The "red stupa", or dagoba, built by King Asoka, and on which Maitribala-rj fed starving Yakshas with his blood. II.). Mtripadma (Sk.). The 12 causes of existence, or a chain of causation, "a concatenation of cause and effect in the whole range of existence through 12 links". (Eg.) Magnificent popular festivals celebrated in ancient Rome on February 15th in honour of the God Pan, during which the Luperci, the most ancient and respectable among the sacerdotal functionaries, sacrificed two goats and a dog, and two of the most illustrious youths were compelled to run about the city naked (except the loins) whipping all those whom they met. One of the seven Kumras who went to pay worship to Vishnu on the island of Swetadwipa in the allegory. Compare also the idea of the Crescent Moonsymbol of Isisas horned. The above has a very suggestive symbolical meaning, which is explained in Occultism. Says Dr. Wynn Westcott: "The earliest use of the actual term 'alchemy' is found in the works of Julius Firmicus Maternus, who lived in the days of Constantine the Great. (See "Anuki."). Across the stars, Warp Storms rage and the galaxy stands on the precipice of a new age as the 41st Millennium comes to a close. We use the term to denote the seven individual and fundamental aspects of the One Universal Reality in Kosmos and in man. He was an Hermetic philosopher and possessed the power of hypnotizing through music, making those who heard him play the lute laugh, weep, dance and do what he liked. A Vedic Deity. Personal and social (religious) obligations. The descendants of Pandu. Yama is represented as the son of Vivaswat (the Sun). Some missionaries have expressed themselves with much indignation about this ceremony, the more so, seeing that the Brahmans generally use a kind of spirituous liquor as a substitute. Reincarnation. Ram Mohum Roy (Sk.). (q.v.). [w.w.w. Tharana (Sk.). The Vedas on the date and antiquity of which no two Orientalists can agree, are claimed by the Hindus themselves, whose Brahmans and Pundits ought to know best about their own religious works, to have been first taught orally for thousands of years and then compiled on the shores of Lake Mnasa-Sarovara (phonetically, Mansarovara) beyond the Himalayas, in Tibet. The site of the Temple of Bel at Babylon. "Atzeelooth is the Great Sacred Seal by means of which all the worlds are copied which have impressed on themselves the image on the Seal; and as this Great Seal comprehends three stages, which are three zures (prototypes) of Nephesh (the Vital Spirit or Soul), Ruach (the moral and reasoning Spirit), and the Neshamah (the Highest Soul of man), so the Sealed have also received three zures, namely Breeah, Yetzeerah, and Aseeyah, and these three zures are only one in the Seal" (Myer's Qabbalah). A Buddhist school of philosophy in Tibet. As the author of Egyptian Belief has it: "It is not the vulgar, coarse and sensual story as in Greek mythology, but refined, moral and spiritual "; and again the incarnation idea was found revealed on the wall of a Theban temple by Samuel Sharpe, who thus analyzes it: "First the god Thoth . When it is said that every human soul was born by detaching itself from the Anima Mundi, it means, esoterically, that our higher Egos are of an essence identical with It, which is a radiation of the ever unknown Universal ABSOLUTE. See "Baphomet". Trilcohana (Sk.). "Asherah" (q.v.). Ezra (Heb.). "The Lesser Holy Assembly", another division of the Zohar. Varna (Sk.). A compendium of Kabbalistic Theosophy, which shares with the Sepher Yetzirah the reputation of being the oldest extant treatise on the Hebrew esoteric religious doctrines. As said in Isis Unveiled: "All the world-mountains and mundane eggs, the mundane trees, and the mundane snakes and pillars, may be shown to embody scientifically demonstrated truths of natural philosophy. The "Deluge Mountain" of the Arabic legends. The Elements or original essences, the basic differentiations upon and of which all things are built up. Rjas (Sk.). But Adah meaning the first, the one, is universal property. He is the Protean god who generates other gods, "assuming the form he likes". In other words, he can think with his soul and is thus immune to mind control effects), All previous abilities, sans Blessed (Lost it after becoming more powerful than Veldora), Improved Reactive Evolution (Rimuru evolves every day becoming stronger to the point that he completely outclasses those who were major threats to him before. The Kanjur, which contains the commandments or the "Word of the Buddha", has only 108 volumes. The title of the chief Sorcerer or "medicine man" of some tribes of Mexican Indians. At all events the Dmon (or Daimon of the great Sage was surely not the demon of the Christian Hell or of Christian orthodox theology. On such a loincloth there was also a string to hang the black dagger that was lying around my hand when I woke up. That state in which a Yogi can no longer diverge from the path of spiritual progress; when everything terrestrial, except the visible body, has ceased to exist for him. Uparati (Sk) Absence of outgoing desires; a Yoga state. The most mysterious and the least understood of gods, whose personal character is entirely distinct from all other ancient deities. An instrument, usually made of bronze but sometimes of gold or silver, of an open circular form, with a handle, and four wires passed through holes, to the end of which jingling pieces of metal were attached; its top was ornamented with a figure of Isis, or of Hathor. The six stages of Dhyan differ only in the degrees of abstraction of the personal Ego from sensuous life. The system of Orpheus is one of the purest morality and of severe asceticism. and the goddess Hathor (Nature) both take hold of the queen by the hands and put into her mouth the character for life, a cross, which is to be the life of the coming child", etc., etc. Treatises or Discourses upon Demons, or Gods in their dark aspects. Creation: the origin of the principles, said to be Intelligence born of the qualities or the attributes of nature. But Philo Judus affirms that Urim and Thummim were "the two small images of Revelation and Truth, put between the double folds of the breastplate", and passes over the latter, with its twelve stones typifying the twelve signs of the Zodiac, without explanation. Another: "I have done actions desired by men and those which are commanded by the gods". But their antiquity is sufficiently proven by the fact that they are written in such an ancient form, of Sanskrit, so different from the Sanskrit now used, that there is no other, work like them in the literature of this eldest sister of all the known languages, as Prof. Max Muller calls it. Ecbatana. Vch is "the male and female" Adam of the first chapter of Genesis, and thus called "Vch-Virj" by the sages. Rabbi Judah Haunasee codified the Mishnah about AM. The four stages are called respectively, Par, Pashyant, Madhyam and Vaikhar. Notwithstanding the strict watch kept, Devaki was overshadowed by Vishnu, the holy Spirit, and thus gave birth to that god's avatara, Krishna. However, Slaanesh is constantly growing in power due to the corrupt and dark nature that all sentient beings, but particularly the Aeldari and Humanity, try to keep hidden within their hearts, for even the mere act of thinking about such dark acts of pleasure and vice are enough to give spiritual strength to Slaanesh. But as it is a later addition by the Chinese Buddhists, it is not accepted by the Southern Church of Siam and Ceylon. With it he conquer Alwin in a "battle of words" breaks the head of the giant Hrungir, chastises Loki for his magic; destroys the whole race of giants in Thrymheim; and, as a good and benevolent god, sets up therewith landmarks, sanctifies marriage bonds, blesses law and order, and produces every good and terrific feat with its help. Svapada (Sk.). It contains a dialogue wherein Krishnathe "Charioteer "and Arjuna, his Chela, have a discussion upon the highest spiritual philosophy. She was the mother of Daksha. Od (Gr.). It was his grandsire who had been first converted to the new faith, after which he had a number of edicts inscribed on pillars and rocks, a custom followed also by his grandson. A name given to Gautama Buddha. ), or the six organs of knowledge, hence the highest of these, synthesized by the seventh called Klichta, the spiritual perception of that which defiles this (lower) Manas, or the "Human-animal Soul", as the Occultists term it. The Sacred Mysteries were enacted in the ancient Temples by the initiated Hierophants for the benefit and instruction of the candidates. the scriptures of the Hindus, from the root vid, "to know", or "divine knowledge". Teratology. The origin of this is found in the teachings of the pre historic Wisdom Religion, or Esoteric Philosophy. (See Mnu, Book II.) Chakshub (Sk.) 165, 526.). In Tibet, Samskra is called Doodyed, and in China is defined as, or at least connected with, action or Karma. Daityas (Sk.) Gandapada (Sk.) The same as Eve: "the Mother of all that lives" "Life". An adept of the highest order. The abbreviation (S.D.) Ezra (Heb.). The name of the son of Swyambhva Manu in exoteric Hinduism. From the Greek words homos "the same" and genos "kind". who was the first to teach the heliocentric system, and who was the greatest proficient in geometry of his century. And is it not well known that there was a time when Brahmans went to learn Secret Wisdom from the Rjputs? A title of Aditi, the mother of the gods or suras. Psylli (Gr.). Pannus(Gr.). The lunar year chronology. As the human body is supposed to consist of 84,000 dhtus (organic cells with definite vital functions in them), Asoka is said for this reason to have built 84,000 dhtu-gopas or Dgobas in honour of every cell of the Buddha's body, each of which has now become a dhrmadhtu or holy relic. The latter is absurd, since, according to all accounts, and even their own, they have nothing at all to do with Christianity, which they abominate. Tech-scholars and autosavants of the Adeptus Mechanicus obsessively seek out traces of technology left from the Dark Age of Technology, as its sophistication far exceeds anything built later. WebThe Transcendent One (Planescape: Torment) Game Master(s) (Ragnarok Online) Altair (Re:Creators) Maxwell (Scribblenauts) Bulrog/Cartman (South Park) Rimuru Tempest (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime); End of Series; Veldanava (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime); formerly, via Information King Akashic Records Lower Face or Lower Countenance (Kab.). The Occultists of the former speak of the Black Fire, which is the symbol of the unknown and unthinkable Brahm, and declare any speculation on the" Black Fire" impossible. Pope Gelasius abolished the Lupercalia in 496, but substituted for them on the same day the procession of lighted candles. They are also mentioned in Maccabees I., vii., 13, as being put to death with many others. Upon the earth, the Master taught that there have been already four great "continents" (the Land of the Gods, Lemuria, Atlantis, and the present "continent" divided into five parts of the Secret Doctrine), and that three more have to appear. Sacrarium (Lat.). In its origin the Lingam had never the gross meaning connected with the phallus, an idea which is altogether of a later date. It is "escape from misery" but only from that of matter, freedom from Klsha, or Kma, and the complete extinction of animal desires. Pratybhva (Sk.). It answers to vital force (beyond luminiferous ether), and electricity on the higher and lower planes. Legend speaks of immense subterranean halls and chambers, passages, and libraries secreted in them. Also note, the Tibetan transliterations into English are the 19th century conventions and do not always follow more recent conventions for transliterating Tibetan into English letters. The Rua'h does not [go to Gan Eden [because he is [up with] Nephesh the Rua'h goes up to Eden, but not so high as the soul, and Nephesh [animal principle, lower soul] remains in the grave below [Kmaloka] (Zohar, ii., 142a, Cremona Ed., ii., fol. Lenormand writes that the hare "has to be considered as the symbol of the Logos . This, translated esoterically, means a great adept, a sage. A sign or a symbol of abstract creation. Safekh (Eg.). And thus, as Mackenzie corroborates, when the Aspirant was placed in the Pastos, Bed, or Coffin (in India on the lathe, as explained in the Secret Doctrine), "he was symbolically said to die.". 1, p. Tyndarus (Gr.). Eternally existing "That"; also, the different principles in Nature, in their occult meaning. A name of the favourite disciple of Gautama, the Lord Buddha. Strangest and the most hilarious abilities included. Thought, invention, design. The same as Chutuktu. The Shad-darshana (or Six Demonstrations) have all a starting point in common, and maintain that ex nihilo nihil fit. Labro. The god who, conjointly with Tefnant and Seb, inhabits Aanroo, the region called "the land of the rebirth of the gods". Satya Loka (Sk.). As the existence of these mendicant ascetics can be traced at least a century earlier than chronological Christianity, it is an additional proof that lassou or Jeshu lived during the reign of Alexander Jannus at Lyd (or Lud), where he was put to death as stated in the Sepher Toldos Jeshu. The dog-star: the star worshipped in Egypt and reverenced by the Occultists; by the former because its heliacal rising with the Sun was a sign of the beneficent inundation of the Nile, and by the latter because it is mysteriously associated with Thoth-Hermes, god of wisdom, and Mercury, in another form. Gluttonous King Beelzebub: The evolved version of Rimiru's unique skills Gluttony and Predator, it confers the following sub-skills. The Roman Catholics have since adopted the worship of the "sacred heart" of Jesus and of the Virgin Mary. ), 14 Rabbi Simon ben Jochai (circa A.D. 70-80). ), or Aswinau, dual; or again, Aswin-Kumrau, are the most mysterious and occult deities of all; who have "puzzled the oldest commentators". Esoterically, however, and as taught by the Initiates of the inner temple, Chnoumis-Kneph was pre-eminently the god of reincarnation. Variation of Undead Physiology. if we bear in mind the definition of the chief Egyptian gods by Plutarch, these myths will become more comprehensible; as he well says: "Osiris represents the beginning and principle; Isis, that which receives; and Horus, the compound of both. Virtually one who has reached Nirvna during life. The God of Fire, an ancient and very mystic name in Koptic Occultism. Sar or Saros (Chald.). The division of the Zodiac into the 28 mansions of the moon appears to be older than that into 12 signs: the Copts, Egyptians, Arabs, Persians and Hindoos used the division into 28 parts centuries ago, and the Chinese use it still. The school was founded by Ammonius Saccas early in the third century, and lasted until the fifth. Ishtar (Chald.). One of the Lord Buddha's titles, having many meanings. Also the name of a leaf of the Laurus Cassia, a tree regarded as having various very occult and magical properties. En (Chald.). In the Nazarene system the "Ancient of Days", Antiquus Altus, the Father of the Demiurgus of the Universe, is called the Third Life or "Abatur". He was also called Annedotus. Absolute version of Immortality. Engraved dots, etc., outside were once filled with blue copper to represent the heavens. Says Herodotus, "The brides of Ammon are excluded from all intercourse with men", they are "the brides of Heaven"; and virtually they became dead to the world, just as they are now. Whip of Osiris. Some Warp rifts last mere solar hours, or even moments, for the nature of Chaos is ever impermanent. One day, he was killed by Kirimine Aoi, a childhood friend who became his stalker. A female dragon personifying the ocean; the "great mother" or the living principle of chaos. Directly following each entry, the reader will find a key to the linguistic origins of the terms in the parentheses: (San. (See Book Al-Chazari.). Prvaja (Sk.). Swarms of Nurglings overwhelm their enemies through sheer weight in numbers, using their scrabbling, diseased claws to pull down larger opponents so that they can gnaw at them with filth-caked fangs. It has three degrees. WebTranscendent Undead Physiology. The rejoicings for Atys took place at the Hilaria on the "pagan" Easter, March 15. The five channels of knowledge. Mahsura (Sk.). he practised it". Neither does he notice any offering brought to him." The dervish may also be a strong mesmerizer, but he will never voluntarily submit to the abominable and almost incredible self-punishment which the fakir invents for himself with an ever-increasing avidity, until nature succumbs and he dies in slow and excruciating tortures. The second trinity is composed of the three lives. (See Isis Unveiled, Vol. Witches' Sabbath. Upsaka (Sk.). Their poison spreads until the Imperium's greatest champions become instead its most terrible foes. The Mmns are included in the generic name of Vednta, though it is the Uttara (by Vysa) which is really the Vednta. [w.w.w. List of Supernatural Powers and Abilities, Time/Temporal Continnum/Frame/Fragment Alteration/Manipulation. Chiim (Heb.) . It is this grossly materialistic way of viewing a disembodied spirit that has turned many of the present Theosophists away from Spiritualism and its "philosophy". A newly-coined term for denoting the practitioners of an art of healing by will. It was feminine with the Gnostics, the early Christians and the Nazarenes; bisexual with other sects, who considered it only in its four lower planes. If as Chnoumis-Kneph, he represents the Indian Narayna, the Spirit of (moving on the waters of space, as Eichton or Ether he holds in his mouth an Egg, the symbol of evolution; and as Av he is Siva, the Destroyer and the Regenerator; for, as Deveria explains: "His Journey to the lower hemispheres appears to symbolize the evolutions of substances, which are born to die and to be reborn." The personified Astral Light, or the lower plane of Ether. It is called in the Shad-Darshanas (six schools or systems of demonstration), Uttara Mmns, attributed to Vysa, the compiler of the Vedas, who is thus referred to as the founder of the Vednta. One of the gods of creative Force, for he is connected with the Mundane Egg. Meaning "the learned One", an epithet applied by the Arabs to Enoch. That is not to say she did not write nearly all of it, nor that she did not see any of it published before her death. He asserts that, overcome in his fight with Horus, Typhon "fled seven days on an ass, and escaping begat the boys Ierosolumos and Ioudaios". Lit., "the island of the Dragons"; one of the Seven Divisions of Bhratavarsha, or modern India, according to the Purnas. Disk-worship. In combat Horrors playfully pull apart their enemies and burn them with aetheric fires. The goddess of night. With this power at her side she has accumulated an unimaginable amount of raw power, abilities, and versatility. Samtan (Tib.). The risks are high and not only because the Imperial authorities may attempt to impound their ship and strip them of their license if they catch them. One of the metaphysical human "Principles". Physics Powered Physiology: To be powered by physical forces and composed out of them. The Cow of Creation, the "nourisher", from which flowed four streams of milk which fed the giant Ymir or rgelmir (matter in ebullition) and his sons, the Hrimthurses (Frost giants), before the appearance of gods or men. Daksha is the son of the Prchetasas, the ten sons of Prachinavahis. He is the father of Hanumn, in the Rmyana. Even though some of these groups can trace an unbroken chain of antecedents reaching all the way back to the Age of Strife, Imperial authorities view them all as smugglers, pirates, and Renegades. Eridanus (Lat.). It was called the outa the right eye represented the sun, the left, the moon. One of the names given to the Neo-Platonic school of Alexandria. "About 50 ft. from the summit there is a pond which, as the priests assert, is never without water." The flows, swirls, and eddies that it creates can form patterns and designs, drawing similar energies into themselves until they achieve a level of consciousness and purpose. There were sacrifices of vegetables and animals, of meats and wine. Rank Mussulmen shave their heads but wear their beards; and as their head is always covered, the danger is less. The Traitor Legions teach their Human slaves to hate the Imperium and to despise the Emperor with an unholy passion. In Occultism, however, the term "Planetary Spirit" is generally applied only to the seven highest hierarchies corresponding to the Christian archangels. A great mystic philosopher, one of the most prominent Theosophists of the medival ages. The Persians have some figures of Mithras with a man's body, lion's head, and four wings. Absolute mental coma. An Arhat, a hermit (a native of Western India) converted to Buddhism by Kapimala and the fourteenth Patriarch, and now regarded as a Bodhisattva-Nirmanakaya. It is stated that the name was given to them owing to their formal refusal to "procreate their species", and so they "remained Yogis", as the legend says. The Adepts of the Adeptus Terra, the Priesthood of Earth, cling to power ferociously, ruling on in the name of the undying corpse on the Golden Throne despite the Emperor's millennia-long silence. As taught, however, by all the Rabbins of Asia Minor, its nature is of a more exalted kind, Shekinah being the veil of Ain-Soph, the Endless and the Absolute; hence a kind of Kabbalistic Mlaprakriti. Though it may appear to be made of normal matter when it materialises in realspace, a daemon's form is no more physical than it is in the Realm of Chaos. The earliest Christian writer, Justin Martyr, in his first Apology calls his co-religionists Chrstians. Hyle (Gr.). Sthla My (Sk.). The Chaldees had similar colleges, as also the Egyptians, Destur Mobeds being identical with the Hierophants of the mysteries, as practised in Greece and Egypt. Their stay in the Kma Loka varies as to its duration; but ends invariably in disintegration, dissolving like a column of mist, atom by atom, in the surrounding elements. Pingala (Sk.). Zarathustra (Zend). Also known as the "Tempest of the Great Jura Forest," he is regarded as one of the strongest Demon Lords amongst the Mighty Eight Star Demon Lords as well as the only known Great Demon Siddhas (Sk.). Whereas, Mohammed preaches in his Scripture the unity of Deity, and renders honour to the Christian prophet "Issa Ben Yussuf" (Jesus, son of Joseph). The second "Abhijna", or the faculty of understanding the language or sound produced by any living being on Earth. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. Mehen (Eg.). Scholars are but too apt to check their archological discoveries by the far later statements found in the Mosaic books, instead of acting vice versa. The name in German means "all heal". The name has been given to one of the recent "occult novels" where much interest is excited by the visit of the hero to a field in the Holy Land so named; magical properties are attributed to it. (12) Avidy, lack of true perception, or ignorance. He understood the concept of Ghost Researcher golem, a complicated Golem built with spirit magic, works physically which is something that the best of mind of Dwarfs and the elves couldn't do and had to give up on the project that was solved by fairies and Ramiris. Pums (Sk.). This remnant now dwells in India, some 50,000 strong, mostly in Bombay and Guzerat. Banahm(''Rix Vanus'') Known Objects. The oldest and mightiest god of Babylonia, one of the earliest trinities,Anu (q.v. The Calixis Sector of the Segmentum Obscurus exists amongst the edges of the galaxy, an established bastion of Imperial control amongst the hazy borders. [w.w.w.]. ?"juice", sap extracted from a plant. Huge, asymmetrically curving horns appear to spring from the figure's shoulders. Some Western Kabbalists, however, contrive to make of IT, a personal "He", a male deity instead of an impersonal deity. (See "Neophyte" and "I. H. S.", also "Naros".) The waters of Chaos, called in the cosmogony of the Norsemen "the stream of Elivagar". Nirmnakya (Sk.). Our present period is a Bhadra Kalpa, and the exoteric teaching makes it last 236 million years. The same as "Mahpralaya". "Demoniacal" possession is true at bottom, minus the devils of Christian theology. Chnouphis (Gr.). Dagon was the Chaldean man-fish Oannes, the mysterious being who arose daily out of the depths of the sea to teach people every useful science. Kimapurushas (Sk.). An ancient Sanskrit commentator. Plato tells us that Gyges descended once into a chasm of the earth and discovered a brazen horse, within whose open side was the skeleton of a man who had a brazen ring on his finger. Of Karnak Champollion writes:"The ground covered by the mass of remaining buildings is square; and each side measures 1,800 feet. An inhuman, beaked visage can sometimes be glimpsed on the torso of the being but its voice is only the roar and crackle of flames. The name of Hermodur's "magic staff" in the Edda. Unless produced for beneficial purposes, Occultists would call it black magic or Sorcery. He was a great Alchemist. Magnetism. Soul, anima, afflatus. Surarn (Sk.). cit. The hare was also sacred to Osiris. The temple of the Sphinx was discovered by Mariette Bey close to the Sphinx, near the great Pyramid of Gizeh All the Egyptologists agree in pronouncing the Sphinx and her temple the "oldest religious monument of the world "at any rate of Egypt. in the New Testament it means a Sage, a wise man of the Chaldeans; it is in English often used for a Magician, any wonder-worker; in the Rosicrucian Society it is the title of the highest members, the IXth grade; the Supreme Magus is the Head of the Order in the "Outer"; the Magi of the "Inner" are unknown except to those of the VIIIth grade. Indra (Sk.). Mixed Shapeshifting; Omni-Genetic Archiving; Power Mixture: Combining them into more powerful ones. The Gnostics have done the same, each sect in its own way, as thousands of years before, India, Egypt, Chaldea and Greece, had also dressed the same incommunicable truths each in its own national garb. Hiouen-tseng, the Chinese traveller, names a certain cave where it occasionally appears on the wall, but adds that only he whose mind is perfectly pure", can see it. The contents are arranged in six sections, treating of Seeds, Feasts, Women, Damages, Sacred Things and Purification. A certain Brotherhood of mystics. The personified deity, the Principle of Universal Divine Light of the Parsis. Premonitions of disaster are now rife amongst the Imperium, by far the largest of the galaxy's interstellar empires, but few understand the true nature of the Warp and the threat its denizens represent to all life. Lit., "the eye", meaning the faculty of sight, or rather, an occult perception of spiritual and subjective realities (Chakshur). [w.w.w.]. Also known as the "Tempest of the Great Jura Forest," he is regarded as one of the strongest Demon Lords amongst the Mighty Eight Star Demon Lords as well as the only known Great Demon The Imperium thrives on war and oppression. Its glory, however, was greatly darkened by the appearance in Alexandria of Hellenic teachers, such as Philo Judus, Josephus, Aristobulus and others. The name very likely comes from the Vedic Varuna, personified as the water god and regarded as the chief Aditya among the seven planetary deities. The Warmaster. Adam Illa-ah is the celestial, superior Adam, in the Zohar. The life-cycle presided over by Raivata Manu. Moreover a tradition states that Apollonius of Tyana was instructed in magic by the Ngas of Kashmere. Little or nothing is known by the word concerning the origin of this archaic branch of philosophy; but it is certain that it antedates the construction of any known Zodiac, and, as dealing with the personified forces of nature, probably also any of the mythologies of the world; nor is there any doubt that the true secret of transmutation (on the physical plane) was known in days of old, and lost before the dawn of the so-called historical period. Jesuit, in his dipus -gvpticus (II p. 267), gives the Ineffable Name IHVHone of the Kabbalistic formul of the 72 namesarranged in the shape of the Pythagorean Tetrad. The constellation of the great Bear; the habitat of the seven Rishis (Sapta Riksha). On the other hand, a Champion of the Ruinous Powers (perhaps one of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines) almost certainly takes the latter view. A widespread and technologically advanced conflict is particularly vulnerable to Slaanesh's influence as a single well-placed convert can have the means to wreck a fleet or destroy an entire city. Since it relies on sunlight, this attack moves at the speed of light, Rimuru has the ability to accelerate a person's perception of time a million times, An ability Rimuru can use to boost his physical abilities via Fighting Spirit, A skill which seals thermal energy within a barrier within a maximum range of 100 meters, and prevents any from leaking, A skill that combines Rimuru's Area Boundary and Fire Manipulation, it seals the target in a boundary that prevents thermal energy from leaking out, and then burns the opponent from the inside, An attack which hits the target with temperature surpassing 1400C, Using this ability, Rimuru stopped the orc lord from regenerating his arm, and he had to sever the part of his arm with the flame in order to regenerate, the orc lord has also been shown regenerating after his head was severed from his body. A glimpse of the future can be all that it takes to win a political conflict or close a deal, a simple spell might bury evidence of wrongdoing where no investigator would ever find it. Yet both the Heron and the Rech were symbols of cycles; the former, of the Solar year of 365 days; the latter of the tropical year or a period covering almost 26,000 years. Rig Veda (Sk.). (See "Reincarnation".). And this is why the Bodhisattvas who prefer the Nirmnakya to the Dharmakya vesture, stand higher in the popular estimation than the Nirvns. . Its efficacy lies in the expirational accent and the sound produced. It is a pre-eminently occult treatise, full of symbolism and often of meaning quite the reverse of that which is expressed in its dead-letter text. The same as the Greek Themis. The whole expanse of Heaven called the "Waters of Space", the Celestial Ocean, etc. Arani is a Swastika, a disc-like wooden vehicle, in which the Brahmins generated fire by friction with pramantha, a stick, the symbol of the male generator. Dikshit, an Initiate. Lit., "the shadow of Buddha". A disciple, the same as "chela". It is only by dint of sophistry that the Churches have succeeded to this day in preserving in the minds of the few the Jewish deity in his primeval integrity. The Holy of Holies in the pagan temples. A title of Siva. ), Pliny and others with having lived to his 170th year, preserving all his faculties to the last. Emanation the Doctrine of. Trimrti (Sk). The monads of Adepts who have attained the final liberation, but prefer to re-incarnate on earth for the sake of Humanity. But the Asklepiades were initiates of the sculapian serpent-worship, as the Bacchantes were of the Dionysia; and both rites were eventually incorporated with the Eleusinia. The plots of Tzeentch are countless, and whenever there is an alliance of Chaos Undivided forged by the Gods of Chaos, Tzeentch is undoubtedly the cause, direct or indirect. The same as "Triratna" and accepted by both the Northern and Southern Churches of Buddhism. All his titles and attributes are grapfiic and indicate health, purity physical and moral, antiquity and holiness. Diogenes Laertius tells us that it signifies one consecrated to the "Amun", the god of wisdom and secret learning, such as were Hermes, Thoth, and Nebo of the Chaldees. Abba Amona (Heb.). Aaron thus heads the line, or Hierarchy, of the initiated Nabim, or Seers. Vision Lord: Exhibits the highest Illusion based ability. (Bonwick's Egyptian Belief.) Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. The name of the demon-goat, alleged by the Church of Rome to have been worshipped by the Templars and other Masons. (See Esoteric Buddhism, by A. P. Sandhy (Sk.). Lit., "lord of libations". An ancient Gnostic Sect founded by Marcion who was a devout Christian as long as no dogma of human creation came to mar the purely transcendental, and metaphysical concepts, and the original beliefs of the early Christians. [w.w.w.]. the "Lord God" or Jehovah steps in. Peace be to thee." (See Matthew xix., 11-12, a passage implying the laudation of such an act. Genii (Lat.) Some see in him the incarnation of Ammon-Ra, but he is the latter himself in his phallic aspect, for, like Ammon, he is "his mother's husband", i.e., the male or impregnating side of Nature. Iamblichus wrote many books but only a few of his works are extant, such as his "Egyptian Mysteries" and a treatise "On Dmons", in which he speaks very severely against any intercourse with them. ], Birs Nimrud (Chald.). T.The twentieth letter of the alphabet. A word which has come to mean with Theosophists and Spiritualists a sitting with a medium for phenomena, the materialisation of "spirits" and other manifestations. A deity presiding over offerings to the dead, or Srddha. Brahmanaspati (Sk.). An abandoned edifice of most gigantic dimensions, which, together with the great temple of Angkorthm, are the best preserved relics of the past in all Asia. Astronomy and Astrology; one of the Vedngas. Cornelius Agrippa gives this alphabet. The same as the Kabiri or divine Titans. These have all passed through a stage of evolution corresponding to the humanity of earth on other worlds, in long past cycles. 51.). The idol is that of Vishnu Krishna. Like all theocratic nations possessing Temple mysteries, the Babylonians never mentioned the "One" Principle of the Universe, nor did they give it a name. When, say they, it has passed through all the animals of the earth and sea, and all the birds, it will re-enter the body of a new born man." Anatu (Chald.). The Manteumata pythochresta, or the "oracles delivered by a Pythian god" "through a pythoness, are mentioned by the former (Choeph. the Logos ought to be hermaphrodite and we know that the hare is an androgynous type". Lit., the limbs (of Brahm) from which the "mind-born" sons, the seven Kumras, were born. The Rev. A sect of Mussulmen who place the prophet Ali higher than Mohammed, rejecting Sunnah or tradition. [w.w.w.]. This author is also known as Avicebron. Abhij (Sk.). . Dna (Sk.). A name of the Midgard snake in the Edda, whose brother is Wolf Fenris, and whose sister is the horrible monster Helthe three children of wicked Loki and Angurboda (carrier of anguish), a dreaded giantess. At other times the power of Nurgle withers away to lie quiescent until circumstances are ripe for it to erupt forth once more. Their wickedness I am angry at, their punishment shall not be small . Aswattha (Sk.) You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come.". At the dawn of time, the powerful and ancient alien race known only as the Old Ones nurtured some of the primitive intelligent races of the Milky Way Galaxy, guiding their development to suit a specific purpose. A region, a plain; any stretch of country situated between the great mountain-ranges of the earth. The old Babylonians had their three stages of initiation into the priesthood (which was then esoteric knowledge); the Jews, the Kabbalists and mystics borrowed them from the Chaldees, and the Christian Church from the Jews. Ratnvabhsa Kalpa (Sk.). Sosiosh (Zend). No one can see that which does not existi.e., which is not impressedin or on the astral waves. The pictorial expression of an idea or a thought. (See "Runes".) An Imperial official seals his bargain with the servants of Slaanesh in return for unknown power. They sprang from the original Chaos. Naaseni. It was well called "Necromancy" in days of old. Flag (Herm.). Astarte; the Virgin of the Seawho crushes the Dragon under her foot; The patroness of the Phonician mariners. [w.w.w. In the Pantheon of the Egyptians it meant the "One-only-One", because they did not proceed in their popular or exoteric religion higher than the third manifestation which radiates from the Unknown and the Unknowable, the first unmanifested and the second logoi in the esoteric philosophy of every nation. Lit., the Buddha of correct and harmonious knowledge, and the third of the ten titles of Skyamuni. As Kenneth R. F. Mackenzie shows, "It was a symbol of salvation and consecration, and as such has been adopted as a Masonic symbol in the Royal Arch Degree". Elivagar (Scand.). In esotericism, as the four paths, or stages, can be entered only owing to great spiritual development and "growth in holiness", they are called the "four fruits". She is the Eve of the Scandinavian Lays, for she gives of the apples of ever-renewed youth to the gods of Asgard to eat; but these, instead of being cursed for so doing and doomed to die, give thereby renewed youth yearly to the earth and to men, after every short and sweet sleep in the arms of the Dwarf. It is also the symbol of Buddha's power over evil spirits or elementals. The kabalistic axiom, "A stone becomes a plant, a plant an animal, an animal a man, a man a spirit, and a spirit a god", receives an explanation in Manu's Mnava-Dharma-Shstra and other Brahmanical books. It is to be found reprinted in the Hermetic Museum; in it is the well known design of a man with legs extended and his body hidden by a seven pointed star. Ananta is the "endless" and the symbol of eternity, and as such, one with Space, while Sesha is only periodical in his manifestations. A substance not subject to the qualities of matter; a luminiferous and (to us) invisible substance, of which the bodies of the Gods and highest Dhynis are formed. 100,000 of units, either in specie or anything else. Brahm's Day. II., p. 418, New York, 1877.) Mesmer, Friedrich Anton. Cicero tells us also (De Senectute, 13) that "Sodalities were constituted in the Idn Mysteries of the MIGHTY MOTHER". Iamblichus, Porphyry and other Theurgists have deprecated the practice, no less than did Moses, who condemned the "witches" of his day to death, the said witches being only Necromancersas in the case of the Witch of Endor and Samuel. The precept of the Pirke Aboth (c. i., i), "Make a fence to the Thorah" (law), has indeed been faithfully followed in the Bible as in the Targumim; and wise is he who would interpret either correctly, unless he is an old Occultist-Kabbalist. The great commentary on Pnini's grammar by Patanjali. The former claimed that Belus, the Bel or Elu of the Chaldees, a scion of the divine Dynasty, or the Dynasty of the king-gods, had belonged to the land of Chemi, and had left it, to found a colony from Egypt on the banks of the Euphrates, where a temple ministered by priests in the service of the "lords of the stars" was built, the said priests adopting the name of Chaldees. The "Kabbalah of the Nine Chambers" is a form of secret writing in cipher, which originated with the Hebrew Rabbis, and has been used by several societies for purposes of concealment notably some grades of the Freemasons have adopted it. A division of the practical Kabbalah; treats of the formation of words from the initials or finals of the words in every sentence; or conversely it forms a sentence of words whose initials or finals are those of some word. Lit., "great-grandmother"of the Scandinavian Lays. It follows 'generally the word Bodhi when used as a compound word, e.g., "Bodhisattva". Parsees. 13 Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi (born 1641). A subtle Essence visible only to a clairvoyant eye, and the lowest but one (viz., the earth), of the Seven Aksic or Kosmic Principles. The female Typhon, the hippopotamus, called also Ta-ur, Ta-op-oer, etc. "The "Path", The Ashthnga mrga, the "holy" or sacred path is the one that leads to Nirvna. Baresma (Zend). "Evil proceeding from divine causes, or a just Karmic punishment". Another and still more usual prefix to all these objects is "Mundane". So modest was he that it is said he "blushed to think he had a body". The same as the Kumras. Spontaneous self-evolution; self-existence of the real in the unreal, i.e., of the Eternal Sat in the periodical Asat. Assassins. In sacred literature in general, it is the name of those Stras which contain extemporaneous discourses, in distinction to the Stras that contain only that subject matter which is introduced by questions put to Gautama the Buddha and his replies. (See Darmsteter.) Nor are all alchemists to be considered impostors. The same as Thoth and Satan, the adversary, not the devil represented by Christians. An accessory to producing the sacred fire by friction. ): The mystic Decad, the resultant of the Tetraktys, or the 1+2+3+4=10, is a way of expressing this idea. Thus the Eagle (associated with St. John) represents cosmic Spirit or Ether, the all-piercing Eye of the Seer; the Bull of St. Luke, the waters of Life, the all-generating element and cosmic strength; the Lion of St. Mark, fierce energy, undaunted courage and cosmic fire; while the human Head or the Angel, which stands near St. Matthew is the synthesis of all three combined in the higher Intellect of man, and in cosmic Spirituality. It is stated in the Zohar (I., 218 a, i. fol. It is the action of an elemental (bht), who, drawn into the sensitive and passive body of a medium, takes possession of it. A famous Kabalist, chemist and physician born in 1502, initiated into Theosophy (Rosicrucian) in 1544. Every Chaos God embodies the hopes, fears and other strong emotions generated by mortal beings. The ancient Chaldean Secret Doctrine, abbreviated into Kabala. (See "Abhayagiri ", etc.) Dvchn; the place of post mortem reward, a state of bliss, not a locality. But as it is a symbol of the Yoga-meditation of holy Vasudeva or Krishna, it must be a crocodile, or rather, a dolphin, since it is identical with the zodiacal Makra. Isis Latona is the Roman Isis. That power of the will which, exercised in occult practices, generates the nerve-currents necessary to set certain muscles in motion and to paralyze certain others. They are jovial in their work and show great pride in their accomplishments, interpreting the groans of the afflicted as expressions of gratitude justly won by their efforts. Says Manu: "Having divided his body into two parts, the lord (Brahm) became with the one half a male and with the other half a female; and in her he created Virj". Interestingly, they are present in many other settings and media unrelated to storytelling, such as almighty and divine powers in The doctrine of Emanation was at one time universal. An image, a shadow. Moksha (Sk.). Any doctrine or writing connected with the esoteric teachings of Hermes, who, whether as the Egyptian Thoth or the Greek Hermes, was the God of Wisdom with the Ancients, and, according to Plato, "discovered numbers, geometry, astronomy and letters". (See "Bath Kol" and "Vch".) He complains, however, that, all his efforts notwithstanding, he did not reach this state of ecstacy before he was sixty, while Plotinus was a proficient in it. Love to God and man, or rather, in the philosophical sense, love of God through love of Humanity. I. C. 3) enjoining the clergy "to wear their hair and beards long" (See Riddle's Ecclesiastical Antiquities.) et Solut.). In Egyptian or Koptic Uasari, the female reflection of Uasar or Osiris. He is . The ascetics of India wear their hair long, and so do the war-like Sikhs, and almost all the Mongolian peoples. Chin. Occultly and Kabbalistically, the whole of mankind is symbolised, by Manu in India; by Vajrasattva or Dorjesempa, the head of the Seven Dhyani, in Northern Buddhism; and by Adam Kadmon in the Kabbala. In profane and biblical language "rulers" and princes; in Occultism, primordial planetary spirits. In European conceptions we find the same: God, Angels and Humanity symbolized theologically by the God-Man. The astronomical sign, Virgo. Students are but too apt to confuse this with Aksa and with Astral Light. The ninth Sephira; meaning Basis or Foundation. It is the precosmic union of the elements, of Spirit, or the creative Force, with Matter, cooled and still seething, which it forms in accordance with universal Will. One of the great Vedic Rishis. (See "Zodiac".). A mysterious sect of Jews said by Pliny to have lived near the Dead Sea per millia sculorumfor thousands of ages. He is the lunar god of the first dynasties, the master of Cynocephalusthe dog-headed ape who stood in Egypt as a living symbol and remembrance of the Third Root-Race. This was practised in every old national religion. The heaven where Kwan-yin and the other logoi dwell. Commonly translated the mystic Fan: but in an ancient terra-cotta in the British Museum the fan is a Basket such as the Ancients' Mysteries displayed with mystic contents: Inman says with emblematic testes. The name has such variations as Amita, Abida, Amitya, etc., and. [w.w.w.]. Primarily the rulers or governors of the planets. Dhyani Buddhas (Sk.). However, in the wake of the opening of the Great Rift at the start of the Era Indomitus, this policy of secrecy has been somewhat relaxed, at least for the Adeptus Astartes, due to necessity. While the former (Dala Lama are addressed as "Jewel of Majesty", the latter enjoy a far higher title, namely "Jewel of Wisdom", as they are high Initiates. II., p. 245). A period of obscuration or reposeplanetary, cosmic or universalthe opposite of Manvantara (S. D., I. Heb.). The attribute of preservation; stability. Gods, men, serpents, symbolical animals and plants are there most beautifully carved." Eye Color "Servants of the Lord of Slaughter stood from horizon to horizon, filling the air with their shrieks, gibbers and howls of blood. (See Myer's Qabbalah.) Demideities Demigod/Demigoddess Mimicry/Physiology Half-Deity/God/Goddess Mimicry/Physiology Nigh/Semi Transcendent Mimicry/Physiology The user can gain the powers and traits Called Doodyed, and four wings lit., the Ashthnga mrga, the moon mostly in Bombay Guzerat... Generates other gods, `` assuming the form he likes ''. ), I magical properties ( D.! Pay worship to Vishnu on the same as `` Triratna '' and accepted by both the and... Left, the danger is less notice any offering brought to him. Mussulmen... 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