regularly calls me young lady or kiddo over IM. In my job I have to frequently give presentations that involve Q&A with the audience. * someone decided you were being uppity and decided to put you in your place I respectfully disagree. Side note: Husband puts a 3 and a9 candle on the cake every year. You bring up a really good point. Plus pretty much any greeting directed at women corresponds to age in some way (Miss sounds young, Maam sounds old). Mrs. People can have all the good intent in the world and still be wrong. Young lady was what I was referred to only when I was in trouble as a child. Theres no requirement that they choose between maam and young lady when speaking to a woman. Your crush might know that you like them. Who cares whether a person is married or not? He is four years older than me. Considering it better to appear 35 than 45 is buying into ageism. Because they used a term you didnt like, which isnt inherently offensive, doesnt rise to that level. I know people who tend to refer too all females, from infants to a hundred, as young lady, too. I dont think it behooves customers to bear being patronized or discriminated against (though I dont think this case is discrimination). Or are you assuming that your own personal experience must be representative? Youll go through some temporary pain, but it will bring you one step closer to someone who actually appreciates you for who you are. As on a lot of AAM scenarios, the LW is very frustrated. But the tone is SO much different from a younger person to an older person, particularly when its a noticeable and obvious gap. These days the only places I dont get carded are places where Im really a regular. Tone and facial expression conveys a lot, and theres a difference between a polite can I see your ID? and the sly knowing smile and exclaim of omg you look so young! By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider I think when its that they are actively rude. I find that men generally are less sensitive to things like this because its not an issue for them (and there are a few comments on this post that show the same), and if no ones ever called them on it its just not something they have a reason to make a connection about. Next time you get young lady from someone where young isnt even relatively accurate, tilt your head towards them sympathetically and say Im sure you didnt mean anything by it, but I think some people might think you were being sarcastic. (Im guessing most of these salespeople arent saying young lady in a were all friends joshing around tone of voice.). Yep and bear in mind in other English-speaking countries (like the UK!) But if youre treated just like everyone else, it looks like youre just a friend. Someone approaches you and sticks around. This is perfect!!! Hence my quandary. [Read:How to get closer to your crush with 10 strategic moves]. 18 signs he knows you have a crush on him, How to get a girl to like you again after shes lost interest in you once, How to get closer to your crush with 10 strategic moves. He was given some relevant information in a very polite way, by a person who wants him to succeed in his future endeavors. I was trying to be conscious about gendered assumptions and age assumptions, but I cant say Hey, you over there with the red hat because thatsso much worse. Time for my old story about the airplane trip where I was on my way to a conference at age 25 or so (so 50 years ago). Agreed! They may not be trying to offend you but they are dismissing you, not taking you seriously, and making damn sure that you know it. That wasnt directed at you. Anything else is, quite frankly, extremely patronizing unless the person is at least your parents generation or older. Everything doesnt have to be a learning experience. As frustrating as it can be sometimes, I try to focus on the bigger picture and put emphasis on the fact that I am being thanked, rather than being referred to as a slightly (sometimes more aggravating) colloquialism. Of course, they could like you while dating someone else, but if its paired with these other signs, then thats probably not the case. When someone wants to get to know you better and grow an emotional connection, they will share personal details of their life with you. Legally in many places you should be carded regardless of how old you look. For my two cents, context, tone and non verbal signals matter. I said No that is disrespectful and you need to stop I was fully prepared to go to HR if it continued after that but luckily a raised eyebrow if he started saying it after that stopped it entirely. Like everything else, it depends on where you are. Or I call the older guys who do it, young fellow right back, and the youngsters who do it, grandpa.. Theres no greater feeling than having a crush who likes you back. And for the record, Im a married woman and I still hate being called maam. Not even a little. Ugh. Its not a compliment. If a boss or coworker referred to me that way now, Id get really annoyed really quickly. You can be assertive and let someone know that actually its a pretty patronising thing to be called young lady, even if you happened to be young, and you can do it politely. But youre right, for the most part I dont think most reasonable people find sir/maam offensive. The smart-aleck in me wants to say eee I have my patriarchal beauty standards approval stamp, thank you so much, now my life is complete!!!. Along the same lines, not only will they avoid telling you personal details, they will probably avoid any kind of meaningful or deep conversation. Not the OP, but yes. But theres one crucial ingredient to relationship success I think many women overlook: Understanding what their guy is thinking at a deep level. If I were a customer in my 60s and someone in his 30s or younger said this to me, I would absolutely put him in his place. It is annoying. I was raised to say sir and maam though and I did use it a lot when I was in a more customer facing position. Is it some sort of retail training? Im in my sixties and look like Im in my sixties, which is OK with me. I also dig your recommended word choice to address this. Its more common to just say Hello, how can I help you? etc. Opposite experience here, but I agree with you wholeheartedly. That said, if your goal is to get people to rethink what theyre saying, then your line When you call me young, it makes me think you immediately notice how old a person is before you consider them as an individual isnt a bad one. Yep. Yeah, it works for the reverse of OPs situation too! If youll just step to the third desk, Janet, with the glasses, will help you!. I walked into my bank with a court paper and a request to change my last name, and an account manager Id never met came out beaming and going Congratulations!! That is the point. And from my perspective, as a low-level manager trying to keep things running smoothly and prevent any major tantrums, this response from OP is too much. Just treat people with politeness and no one will feel the need to yell at you. My only exception was when the service was so bad there was no service and no manager. I dont think we will ever agree on a term that will be unoffensive to everyone. Yes. You know when someone likes you and when someone doesnt. Again, this is something that we dont always have conscious control over. But when its a personal service provider and you will be going back to that person? Thats why its a good question for this site. I have definite options but dont want to derail. Milady sounds so Fedora Shrek though. Not at all. Heres your change Anyway, obviously Alison thought it was relevant enough to answer. Note, that is not just about stuff in the southern region of the U.S. Theres stuff in the North, the East, the Midwest that is all the same way. So, I think this kind of situation illustrates an important distinction, one which Alison touched on. So if your crush asks if youre meeting someone else, its probably a good sign they like you and they see you as a potential partner. Someone in love wants to be near you, but also to touch you. wait you felt insulted, THEN ordered, and THEN didnt leave a tip? Women are described by their relationship to a man. Lots of stores are like that. And whether or not anyone or everyone likes it isnt relevant to the question of whether or not such a place exists. Maybe hes from a place where Young Lady is a common thing. Haha, I am so glad you said this. Cathartic, well maybe, but I doubt it will cause the person to reconsider anything. Its a totally separate thing, and a lot harder to construe as a compliment. Thats not an ethical response to gendered language. Ugh. I do agree that when responding, you have to be reasonable. And they run the risk of offending someone else by not doing the thing that bothers you. OK, lets say that I *do* want to be assumed to be younger than I am. He told me, The oldest any of those guys was has to be 76.. Young lady??? In some cases, it may also be used to indicate that the speaker perceives you as being younger than you actually are. On the other hand, if they take hours and days to reply to you, that might be a sign theyre not into you. OP I feel you. Right? Its definitely sexist. I dont mind being called Maam, at least its respectful. This wont happen with someone who also has a crush on you. That was decades ago, however, at that time it was just one more Thing that made jobs really hard sometimes. Or did you decide for him that he was being deliberately sexist and cut into his livelihood? Many studies have concluded that funny people are sexy people. My dad looked at the group of men in question and did a double take. OP, you are my kinda hero! theyre just being polite in the way they were taught. Woah! They couldve used their words and said please dont refer to us that way. Im a middle-aged women who gets called miss and maam in equal measure. what the hell was he thinking?!. Nope. Dont always assume though. Im in the middle too in that on one hand, its so culturally ingrained to some people to say these things that arguing with ONE person each time is a lot of effort. I hate this so much! Theres a lot of things about the South that others dont get and even more about the South that Southerners themselves cannot see. I dont know that I would have not tipped (even if it happened after I ordered.) If its someone I have to work with frequently, either work or in a place I routinely went, I might stop and have a conversation. Only people who want to control other peoples lives claim that. Its an odd letter to run when surely there is a large backlog of questions in the inbox. Not milady. You get to have a say in how they treat you. Im happy to look younger than I actually am mostly cuz I enjoy shocking people with my drivers license proof. If you start lecturing a cashier or waitperson about this stuff, youre going to look like a pompous jerk, whether or not you are, in fact, right. Me too. Careful, the rolls are hot! If you have something you need fixed, or your computer is acting up, or if you have a problem in life and you simply need some advice, then seek your man out. Alas. Where I live, cashiers are required to card regardless if the person looks 19 or 91. I have gotten the young lady line from people my age and younger people, and the only time I grinned and bore it was when it came from the guy at the farmers market who looked to be in his 80s or 90s to him, I _was_ young! They arent trying to imply youre a crone or a child, they are just trying to show you respect. Some people will get offended because its gendered and/or implies theyre old. So we have folks in this thread saying miss is offensive, and others saying maam is offensive. If he laughs at everything from disliking soft drinks to the 'stupid weather', he is likely worried that you might think he's a nerd. Ive also been called these things in ways that were patronizing and unpleasant. Ive had to correct a bunch of students this semester. The younger person in this question was working and on the clock when this happened. Probably the overarching idea could be of general value to many people. I'm super cheese, like cheese enchiladas with cheede sauce and a side of queso cheese lmao. But if you know the signs your crush doesnt like you, then you can move on faster. Why do people act like non-verbal communication doesnt exist? Hon and Dear are quite common in the south east. Its not that I dont realize its a problembut I may never see this particular woman ever again, and plenty of people arent offended. Also, a lot of servers do not factor tip/no tip into their behavioral patterns. So, if your crush calls you boo it could mean they like and admire you. No, you cant please everyone. Thanks! I just purchased a new car a couple months ago. Ive lived in places where being offended by being called that at any age would have most people wondering who peed in your Cheerios. Paul Brian Im not talking making a big production or anything. There are different reasons your crush would use the term on you. A cool Thats an odd thing to say to a grown woman works perfectly well for those situations its not mean or aggressive but gives any customer service person who is willing to learn some food for thought. Still super icky to be called it as an adult. Miss Toots becomes miss (or maam, because all it means is a grownup female). Guys is gendered. He was SCARED.. I feel like you can tell who has or hasnt ever held a service job by the responses to this letter. (I get a lot of cold pitches from people who, I guess, either assume that every adult is married or that Mrs. is the polite form of address for adult women? And be polite. This is not a workplace question. Yes, those of us who interact with the public frequently should avoid being jerks as much as possible, but even when were trying really hard to not be jerks were inevitably going to upset someone. I would be inclined to say, I understand that *you* think thats a compliment, or maybe a joke. Yes, I do want to talk to you.". Oh you MUST watch this: I think I would have really liked your grand-aunt. Because women are *supposed to* give up their own comfort for others. Well, internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug. I got called young lady last night at Trader Joes, then she asked for my ID for the bottle of wine. I get it, she was just trying to do her job. Im NOT happy with being called young lady.. Dont take it personally. The I.T. Keep calling me that and I might just fall in love. Well, take a deep sigh of relief. Keep an eye out for your crush's proximity when you enter a room. (All of this is from personal experience.). If you find that you are always the one who has to initiate contact with your crush, then that is a telling sign that they dont like you back. I dont and I would be very surprised if any store actually did require this usage. Do you want to be constantly offended by trivialities or just be a happy person. I said to him (after letting it slide for like 2 weeks) Please dont call me that, we are of the same age and when he continued I said Ive asked you not to call me that he replied no disrespect thats what i say to my daughter like that helped the situation? But not tipping the guy is really shitty. I grew up in the PNW, lived for decades in the South and have lived in different decades in the Midwest. Now, for the ids when checking them out, I very well may have jokingly asked for their ids. with maam. I hate that title, but if someone says it once or twice I leave it. How should we make action towards better language? How is this work related? Maybe he mightve noticed your feelings for them and decided to mock you with it. young lady or milady may result in a junk punch. I for one look forward to being a pleasant old fellow that can lift the spirits of these poor people trapped in their soul-sucking retail jobs. Yup, people complain that calling them Maam or Sir make them feel old. Cruikshank is the author of Learning to Be Old, among other important books, and her first post tackles what she calls the " Young Lady Dance ." What's her response to being addressed as "young lady?" "Why are you calling attention to my age?" As Cruikshank points out, she has yet to be thanked for this excellent corrective. I looked her square in the eye and said The account is in MY name. If you were important and on their mind, theyd remember. November 20, 2022, 2:29 pm, by And if your intent is good, then you should really *want* to know that your words arent having the intended effect. I have also been carded by people who give me a sly smile and pretend to think I am 15. This is the whole reason we started using Ms, guys! I thanked her, because honestly, in my gym clothes, at my (lack of) height, no makeup, and gym-hair-dont-care ponytail, I can be mistaken for under 30. You dont get the luxury of walking away, because they can easily complain and get you in serious trouble. Replacing investigator or journalist with lady is gross. Also equating this to Maam is purely obscuring the issue. Its one example of systemic ageism and sexism that sometimes gets taken for granted but has tangible impact on peoples lives and well-being. When youre young, having a crush can really cause you to suffer. Like does the wife lose her first name when she gets married? Given that I routinely look anywhere from 10-15 years younger than I actually am, I probably will not get this comment until Im about to drop dead. Sometimes people need to be told their words arent okay. But young lady? Pretty much verbatim how I was introduced at my previous offices bon voyage party held in my honor. What alternatives exist in English? Ive also lived in those places and all those sorts of terms, including young lady, always bothered me because they are condescending. But 5 year olds are not great at understanding the difference between the two terms, so we got called by each others honorifics about half the time. Customers do push back, especially when we first started carding everyone, all the time. WHY would it be more important to your students? I associate it with my elderly relatives saying things like you are turning into such a nice young lady when I see them. Sometimes they scan the DL or enter the DOB off the DL. Im in my 60s as well and I despise being called Young Lady. I think your assumptions are coloring your interpretation of events. Eh, Im not proud of that last one but no ones always on their best behavior. Yeah I still think of young lady as the precursor to getting in trouble. Yeah, there just flat is not a good alternative to sir/maam. Im not one to tell people to deal with it when it comes to stuff like this, but sir/maam have a long history of being used as polite forms of address for people whose names you dont know, and are better than the alternatives. Ive been maam ever since I started showing. Hussey noted that someone will laugh more loudly, smile more widely, and be more generally enthusiastic if they're interested in you. Not when said person is a grown ass adult. Im guessing those places youre referring to were also full of people that called strangers dear or honey. It would certainly get my attention. Im a 30ish woman and a landlord of a small (4-family) building and this same thing happened to me when a terminix tech came lout to do an inspection. You acknowledge that its likely learned behavior with benign intent (in my experience, anyway), but that doesnt mean we dont want it to change! When we got in the car , I mentioned it and my husband said Oh yea, you teacher voiced him. I look to you like someone who wants to be talked to like a child?. Im really put off by all the comments here saying the OP was overreacting, or that in general being offended by a remark like this is being overly sensitive. Why Do I Keep Having Nightmares About My Boyfriends Ex? This. I highly suspect its more likely to be customer service training than parents. The crush might even last for years. 2022 Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | About Us | Write for Us | Contact Us, 30 sneaky ways to tell if someone likes you without asking them, 14 signs of attention-seeking behavior that masks their insecurity, The quickest ways to know if your crush isnt into you, How to talk to your crush and make them fall for you, How to tell if your crush has friend-zoned you or is interested, 15 subtle signs that reveal if your crush likes you back too, 13 subtle but very flirty eye contact tips to catch anyones eye from afar, How to stop texting someone when thats all you want to do, How to decode the texting behavior of guys when theyre into you, How to tell if a girl doesnt like you 25 signs shes rejected you already, Why wont he ask me out? They actually donotreact to your love life. After 6 days on delivered I deleted my message from both sides. I do think the OP needs to take it less personalbut unfortunately, such things are not restricted to those who are not young. Its not a work problem. That felt overly familiar and patronizing. With that in mind, lets take a step back and look at it why does being young and particularly for a woman have such value to it? In any case, watch for their tone; It would be mocking. If this is the case, theres a high chance your crush likes you too but he/she is still not ready to tell you. Watch out for that same behavior in them when they call you boo. (Imagine saying it to a powerful CEO, Why good morning, young man, and its very clear its not a sentiment of respect.) While the people complimenting me didnt mean any harm, they were still reinforcing the idea that all weight loss no matter what is a thing to compliment a woman on. And if you can, then theres a big chance they have a crush on you. I also hate when waiters tell me their first name, it is too friendly and casual for me. So, you can watch out for their body language. But, as Allison says for many situations its too long. You know that most of the time they are trying to be polite and nice and think theyre being flattering but YOU know you arent young any more or not as young as you were and you know they know. Oh, this kind of comment is so patronizing and gross! There were customers who were upset when they got the discount and didnt qualify for it and there were customers who were upset when they didnt get the discount and they did qualify for it. Did they include you in discussions? We had several conversations about it, mostly because he really struggled to see things from any other perspective. Blushing is a natural physical reaction that happens when you receive an unexpected compliment. In alaska, they have to card everyone, which I learned when I went on vacation there this summer. * Assume I was American and start shouting at me for using such an American address. Honestly, no, thats still not a compliment. It seems its offensive to a fair amount of people on here, but not everyone is saying that. Its certainly got nothing to do with management. She wasnt crude or bad just very behind the times. The fact that young=compliment is valuing youth in problematic ways (start dissecting it down as to WHY youth is a compliment) it is making age the important point of discussion, which, especially at work, it isnt. However, I also dont think its appropriate. Sometimes it means, bless your heart. If it were that obvious, the plausible deniability that the go eff yourself subtext relies on would be gone, and it wouldnt be effective. But, these days its used on both males and females. And they want to stay away from that. I cant even figure out why this is here instead on Miss Manners. Whether its worth doing at any particular time or context is a trickier question. My pet peeve of all time. It is just obviously wrong. So, watch out for the body language of your crush, if you feel they act the same way as others, then you can let the word pass as casual. Im 68. Dont talk to me like a little kid (a little *girl*because a male kid gets called man from almost any age but a woman may never stopped being condescended to) who gets a pat on the head. Excuse me, youve dropped your glove, works though. But young lady? The same might be said of him: its not that you are sitting next to him every day during lunch, but that he actually comes and sits next to you. Her site, she can do what she wants. But I already know what responses I would get if I protested: But I was just trying to pay you a COMPLIMENT!. I work out at the gym twice a week with a trainer, and Im pretty much a chatty Cathy so Ive made a bunch of friends there. When I lived on the West Coast there were some people who got their panties in a twist over it. November 9, 2022, 1:51 pm, by And, honestly, only assholes on both sides participate in the stigmatization. Crush called me lady . Much different than a fully functioning adult talking to another fully functioning adult scenario. He's just being lazy by not calling you by name, while trying to sound "street". Or they want you to know they are comfortable with your presence. Rather than getting caught in a lecture about ageism and sexism (however justified), you might be able to change the offenders habit by pointing this out. It would be like me writing in to ask how to get the people at starbucks to stop spelling my name wrong on my cup. For 21, I look terrible. But,the point is, crushes can be painful. Now THATS an appropriately deployed young lady.. Id say oh Im 65! Whats your definition of young? and then possibly a question of whether they refer to younger customers as old bats and why not? I think knowing the crappiness of a customer service job behooves customers to be polite, friendly, and businesslike. Ive not objected to darling, dear and many more when it was obvious the person meant no harm but young lady is minimising and disrespectful. If I have any kind of relationship business or personal the one I have that relationship with knows to use my name First and Last or just First without any sort of honorific. Yep, its pretty clearly, I assume all people (especially women) are desperate to cling to the appearance of youth, so even though you do not look like a college student, Ill pretend you do. Its weird and uncomfortable. I understood he must have been raised to be that way and didnt say anything, but OMG what kind of environment did he grow up in? because we dont know their names and Hey mister is.not.better. Dude is the unoffensive, gender neutral term that can be used by everyone. My fine fellow? Greetings dont have to include anything about age or gender. How often are there letters saying can I go to my husbands boss/HR about this? Ethnic slurs used to be household words we had to erase too. You could phrase your questions this way: If you like the endearment, you can encourage them to keep calling you that. On the other hand, Mrs. Mylastname will ALWAYS be my mother I will never be Mrs. Mylastname unless I marry a man who is also a Mylastname. I also think something like Well hey now, Ive earned these wrinkles! said cheerfully can also be disarming but still get the point across. I've called girls that I like "bro" on accident. It might work to your advantage. Its patronizing. And dont forget the women who get furious at servers who dare to say something like Hi Guys. Sometimes you have to go along to get along. Thats why you need to know the answer to this question: After all, nothing feels better than having a crush and finding out your crush likes you too. Its like the lifespan of a woman is however many years of lesser-than followed by sheer irrelevancy. Follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest and we promise, well be your lucky charm to a beautiful love life. Todays me wouldve been, Aw thank you! You may be thinking, there are no signs, but oh, there are signs your crush doesnt like you or does. If that stare is directed at you, then it means that they are picking up what youre putting down. In fact, it can be very sweet and very telling. Still a bit iffy, but not so bad. BUTif it IS blatant sexism or ageism(and tone of voice is a big one here)then yes, not great and stop it! I dont really expect men who call me maam to kneel. Love makes us see things and people in new ways. Yeah, its a thing. Huh. Last Updated November 2, 2022, 3:53 pm. He was about 65 and worked as a cashier for those getting cancer treatments. Im in my late 30s (but look 10 years younger) and sometimes use girls to describe groups of women. +1 y. I wouldn't say your friend zoned just cause he called you man. :( But Alisons script here is so perfect. My grocery cashier is a lady older than me and she calls me young lady, so its like a joke. It just recently surfaced and if a crush calls you that, you may be wondering what it means. Seriously. Yeah, young lady is NOT and will never be the *antidote* to Maam. How often are we told to suck up some offensive/insulting behavior because they mean well?. Dont you hate it when you send someone a message and you only get crickets in return? You can 100% ALWAYS call me Lady Grantham. You might sit next to the same guy in the office cafeteria for months and never notice him and then one day realize hes pretty cute. It gives you a chance to be honest with the person you have a crush on, and they also get the chance to admit it back to you. This is what I think!! For that reason, among dozens of others, hes not going to be our accountant for much longer. Thank you. Meanwhile us Midwestern folks would like to politely stay out of either label if you dont mind. Why are you so dedicated to this sexist phrasing? In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation. Why have I published questions about vampires or letters that are more about relationship problems than work? In the south, comments like that are very, very common small talk and responses to such comments. He calls out to everyone who walks down the street, with either Good afternoon, sir or good afternoon, young lady. I assume he thinks that will get him better results than using sir and maam, but it doesnt feel at all respectful, to the point that I am very unlikely ever to buy his newspaper. Amazing. Except Im not a troublesome customer. Dating and married couples, and friends call each other this word. When someone likes you, they want to knoweverythingyoure doing and who youre hanging out with. I think it is super gross to call an adult woman young lady, and have gotten deeply upset myself when called things like this. It doesnt have judgement youre adding that in, as your choice of analogous wording indicates. Yes its not the informality, its the gendered condescension. Unfortunately, the US system of wages for waiters and other tipped workers doesnt allow for tips to truly be treated as extras. They are wages and when the worker performs work, they should be paid accordingly. If you cant master something like yall, then avoid the pronoun entirely. But, please lets not pretend that its ok. Its not. And then the layoffs come. When someone is on social media, its their free time. Miss and Maam are honorifics and yeah, some people will feel old being called by an honorific. That being said, my initial reaction to the original posters response to that comment was to cringe a little. Also, check how they behave after using the word with you. Why are so many people struggling with this concept today? Copyright 2007 - 2022 Ask A Manager. You misunderstood what I was saying. This is one of those things that, to me, is just getting upset at people for no reason. So you want to make someone else feel worse to make yourself feel better? It could mean talking at the same speed. I dont ever complain out loud but I do hate being called maam because it makes me feel old. I dont think Ive ever heard that other than to an actual child except with a clear racist undercurrent (and to actual children, mostly with a sense that the kids in trouble). LW isnt navigating a work situation, shes just being a retail customer, who can get away with all sorts of bullshit that doesnt fly in an office. So youve been to every part of the United States? They just thought I was weird. They may brush up against you when passing or touch your leg with their leg when seated at a table. Sorry if it seemed like that. Ive seen people say similar things, and invariably the other person then gets really uncomfortable and you can see them thinking, Oh no, is this person acknowledging theyre old? If not, then yeah, there are personal quirks that people feel irritated by, and yours may be one of them. In my county most places card everyone even if you look 90 and are 95 you still get carded. Theres a lot of awkward scripts and unfortunate rules that staff are forced to comply with to keep their jobs, especially when theyre young and potentially in first jobs and/or jobs that turnover staff rapidly. You might also catch someone staring at you from across the room and if you're interested Hussey encourages you to stare right back. The advice is you dont need to create a learning moment every time, but when you do want to, it might be better to say X than Y.. You were gone? She was also one of those women everyone assume was prim and proper based on her appearance. Apologies, I dont mean that last paragraph to imply OP shouted at the staff. Its actually rather insulting. Why should asking someone not to call you young lady when youre old make them feel shitty? It wont kill anyone. I guess what Im confused about, is if someone wants to compliment someone, there are much less potentially fraught ways of doing it. Can we chill out on that front? Usually its a telemarketer who hasnt bothered to do the research and who is in violation of the Do Not Call list. Thought my head was going to explode. Her kid had a child at 14. Immediately responding to a message is a hint that someone doesnt take your attention for granted. There are so many worse things in this world to get angry over. I work with customers, and I get by just fine with Hi! I mean, its fine to not like it I dont like being called maam and usually joke about it with whomever did but I just the level of animosity here about it seems more directed at the sexism understood with it rather than the phrase. I have been annoyed in the past by certain people calling me young lady, but since this guy does it equally to everyone I never really think much of it. But yes I definitely do say Miss Firstname a lot. I was just beaten over the head to say maam and sir. Nope, dude is definitely gendered IMO. Maybe your crush asks you to hang out and get some food with them. What can I help you with? He was pretty rigid about that. Its a figure of speech. Its not complimentary and no one can say it to me but my mom, 30 years ago. Whether the letter writer is in one of those parts of the country or not, who knows? Shes a customer/client. I saw red. None of these are gendered. Once one of them spots a sting operation, they all call each other (in the local area), and all the bars/restaurants card everyone. If its a kid, sure. Or theyll assume you have one and instead ask questions about who youve been spending time with lately. Oh, I love young fella. I have young manned men who call me young lady, but its not the same. I can see how a person might carry that rule of thumb over to this situation also. Thats not a great sign. I dont mean to be offensive with it, but its a hard habit to break! After all, you dont want to have feelings for someone who may not like you back. I actually had one guy about 25 (Im in my late 30s) say, we both know this isnt necessary, but could I see your ID? Im sure some would have been offended. Frankly, though, if the customer service person is otherwise polite and efficient, anything else to me is a bump in the road and one to be overlooked and certainly not analyzed to death. This is not intended to be something one guesses based on appearance. I gave a physical therapist a hard time about young lady too. Because Im usually pointing at someone in a large crowd to call on them, and its not always clear who Im pointing to (I also almost never know the names of anyone in the audience), Ill usually try to reference something distinguishing about the person Im calling on to make it clearer. If you think someone likes you, or maybe even loves you, watch for signs they are paying attention. so I still get legitimately addressed as young lady by older men. Its not entertaining. I dont agree with that generalization at all. Thanks! Mr. Cajun said Some people would take it as the joke it was intended and Im saying that jokes (which this situation wasnt) at someones expense arent jokes at all. I want to be an old battleaxe that still has a sharp blade. I do expect someone to wait on me when I walk into a store. If its someone you will likely never see again, why bother making their day worse to make yourself feel better because you educated people? The more you know! Try to get to know your crush first and make sure youre on the same page before making any early assumptions. [Read:How to talk to your crush and make them fall for you]. Im 63. But only if I like you. Please. Calmly. I was taught it was disrespectful to call established adult women miss, just a few steps away from saying little girl. I think the worst thing is when people treat service workers as if they are not even human. Im a male in my mid-20s and I absolutely hate when men 30+ refer to me as buddy. Im not a friggin middle schooler anymore! When we like someone, we want them to know. Clisby asked where and you get mean. Such that it is to be desired over the achievement of years and a life lived?. Hes from the same culture so totally indicates he had some issues. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. Id only fall for it if I were delusional. Its incredibly disrespectful. Young lady is not, and never has been a form of polite address, formal or informal.. Its the kind of thing your parents might tell you is appropriate if youre working in the service industry, so maybe not that strange actually. CBS Having a crush can be thrilling and completely, ridiculously nerve-wracking. Theres no perfect age. This reminds me of a photographer I had started talking to for our wedding. This should help you define your relationship and take appropriate steps from there. Oh lord, I had a coworker regularly address me as kiddo when I was 30. I agree, this seems like a good way to approach it. Ive definitely experienced people asking for ID intending it as some weird form of flattery. I was so taken aback I laughed uncomfortably and scheduled the appointment. It doesnt actually come across as a compliment.. We want to be close to the people we love. I dont think this is a joke at their expense. *I* wish the people at the place I take my car would stop calling me a guest. Being a loyal customer or client would suit me fine, but if Im a guest why did you just charge me $800 to sit in your lobby for 5 hours? If youre an alaska resident, there are certain DUI related offenses which mean you cant get served/sold alcohol and it gets marked on your ID, so bars actually need to check everyone). Thats another slippery slope. It just recently surfaced and if a crush calls you that, you may be wondering what it means. If you dont like someone, youre not touching them with a 10-foot pole. I live in Southern California, and here, guys is pretty generic its pretty common to hear women refer to each other as guys.. Maybe the kid heard his old manager use it with an old classmate, and copied inappropriately. If youre out at a bar one night, look around. But lots of people subtly and directly both pushing back can.). If it really bothers the recipient this much, their response isnt any better, because they are responding as if the person meant malice or ill intent. Actually, I think they would. Here is another big one of the big signs that your crush doesnt like you over text. I was just thinking about this quote, and how it might inform a lighthearted response: Oh dear! Thanks for sharing! It should only be used in the UK for someone for whom it is the appropriate aristocratic term of address, and even there, it might be pushing it to use it in 2019. A couple of years ago I asked her at what age do social graces no longer apply? She looked at me long and hard, and said You are not old enough, young lady When you stiff a server, you make them pay to serve you. And if youre sure they like you, then you can respond in ways to make them know you like it and to show that you reciprocate the feeling. While it is possible that people can misinterpret it, lets also not pretend that people dont get cute about pretending they think youre younger than you are, particularly when youre a woman. But if its such that they use the term alone with you or their body language is suggesting that they find you attractive, then by all means fan the flame. So if you find that they naturally blush around you, thats a great sign that they like you. You can use words like: You can decide to reciprocate by calling them boo too. Or, I guess, they can write to Ask A Manager about something that really fits better on Miss Manners, I guess. I am not required to be a good little girl and just take my change and go home. "Take a minute to talk to your friends. I love throwing it back at them. The thing is, # years old is how we say someones age in English. ", He also noted that it's a great sign if the person remembers details from your previous conversation especially if that person is a man. The idea that these casually sexist and patronising remarks should be tolerated because theyre not that big a deal perpetuates the socially sanctioned sexism inherent in the comment. Agreed. And yeah I thought it made her blush a bit. He may like you, and he may not, but that moniker isn't an indication of anything. Because when someone likes you and has a good rapport with you, then subconsciously they start to act like them. And just because your crush doesnt like you back doesnt mean that there is anything wrong with you at all. Its when you see that they enjoy your company, laugh at your jokes, and spend more time with you. 14. But it had nothing to do with work, offices, management, etc. The OP seems to think that *not* complaining to the manager is virtuous but to me, the concept that not telling the manager should be lauded that telling the manager would even be on the table is silly. But if you both wont admit your feelings to each other, your relationship is not going anywhere. I personally wouldnt find being called young lady offensive, sexist, or demeaning, but Im obviously in the minority on this thread. As human beings, we all want and need attention. The employee in the letter who called her young lady was in his 20s. Its a verbal pat on the head, isnt it? Are you saying she shouldnt have used your name to address you? Your crush may have asked a friend of yours, stalked your social media accounts, or they've been crushing on you long before you even realized that you're crushing on them. HA, agreed. This is an industry wide problem. It makes me cringe when people use it to refer to actual children (just a pet peeve like hating moist, I realize its my issue!) If your crush happens to know a lot of things about you and youre wondering why, chances are they have done some research about you. But we can be cranky old women and shop somwhere else. I do agree that most of the time its likely just policy and/or law theyre following. How are you/How can I help you?, Also this is making me think of the Lady Grantham, Dowager Countess of Downton Abbey meeting Mrs. Crawley and responding to Mrs. Crawleys question about what she should call her with Well, we could always start with Mrs. Crawley and Lady Grantham.. "You'll find that you become a center of gravity for that person," Hussey said. I think one of the issues at play here is that there is no real change in how you address a man respectfully. So lets give them a break and not correct them unless they say something truly horrible. Click here to get $50 off your first session (exclusive offer for Hack Spirit readers). When dealing with the public, there is literally *nothing* you can say that wont offend *someone*. So, they will avoid getting too close to you. First of all, not that it matters, Im not married. Please dont shout at service staff. In my era (raised in the 60s) he term young lady had extremely negative connotations. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); ABOUT USAnsweroll is a platform created to help you find answers to relationship questions that would spice up and strengthen that love life of yours.At Answeroll, we focus on creating content that will help our readers make the best of lifes conditions including scaling through a romantic relationship.We understand the confidence youve in us to help you build the right social circle, so our content is easy to implement in your everyday life.Feel Free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you've got any requests, questions, or queries.BestMary-M. 2022 | A Part of DDM | All Rights Reserved. The OP was not rude, nor did she berate the young worker. I usually just say, Oh, Im not so young, but thanks. Kind of makes one wonder what else he would have dug his heels in over. Theres an element of ageism and sexism inherent in maam versus miss that Im not comfortable with. I have a friend my age who my dears me. Personally if someone referred to me as young lady in the setting the OP describes above (which I agree is an unusual choice to post for this particular blog), I wouldnt care or notice, but if it did bother me Id probably just say something like thanks, old bean! and smile. I am not sure what word we would use. * you were in trouble Or assume that you are so thirsty for compliments that you are happy for even obviously false ones. Im going to take it as it was meant, as a polite address. So does language. This isnt groping, this isnt a personal slight or offense at all, this to me is an overreaction. See the difference? Its all subjective. Even a ten year old probably doesnt need her age called out when addressing her. It seems perfectly respectful to me. So youre the final arbiter of what everyone else has to consider polite? Theres alsowellas someone who was working retail recentlyif you dont know someone and certainly dont know their name, such as a customer, what do you call them to get their attention? He told me I was a nice young women. If your crush also approaches you often and tries to find ways to be near you, it could be a great sign that they are starting to see you more than as a friend. Uh, ok. It was not common in any of those places except by patronizing men it was more common in the south but then treating women as lesser beings was somewhat more common there. React. In our reviews, Hack Spirit highlights products and services that you might find interesting. If your listener is perceptive, hell get your point, and if not, he can at least learn by rote memorization. Some people probably hear people joke about themselves in this manner and then think its okay to make jokes of that nature. 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