then we have to live apart for a while beacuse he is selling his house .. i have our daughter and i had a bad labour felt ill for weeks then i find out my daughter has a heart problem and has to have major heart surgery at 7 weeks old . what can i do to find out if its true or it might be just a rumour. Its hard to pretend in front of our husband that were ok even were not but sometimes we need to be an actress in front of them. I pray for strength and courage as you make decisions about your marriage. If youre afraid hel lie to you about it.. you can catch him in the act. We are dynamic creatures being women. He has been a real as.le , he brought her to our home, to our bed, and he even brought my baby to her several times and he was making love while my baby was sleeping in the car or so he says so. you cause so many marriages divorce and infidelity. Me and my kids and his kids and her and his kids. But thankfully I have already ideas about cheating! I encourage you to get help. He would come home and scream at me for approaching her, saying it wasnt my place to get involved. At first it is just a crap, basically how they both are and talk about their common friends. He is making the excuses because he is busted.What kind person will do something like that,if he want to divorce me.. He.must have someone elseIm doing everything to find out the trutI really ned some advice,we have two beautiful boys 7 year old and 9 year old..they are life to me..I cant believe what is happening.. Am I over-reacting? How to recognize the signs of an abusive relationship, on quips and tips for love and relationships. Tell me what three things you most want to see happen with your husband and your life. Then I realized that since he had a vasectomy, he probably didnt wear a condom. This is part of a behavior pattern. Was never the same. She is right.follow that feeling 2 inches behind your belly button. We do not have any children nor is there anyone else living with us that I would be able to ask as well therefore; how is it that I am ACCUSING him?? Hi I have been dating with my boyfriend for about 3 years now. We have been through so much together. Just, The Wife. What would you advise your friend to do, if she was in this situation? Im an emotional wreck, with absolutely no self confidence, self worth, or self esteem!! But I believe your gut instincts are telling you something loud and clear. OH! I said that I was already in the parking lot near the doors around the corner from the office. after a few times she didnt whant to do this anymore. How to Be Your Own Private Investigator Of course your boyfriend wants you and her! I dont think its stupid to fall in love with a man, trust him, and believe that your marriage is healthy and happy. One day I looked at his phone that I pay for and saw a text saying I love you babe and he tried to make it sound like it was one of his kids baby mamas but it wasnt. Although lately I have this same gut feeling I had when I was suspecting him of cheating. He told me okay i promise it will stop. I LET THEM because I thought I was wrong!! i have been only married for a year and my husband is bi-sexual since he started this new job he has been giving a female coworker a ride to work even though she lives right down the street from their job but it is cold outside but he always calls her or text her after i leave for work. At least he told you the truth about the strip bar. So, that whole time I felt so insecure about her for no reason. My story is a little different. Who needs it? Oh it hurtsI know that from just a short time of watching my ex.or will he be my BF againpandering to another woman. Why would he need to message/call him if they are sharing a room together? We have been shopping for cars, furniture, but then he turns the other way. I found condoms in his shaving kit which of course he tried to say theyve been there for years. John. There are many hurtful circumstances which must have lead to the mistrust. he said know. We are pregnant with our first child. He didnt return any of my calls. He made his choices. I saw a few times where he called her on his way home from school. There are TONS of good men. Okay so I take him back like a ideot. The hook up well. Not to mention I also saw his exs name in the history also. But most every night i stay wide awake. He is also the first guy Ive ever opened up to about my childhood. I have to say I was in shock. He swears up and down its not what I think. I hope it will help you. To learn more, read Sexual Anxiety, Personality Predictors of Infidelity, Study Says on the U of G website You will have to leave sooner or later, it might as well be now. It was a nightmare..he cried, he bawled like a baby.. Our daughter drove to this whores home, took back her office key, and demanded the jewelry back. Your unborn child deserves to be raised in a normal environment!!! I was a very tormented woman. Ive gone through fertility treatments and that is how Ive been able to get pregnant. We have been together since 16 and 17, at 23 and 24 got married and never broke up, perfect relationship, we are now 12 years married and never slept with anybody else but each other or I thought he just told me he cheated on me when I had a miscarriage 10 years ago about the same time we were trying to have my daughter, he was just in a sex relationship so he says and other affairs without sex. I refused to abort and he would kick me on my stomach during pregnancy. He lied about it, and never told me, I only found out because she called when I was with him. In five year with my husband , he has never said another women name, in bed while he was sleeping I asked him he said it was a nightmare and he doesnt remember the nightmare SHOULD I BE WORRIED? And it hurts to be slapped in the face with this realism. I will never do anything like that again. So if your friend can do it again please let me know. Things like that. Then he got into this role playing game second life online and he is maintaining relationships with women who play this game. Despite the fact that I have been cheated on in a relationship, I myself have actually never cheat on the person I was involved with. In 20113 is when he began to ask me if I knew her and I told him I did not. I went in and checked his email. Is my marriage over? There will be calls, text messages, emails other chats like whats app and etc. Really? ? Easier said than done when you love someone. I held him because it hurt more to see him broken and more devasted than me because well Ive been cheated on before you know. I pray for faith and hopeand maybe even a miracle, that your marriage can be restored and your trust be renewed in your husband and your relationship. Fact is, I simply dont trust any man. Thinking that I had known everything now and maybe we could be stronger, I married him. That day I kicked him out only to beg him to stay. Its hurt my self esteem so so much because its so easy for him to call another woman beautiful but I can barely get him to call me pretty. I did not ask about this photos, cuz I felt I dont have the right. I then went into history and found that it was all deleted (which i know my computer saves, Ive found sites from there before) I bbmed my husband and told him that I found a live porn chat online, whats up? Thats how I caught u husband cheating on me. But Im really pissed cause he hurt my only child, my grown son! . It bothered me that he did not mention this to me when we were introduced and I knew nothing of this woman the whole time we have been married. I see him usually 1 week a month, sometimes 2. Please help! Then a girls page. Dont want to give up but I dont think I have a choice. Leaning away from you is a sign of a cheating, lying husband because we lean away from things we want to avoid. There have been several other times he has spent time with her without me and my kids and says I need to deal with it or be with someone else. Recursively sort the rest of the list, then insert the one left-over item where it belongs in the list, like adding a card to the hand you've already sorted in a card game, or putting a book away in a sorted bookshelf. Im all alone. If youre a believer, perhaps you could talk to a pastor or someone at church. PLEASE LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH NOT TO LET YOURSELF BE WALKED ALL OVER!!! I cried and cried and then cried some more. Also the fact is that we had LOVE MARRIAGE . It is called STENGTH and unfortunately muscles dont have anything to do with it. Or we plant the idea of cheating in their heads, and they go ahead and cheat because we kept talking about it or accusing them of cheating. Do you have any suspicious activity like phone calls, texts, emails, etc? About a month before our 1 year anniversary I caught him lying about something. I have struggled with my husband for over 15 years. Our early years and total of 3 kids plus his huge family interfering every chance they got.and on and on did put great strain on me (us). Trying to sweep it under the rug like it never happened. He had taken her on a vacation when I thought he was on a golf outing!! Hes cheating and lying, and he wont change. One is with a coworker. I screamed at him why? He admitted to me that he asked her out on a date, but she refused to call it a date, so it was merely just friends. And that fear and guilt of the unknown has to be discussed about. Anyway, for the last 3yrs he kept talking and texting the girl that posted pics of them kissing and being together on facebook. This is all too familiar. He cheated on me back in may. He mentioned once, after they got married how he has to stop talking to me, that she almost found out. We were friends for nearly 10 years before ever going on a date. I am consumed in what happened. I know EXACTLY what you mean .. that nagging feeling .. it is thegut instinct I keep reading about here .. We planned both of our children and as recently as yesterday he was talking about trying for a girl. Hey anonymous, pretty sure thats my husband your venting about. well now we are expecting a baby girl next month on the 20th of July and we are engaged, but Im worried if he is cheating on me again because I ran across a condom in his wallet and well I hate condoms so we never used them after the first couple of months when we became sexually active in our relationship. I am so confused. I see you posted on 4/8/15. WOW its like the devil destroy marriages including mine of 28yrs . I told him the the guy is waiting on me to send him money and he has his number and the girls number and I will be able to get any information. They just dont have any responsibility. He knew he was corned, I had suspected when when she actual hugged my husband infront of me our but I overlooked my gut feeling. Rewriting history? I think my husband has cheated on me or have the intention of cheating; with a former classmate of his. I dont get it. So while he was sleeping, I changed the password on his American Express account. It got a little more advanced with the cuddling and so on but we ended up stopping and he left. I wouldnt want it done to me & Id never do that to another woman! After therapy, grief counseling, C-PTSD (still have it but slowly recovering) I began to slowly wake up & confronted him! What do you think about talking to a therapist, just to sort through your issues? Everybody needs that time apart and you invaded that space. It is possible to rebuild your marriage after cheating, but its just so heartbreaking. Some may be justified but there is more to it than what you may think of yourself. Iam too in an uncertain relationship where I have come to believe he is a womaniser. I dont like divorce so i like to think people can try to work through it the first and only time it happens but more than once is a slap in the face and him saying he doesnt care, which he probabley doesnt. No one should feel stuck in a relationship where both love and trust are on the line. Maybe he didnt. Im just so very emotional and stressed, and pissed. Also, a shoulder shrug should never accompany a definitive statement. Then from activity log I can see who he sent friend requests, who he deleted. The problem is to really say. Some women think theyll never find another guy BS. 7 weeks later I received a call from the police wanted to (talk) to me2 questions later I was arrested for hassasment which was later dismissed. But, the article may give you some direction and insight. SexyMom- Im very sorry that you are going thru this However, your question of whether or not things are real or fake is sort of ridiculous. It started as normal as can be. I rarely wanted to touch him or vice versa. Not all women have girlfriends to talk to. I have brought up that I am suspect of him cheating, and he gets very angry and defensive. Its so painfully disappointing. He acted as if he took up for her. In my experience when a phone is dead, it goes straight to voicemail. I would love to work it out, but I cant do it alone. I never had a real true fear that he woukd actually cheat. If you meet a man who is too charming and too good to be true, thats a BIG red flag!!! When I moved in to his house i really had no idea that his ex girlfriend live there too. When a man lies He is likely to cheat. He has never kept anything from me before no matter what it was so I just let it go. We have a baby of seven months, he started cheating after the baby was three months old. Scroll down to find any running process of Microsoft Edge. I called this girl and found out that my husband had for warned her that I would be calling so I cant believe anything she told me during our converstaion. Ive never seen tears come from a man, but today he was crying, telling me how much he loved me and how he didnt want to loose me, and how sorry he is.! He was secretive with his emails and phone. Even if you delete it from the trash. This is based on an actual research. A lucky man will find a woman with possibly a good foundation, good direction, an abundance of commitment, and good values and then put that all at risk to have an affair or try something they consider natural? i told him its over the same time the other lady react and tells him you did not tell me you got girlfriend then he said now you know as from today you should know you are 2. As a matter of fact, on Valentines day he made reservations at this five star restaurant for them to have dinner and lied about that when I confronted him with it. hi there. I wish I wasnt drawn to him because I enjoy our emotional conversations. May you accept your husband and marriage for what it is whether its divorce or working through things as a reunited couple. while iam saying this i was in the very long dangerous relationship for good 6 years the first two years we were fine with my byfrind the yr folowed eish the man start cheating on me we weere not living in the same house so he was free to do of what he wants later on, he comes to my flat as he pleased and i do the same thing. I gave rules to them both, no hanging out all day at work, no lunches, no touching, no texts or calls, both agreed, it only lasted a week and it was back to the same except calls and texts. It ended up being more like his therapy sessions. And I believed him. He subtly gets onto me for every dime I spend that he thinks is not necessary. I contacted her and her husband exposing every detail, email, pictures and texts. I dont know for sure if I hid all the rest of them before he supposibly threw that one out and that could be why he only threw that one awaythen today he was talking to me on the phone and said hang on and he put me on mute and it was for no longer then 2 mins maybe but he said he asked the guy for something from the liquor store and I asked what and it took him a couple secs to answer and he said a blunt wrap but I know he smokes blunts when he isnt at the house and told me before! He did all the bull.. your crazy that woman is a whore. I read this book called Lie Detection Made Easy and then gave some copies to one of my girlfriends that suspected an affair and the information in the book worked! That feels like someone cheated on you. We can travel the world together. About a month after we moved in things started getting weird, he would rarely have sex with me, not cuddle, etc. I dont let him have power over me like he used to. Thank You. But, none of this means that your husband is cheating. We went through counseling to salvage our marriage. Alcohol GONE the minute I found out. Please note I consider this guy as a very good friend & Id rather keep the friendship & risk the friendship as well if thats what it takes, than let him get involved with me for the wrong reasons from his perspective if truly wants to work it out with his wife. Why torture yourself when you already know that he wants her and is no doubt screwing her every opportunity that he gets. but he did stop talking to her because he knew it made me feel uncomfortable. He has promised me he wouldnt get drunk while out of town but he does anyways and is always w her getting drunk. So I sat in my vehicle for about 10 more minutes and then I called him. 7 different woman total BUT, multiple occasions with these woman over the course of the last 18 years. My parents think we should stay together. He then told me he kissed her, put his hands up her shirt, and made out with her. I knew my boyfriend was cheating on Me even though I couldnt prove it. And i have to say she is little shady. Overall I feel like this mancation will increase your self esteem and give you a since of having control in this out of control relationship with no intimacy or emotional connection. Two of the most important things to remember are that it takes a long time to forgive your husband for cheating, and forgiveness is a daily effort. (what every 3 months or so). The very first couple of weeks that we were together. Im so confused now. He used to call me like 5 times a day and now its been like once or twice a day for 5-10mins each. Im 37 I was married for 10 years to a man that I realized wasnt my forever love. Well, I text her from my husbands phone while he was asleep and acted like him and asked if she still had the text and she said she had deleted them. T-Mobile US, Inc. is an American wireless network operator headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas and Bellevue, Washington, U.S. Its largest shareholder is a multinational telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom AG, which as of August 2022, holds 48.4 percent of the common stock. Its been three weekend now hes been going the Saturday and coming back the Sunday. He started smoking and just acting very strange. When I asked about the women he was searching for on Facebook, he said they are possibly a threat. Abiola- I feel bad for you, but the writing is crusty on the wall. I want to see a marriage counselor but cant. You are worth more. It sounds like youre already worried. He claimed he hadnt spoke with her since that text, but then last night, we got in another ugly argument and he finally told me his code and he had several text to and from that same girl again. Youll get proof that hes having an affair if you hire an investigator, and you wont have to keep wondering if hes stepping out on you. It almost seems to me like they quit making that model. This guy decided that I will not keep his son because he needs immigration status to stay. Im not sure if its emotionally or physically or if he has even cheated at all. When we talk about it he seems completely open and honest no strange body language or voice changes or anything. I come from affluent well to do family were things were more about vanity and luxury. So how odd is that. married is something big thing in life, if you decide out of temper it will never come back to you. Yet, other times he gets angry, cussed at me, tells me I need mental help and that Im crazy for accusing him. ReadEmotional Affairs Vs. Innocent Friendshipsto learn the difference between the two types of cheating. Me and my boyfriend has been together for 4yrs now. I think that the reason he will not admit the affair is because he would never want me to think less of him and because he never thought there would be a breech in their secrecy. We have kissed occassionally). It doesnt sound like youre happy, or that you trust your husband. Some of these people I have never met, not in 20 years. Why do you suspect your husband is cheating what are the signs hes lying to you? He craved her like he was intoxicated . I feel so disrespected from him and this girl. 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