Still making progress just very slowly. GA I was completely fine with. Deep, achy pain felt inside the shoulder may extend to the back and front shoulder sections if the biceps tendon is involved. How did it go? So the big question here is does shoulder labrum repair work? Your shoulder may be in a sling for up to six weeks after surgery. Did you hit it further post-surgery, the same or less far? results just came in this morning and the tl;dr version is: "Extensive labral tearing with intrasubstance tearing", specifically, "complex tearing of the posterosuperior and posterior labrum", and a bunch of other stuff. Yeah my mua was 3 months after the slap/bicep tendinosis surgery. If a shoulder surgery has resulted in stiffness or limited range of motion, stretching exercises or a second surgery to release adhesions may be helpful. There are several buttons once hit, you know you have injured your labrum. On top of what's going on in the joint itself, there are a ton ofdifferent muscles involved in stabilizing your shoulder. Good luck and hope you can get some pain relief soon. Superior labrum from anterior to posterior, reinjuring your shoulder after successful surgery. Basically they paralyze the never to your arm. Know Your Options. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use Cleveland RTX-4 mid-bounce 50* DG s400 I had my right shoulder repaired about 7 years ago. There can always be variations in the protocol depending on your particular surgery. By Proper healing takes months and you must be careful to not damage the repair. Any information would be really appreciated so I can make a decision. The location of hardware and other implants is determined. I would suggest you to consult a good rehab specialist. Why is this patient having pain years after shoulder surgery? A retore is painful and takes more time to recover. Like the knee meniscus or hip labrum, the shoulder labrum can tear, and this tear can be seen on an MRI. You can sleep the wrong way one night, and that muscle that runs up the back of your neck to attach at the base of the skull will tighten up and cause all kinds of trouble with your shoulder mobility because it's pulling so hard in one direction and locking everything up. If a rotator cuff repair has resulted in weakness or catching and popping on shoulder movement, a 'smooth and move,' or possibly, a re-repair may be considered. After about 8 weeks I was chipping a little bit and was back to playing full-out after about 12 weeks. However that all changed when one of my coworkers suggested i visit an Orthopedic Specialist..I nearly cried tears of joy when the OS finally put in the order for the MRI,because he saw how much pain I'm in..before i have had doctors dismiss the pain in my shoulder as nerve damage,which i know isnt true because i've had nerve pain before and my gut instinct tells me that i am dealing with tendon/muscle pain.I get to see the results of my MRI later on today,couldn't be happier because after 2 years,I'll finally know what's going on with my shoulder..Im thinking that Impingement Syndrome could be a good possibility..I'll keep everyone posted what the MRI results are, Good to hear something is being done for you, I'm having my MUA this Monday and I'm not nervous about the procedure I'm just nervous if my shoulder doesn't get any better! Here is an AP view and an axillary view showing a glenoid component that has completely loosened from the bone and is floating free within the joint (two white dots near the letter "G"). insufficient time and effort at rehabilitation (recognizing that shoulder joint replacement is performed on shoulders that have been 'out of action' for a long period of time with some disuse atrophy of the muscles). Took a year to get back but took another 6 months before yackin home runs again BUT full power will come back! If cement removal is necessary this can be performed with the usual cement removal tools inserted down from the canal opening at the proximal humerus or through the humeral osteotomy. If yes, then you may have retorn your shoulder. Were proud to be a team of writers who are truly passionate about all things health.Coming together from all parts of the world, we share a common goal of helping serve many with our comprehensive research and clear writing style. When a labral tear is causing a shoulder dislocation, surgery may be necessary. Extraction of a humeral prosthesis can be straightforward in the case where there is radiolucency in all 7 zones between the humeral endosteum on one hand and the prosthesis and any cement used to fix it on the other. Because several weeks of culture incubation can be required to recover this organism, clinical decisions regarding the type of revision surgery and the post-operative antibiotic treatment program must be made before the culture results are finalized. Like with any new activity, take it in steps and realize that you will not have full, unrestricted motion immediately. When a patient experiences a failure of shoulder surgery, patients should consult a surgeon experienced in the evaluation and management of these conditions. Narcote is a 50 year old textile company located in TN, USA. If you only had an mri it might not show anything. The research conducted last year lists shoulder pain as the second most common complaint after lower back pain. Suppose the ball slides out of the socket, and then it creates a dislocation. Medicine, anesthesiology, and pain service consults as necessary. 17 years later, I have a touch of impingement, but I'm old enough that stuff happens. I have a slightly limited range of motion (hard to make a bridge to play pool or snooker now), but otherwise it's fine. Radiographs include an anteroposterior view in the plane of the scapula an axillary view and a full humeral view all of high quality. The patient is anesthetized, positioned, prepped, and draped in a manner that anticipates all possible variations on the surgical plan. Thank. I wondered how many of you were better at golf / the same post-surgery AND pain free. Superior labrum from anterior to posterior tear occurs at the upper front part where the biceps tendons join the shoulder. We developed a multivariate model to predict P. acnes with 92% sensitivity and 47% specificity. Simply releasing the biceps . Are you a sports participant? The diagnosis of stiffness is made by the finding of reduced humeroscapular rotational laxity in flexion, cross body adduction, internal and external rotation with the arm at the side, and internal and external rotation with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction. In this video, Trevor shares his painful history of shoulder problems and shoulder surg. [See Figure 22], If there has been an acute injury causing the disruption, a re-repair may be indicated. Do the surgery, do the rehab, and you'll be fine. The need for cement removal is influenced by the presence or absence of infection, the requirement to change prosthesis size and position, and the extent of the cementation. Before embarking on the removal of a cemented humeral component, the difficulty and the necessity of the removal of cement needs to be anticipated. Your link has been automatically embedded. I go back to the Orthopedic doctor's office on Friday,that's when I'll find out what's causing my shoulder pain,but my instincts tell me that I have FS. Has not had another MRI, but doc basically saying "live with it" and not really encouraging one. It takes a long, long time for shoulder pain to completely resolve following a SLAP repair. My right shoulder has taken a pounding over the years. Also your BP is quite high. Some patients, whereby some report clicking or grinding shoulder when rotating the arm, report Crepitus symptoms. If the infection is acute, the organism sensitive to antibiotics, and the patient healthy, we may elect a vigorous debridement of soft tissue inflammation, a surgical scrub of the joint surfaces, and irrigation with copious volumes of antibiotic saline solution. Removable Cover With Cooling Properties to Reduce Sweating: Throw Pillows - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases . In terms of the lowest grade, you would likely feel tenderness when your shoulder is touched. [See Figures 19 20]. Started Wednesday at 05:57 PM, By My dr hasn't really suggested mua yet I think because I still am only 21/2 month out of surgery for the bicep and labrum he is afraid to pull the pins and screws or whatever is holding the bicep in it's new place! In all cases of humeral fracture we prefer to use autogenous bone graft or cancellous allograft around the fracture site. To continue with our discussion of the management of glenoid component failure we've observed that attempts to reinsert a new glenoid component are accompanied by a high failure rate due to to the loss of supporting bone (two right hand figures from See Figure 35) in contrast to the situation when the first glenoid component was inserted (two left hand figures from See Figure 35). After the release the subscapularis should have a nice bounce when traction is applied to it. I had my right shoulder repaired about 7 years ago. I think the problem is so far ranging - not bones, but muscles, tendons and nerves. There could be a new tear or retear (which can occur in 20-50% of the time depending on size of the original tear), there could be neck problems that cause shoulder pain, and there could be arthritis or biceps problems that are totally unrelated. Surgeon went in and found it was worse than he had expected so he did a biceps tenodesis. Titleist 712U 3 iron w/C-Taper X Revision shoulder surgery is rarely an emergency. They'll engage the labrum and recruit all of the surrounding muscles to help improve shoulder stability. If the glenoid component is in excessive anteversion, its intrinsic balance stability angle does not provide anterior stability due to its misalignment with the net humeral joint reaction force (determined principally by the scapular origin of the scapulohumeral muscles). Depending on your condition, recovery from labrum tear surgery can take up to six months. The risk is also increased when there has been weakening of the humeral shaft from reaming as explained in a previous post or from loosening of the humeral component. Depending on the severity of the tear, the labrum can heal with physical therapy and rest. Often these cultures are positive for organisms such as Propionibacterium acnes and Coagulase-negative Staphylococci that are less commonly recovered from revision surgery in other sites of joint replacement such as the hip or knee. Urine analysis to screen for drug alcohol and nicotine if indicated. Those prone to the injury include athletes, volleyball players, and baseball pitchers using the top shoulder for a quick snap and high-energy motions. The surgeries, such as arthroscopic surgery for glenoid labrum tears, Slap lesions of the shoulder, and of course for various degrees of rotator cuff tears and damage will sometimes lead to rapid shoulder . One of the causes of this pain is a labral tear and is treated mainly by surgery or non-surgery methods. Exposure of the origin of the long head of the triceps signals a complete release. Even after releasing scar tissue he still couldn't get my arm to move. That tore my labrum. Here are some common causes of a shoulder injury and possible reasons for reinjury. The coracoid process serves as a lighthouse for proper orientation in a scarred shoulder. [See Figure 34]. The damage is just too extensive. Do PT for a while and see if it helps. It usually takes six months to one year for full recovery in both scenarios. The Conservative method can be used when the injury is not deep. You could have several things wrong including but not limited to a SLAP tear bicep tendon tear or rotator cuff tear. I had frozen left shoulder in the 90s after spending 4 years carrying my law school books around in a backpack I carried on one shoulder (PS: don't DO that!). The procedure may be concluded when the desired range is achieved. The anesthesiologist will numb up the shoulder before surgery. The prognosis for a positive P. acnes culture was statistically significantly increased for male patients, shoulders with humeral loosening and osteolysis on preoperative x-ray, surgical findings of glenoid wear, osteolysis membrane formation and cloudy fluid, ST. PETERSBURG Rays reliever J.P. Feyereisen is expected to miss most of the upcoming season after undergoing surgery Wednesday to address discomfort in his right shoulder . There are two sets of cartilage in the shoulder joint, the articular cartilage at the end of the ball and socket that enables the bone to move and glide over each other. My tear was big (180*) but it was mostly in the front part of the labrum so your circumstances maybe quite different. The technique uses small incisions that minimize the rate of swelling and discomfort as it speeds the recovery process. Are the patients expectations reasonable? The labrum is a type of cartilage found in the shoulder joint that is more fibrous or rigid than the cartilage on the ends of the ball and socket. Published Dec. 8. Wednesday he said it will be a few months till that happens. You cannot paste images directly. Research Examples include pulling heavy loads over the shoulder level or moving the arm quickly when in the same position, falling and outstretching your arm to get balance or support. Albatross Dreamer After a successful surgery, you will undergo several protocols for a complete healing process through rehabilitation sessions. On the axillary radiograph the glenoid centerline is seen to project through the bony glenoid more anteriorly than the normal centering point. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek Relief From Shoulder Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Tears of Labrum, Bursa or Bicep. Was a softball player then. DianaCox. SIM 2 Max 9.0 turned 7.0 Second -- stretching, stretching, and more stretching. The tendon can be torn at the bone intersection or labrum in extreme cases detached on both locations. Also thought they were a lot more expensive than that!!! Particular note is made of whether the subscapularis was advanced lateral to the bicipital groove and whether thermal or laser capsular cauterization was carried out. Basically, while you're out, they wrench the shoulder through its full range of motion to break up scar tissue. High quality and appropriately oriented anteroposterior and axillary radiographs will reveal the glenohumeral relationship (including the superior/inferior and anteroposterior relationship of the center of the humeral head and the center of the glenoid), the integrity of the tuberosities, the orientation of the glenoid, and much about the type and position of the humeral component. PING Sigma 2 Valor 400 Counter-Balanced, 38". However, if additional lengthening of the subscapularis tendon is needed, an inside-out coronal plane Z-plasty is considered if there is adequate thickness of the capsule and tendon. ENTER NOW! Vokey SM7 48* F Grind Even the slightest accidents can cause shoulder pain and make you think you have torn the labrum again. Mizuno CLK Hybrid 16 degrees The capsule is released around the periphery of the glenoid 360 degrees unless there is posterior instability in which case the release is stopped at 190 degrees. Was a softball player then. I was very religious about PT and worked hard while trying to remain patient. Was good as new in six months. I've tried almost every form of non-surgical treatment to help ease the pain and nothing helps. Doctor was like, "Oh, yeah, it definitely went well -- things were crunching and crackling all over the place in there." Studies have shown it typically resolves within six months, but if it doesn't, it may require surgical intervention. If it's still bothering you come December or January, you may want to visit your physician again. Patients undergoing conservative repair expect less pain and short recovery time, unlike those in open surgery, which take a long time to recover and more pain. 5 in the left and 4 in the right. Third -- (maybe this should be first) It does suck trying to find a good sleeping position. I had no issues pre-op and no problem with the anesthesia. Now I was playing football at the time and was trying to be ready for spring practice so I was very aggressive in my rehab, and it was painful at times. My forward motion is really the only improvement I've had. You'll get there -- just don't get too discouraged, since shoulder surgery rehab can take a long time. Mizuno JPX 900 HM 5-PW (See Figure 39), Clinically, the shoulder will demonstrate diminished resistance to posterior load and shift and instability on cross body adduction. In the anteverted glenoid, the glenoid centerline projects down the scapular body or behind it. I had it done in 2002. The incision is made in a manner that provides optimal access to the mechanical problem and, if possible, incorporates or respects previous skin incisions. Move to flexibility and shoulder strengthening exercises after some time. A shoulder surgery has failed when it does not achieve the expectations of the patient and the surgeon. appropriate medical assistance immediately. Eased my worries a bit - wondered if anyone else wanted to chip it too with some input. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Pacific St. Any prominent suture, suture anchors, hardware, bone, or soft tissue is resected from the proximal humerus to assure smooth passage within the coracoacromial arch. A labrum is an attachment site with a cup-shaped rim of cartilage that lines ligaments, rotator cuff tendons and supports the ball-and-socket shoulder joints. The instrument and implant inventory are verified for possible variations on the preoperative plan, including the need to modify a prosthesis or to possibly use a special implant (e.g. If a cementless reconstruction is desired, the humerus can be reassembled using a long stem prosthesis press fit as far down the distal humerus as possible. The possible need for bone and tendon graft is also anticipated. Before undertaking the Arthroscopic surgery, the surgeon evaluates the biceps and labrum keenly. [See Figure 29], If the humeral prosthesis is loose it may be removed and replaced with a long stem prosthesis fixed with cement or bone graft and supplemented with circlage fixation again taking care to protect the radial nerve. This was 3 years ago. In addition, a reduced range of motions after surgery is a sign of a new injury. Ligaments are tethers that circle the bones and can help in keeping the ball to the socket. The fixation of the prosthesis depends on this distal segment, especially in the circumstances where a cementless reconstruction is desired, for example, after the debridement of an infected arthroplasty or because of concern regarding an adverse reaction to methylmethacrylate. Vokey SM7 58* M Grind. [See Figure 8], If the long head tendon of the biceps does not slide freely in the bicipital groove, the adhesions in the groove are released. Learn how we can help. Our goal is to seek prognostic information that would help guide necessary decision-making at the time of surgery. Dr. Centenos video below gives a demonstration of what hidden shoulder instability looks like compared to normal motion in a shoulder: So if there is hidden shoulder instability that is causing shoulder pain and a surgeon repairs a labrum tear seen on MRI, not only is the patient now potentially facing side effects, such as retears, and long recovery times, but the patient is probably still in pain as his or her shoulder instability has still not been addressed. The most common symptoms of a torn shoulder labrum are: shoulder pain, instability and, in some cases, a feeling of grinding, locking or catching while moving the shoulder. Odyssey ProType Black #9. Here are four closed-chain (hands and feet on the floor) weight-bearing exercises that help encourage proper shoulder function and stability. Recliner can be good, as long as it's wide enough so that the armrest isn't pushing your arm up into a bad position. The elbow is flexed to 90 degrees and the arm is stabilized to the thorax while the surgeon strikes the bone tamp so that a longitudinal impact is applied to the proximal prosthesis along the axis of the humeral shaft. The socket is a shallow indentation in the shoulder blade where the head (or ball) of the upper-arm bone (the humerus) inserts. We will discuss the management of the glenoid after component removal in the next section. Mine was done by a private doctor paid by the VA. Now I am using the VA totally and have an appointment on Aug 17 2021 to be reevaluated once again. Score: 4.2/5 (24 votes) . Finally, if surgery for a fracture has resulted in stiffness or non-healing of the bone, removal of scar tissue and re-fixation of the fracture may improve the result. Had my labrum, AC Joint, and bicep repaired my shoulder came out enough times to tear the bicep so that was fun. I had no problems with the GA, post-op pain was a non-issue, and did my rehab religiously. It usually takes from three to four months for the shoulder to fully heal. Lets review one study. My symptoms include: Stiff feeling in shoulder,decreased movement,trouble doing even the most simple tasks like driving,trouble with reaching overhead,this pain that is felt mainly at the front of my shoulder that radiates to where the rotator cuff is,the pain feels like a throbbing,stabbing type of sensation,and severe pain 24/7. However, it's not uncommon to have issues for up to a year. Do we have the right tools and team to carry out the surgical revision? Current laboratory values, including a CBC sedimentation rate and serum albumin. The anterior and posterior bands of the inferior glenohumeral ligament are released. Depends: There are many causes of shoulder pain, even after surgery. Dec 4, 2015. Probably not yet, but rest assured, the research will eventually catch up to all of these ineffective surgeries, especially as nonsurgical interventional orthopedic solutions begin to define the future of orthopedic care. It's my left shoulder. Is there a nonoperative approach to the problem? Only a few mph lower than I was then, but of course it is 18 years later! When 5.7 (trad) became difficult and painful I went to the Dr. I mean, MESSED up and hanging by a thread bad. Slap repair with bicep tendinosis 3. Every surgery has a risk of failure whether it is an operation for dislocation, rotator cuff tear, arthritis or fracture. Arthroscopic surgery can b. Is there evidence of infection or allergic reaction? Learn more. The procedure: diagnostic arthroscopy and extensive debidement of the articular shearing of the glenoid with debridement of the anterior inferior labial tear and debridement of partial thickness humeral surface rotator . [See Figure 28], If good fixation in the proximal fragment cannot be achieved with screws, circlage around the plate may be used, but extreme care must be used to avoid circlaging the radial nerve posteriorly and to avoid crushing the bone with excessive tightening of the wires. after 5 months of shoulder PT without a full recoveryi decided to get an MRI. Completed Simple Shoulder Test and Short Form-36 Questionnaires. Committed to coming back stronger. Previous operative notes are reviewed to discover if the joint was intentionally tightened and, if so, how this was carried out. The rest period typically lasts for several weeks. The biceps muscle is attached inside the shoulder joint through a hole in the rotator cuff, and it gets firm when bending the elbow. They put a small line in, about where your neck hits your shoulder, attached to a little pump. Reply Guest over a year ago I had rotator cuff surgery followed by popping and clicking. I have a slightly limited range of motion (hard to make a bridge to play pool or snooker now), but otherwise its fine. For our over 40 crowd, surgery is rarely needed for labral tears due to wear and tear. [emailprotected] [See Figure 21], This situation is suggested by weakness of internal rotation and an increased range of external rotation. You are to undergo physical therapy exercises to strengthen and increase motion for your shoulder. Keep up the physical therapy and i will eventuallly go away. I had -45 degrees of external rotation. I have concerns about losing distance, but my shoulder needs more stability in every day life - and it's very painful right now to use unless I constantly take meds , which I don't like using. Such a shoulder requires a careful history examination and radiographs. [See Figure 33], If the glenoid component is loose, it can be easily pried out of the glenoid bone. Apparently, I will not be able to swing fast again unless I want to risk very early shoulder replacement surgery, even after repairing it. In any case, burrs and osteotomes tend to cut the often thin and soft bone preferentially to the hard cement; thus the surgeon must be prepared for bone penetration and its possible consequences (nerve damage, additional fracture, leakage of cement). In the absence of infection and when the cement is secure to the bone, we will often opt to work within the previous cement mantle (for example using a component with a smaller diameter stem and recementing within the old cement) rather than running the risk of removing it. Just met with the doc. Exercises to improve the proprioception around your shoulder may be included in your treatment. Taken loads of pain relief an going to try some stretching in a minute, feeling a bit nervous. It really needs done. I just can't wait to finally have a diagnosis,and for the pain to finally go away.. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are Subscapularis deficiency may not be reconstructable. At the conclusion of the procedure, the shoulder is put through a full range of motion. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Its been 4 weeks since my mua. [See Figure 27]. This etiology of anterior instability is suspected when there is minimal resistance to the anterior load and shift test. Whatever is wrong,I can't wait to finally find out the cause behind my shoulder pain. As shown below, the coracoid is an important landmark when the normal anatomy of the deltopectoral interval is scarred from previous surgery through the anterior approach. An anatomy drawing of a shoulder labrum. Arthroscopy varies depending on the patient factors such as overall health, age, type of injury, and activity level. In this situation we prefer to leave the prosthesis in place and fix the fracture using a plate placed so that the screws in the proximal fragment pass through the cortical bone either anterior or posterior to the stem of the prosthesis. If you feel your labral movement after a short stretch, you may be welcoming a new shoulder injury on your recovery journey. Deformed Shoulder after Roto surgery Shoulder Replacement Surgery cracking and popping 15 years after rotator cuff surgery Shoulder pain and knocking/clinking after rotator cuff revision repair numbness going into my finger and tingling from my shoulder pain in wrist after rotator cuff surgery Pain After Shoulder Surgery problem with the . As for glenoid anteversion, correction may include re-establishing the normal glenoid centerline and then performing corrective reaming for a non-prosthetic or prosthetic glenoid arthroplasty. Physical therapy helps the patient . But it started to hurt MORE as it 'healed'. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. The 'Frozen' bit started Jan 2015. Stick with whatever stretches the PT advises, but do them over and over again all day. The glenoid component of a total shoulder may fail because of wear (as shown in Figure 31) or because of loosening with radiolucent zones seen in black on x-ray (as shown in Figure 32). This injury is more commonly known as a SLAP tear. Adams Idea Pro 2h/4h Strengthening the muscles around your shoulder blade and in your arm may also help to provide stability to your shoulder after a labrum tear. They also gave me a nerve block which was amazing. The open proximal humeral segment is then folded around the prosthesis. It normally takes 3-6 months for the atrophied muscles to return to their full activity. a long stemmed humeral implant in case of shaft fracture). SLAP is an acronym for Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior. Each grade of shoulder separation will have its own set of symptoms to look out for. separately, did you try PRP or HGH therapy during recovery? (See Figure 43). Upload or insert images from URL. A 360-degree release of the subscapularis and anterior capsule is carried out assuring that the subscapularis moves freely with respect to the coracoid, the glenoid lip, the inferior capsule, and the axillary nerve. Taylormade TP5X Ball. If not the labrum tear, then what could be causing the shoulder pain? Physical therapy helps restore the labrum to the joint, and a few stretching exercises will help align your shoulder tissues. 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