At that location he wrote the play The Glass Menagerie (that premiered in 1944). "Open ".concat(e.listing.openHouse.times):"Open House";null!==(u=e.listing.openHouse.method)&&void 0!==u&&u.virtual&&(d="Live ",n.listing.isOpenHouseNow(e.listing.openHouse)?d+="Now ":e.listing.openHouse.times&&(d+="".concat(e.listing.openHouse.times," ")),d+='');var g=new t(d,"#00B100",null);if(r.push(g),null!==e&&void 0!==e&&e.transactionType.forSale&&null!==e&&void 0!==e&&null!==(p=e.listing)&&void 0!==p&&p.openHouse.method.byAppointmentOnly){var"citysnap")? - Arrive at Websteron the school side of the street. (t.facebook=!0,"Facebook",t.color={text:"#3b5998",background:"#4b6dad",rgb:"75,109,173",gradient:"radial-gradient(at bottom right, #87BAFF 0%, #005EA8 100%)"},t.icon={color:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/fb-colored-256px.png"),colorSM:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/fb-colored-70px-2x.png"),white:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/fb-white-70px-2x.png"),grey:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/fb-grey-70px-2x.png")}):2===e? Crawford, Mary Caroline, sfn error: no target: CITEREFTrow_p._xx (. [17] John Winthrop was elected Governor in late 1629, and arrived with the Winthrop Fleet in 1630, one of the many events that began the Puritan Great Migration. [132][133][134], The university was founded in 1854 as the Salem Normal School (for teacher training) based on the educational principles espoused by Horace Mann, considered to be the "Father of American Public Education. This grant money is being used to plan for the eventual re-use of the property. The Martin PBM Mariner, a hold-over from the war, became the primary rescue aircraft. In 1858, an amusement park was established at Juniper Point, a peninsula jutting into the harbor. There were 47,863 housing units at an average density of 5,794.0 per square mile (2,237.1/km2). The population was spread out, with 12,580 people (14.0%) under the age of 18, 6,442 people (7.2%) aged 18 to 24, 32,552 people (36.3%) aged 25 to 44, 24,746 people (27.6%) aged 45 to 64, and 13,416 people (15.0%) who were 65 years of age or older. Santa Monica Metro stations include 26th Street/Bergamot, 17th Street/Santa Monica College, and Downtown Santa Monica. Founded in 1799, it is one of the oldest continuously operating museums in the United States. Any student may participate in the breakfast or lunch program. (v=v||new e)||!v.update)return!1;var t=m.get("map");if(!t)return!1;t.register("change",function(e){null!==e&&void 0!==e&&e.bounds&&v.update({set:{bounds:null===e||void 0===e?void 0:e.bounds}})}),v.update({set:{searchDefinition:{sListingStatus:1},layer:{propertyAddresses:{min:18,max:100},listings:{min:12,max:25},schools:{min:14,max:100}},school:{item:r}},search:!1,register:{new:function(e){if(!e)return!1;var t=m.get("map").controller;if(!t)return!1;if(e.listings&&"HSPropertyAddressListingItem",{data:e.listings}),e.propertyAddresses&&"HSPropertyAddressItem",{data:e.propertyAddresses,showMini:!0}),e.schools){if(null!==r&&void 0!==r&&{var{return}).indexOf(;o>-1&&e.schools.splice(o)}"HSSchool",{data:e.schools})}}}})}),,g.updateController("related",{$dom:o.divRelated,data:{,level:0,count:6,}}),b&&(b=!1,"bubble",{type:"url.handled",data:r})),"bubble",{type:"url.update"})}var d=e("ControllerObjects"),c=e("Objects"),u=e("Utilities"),p=new d.Unique(t),h=new d.Callbacks,m=new d.ChildControllerManager,g=new d.StateManager(m,{schoolID:!0});m.add("searchBreadCrumbs",new d.ChildController({type:"controllers/SearchBreadcrumbs",namespace:p.get(),register:{bubble:a}})),m.add("schoolDetailsKeyMetrics",new d.ChildController({type:"controllers/SchoolDetailsKeyMetrics",namespace:p.get(),register:{bubble:a}})),m.add("listingsActive",new d.ChildController({type:"controllers/SchoolListings",namespace:p.get(),register:{bubble:a}})),m.add("listingsSold",new d.ChildController({type:"controllers/SchoolListings",namespace:p.get(),register:{bubble:a}})),m.add("map",new d.ChildController({type:"controllers/Map",namespace:p.get(),register:{bubble:a}})),m.add("related",new d.ChildController({type:"controllers/SchoolRelatedSchools",namespace:p.get(),register:{bubble:a}}));var v,y={url:"controllers/SchoolDetails.html",dom:["aSchoolDistrict","divBreadCrumbs","divStaticMap","h3Overall","divSchoolDetailsKeyMetrics","divListingsActive","divListingsSold","divMap","divRelated","spanGradeRange"]},f={detailsByID:new d.Getter({namespace:p.get(),type:c.HSSchool,webService:"/service/Schools/GetDetails",success:function(e){try{s(e)}catch(e){throw void 0!==g&&null!==g&&,e}},failure:function(){try{throw new Error("SchoolDetails controller: Unhandled Error")}catch(e){throw void 0!==g&&null!==g&&,e}},template:y}),detailsByUrl:new d.Getter({namespace:p.get(),type:c.HSSchool,webService:"/service/Schools/GetByUrl",failure:function(){try{throw new Error("SchoolDetails controller: Unhandled Error")}catch(e){throw void 0!==g&&null!==g&&,e}},template:y}),template:new d.Getter({namespace:p.get(),template:y})},b=!1,S=u.coStarBrand.getCurrent();return{update:l,restore:function(e){g.restore(e,i)},uninit:function(){m.uninit()},getState:g.getState.bind(g),register:h.register.bind(h),event:function(e,t){m.event(e,t)}}}}); Please be advised that we are forbidden by law to assist students with taking any medication unless we receive information from the doctor and the parent. (We.heatMaps.sectionKey||e&&e.sectionKey))return;var r=s.polygon?E(s.polygon):null,d=e&&e.sectionKey?e.sectionKey:We.heatMaps.sectionKey,c=e&&e.sectionValues?e.sectionValues:We.heatMaps.sectionValues;for(var p in ke.heatMapsSearchDefinitions)if(ke.heatMapsSearchDefinitions.hasOwnProperty(p)){var u=ke.heatMapsSearchDefinitions[p];if(u.sectionKey==d){i=u.handleFilter,l=u.options;break}}var g=We.paItems.markers.getItem(;g&&"function"==typeof g.testOverlay&&(g.testOverlay(c,i,r,l),g.polygon&&(We.heatMaps.polygon=!0)),o++}}e&&"object"==typeof e&&null!=e.sectionKey&&(We.heatMaps.sectionKey=e.sectionKey,We.heatMaps.colors=e.colors,We.heatMaps.sectionValues=e.sectionValues)}function ie(e,t){We.heatMaps.polygon&&(t?t&&t.polygon&&(e?t.removeOverlay():t.setVisibility(!1)):(We.paItems.markers.each(function(t,o){var a=o;a&&a.polygon&&(e?a.removeOverlay():a.setVisibility(!1))}),We.heatMaps={polygon:null,sectionKey:null,sectionValues:null,colors:null}))}function le(e,o,a){return'')}function re(){Te.uninit()}function de(e,t){var o;switch(e){case"window.scroll":case"window.resize":B(t.$window);break;case"window.newSize";break;case"savedSearchSuccess":We.ui.saveSearch.$dom&&We.ui.saveSearch.$dom.find(".polygon-btn").html(" Saved Search");break;case"searchHeaderChanged":(1==We.isSavedSearch||We.ui.saveSearch.$dom&&We.ui.saveSearch.$dom.find(".fa-check"))&&(We.isSavedSearch=!1,We.ui.saveSearch.$dom&&We.ui.saveSearch.$dom.find(".polygon-btn").html("Save Search"));break;case"saveSearchBtn.toggle":t&&"hide"===t.visibility? During the incident, Culver City gang members David "Puppet" Robles and Jesse "Psycho" Garcia entered the store masked and began opening fire, killing Anthony and Michael Juarez. Historical aspects of the Expo line route are noteworthy. There is very little rain during the rest of the year. Sampler (needlework) made in Salem in 1791. The new Fame is a full-scale replica of this famous schooner. Atlantic Aviation[71] is at the Santa Monica Airport. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing Royal Navy ships frequently interdicted U.S. merchant ships trading with France and seized their goods, and at times would impress American sailors.[41]. "),Object.keys(e.queryString).forEach(function(t){"brokerageID"===t&&(r.withBrokerageID=!0),r.url=r.url.concat("".concat(t,"="),e.queryString[t],"&")}))}return r},reloadWithBrokerage:function(e,t){var r,a,n=null===e||void 0===e?void 0:null===(r=e.agentDetails)||void 0===r?void 0:null===(a=r.brokerageDetails)||void 0===a?void 0:a.entityID;if((null===t||void 0===t||!t.withBrokerageID)&&null!==t&&void 0!==t&&t.url&&n)return t.url.indexOf("&")>-1&&!t.url.endsWith("&")?t.url="".concat(t.url,"&"):-1!==t.url.indexOf("&")||t.url.endsWith("?")||(t.url="".concat(t.url,"? Dollars spent to repair damage caused by vandalism mean less dollars available for instruction and materials for your child. (\d{2}),\d+(\)\(\d{2},\d+)*/i,r=e.match(n);return"26"!==(null===r||void 0===r?void 0:r[1])||r[2]?e.indexOf("/cp_")>-1?a.polygonType=2:e.indexOf("/ct_")>-1?a.polygonType=1:"21"!==(null===r||void 0===r?void 0:r[1])||r[2]||(a.polygonType=4):a.polygonType=3,e.indexOf("hm_")>-1&&(a.heatmapOption=e.match(/.*\/hm_(\w*)_\d*\/. He led troops to victory in King Philip's War, served as a magistrate on the highest court, and was chosen as the first speaker of the House of Deputies. - No sandals or any other open-toed or open heeled footwear may be worn Both parties came to an agreement and no blood was shed that day, but war broke out at Lexington and Concord soon after. is set at a dance marathon held in a ballroom on the Santa Monica Pier. :\=([^&]+))?/g;t=a.exec(e);)r=r||{},"string"==typeof t[2]?r[decodeURIComponent(t[1].toLowerCase())]=decodeURIComponent(t[2]):"="!==e.charAt(e.indexOf(t[1])+t[1].length)&&(r[decodeURIComponent(t[1].toLowerCase())]=!0);return r},parseUrl:function(e){if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)return null;var t=/^(http:|https:)?(?:\/\/)?(([^\/\:]+)?(?:(?:\:)([\d]+))?)?(\/[^\s\?]*)(\?[^\#\s]+)? - No strapless, spaghetti straps, off the shoulder, low-cut, or tank tops. [90] In addition, the John Bertram House is now a home for the elderly. "".concat(t.cssMainRootPath,"/").concat(e):"".concat(t.cssRootPath,"/").concat(e)}if(t.cssAppHashes&&t.cssRootPath&&0===e.indexOf(t.cssRootPath)){var c=e.replace("".concat(t.cssRootPath,"/"),"").toLowerCase();n=t.cssAppHashes[c]||r}else if(t.cssHashes&&t.cssMainRootPath&&0===e.indexOf(t.cssMainRootPath)){var l=e.replace("".concat(t.cssMainRootPath,"/"),"").toLowerCase();n=t.cssHashes[l]||r}else if(t.cssHashes&&t.cssRootPath&&0===e.indexOf(t.cssRootPath)){var u=e.replace("".concat(t.cssRootPath,"/"),"").toLowerCase();n=t.cssHashes[u]||r}void 0!==n&&""!==n&&(e+="".concat(-1===e.indexOf("?")?"? [106] Passenger service was discontinued in 1953, but diesel-powered freight deliveries to warehouses along the route continued until March 11, 1988. The Willows also has a famous popcorn stand, Hobbs, which is known around the North Shore as one of the best places to get popcorn and ice cream. Work on that phase was scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2012. Naumkeag was a major settlement for the indigenous group that controlled territory from the Merrimack to the Mystic rivers. According to a 2009 estimate, the median income for a household in the city was $71,095, and the median income for a family was $109,410. This school is AMAZING and I am glad that the school is HELPING and paying attention to kids who come from single parent homes. Two planes returned after covering 27,553 miles (44,342km) in 175 days, and were greeted on their return September 23, 1924, by a crowd of 200,000. Like other cities in Los Angeles County, Santa Monica is dependent upon the Port of Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles for international ship cargo. Bringing knives or any instrument capable of causing bodily harm is contrary to district and state regulations and can result in suspension, transfer, or expulsion. {raw:t,string:"#"+t}:null,city:r,state:a,zip:n,cityState:(r?r+", ":"")+(a?a+" ":""),cityStateZip:(r?r+", ":"")+(a?a+" ":"")+(n||""),streetNumber:null===(o=this.getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit(e,t))||void 0===o?void 0:null===(i=o.split(" "))||void 0===i?void 0:i[0],streetNameWithoutNumber:null===(s=this.getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit(e,t))||void 0===s?void 0:null===(c=s.split(" "))||void 0===c?void 0:null===(l=c.splice(1))||void 0===l?void 0:l.join(" ")}},getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit:function(e,t){return t&&t.toString().length>0?e.split(" #")[0]:e},getBeds:function(e){return e?{raw:e,string:e.toString(),label:1==e? Her success has led to her becoming a cultural icon and earning her the nickname "Queen Bey". ").toLowerCase()}},n.brokerage={originateUrl:function(e){var t,r;if(null!==e&&void 0!==e&&null!==(t=e.url)&&void 0!==t&&t.input&&(r={url:"".concat(e.url.input),withBrokerageID:!1},e.queryString)){if(e.queryString.brokerageid)return r.withBrokerageID=!0,r;Object.keys(e.queryString).length&&(r.url="".concat(r.url,"? If students elect to wear jacketsthat are not the school colors of black, white, light blue, or navy blue, they must be removed in the classroom. How percentiles work: the school percentile is a number between 0 and 100 that reflects the percentage of "".concat(," Open Houses"):"".concat(," Listings"),[0].address.fullStreetAddressWithoutUnit}else if(q.propertyCount&&q.propertyCount.raw>1){var{return t.listing}):[];Z=j.length>0&&!t.miniPin? (t.spanSupportPhone.removeClass("bs4--d-none"),"click").on("click",function(e){return n({type:"url.unhandled",url:"/agents"}),!1}).attr("href","/agents"))"click").on("click",function(e){return n({type:"account.mode",data:"myAgent"}),!1})},!0),t.aDoNotSell.on("click",function(e){return n({type:"url.unhandled",url:$(e.currentTarget).attr("href")}),!1}),s.updateController("seoFooter",{$dom:e.$dom.divSeo,data:{}})}var i=e("ControllerObjects"),l=e("Application"),c=new i.Unique(t),u=new i.Callbacks,d=new i.ChildControllerManager,s=new i.StateManager(d,{hide:!0});d.add("seoFooter",new i.ChildController({type:"controllers/SeoFooter",namespace:c.get(),register:{bubble:n}}));var p=new i.Getter({namespace:c.get(),success:function(e){try{a(e)}catch(e){throw s&&,e}},template:{url:"controllers/Footer.html",dom:["divSeo","divContainer","idxDisclaimer","aFooterRegister","aDownloadMobileApp","divSupport","spanSupportPhone","aSupportEmail","aFindAnAgent","aDoNotSell"]}});return{update:o,restore:function(e){s.restore(e,r)},uninit:function(){d.uninit()},getState:s.getState.bind(s),register:u.register.bind(u),event:function(e,t){d.event(e,t)}}}}); Each has its own unique feel and personality. The original was taken by the British during the War of 1812, then stripped and sold in pieces. They are also resident orchestra of the Oxnard Performing Arts Center and the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. ");case 2:return"Browse homes for sale, apartments for rent & more in ".concat(L.locationTitle," on ").concat(,". The playground is supervised every afternoon until 3:30 p.m. After 3:30 p.m. the playground is closed. The highest minimum temperature is 72F (22C) on October 24, 2007, and the lowest maximum temperature is 51F (11C) on 4 dates in February 2001 and again March 10, 2006. (I.status.raw|=1,I.status.isFavorited=!0):!1===(null===e||void 0===e?void 0:e.favoriteStatus)&&(I.status.raw&=-2,I.status.isFavorited=!1),V.get("propertyAddressItem")&&V.set("propertyAddressItem",I),S&&v(S,{item:I}))}function y(e,t){var i=[];return e? [105] The City of Salem required Footprint to demolish the existing plant and stacks. ");case 4:case 6:return"Discover houses for sale, apartments for rent, open houses & more in ".concat(L.locationTitle," on ").concat(,". (t.instagram=!0,"Instagram",t.color={text:"#c93a9b",background:"#c9399b",rgb:"201,57,155",gradient:"radial-gradient(at bottom right, #7D3CAF 0%, #B33393 100%)"},t.icon={color:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-256px.png"),colorSM:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-70px-2x.png"),white:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-white-70px-2x.png"),grey:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-grey-70px-2x.png")}):3===e? (t.length&&(t+=" "),t+="[1 Image Attached]"):e.entity&&(t.length&&(t+=" "),t+="[".concat(n.user.getFriendlyName(e.entity,!0),"]")),t},getTitle:function(e){var t="Me";if(e&&e.members&&e.members.length){var r=e.members.length,,t){return n.user.getFriendlyName(e,1===r||1===e.entityID)});1===r?t=a[0]:2===r?t="".concat(a[0]," & ").concat(a[1]):3===r?t="".concat(a[0],", ").concat(a[1]," & ").concat(a[2]):(t="".concat(a[0],", ").concat(a[1],", ").concat(a[2]),t+=" & ".concat((r-3).toString()," more"))}return t},isEqual:function(e,t){return!! [102], In terms of number of bicycle accidents, Santa Monica ranks as one of the worst (#2) out of 102 California cities with population 50,000100,000, a ranking consistent with the city's composite ranking. (,u+=144e5,i.callOnce("_getCandy",c),g=!1):(i.callOnce("_getCandy",""),g=!1)}}))),c)return c}function r(e){}function a(r,a,o){var c="//{lng}%20{lat})&obsId=homesnap&obsSuccessMethod=s&obsErrorMethod=e&output=json&SS_CANDY={candy}&returnFullWKT=true";c=c.replace("{lat}",r.toString()).replace("{lng}",a.toString()),t(function(t){c=c.replace("{candy}",t),e(["jquery"],function(e){e.ajax({type:"GET",url:c,dataType:"text",success:function(e){o(n(e))},fail:function(){console.log("fail getPolygonPoints")}})})})}function n(e){if(! The main opponent that fought in court was the Conservation Law Foundation,[107] a leading environmental advocacy group intent on blocking the plant from being built. Shipping declined throughout the 19th century. Breakfast is served from 8:30-8:50. Framed and planked of white oak and trunnel-fastened in the traditional manner, the replica of Fame was launched in 2003. Situated on five campuses totaling 115 acres (0.47km2). The Douglas Company (later McDonnell Douglas) kept facilities in the city until the 1970s. "".concat(L.locationTitle," "):"").concat(L.searchDefinition.getTitle())}function y(){var e;if(||1===(null===(||void 0===e?void 0:e.length)){var t,o;switch(L.area.areaTypeID||(null===(||void 0===t?void 0:null===(o=t[0])||void 0===o?void 0:o[3])){case 1:return"Search ".concat(L.locationTitle," homes for sale, apartments for rent, open houses, and more on ").concat(,". Please send a note or call the schoolon the missed school day if your child is absent. Notable restaurants have included Madame Wu's Garden,[84] Batterfish, Stout Burgers and Beers, and The Misfit. The city is also home to the California Heritage Museum and the Angels Attic dollhouse and toy museum. With the approval of ISO New England, the 60-year-old coal and oil-fired plant closed for good in June 2014. Breakfast and Lunch Samuel Skelton was the first pastor of the First Church of Salem, which is the original Puritan church in America. The line was built in 1875 as the steam-powered Los Angeles and Independence Railroad to bring mining ore to ships in Santa Monica harbor and as a passenger excursion train to the beach. The National Public Radio member station KCRW is on the Santa Monica College campus. It is very important that parents and students not park in or walk through the staff lots to enter the campus. At times, the sun can be shining east of 20th Street while the beach area is overcast. The memorial is "meant to be a place of reflection" for the city, a reminder that we are capable of these things. Webster Elementary spends $10,844 per student. (We.ui.saveSearch.$dom&&We.ui.saveSearch.$dom.addClass("hidden"),We.ui.polygon.status&&We.ui.polygon.$dom&&We.ui.polygon.$dom.find(".polygon-btn").css("border-radius","20px")):(We.ui.saveSearch.$dom&&We.ui.saveSearch.$dom.removeClass("hidden"),We.ui.polygon.status&&We.ui.polygon.$dom&&We.ui.polygon.$dom.find(".polygon-btn").css("border-radius","")),ce&&ce.controls&&setTimeout(function(){ce.controls[2].push(""),ce.controls[2].pop()},5);break;case"heatMapSelectionChanged":var a=We.heatMaps.sectionKey!==t.sectionKey;if(Ie?se(t):t.sectionKey&&t.sectionValues&&(We.heatMaps.sectionKey=t.sectionKey,We.heatMaps.colors=t.colors,We.heatMaps.sectionValues=t.sectionValues),1==We.isSavedSearch?We.isSavedSearch=!1:We.ui.saveSearch.$dom&&We.ui.saveSearch.$dom.find(".polygon-btn").html("Save Search"),null!==(o=We.bubble.marker)&&void 0!==o&&o.listingMarker&&a){var[0].id;We.paItems.markers.getItem(n)}Te.event("HeatMapSelection.Changed",t);break;case"heatMapsSelectionClear":ie(!0,null);break;case"heatMapsBtn.toggle":4===t? The ferry ride between Hingham and Salem takes one hour. The hottest temperature ever reported in Santa Monica was 101F (38C) on November 1, 1966, while the lowest is 33F (1C) on March 1, 1945, and again on March 21, 1952. [156][157], The Peabody Essex Museum is a leading museum of Asian art and culture and early American maritime trade and whaling; its collections of Indian, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese art, and in particular Chinese export porcelain, are among the finest in the country. [43], Environmentally focused initiatives include curbside recycling, curbside composting bins (in addition to trash, yard-waste, and recycle bins), farmers' markets, community gardens, garden-share, an urban forest initiative, a hazardous materials home-collection service, and a green business certification. "Foreclosure Notice":"Notice Of Foreclosure Sale";case 8:return t? The median age was 39 years. with your student's name. It sits on the Santa Monica Pier, which was built in 1909. Ed-Data is a partnership of the California Department of Education, EdSource, and the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team/California School Information Services (FCMAT/CSIS) designed to offer educators, policy makers, the legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California. (null===(C=navigator)||void 0===C||!C.geolocation);return{update:n,restore:function(e){z.restore(e,r)},uninit:k,getState:z.getState.bind(z),register:E.register.bind(E),event:A}}}); [citation needed] By 1885, the town's first hotel was the Santa Monica Hotel.[19]. Kokomo (/ k o k m o / KOH-k-moh) is a city in Indiana and the county seat of Howard County, Indiana, United States. Following chart shows the distribution of students based on races. The racial makeup of Santa Monica was 69,663 (77.6%) White (70.1% Non-Hispanic White),[52] 3,526 (3.9%) African American, 338 (0.4%) Native American, 8,053 (9.0%) Asian, 124 (0.1%) Pacific Islander, 4,047 (4.5%) from other races, and 3,985 (4.4%) from two or more races. There were 50,912 housing units at an average density of 6,049.5 per square mile (2,335.7/km2), of which 13,315 (28.4%) were owner-occupied, and 33,602 (71.6%) were occupied by renters. The islands are now uninhabited. In 1855, located on 210 Essex Street, was founded the Salem Five Cents Bank, one of the oldest still functioning American banks. Homesnap.templates["controllers/SchoolListings.html"] = '{{#with data}}{{#if listings.length}}

{{#if name}}{{name}} {{/if}}{{#compare sListingStatus "!=" 1}}Recently Sold Homes{{else}}Homes for Sale{{/compare}}

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{{/if}}{{/with}}'; Amusement piers became popular in the first decades of the 20th century and the extensive Pacific Electric Railway brought people to the city's beaches from across the Greater Los Angeles Area. //# sourceMappingURL= ".concat(t))})})}if(>0||u.divLikelihoodStatusBar.length>0)){var T=u.divStatusBar.width(),D=0,F=0,$=u.divStatusBar.length>0?1:0;u.divSecondaryStatusBar.length>0&&(D=u.divSecondaryStatusBar.width(),$+=1),u.divLikelihoodStatusBar.length>0&&(F=u.divLikelihoodStatusBar.width(),$+=1);var z=Math.max(T,D,F);u.divStatusBar.css("width",z).attr("data-status-bar-count",$),D&&u.divSecondaryStatusBar.css("width",z).attr("data-status-bar-count",$),F&&u.divLikelihoodStatusBar.css("width",z).attr("data-status-bar-count",$),T=A.bottom+j,n=t.left>=A.right+j;r||s||a||n?D||l():o()}else l()}function m(){var e;null!==(e=I)&&void 0!==e&&{type:"",data:{pa:I}})}function v(e,t){O.add("propertyFavorite",new $.ChildController({type:"controllers/Property/PropertyFavorite",namespace:M.get(),register:{bubble:s}}),!0),V.updateController("propertyFavorite",{$dom:e.spanFavorite,data:{propertyAddressItem:t.item,showText:!1}})}function h(e){var t,i,r,s=(null===(t=I)||void 0===t?void 0:null===(i=t.listing)||void 0===i?void||void 0===e?void 0:null===(r=e.ids)||void 0===r?void 0:r.listingID),a=I&&!I.listing&&(null===e||void 0===e?void 0:e.ids)&&!e.ids.listingID&&I.propertyID===e.ids.propertyID,o=I&&!I.listing&&(null===e||void 0===e?void 0:e.ids)&&!e.ids.listingID&&!I.propertyID&&!e.ids.propertyID&&;(s||a||o)&&(!0===(null===e||void 0===e?void 0:e.favoriteStatus)? Playground Supervision and Regulations "Salem, Mass., Dedicates Memorial to Witches Who Died On the Gallows". ");return t.slice(t.length-2).join(". {{#if district}} The {{#compare level "==" 1}}elementary{{else compare level "==" 2}}middle{{else compare level "==" 3}}high{{/compare}} school is part of the {{}}. "This Year":"All Time"}},getTicks:function(e){if(e)return parseFloat(e.toString().replace(/\D/g,""))},getDuration:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0;if(! Fort Dodge is a major commercial center for North Central and Northwest Iowa. In Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985), the theft of Pee-wee's bike occurs on the Third Street Promenade. In 2013 the $74 million, 122,000-square-foot library is going to open on the Salem State University campus. The final plan was to develop a new state-of-the-art natural gas plant on one-third of the original site, reportedly along the Fort Avenue side near the city's ferry landing. Custom House across the street from the port[45] near Pickering Wharf, his setting for the beginning of The Scarlet Letter. South Salem is south of the South River, lying mostly along the banks of Salem Harbor southward. 1. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 91.2 males. ")),t.url=t.url.concat("brokerageid=",n),n&&window.location.replace("".concat(window.location.origin).concat(t.url)),!1}},n.reload={withUtmTags:function(e){if(!e||"object"!=typeof e||e.constructor!==Object)return!1;var t={promoCampaign:"utm_campaign",promoSource:"utm_source",promoMedium:"utm_medium",promoTerm:"utm_term",promoContent:"utm_content",promoDate:"date",salesUserID:"sdr",triggerEmailSubject:"subj"},r=Object.keys(e).map(function(r){if(e[r])return"".concat(t[r],"=").concat(e[r])}).filter(Boolean).join("&"),a="".concat(window.location.origin).concat(window.location.pathname,"? [160], The Misery Islands is a nature reserve located in Salem Sound that was established in 1935. [145], Salem also once had a very strong Roman Catholic school system. Santa Monica's 2020 U.S. Census population was 93,076. News on Japan, Business News, Opinion, Sports, Entertainment and More "+t,function(e){var t={x:e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX,y:e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY};Math.abs(A.x-t.x)>Math.abs(A.y-t.y)&&e.preventDefault()}),V.$dom.on("touchend.".concat(t),function(e){V.$"touchmove.".concat(t)),V.$"touchend. ", "Critical Mass bike ride may be at braking point", "Santa Monica Introduces Electric Zero Truck Into City Fleet: #evworld", "Santa Monica will allow Lime, Bird, Lyft and JUMP to operate e-scooters", "Most Popular Titles With Location Matching "Santa Monica, California, USA", "Third Street Promenade Before the Gap Even Existed", "David E. Kelley Has a Romantic Reason for Setting 'Goliath' in Santa Monica", "Filming Locations for Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Dedication Ceremony for Park to Be Held Sunday", Image of zoning map of Los Angeles outlining Santa Monica,1927, Jeff Ho Surfboards and Zephyr Productions, 17th Street/Santa Monica College Metro station,,_California&oldid=1126121260, Incorporated cities and towns in California, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox settlement with possible motto list, Articles with self-published sources from February 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2013, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2019, Articles needing additional references from June 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 17:20. 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{{/if}} {{#if teacherCount}} {{teacherCount.commas}} teachers {{/if}} {{#if expenditurePerStudentTotal}} {{expenditurePerStudentTotal.dollars}} spending
per student
{{/if}} {{#if studentTeacherRatio}} {{studentTeacherRatio.decimal0}}:1 ratio {{/if}}


{{#if gradeRange}}

Grades {{gradeRange}}

{{/if}} {{#if levelName}}

Level {{levelName}}

{{/if}} {{#if district}}


{{/if}} {{#if phone}}

Phone {{phone.withParentheses}}

{{/if}} {{#if studentCount}}

Students {{studentCount.commas}}

{{/if}} {{#if teacherCount}}

Teachers {{teacherCount.commas}}

{{#if rating.raw}}

Overall School Rating

{{rating.raw}} out of 10
No Rating

Attendance Zone

{{name}} is located in {{}}, {{address.state}}. Stainless steel cabinet construction / Digital temperature control Innovative hot gas condensate system Unique self-cleaning condenser Ideal storage unit for all your refrigerated ingredients and supplies Get the latest news on celebrity scandals, engagements, and divorces! {{/or}} {{#if StudentTeacherRatio}} The student-teacher ratio is " + Math.Round(School.StudentTeacherRatio.Value, 0) + " to 1. {{else if ../multiAreaReset}}
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The men's and women's marathon ran through parts of Santa Monica during the 1984 Summer Olympics. //# sourceMappingURL= Santa Monica traces its history to Rancho San Vicente y Santa Monica, granted in 1839 to the Seplveda family of California. (e.onClick(,!1,!0),setTimeout(function(){u=!1},50)):u=!1,i.stopPropagation()};i.addEventListener("mousedown",g),i.addEventListener("touchstart",g);new Date;this.removeListeners=function(){i.removeEventListener("mousedown",g),i.removeEventListener("touchstart",g)}}this.getPanes().floatPane.appendChild(i)}},d.prototype.draw=function(){var t=this.div;if(t){"250px";var e={width:this.div.offsetWidth,height:this.div.offsetHeight},i=this.distanceFromMapEdges,r=50;i.right=o.south&&e.longitude<=o.east&&e.longitude>=o.west&&t.push(e)})})}"new",{propertyAddresses:t.length>0?t:null})}function l(){return L.bounds||L.area.bounds||L.multiArea.bounds||||L.commuteTime.bounds||{}}function u(e){return(null===e||void 0===e?void 0:e.min)&&e.max&&L.zoom<=e.max&&L.zoom>=e.min}function c(o){var i,a,r,n,c;null!==(i=Homesnap)&&void 0!==i&&i.puppeteer||u(L.layer.listings)?d():L.layer.listings&&!u(L.layer.propertyAddresses)&&"new",{listings:[]}),u(L.layer.propertyAddresses)? 1830 W Columbia St, Long Beach, CA 90810. The connection between Salem and Beverly is made across the Danvers River and Beverly Harbor by three bridges, the Kernwood Bridge to the west, and a railroad bridge and the Essex Bridge, from the land between Collins Cove and the North River, to the east. Pocket Knives, Toys, Etc. (L.hasPropertyAddresses=!0,b?m():e(["modules/MapPropertyAddressTiles"],function(e){b=new e,b.register("new",s),m()})):L.layer.propertyAddresses&&L.hasPropertyAddresses&&("new",{propertyAddresses:[]}),L.hasPropertyAddresses=!1),u(L.layer.schools)?h():L.layer.schools&&"new",{schools:[]}),4===(null===(a=L.searchDefinition)||void 0===a?void 0:null===(r=a.transactionType)||void 0===r?void 0:r.value)&&null!==(n=L.allHomesSearchDefinition.heatMaps)&&void 0!==n&&n.value?L.heatmaps=k.getHeatMapCriteria(,L.allHomesSearchDefinition.heatMaps.value):(L.heatmaps.sectionKey=null,L.heatmaps.sectionValues=null,L.heatmaps.colors=null,"new",{heatMaps:L.heatmaps})),L.heatmaps&&(L.heatmaps.colors||L.heatmaps.sectionKey||L.heatmaps.sectionValues)&&"new",{heatMaps:L.heatmaps});var p=o.set&&(o.set.bounds||o.set.centerZoom)||(null===(c=o.clear)||void 0===c?void 0:c.polygon),f=! Narrow listings by price, size, and location to find your next dream home. With traffic, especially around Halloween, the drive between Salem and Hingham could be three hours or more. Webster Elementary School, Long Beach, CA. Ambulance transportation is provided by McCormick Ambulance Services. "+t),{small:r||i+"50.jpg"+s,medium:r||i+"150.jpg"+s,large:r||i+"300.jpg"+s,photoVersion:t}},updateProfileImage:function(e,t){if(e)return e.status.raw+=1,e.status.hasPhoto=!0,e.photoVersion=t,e.profileImage=this.getProfileImage(e.userID,e.photoVersion),e},getName:function(e,t,r){if(!e&&!t&&!r)return null;var a,e=e?e.trim():null,t=t?t.trim():null;return a=e||(t||(r||" ")),{first:e,last:t,firstOrLast:a,full:e&&t?e+" "+t:a,initials:e&&t?e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+t.charAt(0).toUpperCase():a.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}},getFriendlyName:function(e,t){return t?"Homesnap User""Homesnap User"},getProfileURL:function(e,t,r){return e?"/"+e:"/entity/"+r+(t? {{/if}} {{#or studentCount studentTeacherRatio}} Approximately {{~#if studentCount}} {{studentCount.commas}} students attends the school{{/if~}} {{~#and studentCount teacherCount}} and {{/and~}} {{~#if teacherCount}} {{teacherCount.commas}} teachers provides instruction{{/if~}} . [20] The Japanese village fishermen were an integral economic part of the Santa Monica Bay community. [53], In 1637, the first muster was held on Salem Common, where for the first time a regiment of militia drilled for the common defense of a multi-community area,[54] thus laying the foundation for what became the Army National Guard. Caroldale Learning Community ()Ellen Ochoa Learning Center (Cudahy, opened 2004Hesby Oaks School (Los Angeles, reopened 2006) Pio Pico Span School (K8)], (formerly Pio Pico Elementary School, Los Angeles, opened 1987 as a K6 elementary school, expanded to K8 in 199495) (When Central Region ES 13 [Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental There has never been any snow or frost, but there has been hail. "For Rent":"For Sale",i="#00b100";else if(e.listing.sListingStatus.contract)o=s? [141], Public elementary schools include the Bates, Carlton, Horace Mann, Saltonstall and Witchcraft Heights schools. Salem is bordered by Beverly to the north, Danvers to the northwest, Peabody to the west, Lynn to the south, Swampscott to the southeast, and Marblehead to the southeast. In 2010, in early phase work to be finished for the 2011 season, a contractor was running underground utility cables and erecting an interim terminal building that will be used by the Salem Ferry, replacing the current trailer. [118] In Marlowe's world, Bay City is "a wide-open town", where gambling and other crimes thrive due to a massively corrupt and ineffective police force. [90], Santa Monica is governed by the Santa Monica City Council, a Council-Manager governing body with seven members elected at-large. The per capita income for the city was $23,857. Today Salem is a residential and tourist area that is home to the House of Seven Gables, Salem State University, Pioneer Village, the Salem Maritime National Historic Site, Salem Willows Park, and the Peabody Essex Museum. There are no current plans to complete the "subway to the sea," an estimated $5billion project. Save your search for quick access to new listings and price cuts"),Ne.addClass("registration-reminder pos-abs text-white paint-first-background-before");var e=we("Save Search");e.addClass("btn pull-right registration-reminder-save text-white bs4--position-relative"),e.on("click",function(e){return"saveSearch",{}),!1});var t=we('');t.addClass("registration-reminder-cancel bs4--position-relative"),t.on("click",function(e){return $e.set(Ee,!0),Ne.hide(),!1}),Ne.append(e),Ne.append(t),Pe.$dom.parent().append(Ne)}return Ne}function F(){if(!Ze){Ze=we("Save your commute location(s) Sign up to access commute times on every property and save them for future updates"),Ze.addClass("registration-reminder pos-abs text-white paint-first-background-before");var e=we("Sign Up");e.addClass("btn pull-right registration-reminder-save text-white bs4--position-relative"),e.on("click",function(e){return o({type:"account.mode",mode:"default"}),!1});var t=we('');t.addClass("registration-reminder-cancel bs4--position-relative"),t.on("click",function(e){return Me.setReminder(),Ze.hide(),!1}),Ze.append(e).append(t),Pe.$dom.parent().append(Ze)}return Ze}function U(e,t){var o=document.createElement("div");o.className="bs4--rounded-circle mr-20",be.getBrowser().touch?o.classList.add("draw-polygon-mobile-btn"):o.classList.add("draw-polygon-btn"),e.appendChild(o);var a=document.createElement("button");a.className="bs4--mt-auto bs4--border-0 bs4--bg-transparent paint-base-font",a.title="Draw a custom area",a.innerHTML="Draw",o.appendChild(a),google.maps.event.addDomListener(a,"click",V)}function q(e,t){var o=document.createElement("div");o.className="layers-btn bs4--rounded-circle mr-20",e.appendChild(o);var a=document.createElement("button");a.className="bs4--mt-auto bs4--border-0 bs4--bg-transparent paint-base-font",a.innerHTML="Layers",o.appendChild(a);var n;google.maps.event.addDomListener(a,"click",function(){var e=a.parentElement.parentElement,t=e.querySelectorAll("button");n? Since the mid-1980s, various proposals have been made to extend the Purple Line subway to Santa Monica under Wilshire Boulevard. Beach volleyball is believed to have been developed by Duke Kahanamoku in Santa Monica during the 1920s.[28]. Just east of Santa Monica is Interstate 405, the San Diego Freeway, a major northsouth route in Los Angeles and Orange counties. Previous Santa Monica borders the L.A. neighborhoods of Pacific Palisades to the north and Venice to the south. Narrow your search by price, size & location to find your next dream home. The comedy It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) included several scenes shot in Santa Monica, including those along the California Incline, which led to the movie's treasure spot, "The Big W". Geography. Once home to almost a dozen schools, the last school in the city, St. Joseph School, closed in July 2009 after over 100 years of providing Catholic education. 3038 Delta Ave., Long Beach, CA - 90810-2843, 710 West Spring St, Long Beach, CA - 90806-1413, 3332 Magnolia Ave, Long Beach, CA - 90806-1234, 2335 Webster Ave., Long Beach, CA - 90810-3254, 515 W. San Antonio Dr., Long Beach, CA - 90807-3117, 2320 Cota Ave, Long Beach, CA - 90810-3230. Long Beach Unified School District. "#b0b0b0":"#6b758a",h=new t("Appointment Only",m,null);r.push(h),3===r.length&&r.shift()}}if(e.listing.specialFeatures.contingent){var f=new t("Contingent","#00B100",null);r.push(f)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.shortSale){var y=new t("Short Sale","#00b100",null);r.push(y)}else if({var b=new t("Auction","#00b100",null);r.push(b)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.realEstateOwned){var v=new t("Real Estate Owned","#f71200",null);r.push(v)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.foreclosure){var w=new t("Foreclosure","#00b100",null);r.push(w)}}else if(e&&e.propertyID){var S="Off-Market" - Long or short sleeves Many SMC graduates transfer to the University of California system. The largest state by total area in New England, Maine is the 12th-smallest by area, the 9th-least populous, During its first year of operation, Salem crews performed 26 medical evacuations. Medication at School "#000000":"#006DC7"};if(e.status.cancelled)r.dataStatusBadge="red",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-google-red",r.spanIcon="cancel",r.pText="Canceled";else if(e.status.completed)r.dataStatusBadge="gray",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-gray-300",r.spanIcon="check_circle",r.pText="Toured",r.mapMarkerFill="#6B758A";else if(e.status.confirmed)r.dataStatusBadge="green",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-google-green",r.spanIcon="check_circle",r.pText="Confirmed";else if(e.status.external){var a,o=e.service||(null===(a=e.listing)||void 0===a?void 0:a.service)||{},i="Unknown";o.homesnap?i="Homesnap":o.showingTime?i="ShowingTime":o.sentriKey&&(i="SentriKey"),r.dataStatusBadge="blue",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-hs-blue",r.spanIcon="watch_later",r.pText="Unknown"===i? [41] The city has numerous programs designed to promote water conservation among residents, including a rebate for those who convert lawns to drought-tolerant gardens that require less water.[40]. {protocol:r[1]||location.protocol,host:r[2]||,hostname:r[3]||location.hostname,port:r[4]||location.port,pathname:r[5],search:r[6],hash:r[7]}:null},isiOS:function(){return/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)&&!window.MSStream},isAndroid:function(){return/android/i.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)},isChromeiOS:function(){return/CriOS/i.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)},isWebView:function(){return/wv/i.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)},isHSPuppeteer:function(){return/HSPuppeteer/i.test(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera)}},n.path={getImageUrl:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";return t.imageRootPath+e},getJSUrl:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";return t.jsRootPath+e},getHandlebarUrl:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";return t.handlebarRootPath+e},getDomain:function(e){var t=e.split(". PK-5: 0.4 mi: 5: Stephens Middle School. The population was diverse in age, with 14.6% under 18, 6.1% from 18 to 24, 40.1% from 25 to 44, 24.8% from 45 to 64, and 14.4% 65 years or older. [69] According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 18.1 square miles (47km2), of which 8.1 square miles (21km2) is land and 9.9 square miles (26km2), or 55.09%, is water. - Asterisk "*", if present, indicates scores are not available (too few). About 6.3% of families and 9.7% of the population were below the poverty line, including 12.2% of those under age 18 and 7.9% of those age 65 or over. These "New Planters" and the "Old Planters"[11][12] agreed to cooperate because of the diplomacy of Conant and Endecott. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 91.3 males. 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Webster Elementary School Overview Ratings/Reviews Student Stats School Supply Lists School Information: 1755 W 32nd Way Long Beach, CA 90810 (562) 595-6568 Public School Grades: K - 5 School Website: School Supply Lists View the 2022-2023 school supply lists for this school. The average household size was 1.87. Collins Middle School is located on Highland Avenue.[142]. The nearest general aviation airport is Beverly Municipal Airport, and the nearest commercial airline service for national and international flights is at Boston's Logan International Airport. [89], Ishihara Park opened to the public in 2017 and acts as a buffer between the Los Angeles Metro Rail and the surrounding residential community. ("number"!=typeof e||e<0)){var t=new Date(null);t.setSeconds(e);var r=t.toISOString().substr(11,8),a=r.split(":");return{raw:e,hours:+a[0],minutes:+a[1],seconds:+a[2],formatted:r,formattedTrimmed:r.replace(/^0(?:0:0? The jail was shuttered in 1991 when Essex County opened its new facility in Middleton. The site features a three-acre re-creation of a Puritan village and allows visitors the opportunity to participate in activities from the lives of Salem's earliest English settlers. 3 reviews of Webster Daniel Elementary School "I just want to update this review, because I see that there is some negative comments with regards to Webster Elementary. 51.2% of all households were made up of individuals, and 10.6% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. "PM":"AM",n=0;n<12;n++)for(var o=0;o<60;o+=15){var i=r?n+12:n;e.push({label:"".concat(n||12,":").concat(t(o)," ").concat(a),value:"".concat(t(i),":").concat(t(o),":00"),minutes:60*i+o})}return e}},n.user={getFileID:function(e){return e.toString().split("").reverse().join("")},getProfileImage:function(e,t,r){var a=e>0? //# define("controllers/SchoolDetailsKeyMetrics",["require","ControllerObjects","lodash","Utilities","tinycolor"],function(t){return function(e){function r(t){"bubble",t)}function a(t){m.update(t),o()}function o(){try{m.requireDom()}catch(t){throw t}var t=m.get("schoolDetails");if(t.studentsByGrade){var{return t.count.raw}),r=h.max(e),a=h.sortBy(e).reverse(),{return(t.count.raw/r*100).toFixed(2)}),{return t>25}),{var e=a.indexOf(t.count.raw),r=c.split("|");return e<2?r[e]:r[2]});y.template.get({$dom:m.$dom,data:{schoolDetails:t,percentages:o,takeGradeNameOutOfBar:n,barColors:i}})}}function n(t){var e=t.$dom,;a.schoolDetails.ethnicity&&(f.add("ethnicityPieChart",new u.ChildController({type:"controllers/Charts/PieChart",namespace:p.get(),register:{bubble:r}}),!0),m.updateController("ethnicityPieChart",{$dom:e.divEthnicityPieChart,data:{chartData:i(a.schoolDetails.ethnicity),colorsArray:c.split("|"),,tooltipFormat:"label",height:160,presorted:!0}})),a.schoolDetails.freeLunches&&(f.add("lunchPieChart",new u.ChildController({type:"controllers/Charts/PieChart",namespace:p.get(),register:{bubble:r}}),!0),m.updateController("lunchPieChart",{$dom:e.divLunchPieChart,data:{chartData:i(a.schoolDetails.freeLunches),colorsArray:c.split("|"),,tooltipFormat:"label",height:160}}))}function i(t){for(var e={datasets:[],labels:[]},,a=0,o=t.groups.length;a0?$("a[href='#".concat(c.divMiddleSchoolContainer[0].id,"']")).trigger("click").attr("aria-selected",!0):h.high.length>0&&$("a[href='#".concat(c.divHighSchoolContainer[0].id,"']")).trigger("click").attr("aria-selected",!0)),"bubble",{type:"url.update"})}var l=e("ControllerObjects"),n=e("Objects"),i=(e("bootstrap"),new l.Unique(t)),d=new l.Callbacks,c=new l.ChildControllerManager,u=new l.StateManager(c,{});c.add("graduateFromSchoolItem",new l.ChildControllerArray({type:"controllers/schoolItem",namespace:i.get(),register:{bubble:o}})),c.add("graduateToSchoolItem",new l.ChildControllerArray({type:"controllers/schoolItem",namespace:i.get(),register:{bubble:o}})),c.add("elementarySchoolItem",new l.ChildControllerArray({type:"controllers/schoolItem",namespace:i.get(),register:{bubble:o}})),c.add("middleSchoolItem",new l.ChildControllerArray({type:"controllers/schoolItem",namespace:i.get(),register:{bubble:o}})),c.add("highSchoolItem",new l.ChildControllerArray({type:"controllers/schoolItem",namespace:i.get(),register:{bubble:o}}));var h={getRelated:new l.Getter({namespace:i.get(),type:n.HSSchoolRelated,webService:"/service/Schools/GetRelated",failure:function(){throw u&&,new Error("School Related Schools controller: Unhandled Error")}}),main:new l.Getter({namespace:i.get(),success:function(e){try{a(e)}catch(e){throw u&&,e}},template:{url:"controllers/SchoolRelatedSchools.html",dom:["divFrom","divGraduateTo","divGraduateFrom","divElementary","divMiddle","divHigh","divElementaryContainer","divMiddleSchoolContainer","divHighSchoolContainer",["divGraduateFromSchool"],["divGraduateToSchool"],["divElementarySchool"],["divMiddleSchool"],["divHighSchool"],"aElementaryLabel","aMiddleLabel","aHighLabel","ulTabList"]}})};return{update:function(e){u.update(e),r()},restore:function(e){u.restore(e,r)},uninit:function(){c.uninit()},getState:u.getState.bind(u),register:d.register.bind(d),event:function(e,t){c.event(e,t)}}}}); The Salem Neck neighborhood lies northeast of downtown, and North Salem lies to the west of it, on the other side of the North River. [^A-Z]*)/g).slice(0,-1).join(" "), [14] It has a diverse economy, hosting headquarters of companies such as Hulu, Universal Music Group, Lionsgate Films, and The Recording Academy. define("controllers/generic",["require","ControllerObjects","Objects","controllers/Variable","Application"],function(e){return function(t){function r(e){"bubble",e)}function o(e){p.update(e),n()}function n(){C?a():p.$dom&&m.content.get({$dom:p.$dom,data:{}})}function a(e){e&&e.$dom&&(C=e.$dom),p.updateController("header",{$dom:C.divHeader,data:p&&p.controllers&&p.controllers.header?{}}),p.updateController("footer",{$dom:C.divFooter,data:p&&p.controllers&&p.controllers.footer?{}}),p.updateController("content",p.get("name"),{$dom:C.divContent,data:p&&p.controllers&&p.controllers.content?{}}),h.done(function(){v&&v.registrationStatus&&v.registrationStatus.registered&&C.divFooter.addClass("user-logged-in"),v&&v.brand&&C.divFooter.addClass("user-has-brand")}),"click keyup",l)}function l(e){return("click"===e.type||"keyup"===e.type&&"Enter"===e.key)&&($("html,body").animate({scrollTop:C.divContent.offset().top},350),C.divContent.attr("tabindex","0").trigger("focus"),C.divContent.removeAttr("tabindex")),!1}function i(){g.uninit()}function d(e,t){g.event(e,t)}var c=e("ControllerObjects"),s=(e("Objects"),e("controllers/Variable")),u=e("Application"),f=new c.Unique(t),b=new c.Callbacks,g=new c.ChildControllerManager,p=new c.StateManager(g);g.add("header",new c.ChildController({type:"controllers/Header",namespace:f.get(),register:{bubble:r}})),g.add("footer",new c.ChildController({type:"controllers/Footer",namespace:f.get(),register:{bubble:r}})),g.add("content",new c.ChildController({type:s,namespace:f.get(),register:{bubble:r}}));var C,v,m={content:new c.Getter({namespace:f.get(),template:{url:"controllers/generic.html",dom:["divHeader","divContent","divFooter","skipNav"]},success:function(e){try{a(e)}catch(e){throw p&&,e}},failure:function(){console.log("addGetter failure")}})},h=function(){var e=$.Deferred();return u.getCurrentUser(function(t){v=t.user,e.resolve()}),e}();return{update:o,restore:function(e){p.restore(e,n)},uninit:i,getState:p.getState.bind(p),register:b.register.bind(b),event:d}}}); [142] Private schools are also located in the city, including two independent, alternative schools, The Phoenix School[143] and the Greenhouse School. 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