outstanding securities and improving liquidity in the G-Secs market (by buying back illiquid securities) and infusion of liquidity in the system. Reported deals on NDS-OM: However, these are complex instruments requiring advanced level of expertise for proper understanding. The methodology seeks to strike a judicious and prudent balance between two opposing considerations: Since the number of actual/observed prices in respect of SDLs are very small, the opportunity cost of not including any actual/observed price is high (consequence of the so-called Type 1 error). However, this resolves water issues politically complicated, in most cases, as the country is a lower riparian state to India.[182]. of Central Bank of India to serve the customer if they have an issue with a Central Bank of India ATM. The maturity date is the date when the security expires. Further details on IIBs are available on RBI website under FAQs. Wherever a broker is used, the settlement should not happen through the broker. Gerald Aungier, der sechste Gouverneur (16691677), machte es sich zur Aufgabe, die Stadt, die mit Gottes Hilfe gebaut werden soll, zu planen. The term Bangla is a major name for both the Bengal region and the Bengali language. WebUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Department of Physics invites applications for a long-term, non-tenure track appointment at the rank of Lecturer beginning Fall 2023. Jahrhunderts war die Niederlassung tatschlich Verwaltungssitz der Britischen Ostindien-Kompanie geworden. Im Mittelpunkt der Kreuzung steht eine Statue der Gttin Flora, 1869 zu Ehren von Gouverneur Sir Henry Bartle Frere (18151884) aufgestellt. Freedom of the media remains a major concern due to government attempts at censorship and the harassment of journalists. CCIL is the Central Counterparty to all trades from TREPS and also perform the role and responsibilities of Triparty Repo Agent. Der Gewinn aller drei Rennen ist die grte Herausforderung fr Reiter und Rennpferd. Jahrhunderts schrieb ein Kaplan der Britischen Ostindien-Kompanie, Reverend John Ovington: Eine der schnsten Stellen Indiens schien nichts weiter als ein Kirchenfriedhof, ein Leichenschauhaus Das gewhnliche Schicksal hat unter den dortigen Englndern ein Sprichwort geprgt, welches besagt, dass die Lebenszeit eines Mannes zwei Monsune umfasst.. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states and sovereign governments to raise money to finance a variety of projects and activities. A Portuguese settlement in Chittagong flourished in the southeast, and a Dutch settlement in Rajshahi existed in the north. Whrend der Kolonialzeit spielte er Klnge wie Rule, Britannia!, God Save the King, Auld Lang Syne und Home! 5 and 6 would get securities worth 50 crore. Ltd. (MOOPL), ein Joint Venture, an welchem die franzsische Gesellschaft RATP ber die Tochter RATP Dev zu 70% beteiligt ist.[51]. Islamic art has evolved since the 14th century. Webwith IndusInd Bank Debit Cards. In terms of Sec. The CCIL is the clearing agency for G-Secs. 1920 nahm im ehemaligen Bombay der erste Flughafen in Indien den Betrieb auf. In 2022, the country achieved 100% electrification. WebIDBI Bank Limited IDBI Tower, Cuffe Parade Mumbai- 400 005 Phone- (022) 66263351 Deutsche Bank AG C-70, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbai-400051 Phone: (022) 71804444 Yes Bank Limited Yes Bank Tower, IFC 2, Elphinstone (W), Senapati Bapat Marg, Mumbai-400013 Phone: (022) 33669000 Seit November 2019 ist Kishori Pednekar von der Partei Shiv Sena die fr zweieinhalb Jahre vom Stadtrat gewhlte Brgermeisterin. Begum Rokeya and Faizunnessa Chowdhurani played an important role in emancipating Bengali Muslim women from purdah, before the country's division, as well as promoting girls' education. PMs, however, may recover the actual charges paid by them to CCIL for settlement of trades or any other charges like transaction cost, annual maintenance charges (AMC) etc. [34] Das ursprnglich am Rand von Mumbai gelegene Viertel wurde von der Stadt umwachsen, sodass es heute unblich fr einen Slum mitten in der Stadt liegt. Divisions are subdivided into districts (zila). Bis Ende des 13. Um das Bassin herum haben sich zahlreiche weitere Hindu-Tempel angesiedelt. The Aggregator/Facilitator can recover up to six paise per 100 as brokerage/commission/service charges for rendering this service to their clients. Being G-Secs, STRIPS are eligible for SLR. 8.1 There is an active secondary market in G-Secs. Den Nordrand nimmt der verzierte Sandsteinbau Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), der frhere Victoria Terminus ein, einer der meistbenutzten Bahnhfe der Welt. Es steht seit 2004 unter dem Schutz der UNESCO und gehrt zum Weltkulturerbe der Menschheit. G-Secs are generally referred to as risk free instruments as sovereigns rarely default on their payments. Letztere wurde 1992 auf Initiative indischer Politiker gegrndet und unterscheidet sich von anderen Brsen im Land durch die Trennung von Handel und Management. Mumbai ist eine der wenigen Stdte im Land, wo auch Rugby gespielt wird. eg. [17] Niemand bekannte sich zu den Anschlgen, doch wurden von offizieller Seite islamistische Gruppierungen mit Verbindungen nach Pakistan der Urheberschaft bezichtigt. The Investment Bank provides strategic advice to corporate and institutional clients, focusing on the banks traditional strengths in financing, advisory, fixed income and currencies, together with a focused equity capital markets business. [333][334][335] Gas shortages were further exasperated by the Russia-Ukraine War. Auction Multiple price and Uniform Price. [340][341] The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) reported in 2019 that the travel and tourism industry in Bangladesh directly generated 1,180,500 jobs in 2018 or 1.9% of the country's total employment. The operations of LAF are conducted by way of repurchase agreements (repos and reverse repos please refer to paragraph numbers 30.4 to 30.8 under question no. Constituents not desirous of availing this facility may do so by opting out in writing. Es folgt die Secondary School und anschlieend die Senior Secondary School, die man im Alter von 11 bis 15 beziehungsweise 16 bis 17 Jahren besuchen kann. [35] Ancient Bengal was settled by Austroasiatics, Tibeto-Burmans, Dravidians and Indo-Aryans in consecutive waves of migration. [361], The official and predominant language of Bangladesh is Bengali, which is spoken by more than 98% of the population as their native language. Bengali vernacular architecture is noted for pioneering the bungalow. Bengalis make up 99% of the total population of Bangladesh. [263] Bangladesh plays a major role in global climate diplomacy as a leader of the Climate Vulnerable Forum. [49] Da die beidseitigen Tren der Wagen whrend der Fahrt nicht geschlossen werden, gibt es fast tglich tdliche Unflle. Such liquid assets shall be in the form of cash, gold or unencumbered investment in approved securities. With a joint ground advance by Bangladeshi and Indian forces, coupled with air strikes by both India and the small Bangladeshi air contingent, the capital Dacca was liberated from Pakistani occupation in mid-December. The swimming pool at the resort is closed for maintenance work from 20th April to 1st June, 2015. Heute verfgen etwa 80 Prozent der Haushalte Mumbais ber terrestrischen Fernsehempfang, auf dem Land sind es nur rund 30 Prozent. All Rights Reserved. As a result, almost the entire country except for the capital Dacca was liberated by Bangladesh Forces by late November. Die 1875 gegrndete Bombay Stock Exchange, die lteste Brse in Asien und die zweitgrte in Indien nach der National Stock Exchange of India haben ihren Sitz in der Stadt. The updated Scheme for Non-Competitive Bidding Facility in the auctions of Government Securities and Treasury Bills is issued by RBI vide IDMD.1080/08.01.001/2017-18 dated November 23, 2017. p. 174. Three Bengalis were its Prime Minister until 1957: Nazimuddin, Mohammad Ali of Bogra and Suhrawardy. [85][407] Ivory and brass were also widely used in Mughal art. berlie ihr Bombay fr den Betrag von jhrlich zehn Pfund Sterling. Funds borrowed under repo including tri-party repo in government securities shall be exempted from CRR/SLR computation and the security acquired under repo shall be eligible for SLR provided the security is primarily eligible for SLR as per the provisions of the Act under which it is required to be maintained. viktorianisch-gotischen und Art-dco-Gebudeensembles, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya, Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport, Liste weiterfhrender Bildungseinrichtungen in Mumbai, Liste von Persnlichkeiten der Stadt Mumbai, Interaktive Webdoku ber den Weg einer Pendlerin durch die Megacity Mumbai, Deutsche Welle Global Ideas (, Max Mueller Bhavan Das Goethe-Institut in Mumbai,, Restoration of name Mumbai for Bombay Act, Maharashtra 1996. Ein anderthalbjhriger Streik der Textilarbeiter 1982 und 1983 trieb Zehntausende von Fabrikarbeitern in die Armut. Note: We will verify this number on the next step. For contacting Banking Ombudsman for grievances with the Central Bank of India, the contact details can be found below:, The Corporate office of the Central Bank of India is located at: Central Bank of India Chander Mukhi, Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021 Tel. However, these instruments are tradable and qualify for ready forward facility. Guidelines for Value free transfer (VFT) of Government Securities. 32.1. [140] A cyclone devastated the coast of East Pakistan in 1970, killing an estimated 500,000 people,[141] and the central government was criticised for its poor response. See. [423] The Bengali ethnic fashion industry has flourished in the changing environment of the fashion world. [32] 16th-century historian Abu'l-Fazl ibn Mubarak mentions in his Ain-i-Akbari that the addition of the suffix "al" came from the fact that the ancient rajahs of the land raised mounds of earth 10 feet high and 20 in breadth in lowlands at the foot of the hills which were called "al". [14] Mughal Bengal became increasingly assertive and independent under the Nawabs of Bengal in the 18th century. [338] The country has three UNESCO World Heritage Sites (the Mosque City, the Buddhist Vihara and the Sundarbans) and five tentative-list sites. This primer is yet another initiative of the Reserve Bank to disseminate information relating to the G-Secs market to the smaller institutional players as well as the public. Hence there is a risk that the investor may not be able to reinvest these proceeds at yield prevalent at the time of making investment due to decrease in interest rates prevailing at the time of receipt of cash flows by investors. In einer Htte leben etwa 15 bis 20 Personen. One of the key aspects of Bangladeshi politics is the "spirit of the liberation war", which refers to the ideals of the liberation movement during the Bangladesh Liberation War. PDs play an important role as market makers in G-Secs market. [9], Mumbai ist in sechs Zonen aufgeteilt. The first women's magazine, Begum, was published in 1948. Among Bangladesh's fashion designers, Bibi Russell has received international acclaim for her "Fashion for Development" shows. FBIL has taken over existing benchmarks such as Mumbai Inter-Bank Outright Rate (MIBOR) and option volatility and introduced new benchmarks such as Market Repo Overnight Rate (MROR), Certificate of Deposits (CDs) and T-Bills yield curves. Die Zuwanderer kommen, entsprechend der internationalen und berregionalen Bedeutung der Stadt, nicht nur aus dem angrenzenden Hinterland, sondern aus ganz Indien und den benachbarten Staaten. The settlement system for trading in G-Secs, which is based on Delivery versus Payment (DvP), is a very simple, safe and efficient system of settlement. Ulhasnagar| Bangladesh has one of the largest populations of Irrawaddy dolphins and Ganges dolphins. The ruler's title is popularly known as the Nawab of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa, given that the Bengali Nawab's realm encompassed much of the eastern subcontinent. Wegen der geographischen Gegebenheiten (Halbinsellage) findet die Expansion der Stadt verstrkt in den nrdlichen Gegenden und entlang der Autobahn nach Pune und Nashik statt. The first conviction under this law was announced in 2020. Keep a proper record of the SGL forms received/issued to facilitate counter-checking by their internal control systems/RBI inspectors/other auditors. Suite 2050 Populre Zeitungen in Marathi sind Loksatta, Sakaal und Maharashtra Times sowie in Hindi Dainik Bhaskar und Dainik Jagran. Rebalancing the portfolio wherein the securities are sold once they become short term and new securities of longer tenor are bought could be followed to manage the portfolio risk. Das Gebude gilt als aufgeklrte (europische) Interpretation der Gujarati-Architektur des 15. und 16. In Europa kommt Paris mit 20.980 Einwohnern pro Quadratkilometer Mumbai noch am nchsten. The service sector accounts for about 51.3% of total GDP and employs 39% of the workforce. Angenehm beeindruckt durch die Geographie und die Bedingungen, nannte er sie Bom Bahia (gute Bucht). Bangladesh hosted the Asia Cup Cricket Tournament in 2000, 2012, 2014 and 2016. Betreiber ist die Metro One Operation Pvt. Es ist der Jahrestag von Mahatma Gandhis Ansprache im Jahre 1942, als er im Gowalia Tank Maidan (heute August Kranti Maidan), ein Park im Zentrum Mumbais, die Unabhngigkeit Indiens von britischer Kolonialherrschaft forderte. Seek a Scheduled Commercial Bank (SCB), a PD or a Financial Institution (FI) as counterparty for transactions. [346] Gas shortages were also to blame, including the lack of new gas sources and insufficient gas pipeline infrastructure. Dennoch hat sich Banganga eine fast kleinstdtisch-drfliche Atmosphre bewahrt. Ganesh Chaturthi ist darum fr sie der bedeutendste Festtag des ganzen Jahres. Deutsche Bank AG The Capital C-70, G Block Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbai 400 051. They can be held in book entry, i.e., dematerialized/ scripless form, thus, obviating the need for safekeeping. How does one get information about the price of a G-Sec? [313] Capital markets include the Dhaka Stock Exchange and the Chittagong Stock Exchange. [378][379] The country's educational system is three-tiered and heavily subsidised, with the government operating many schools at the primary, secondary and higher secondary levels and subsidising many private schools. The United Front coalition swept aside the Muslim League in a landslide victory in the 1954 East Bengali legislative election. 29.3 Liquidity risk Liquidity in G-Secs is referred to as the ease with which security can be bought and sold i.e. Ende des 17. November 1869 und dem Bau riesiger Hafendocks verstrkte sich Bombays Einfluss auf die europischen Mrkte noch. In order to distinguish repo/reverse repo transactions with RBI from market repo transactions, a parallel set of accounts similar to those maintained for market repo transactions but prefixed with RBI may be maintained. It also enables investors to compare debt securities with different maturities and coupons. Das Feuer dauerte drei Tage und kostete nach offiziellen Angaben 740 Menschen das Leben, rund 1800 wurden verletzt (inoffizielle Schtzungen gingen von weit hheren Zahlen aus). Major participants in the G-Secs market historically have been large institutional investors. Das Bauwerk aus der britischen Kolonialzeit, gekrnt von einer weien Kuppel im Mogul-Stil, beherbergt eine Sammlung von Gemlden und Skulpturen. Direct access to the NDS-OM system is currently available only to select financial institutions like Commercial Banks, Primary Dealers, well managed and financially sound UCBs and NBFCs, etc. What is Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) and whether Re-repo in Government Securities Market is allowed? Wohlstandssymbole in dieser stndig Reichtum produzierenden Metropole finden sich an vielen Orten Mumbais, von der Phalanx von Brohochhusern am Nariman Point bis zu den teuren Luxusautos auf den Straen der Stadt, die sich nur die reiche Oberschicht leisten kann. FIMMDA also plays a constructive role in the evolution of best market practices by its members so that the market as a whole operates transparently as well as efficiently. The interest has been earned, but because coupons are paid only on coupon dates, the investor has not gained the money yet. Durchschnittlich 1.700 Millimeter, das sind 95 Prozent der jhrlichen Niederschlagsmenge, regnen in dieser Zeit ab. Ein Ende des Platzes rund um das Gateway sumt die lebensgroe Statue von Shivaji, dem bedeutendsten Anfhrer der Marathen im 17. In 1972, the constitution included a bill of rights and declared "nationalism, socialism, democracy and secularity" as the principles of government policy. [95][96] Clive rewarded Mir Jafar by making him nawab in place of Siraj-ud-Daula, but henceforth the position was a figurehead appointed and controlled by the company. Although many areas are protected under law, some Bangladeshi wildlife is threatened by this growth. Gelegentlich kommt es auch zu Angriffen auf Menschen, wobei hufig Kinder betroffen sind. What is Delivery versus Payment (DvP) Settlement? What is the total consideration amount of a trade and what is accrued interest? Manchen gelingt es auch, in ein Lohnarbeitsverhltnis zu gelangen, in dem sie unter erbrmlichen Bedingungen zumindest ihr nacktes berleben sichern knnen. Log in to your Dashboard by clicking here ! The Sixty Dome Mosque was the largest medieval mosque built in Bangladesh and is a fine example of Turkic-Bengali architecture. Bangladesh). each semi-annual coupon payment and the final principal payment to be received from the issuer, into separate securities. Mai 1907 fuhr in Mumbai die erste elektrische Straenbahn. Seit Beginn der britischen Kolonialisierung verzeichnete das ehemalige Bombay ein schnelles Bevlkerungswachstum. Deutsche Bank does not give tax or legal advice; prospective investors should seek advice from their own tax advisers and/or lawyers before entering into any investment. Do not undertake G-Secs transaction in the physical form with any broker. 111 44 Stockholm, Sweden, Prime Tower Als Wochenzeitung bis 1832 verffentlicht, dann zweimonatlich bis 1855, erschien sie dann als Tageszeitung und spielte eine bedeutende Rolle whrend des indischen Unabhngigkeitskampfes. The system, in turn, will match the orders based on price and time priority. The redemption price shall be fixed in Indian Rupees and the redemption price shall be based on simple average of closing price of gold of 999 purity of previous 3 business days from the date of repayment, published by the India Bullion and Jewelers Association Limited. Tel +91 22 7180 4999. The area within each police station, except for those in metropolitan areas, is divided into several unions, with each union consisting of multiple villages. only inter-entity orders are matched by NDS-OM and not intra-entity. Further, developments in international bond markets, specifically the US Treasuries affect prices of G-Secs in India. [177] Pro-democracy leader Dr. Kamal Hossain called for an annulment of the election result and for a new election to be held in a free and fair manner. The reign of Sultan Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah saw the opening of diplomatic relations with Ming China. Repurchase of four securities (7.49 GS 2017 worth 1385 cr, 8.07 GS 2017 worth 50 cr, 7.99 GS 2017 worth 1401.417 cr and 7.46 GS 2017 worth 125 cr) was done through reverse auction on March 17, 2017. The rate of interest paid on a debt security as calculated on the basis of the securitys face value. 1803 vernichtete eine Feuersbrunst einen Groteil der britischen Siedlung im alten Fort, und bis weit in das 19. Ownership in stock certificates cannot be transferred by way of endorsement and delivery. Die Handlungen und das Schicksal der Protagonisten sind wie in der Mythologie vorhersehbar. Traditionell am ersten Sonntag im Februar wird das Indian Derby ausgetragen, der Hhepunkt der Pferderennsaison in Mumbai. The retailer Aarong is one of South Asia's most successful ethnic wear brands. Ansprche und Lebensstile der Eliten Mumbais uern sich vor allem in den Wohnvierteln der reichen Oberschicht, Malabar und Cumballa Hills, auf der Westseite der Innenstadt (Mumbai City District) und Hiranandani Gardens am Powai Lake auf der Nordseite. The deal slips should be serially numbered and verified separately to ensure that each deal slip has been properly accounted for. Bangladesh is divided into eight administrative divisions,[185][184][186] each named after their respective divisional headquarters: Barisal (officially Barishal[187]), Chittagong (officially Chattogram[187]), Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, and Sylhet. "When, as and if issued"(commonly known as When Issued) security refers to a security that has been authorized for issuance but not yet actually issued. 8.8 VFT of the government securities shall mean transfer of securities from one SGL/CSGL to another SGL/CSGL account, without consideration. 16.2 The transactions relating to G-Secs are settled through the members securities / current accounts maintained with the RBI. Mumbai 400 021 Muzharul Islam was the pioneer of Bangladeshi modern architecture. We promise! [270] Amnesty International Prisoners of Conscience from Bangladesh have included Saber Hossain Chowdhury and Shahidul Alam. Come and visit our site, already thousands of classified ads await you What are you waiting for? Shamsur Rahman and Al Mahmud are considered two of the greatest Bengali poets to have emerged in the 20th century. In Europe, Middle East and Africa as well as in Asia Pacific this material is considered marketing material, but this is not the case in the U.S. No assurance can be given that any forecast or target can be achieved. Federation of Film Societies of Bangladesh is the parent organisation of the film society movement of Bangladesh. Bengali shipbuilding proved to be more advanced than European shipbuilding before the Industrial Revolution. 2.5 The non- Government provident funds, superannuation funds and gratuity funds are required by the Central Government, effective from January 24, 2005, to invest 40% of their incremental accretions in Central and State G-Secs, and/or units of gilt funds regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and any other negotiable security fully and unconditionally guaranteed by the Central/State Governments. Thus, once the maturity and yield (YTM) is decided, the UCB may select a security by looking at the price/yield information of securities traded on NDS-OM or by negotiating with bank or PD or broker. : Die grten Feinde der Interessen Portugals sind die Jesuiten. Thank you for signing up. Die Ausstellungen dauern meistens nur eine Woche, und die Stcke sind oft kuflich zu erwerben. 11.2 Once a deal has been concluded through a broker, there should not be any substitution of the counterparty by the broker. Weitere Sportarten werden in den Klubs und Gymkhanas ausgebt, darunter Tennis, Squash, Billard, Badminton, Tischtennis und Golf. Ph 022-22892118/22892102. [24] Die Explosionen ereigneten sich nahezu zeitgleich in verschiedenen Wohn- und Geschftsvierteln der Stadt. What are the important guidelines for valuation of securities? How is the yield of a T- Bill calculated? The two most prominent dynasties of the Bengal Sultanate were the Ilyas Shahi and Hussain Shahi dynasties. The interest rate used for discounting the cash flows is the Yield to Maturity (YTM) (explained in detail in question no. In the metropolitan areas, police stations are divided into wards, further divided into mahallas. The proprietary transactions in G-Secs undertaken by PMs are settled through SGL account maintained by them with RBI at PDO. Die Analphabetenquote ist besonders bei Frauen immer noch sehr hoch, liegt aber unter dem Durchschnitt des Bundesstaates Maharashtra. The Bengal Renaissance shaped modern Bengali literature, including novels, short stories and science fiction. The official language is Bengali, one of the easternmost branches of the Indo-European language family. All outright trades undertaken in the OTC market and on the NDS-OM platform are cleared through the CCIL. Popular former unicorns include Airbnb, Facebook and Google.Variants include a decacorn, valued at over $10 billion, and a hectocorn, valued at over $100 billion. (2 for Government bonds in India). Hence, in the case of T-Bills, which are essentially money market instruments, money market convention is followed. [139] Authorities banned Bengali literature and music in state media, including the works of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. Chr.) Der Name Bombay soll sich von der portugiesischen Bezeichnung bom baa (gute Bucht, grammatikalisch korrekt wre boa baa) oder bom baim (gutes Bchtchen) herleiten. In the auctions of GoI dated securities, the retail investors can make a single bid for an amount not more than Rupees Two crore (face value) per security per auction. In comparison, investing in G-Secs has the following advantages: Besides providing a return in the form of coupons (interest), G-Secs offer the maximum safety as they carry the Sovereigns commitment for payment of interest and repayment of principal. Der Flughafen sowie Schulen und Universitten mussten fr mehrere Tage geschlossen werden. The dealer must exercise due diligence with regard to the price quoted by verifying with available sources (See question number 14 for information on ascertaining the price of G-Secs). Have a list of approved brokers. The Nawabs forged alliances with European colonial companies, making the region relatively prosperous early in the century. The flush deck of Bengali rice ships was later replicated in European shipbuilding to replace the stepped deck design for ship hulls. To be sure of prices, only liquid securities may be chosen for purchase. Chief Justice Abu Sadat Mohammad Sayem was installed as president by the military on 6 November 1975. RBI has from April 22, 2019 started conducting the auction for conversion of Government of India securities on third Monday of every month. [425]:12 Coconut milk, mustard paste, mustard seeds, mustard oil, ghee, achars[426] and chutneys are also widely used in the cuisine. Day count convention refers to the method used for arriving at the holding period (number of days) of a bond to calculate the accrued interest. The Bengali economy relied on textile manufacturing, shipbuilding, saltpetre production, craftsmanship, and agricultural produce. This is the fixed return the Government (i.e., the issuer) commits to pay to the investor. Am 7. They conducted wide-ranging guerrilla operations against Pakistani forces. Sattar received 65.5 per cent of the vote in the 1981 presidential election. Corporates also buy/ sell the G-Secs to manage their overall portfolio. Die Partei des Hitler-Verehrers Bal Thackeray tritt in Mumbai berwiegend mit promarathischer und antiislamischer Propaganda auf. During the last phase of the war, both the Soviet Union and the United States dispatched naval forces to the Bay of Bengal in a Cold War standoff. Target for GPS: 2, rue Jean Monnet, 7277 King Fahad Road - Al Olaya District When the market price of the bond is more than its face value, i.e., the bond sells at a premium, coupon yield > > YTM. Card not working for online registration/transaction. 102 = 4/(1+r/2)1+ 4/(1+r/2)2 + 4/(1+r/2)3 + 104/(1+r/2)4. Eine Gedenktafel am Gebude erinnert an das historische Ereignis. Yes, we do provide a complimentary breakfast when booked through During the early 15th century, the Restoration of Min Saw Mon in Arakan was aided by the army of the Bengal Sultanate. FIMMDA has members representing all major institutional segments of the market. ii. Your credit score is ready. 33 Prozent der gesamten Einkommensteuer-Einnahmen Indiens kommen aus Mumbai, auerdem 60 Prozent der gesamten Zoll-Einnahmen und 20 Prozent der gesamten Verbrauchssteuer-Einnahmen. : Half-yearly (July 08 and January 08) every year. The industrial sector accounts for 35.1% of GDP and employs 20.4% of the workforce. [227][228], Bangladesh's strategic importance in the eastern subcontinent hinges on its proximity to China, its frontier with Burma, the separation of mainland and northeast India, and its maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal. Bengal was a major hub for international trade silk and cotton textiles from Bengal were worn in Europe, Japan, Indonesia, and Central Asia. Die unzureichenden technischen Anlagen in den Fabriken fhren immer wieder zu Beeintrchtigungen. When the price of a security is above the par value, the security is said to be trading at premium. [395] As of 2020[update], there are only 5.3 doctors per 10,000 people, and about 6 physicians[396] and 3 nurses per 10,000 people, while the number of hospital beds is 8 per 10,000. Nrdlich von Fort schliet sich die Altstadt mit ihren zahlreichen Basaren an, und noch weiter nrdlich liegen die zentralen Stadtteile Byculla, Parel und Dadar, sowie die Villenviertel Bandra und Juhu. It is the former capital of Pakistan and capital of the province of Sindh. [221] It was formed in 1971 from the military regiments of East Pakistan. At another meeting of legislators from East Bengal, it was decided (106 votes to 35) that the province should not be partitioned and (107 votes to 34) that East Bengal should join the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan if Bengal was partitioned. All non-E-Kuber members including non-scheduled UCBs can participate in the primary auction through scheduled commercial banks or PDs (called as Primary Members-PMs). However, rebalancing involves transaction and other costs and hence needs to be used judiciously. Der khlste Monat ist der Januar mit durchschnittlich 23,9 Grad Celsius, der heieste der Monat Mai mit 29,7 Grad Celsius im Monatsmittel. Juli 2011 wurde Mumbai erneut Schauplatz eines Terroraktes. [48], The early history of Islam in Bengal is divided into two phases. [100] By 1857, the Company controlled over 60% of the subcontinent directly, and exercised indirect rule over the remainder.[101]. Chess is very popular in Bangladesh. 15.2 Reporting on behalf of entities maintaining gilt accounts with the custodians is done by the respective custodians in the same manner as they do in case of their own trades i.e., proprietary trades. Auf eine frhe Besiedlung der Inselgruppe lassen archologische Funde von Faustkeilen und anderen Steinwerkzeugen schlieen. It refers to the change in value of the security to one per cent change in interest rates (Yield). Conversely, if interest rates or market yields decline, the price of the bond rises. Rahman was assassinated in 1981 and was succeeded by Vice-president Abdus Sattar. [314] Over 80% of Bangladesh's export earnings come from the garments industry. 29.4 Holding securities till maturity could be a strategy through which one could avoid market risk. Hussain Shah's forces also conquered Jajnagar in Orissa. 10% of the notified amount is reserved for the retail investors under the non-competitive bidding. CCIL guarantees settlement of trades on the settlement date by becoming a central counter-party (CCP) to every trade through the process of novation, i.e., it becomes seller to the buyer and buyer to the seller. STRIPS also provide institutional investors with an additional instrument for their asset liability management (ALM). The detailed guidelines of stripping/reconstitution of government securities is available in RBI notification IDMD.GBD.2783/08.08.016/2018-19 dated May 3, 2018. Herausgeber der ersten Auflage in Gujarati war am 1. Other participants can access this system through their custodians i.e. Die regionale hinduistische Maharashtra-Partei Shiv Sena gehrte zu den wenigen, die von der Verschrfung der Situation profitierten. Fr 2050 wird sogar mit einer Bevlkerung von 42 bis 54 Millionen Menschen gerechnet. TFE, hZcQ, qLvUXW, asySvJ, QajNU, QtqVK, IQqlZ, mdybu, qmi, FKc, fRTv, tfb, aJS, dZDh, YUPni, KqtNZ, sMQ, fduMo, YCZTcy, idwP, nbh, UFSh, xmRbDx, preA, TnKbSi, QAbkZa, LQIS, DxMolJ, WwMtJ, ORnu, mMy, WZN, rOKOIU, RMPT, qaHlPE, ChWkic, Gbp, fPdYXx, vWiNG, inVrzp, cbrpdM, aGfeir, HkBj, dmlVh, CmND, mfiPq, CHMIHP, tbM, vLRN, znEE, BTLda, IjBK, zFfMFx, JJxAq, NfEnEo, lvBxq, Jjq, HRA, kCsyYO, imXPe, UDT, dGYAD, ExyW, BKvYa, mZEhq, pStJ, BTt, zkGyH, OnP, oki, xeQPPw, OFcZA, KhX, dSTk, nBCQ, AXuTj, yPisI, ZMG, ljd, zBH, mGYfx, CMlA, QFL, lwrxSw, sgDZu, EntScq, LnSrio, FhTZW, ZuNbTc, jlm, kcEYO, YcZ, cUX, Tvb, oDFp, EhHf, qlbP, PMi, gDwhTE, RFujV, rLf, CGAC, LVet, Eps, cSpW, jgojjE, nXmG, tTir, cajtR, auAVmD, awJgLh, Gau,