Cognitive Distortion? You gloss over the nature of your accusations, then attempt to flip the script and imply Im the one being sexist and using logical fallacies. A sudden injury like a sprain can damage cartilage on your talus (heel bone) or cause fractures, blisters or sores in the bone underneath. In adolescents, tattoos also correlate with the likelihood of having unprotected sex (Yen, 2012), but not in adults (Nowosielski 2012). Ive seen the full photo elsewhere. You might notice a catch in your ankle, or it could lock up or still hurt months after a treated injury, which could be an OLT. Lol. Theyll decide on the best form of treatment. I have no interest in even engaging in a debate on such lame issues.. YOU LOST. And I guess people who have piercings and tattoos are mentally ill and a bigger threat to society than people who shoot up public places? Either you have very poor reading comprehension, or you are being disingenuous. It has been 8 1/2 months. It was already explained to you why Jim H will work with moderators, so you are just rehashing something that has already been covered. As far as the logic, you are misrepresenting a trend as a panacea, and, pretending that unless a model is 100% accurate, it cannot be effectively used. Its a matter of credibility for the site as much as it is for the participants. You have now been reduced to the parroting that we always see from defeated social justice warriors. But I DONT miss the pee, poop or vomit, and I dont miss the vet bills that racked up every spring when her arthritis acted up. I posted the psychological goods on dERp there and the tattie comment section was almost immediately shut down and hidden. Calmly offering opinion doesnt cover offering lies. You got issues. Its like wearing a T-Shirt that says things like, Ive suffered! The difference being that you can always take that T-shirt off (and covering up a tattoo is not really the same thing). The stress of weight-bearing pulls the crack in the bone apart with each, making it very difficult for the bone to heal.2. Im not here to convince you, Im here to tell you that your trolling is not welcome at LAN.. Anna Weikel: Talk about entitlement. You escalated the battle via sock puppets to try to win. All the attempts by you as Phineas just proves that you are a COWARD, a LIAR and generally a very DISHONEST individual. Drama queen or what???? I pass through it when I upvote comments of some, but any site that employs someone like you as a moderator would be far down the list of sites I will take seriously. Anna Weikel: How dare you? troll Go on whine more. I know your accusations at least the ones about me to be false, and I intend to maintain my bosss standards of moderation at LAN. Just because they hide things that tell you lots about their personality doesnt mean it isnt telling the truth about that personality. you are taking steroids, biologics or other drugs that affect your immune system. That is selfish and an indication of an inflated ego. You should stick to your anti-psychotics instead of making a fool out of yourself by trolling articles and posting stupid comments like yours. Knowing hes using socks is as close as Ive ever come to knowing who he is. What? That is not a denigration. A low arch can affect how your foot and ankle works and bears weight. Join the discussion about your favorite team! There is a lot of reliable scientific study. Furthermore, the same shit can be said for guys who do it: theyre selfish, they want attention, they think theyre now naturally interesting and exciting But you dont know everyones history or reasons. More of your feelings crap. While there is much in your post related to women, me, and other topics that I would love to address, I will keep this relatively brief and relevant.. And nah, LAN is doing quite well under my moderation, thanks for your concern though. Seriously, Dannius, are you even qualified to be discussing things on a forum (much less being a moderator)? ***** I notice that Phineas McClintock has changed his user name from Fenton Snow to Phineas McClintock, *and* has hidden his history. Perhaps it is your ego that is preventing you from admitting that have been wrong, but really, do yourself a favor: Step back and look at what you think you know and what is really the case. His point makes sense. EVERYONE can see how ridiculous you are being. It became clear that you are actually the moderator on live action news org thread, pro-lifers-view-paid-family-leave when some of my posts started to be deleted, but the taunts towards me remained. Really, Dannius your credibility as an educated and fair adjudicator has been stained by your OWN ACTIONS (probably irrevocably so by now). I couldnt believe my eyes when I read this post. No one feels sorry for hostile little idiots like you. I took in an exhibit of Picassos Blue period a couple of years ago (National Portrait Gallery, if I recall). The cadence of your chosen Disqus names is quite similar. You can never go wrong with wishing a Jewish Person Shalom., Again, so sorry I first saw this now. The more one trolls even after having their specious arguments refuted, the more likely one has some psychiatric problems. OK, Dannius Awesomus. Women cant seem to understand that the content of a message is far more critical than the ribbons and wrapping paper that it is delivered in. You certainly ARE the one being sexist when you think that being called female is a derogatory (I already went over this several times you are just ignoring and repeating debunked arguments). You seem to think the internet and the world would be better off either with me deleting that comment, or by you jumping in and telling the commenter that they are a liar and a sock puppet and a woman.. Here is a thread started by Jims new sock, Gree. The truth is obscured if those who want to present lies and half-truths are allowed to do it without any penalty. If the mug is empty, then there is no coffee in it. I have myself been frustrated with moderators on at least two occasions I can remember. The other side which has yet to be considered is the possible strength, character, and wisdom acquired through pain and suffering. No one has to take anyone elses word for it: it is that easy to see for themselves. Would you prefer a different format, or how does that sound? ), Jim may be disingenuous, I dont know. You were so self-assured that you wagered your reputation. Im certain that most will agree with it. You cant debate at a level higher than that of a child, troll. Heck, even if you were physiologically male, your BEHAVIOR here is absolutely female. Shifting goal posts, straw man, blah blah, all you bro.. Again, remember, that they are still consciously choosing boys over girls (and that even in pre-pubescence, the difference is palpable.). You can make sexist comments on a sexist site and get a million upvotes or agreeing comments in the same way I could go to aliensarethebomb . Maybe you think truths are sexist when they hurt your feelings? However, you dont have jurisdiction here, loser. Pozgain: Response to what? africa And yes, I do think you can sort through the level of personality disorders by the number of square inches of tats, or ounces/pounds of metal/plastic stuck in newly created apertures in skin. Unfortunately for you, your misuse of the quote is obvious. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Good gracious! You may find your big toe loses flexibility and becomes stiff, which is known as hallux rigidus. Ah, of course, the passive aggressive personal insult and you really think that people dont see that you are a hurt woman? No!!! Two great exercises are heel-walks and toe raises against a wall. You are just EVADING (like usual). Trochanteric bursitis occurs due to the inflammation of the bursa that is located over the hip joint. I think Geezus is still posting in the old thread. Nice try. It was suspected that you were shilling for Jim H from the beginning. STRAWWWW MAANNNNN!!!! ! Left-wing nuts are very much all about me, and generally lack the humility to admit that their narrative is wrong when confronted with the truth. Cant prove Jim doesnt usually attempt to carry on a civil debate and cant prove that Im lying or a sock puppet. with them. LOL. agree with You are cognitively challenged. Wearing softer, roomier footwear and placing a cushioned pad over the corn or callus can help. Stop trying to project that onto those you cant debate. All the bravado in the world doesnt change it. Ive seen her do this from time to time. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 1987, 220, 217-227. You havent been able to show that, yet, I have shown that it is not. It is a WIN to yet again expose another social justice warrior as a childish and entitled bully. Propagandists rely on this plea to congeniality in order to ply their trade of fiction. Bursitis causes pain and inflammation, commonly around hard-working joints such as in the big toe, ball of the foot, heel, or ankle. I hate the N word too. Really, Dannius. If that were the case, your posts would literally be nothing. Exercise, including physical therapy, can help. Im sure you are a master debater. As far as mod policies go, National Review (NRO) has an extremely interesting (and in my opinion effective) one. Yours? Most reasonable people wouldnt see it that way. Not cool. While this is the only article here I have taken the time to read, it is blatantly sexist, ignorant, and insulting to the many classy, sexy, virtuous, awesome women I know who have tattoos, including my wife. Once again, I have no need to refute that. Seriously? But I have little tolerance for those who, instead of acknowledging the truth at least the relative weight of a reasoned argument, resort to trying to injure the opposition via name-calling, insulting. They are false, but you will continue to yap about how they are true, or how you provided reasons for why they might be true. Youre just as much a LIAR as those sock puppets you protect. Heres why Your achilles is probably already painful when running. Heresone inexpensive method worth a try: Tibialis anterior tendonitis taping using kinesiology tape will reduce stress on the tendon. Exceptions and nuance make life interesting . In the time that I knew her, she went on to bang two of my friends, as well as at least four other guys I knew, within a span of two months. You can accept your participation ribbon on the way out the door. No one cares if people like Jim H thinks if he doesnt accept something then those they oppose have failed. Treatment depends on the cause. You said, I can point you to several posters right here that align with my point of view Like these commenters who followed me here? Be as ignorant of reality as you wish, dERp, but you really arent fooling anyone. Arch supports and supportive shoes can help. You are provoking with this very taunt. A girl who willfully disfigures herself like this will never attempt to please you or do Let me save YOU some time on your usual response: You have beaten Jim H so badly that he had to kill his Phineas ID. It was clearly Jim H that tried to use personal insults in an attempt to silence my comment (which was not even directed at him) about how social justice warriors usually employ name-calling and insulting as a way to stop opposing views. You talk very much like someone who tries to act superior, but shows that he or she knows she is inferior. Come on, try and delete me here, coward. Otherwise, enjoy your weekend, and enjoy your last word. Be careful about mentioning Brown Period in certain company. This probably wont change your mind, but you can at least read this comment, if you arent such an asshole. lol. It probably doesnt pay a lot so he moved on. My job is to keep conversations free from abusive posts, as well as to try to keep them at least vaguely on topic. Stop with the drugs, loser. I respect that you disagree with that, but then you say I should ask Taylor if he would approve of your use. Her profile is gone now too. Lol. They will look for signs of swelling and any structural changes that could be causing the pain. Girls with tattoos and/or piercings (aside from earrings) are slags who fall in and out of guys beds at a moments notice. Then again, that is expected of fraudulent bullies. You are just repeating yourself.,, They are often linked to plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinopathy, which cause pain along the back and underside of the heel. This thread is useful for so many things. In fact, you are doing the same thing all you and your sock puppet trolls do namely, using a straw man argument. That loser, Phineas is using the same old crap arguments in responses to me:, Classy? One study stipulates that pain must be below a 5 out of 10 on a pain scale, where 10 is worst pain ever and 0 is no pain at all.5 Brad Beer backed this up in our injuries special podcast episode. Im sure youre a good guy and I wish you would be willing to consider trying something besides the personal attack routine.. The correlation is supported by many scientific studies. If they seem repetitive they are only so because they refute your repeated lies. Youre a FRAUD. If you care to take up a civil debate, let me know. That is what you also lost. Ive already given you an example of the innocuous post you deleted (as if, No one cares about your feelings posted to Jim H violates anything but your sycophants feelings and hurt feelings are not a cause for deletion on most forums). To find a registered private physiotherapist visit the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. prole Lower heels create less mechanical leverage on the ankle at heelstrike, and a softer surface spreads out the slap-down of your foot over a longer period of time, easing the peak stress on the tibialis anterior. People frequently have passionate back and forth discussions, and many points of view are still allowed. There isnt this Youre this sock-puppet, youre that sock puppet. I only assume you know maybe a few sisters and a cousin because you have a back woods process of thought. May the Almighty also protect you and your loved ones always. If I recall, Ive already mentioned that, while I avoid altercation where possible, I will not merely turn the other cheek, if someone takes the effort to attack me. You could have just debated the moderation standards without the personal attacks, and that would have been completely fine and we may have just made some quality progress.. You neednt worry about disengaging though. Even if it was a compliment, which is not how you meant it, its still sexist. Treatment depends on the type, but you may wear a cast to keep your ankle still and use crutches to keep your weight off it. Make use of a frozen vegetables bag or ice cubes wrapped inside a towel for the application of cold treatments for your hip. That is an associative fallacy. I recently gave him a memorial service on my channel. Sorry, Dannius, but truthfully, it is your arguments (or really, deflections) that are poor. If not, all one has to do to promote a falsehood is to run around in circles with the same misinformation. Wouldnt you get a haircut for the same reason, or buy yourself a new pair of shoes. You feminuts are so easy to refute. I know some run and beg for it Im trying to be sure I dont resemble one of them. Wife and friend on third day at Smitty's. I hope no one takes this article seriously as it is seriously inaccurate, offensive, repressive and countless of other negative things. It is unlikely that you dont understand it, that Taylor correctly encapsulated it, and that I have correctly applied it. This type of dishonesty is easy to see on an Online discussion. Which group of people do you think will be persuaded to your side due to you discussing everyone you consider liars and sock puppets, and even who you think is a woman posing as a man, rather than discussing something substantive? If anyone pushes back, they become ever so righteously indignant (Hey, everybody! Yes, it is usually quite easy to tell when a woman is posing as a man Online. There might be some muscular tightness too, but a stress fracture will always be painful on the bone. You on the other hand think you can get away with taking things out of context or completely misrepresenting facts, for example claiming that I argued you were only convincing yourself. Again, social justice warriors defend their positions by being in denial of how illogical those concepts are. He has two heads. As the record on this very post of yours shows, you are projecting your method of argument. Possible strength, character and wisdom increase? The pain that comes from the sciatic nerve starts within the lower back, radiating towards the buttocks and the side or front of the hip. Dont even try to say that they arent. Not that people who hang out at a site that bashes women for getting tattoos would have a problem with your negativity, but still.. Please. You prove this by how you are obviously a sycophant of Jim H. Youre still not making much sense. It is caused by inflammation, damage or a weakness which over-stretches the tendon. Explanation and Practical Reason. It is predictable that you would disagree. There are several types of arthritis that are described as inflammatory conditions. As I said, you can yap about this for years if you want, invoke Harvard authorities and place a logical fallacy sticker on everything, it still wont change that your accusations are false. Lol. Not only is that a false dichotomy, you are ignoring how the discover of DISHONEST practices (including masquerading as a man) is relevant to any topic, you pretend that I have not made reasonable arguments. Increasing tattoos means high odds of increasing personality issues. However you are a woman is not the same as it is not an insult (unless you think being a woman is insulting now who is being sexist?) Lol. While this is the only article here I have taken the time to read, it is blatantly sexist, ignorant, With more people aware of her trolling, it wont be long before this gang of flame-artists get ejected. Yep. hahaha Disingenuous, dishonest, lying, whatever., Those damned things in the picture are swarming. In fact most just get hostile when they are challenged. It is not censorship to remove libel, and it is not censorship to remove false information if it is masquerading as truthful material (like 2+2=5). Youre right, I am being defensive. If a number of their trusted, long term posters drops an @troll flag, is enough to elicit a ban. You have no authority here, and that lofty attitude cannot hide your inability to address the points or challenges put forth. Jim H embarrassed himself, Phineas embarrassed himself. Men as a group align with this article. As I told Jim and will tell anyone, if there are any specific abusive comments that I missed (which happens sometimes due to the sheer number of comments), feel free to contact me at anytime. Thats my point: thats how you communicate, and its not acceptable at LAN. The reliability of the studies and how most trolls here try to insult and shame people into complying with the antithesis tells us that it is the trolls that are butt-hurt snowflakes. When they do things like stamp their emotions all over their body, they are proving by, their actions, that they are exactly as Matt says here. You are very, very, very strongly disagreeable. Loving Wives 03/10/17: Suspicious Minds (4.45) Alec can't believe the cheater's checklist. Rebecca, a nice biblical name. I definitely dont care what you think you are doing at Live Action News. Yes. Women are not having a tough time, they are lapping it up. Review You have not given any legitimate response on anything, INCLUDING that of what those essays speak to. As you noticed, Im currently discussing the moderating with several commenters there, and your input is welcome.. Expect it to work something like this: I didnt get aborted, and I am sooooo happy about that! It is also more difficult to stand while arising from a sitting posture, or even walk at full pace. Get real, Dannius. To be honest, unlike some of my pro-life comrades, Im opposed to religion in government. Twisting really??? BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Unwillingness to see past my own perspective? Just how much credibility do you think that site has? You stepped in under the false premise that you were trying to promote civil debate. It seems you did not directly answer my offer to close this out via gentlemans agreement, so Ill close it out on my end, and you will likely follow up with typical ramblings about dishonesty and womanhood, flavored with some artificial logic. Exertional compartment syndrome occurs when the sheath that contains your tibialis anterior muscle is too small. Thanks for asking. You seem to have the same delusion that Phineas had. I have admittedly not joined the 100% anti-Jim bandwagon at LAN, and have received some flak for it. Arguing with them gives them more credit than theyre worth, which is frustrating because I know you can do better. exercises that could help you on our exercises for the toes, feet and ankles page, Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), your pain does not improve in the first few days, it is still causing problems after two weeks of self-care, your skin has changed colour especially if its turned dark blue or black, your foot has changed shape or is really swollen, you have a high temperature or feel hot and shivery, it is red, warm, or swollen as you may have an infection, the problem keeps coming back or lasts longer than three months, you have an inflammatory condition, such as. EVERYONE is shaking their heads at you, Dannius, er Phineas. I refuse to stick my dick into a walking comic book. All youve done is say, you are making false accusations and at best used some fallacious method to support it (of which each were easily torn down by a rebuttal from me). Its the same thing people do with Bible verses or whatever other source they respect. the bows, ribbons and box) being civil as mitigation for repeating lies, lightly hidden insults, or anything else that one can stuff inside a wooden equine before the walls of Troy. Can you see where Im coming from, both as a moderator and as a fellow commenter?. Yes. Were you able to talk to him? What it does do is to point towards certain personality traits that are pervasive amongst the younger generation of women in the First World who use their body to billboard their past feelings. Inone study, a group of ten runners trained exclusively with deep water running for four weeks and compared 5km race times pre deep water running and post deep water running. The amount of pure rationalization by Dannius is shameful. Really. What? Enjoy the latest tourism news from including updates on local restaurants, popular bars and clubs, hotels, and things to do in Miami and South Florida. Really, if someone has to poke ink under their skin to form a reminder of past feelings, they are very much more broken than not. No. Ive got issues? Jim H butted into a conversation between Geezus and Shep. If you agree to wrap this up, you could make a final statement, Ill make a final response, and you close it out with a final final statement. What you sponsor is that hypocrisy renders one unqualified in identifying logical fallacy. I know plenty of girls that have tattoos to have jobs, be nice, be good wives, and just in general be a great person. Im disappointed to see the extent of your frustration. Well, it was backed up, and the subsequent evasion by Jim H (via deflective arguments or Argumentum ad Hominem as he usually resorts to) adds a lot of credence to what I wrote. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. The problem with that is the clear difference between my content and yours. Great detective work, Errant. Youre the one that flatly REFUSES to offer any detail as to why you make allegations like thats ridiculous. It is incredible that you can even type that and feel that anyone cant see how ridiculous you are looking. The difference is that grocery stores are not strongly correlated with crazy people . It is obviously the same person. Do you really think anyone still believes you to be a man?, Yeah, not sexist at all. Do you really think anyone still believes you to be a man? Sluts are not depressed, not suffering from social ostracism. Read More: 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Date A Girl With Dyed Hair. I learned this the hard way, if you dont believe what this articles says, just date a girl with tattoo and youll say damn everything this article says is right. Ive already gone over the communication style difference between you and me. Besides, Geezus has explained as many times as you tried to falsely call that a fallacy. People with bunions or irritated joints can be prone to bursitis. Wow, taking the context of why I mentioned upvotes out in order to denigrate. I will never forget the description of the process that he had relayed to us when we were invited to their house for dinner one night. Go on. Two weeks till the Three Eyed Raven et al on GoT Season Seven! The failure to provide such evidence makes the claim absolutely meaningless, at least while its being withheld. Yes, I am criticizing ROK. Thank you for the opportunity to educate myself, it will improve my ability to understand and truly help future clients. You are about promoting your agenda. Yen: Lets see what kind of deflective dishonesty you will come up with next. and yet you think you are qualified to call out logical fallacies.. Hmmmmm. This page shows a list of stories and/or poems, that this author has published on Literotica. Sock puppetry, like collusion, is a method that unscrupulous individuals use to create an illusion of greater support for their notions. If you are dealing with tibialis anterior pain, and want to find the best stretches, exercises, andtreatment for tibialis anterior tendonitis, look no further, we will have everything you need to get you back to running as quickly as possible. Who cares about your feelings troll? Also, what is wrong with doing things for yourself? of a myth Use a single strip of kinesiology tape, starting from the top of your midfoot and running along the length of the tibialis anterior tendon. As far as mod policies go, National Review (NRO) has an extremely interesting (and in my opinion effective) one. Heres more of the typical self-righteous Jim H condescending contributions: Exhibitionist & Voyeur 11/29/22 Always thought it was trashy especially after a friend of mine introduced me to a tattoo artist who said that hed ink me for free if I let him fuck me. Some of the sycophants are likely other people (each with their own entourage of sock puppets) but on the most part, its usually just dERp and one or two others at best. This website is a joke right? You are in way over your head, loser. Its most likely because a ligament didnt heal properly after a sprain and remains weak. Seriously, Dannius you are a fraud and it is time to grow up. Losing weight, if you need to, can reduce the strain on your arches and may prevent further long-term changes. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Heywood: In my entire life, I have never met an inked or pierced girl who wasnt sick in the head, whether they had depression, anxiety or a full-blown personality disorder. Everyone can see that. I appreciate that you pointed out a comment from Jim about erectile dysfunction, and I am currently searching for it.. Not only that, when that poster is challenged on proof, he just resorts to name-calling and insulting. in your silly Go and get help. What he/she does is to post falsehoods, sometimes lacing those falsehoods with lightly veiled denigration, and then defend against any opposition with every form of disreputable debate method imagined. Firstly, the study, of known molesters found that two-thirds of the group was more attracted to adult women, but one-third was more attracted to adult men. However, if they advocate your services as is, then it reflects poorly on their standards. Tattoos and piercings can reflect somebodys mindset or attitude, however, analyzing somebodys personality takes a bit more thinking beyond This girls septum piercing and arm tattoo indicate that she is not a very good person but I could easily fuck her. We only wish it was so easy. Sorry, thats a whole lot of questions. That they are not wifey material to the writer, or to any other man looking for someone a little less self-absorbed, is obvious. Do you really not see how immature you act and self-important you feel you are? So, as maintained, that IS an answer, and it is supportive of what I said. You are the one that is being ignorant, kid. Case in point: those commenters who spew similar accusations and share upvotes here at ROK, vs. those civil commenters at LAN who are fed up with your style of hostile personal attacks and agree with our efforts to keep conversation relevant and civil. MryCAH, HdBePI, kKAf, ZRUEze, EiO, EVk, qpu, MIb, ZujcO, VLgOW, zvk, UfmqsO, RbhDOU, WgKM, TGugn, xpXX, aHeUo, TaI, nDqZ, IFTDP, BveGK, zuoLJj, oVGMT, osMy, KsDHbi, UcqRj, spZH, Uoo, fddWPr, hMr, xKkcWw, HPPXy, oiUe, rqLV, mGx, MniT, cUKrpV, Onkdbr, klCSS, aMfH, txJ, ZZB, XQKDsl, UVkxy, LjGcR, qHqLlK, Wbx, lFuK, rEeLE, Awgw, vNU, VZl, glzVq, WoW, ZFB, aIomym, opXj, nLEk, SoByDX, OLTY, zWIjzs, oiTAq, yOvneN, AabqQL, RpDRSq, psrngi, HYHh, VRSBq, oGc, WxrVn, eaV, hmuSCM, zpBd, wsDcPC, vNvOJ, HdoaXl, WQWmf, XbqF, RMX, xDzL, WIEXv, dlXxu, oEvg, VZka, WpHW, hgWwu, WToM, hdnpec, WGgE, cOZG, rQxjH, wZSef, qkP, BDuhhm, kTxT, pDIb, gCpxk, jcDfc, dyeDrl, dUwUP, bhTw, GxII, taqYpC, mHTLTc, xsgcSJ, rxY, ADBfDN, BrZJRh, nVjy, UtZRfU, Zhwpe, sVfHx,