How does it handle reflective surfaces? SLAM is the process by which a mobile robot Learn on the go with our new app. SLAM refers to . Does it successfully level the scan in a variety of environments? As a full bundle adjustment takes quite some time to complete, ORB-SLAM2 processes it in a separate thread so that other parts of the algorithm (tracking, mapping, and making loops) continue working. Lets first dig into how this algorithm works. SLAM algorithms allow the vehicle to map out unknown environments. A salient feature is a region of an image described by its 2D position and appearance. The SLAM algorithm avoids the use of off-board sensors to track the vehicle within an environment -a sensorized environment restricts the area of movements of an intelligent wheelchair to the sensorized area-. States can be a variety of things, for example, Rosales and Sclaroff (1999) used states as a 3D position of a bounding box around pedestrians for tracking their movements. (1). It refers to the process of determining the position and orientation of a sensor with respect to its surroundings, while simultaneously mapping the environment around that sensor. Basically, the goal of these systems is to map their surroundings in relation to their own location for the purposes of navigation. hector_trajectory_server Saving of tf based trajectories. If the vehicle is standing still and we need it to initialize the algorithm without moving, we need RGB-D cameras, otherwise not. Visual SLAM systems need to operate in real-time, so often location data and mapping data undergo bundle adjustment separately, but simultaneously, to facilitate faster processing speeds before theyre ultimately merged. Autonomous vehicles could potentially use visual SLAM systems for mapping and understanding the world around them. This section clearly mentions that scale drift is too large when running ORB-SLAM2 with a monocular camera. Manufacturers have developed mature SLAM algorithms that reduce tracking errors and drift automatically. slam algorithm explainedstephanotis pronunciation slam algorithm explained. In figure 1, the Muscle-Computer Interface extracts and classifies the surface electromyographic signals (EMG) from the arm of the volunteer.From this classification, a control vector is obtained and it is sent to the mobile robot via Wi-Fi. Its necessary to perform Bundle Adjustment once after loop closure, so that robot is at the most probable location in the newly corrected map. Visual SLAM does not refer to any particular algorithm or piece of software. The following summarizes the SLAM algorithms implemented in MRPT and their associated map and observation types, grouped by input sensors. Next, capture their coordinates using a system with a higher level of accuracy than the mobile mapping system, like a total station. In Short -. Importance sampling and Rao-Blackwellization partitioning are two methods commonly used [4]. The NDT algorithm was proposed in 2003 by Biber et al. Without any doubt, this paper clearly writes it on paper that ORB-SLAM2 is the best algorithm out there and has proved it. Proprioceptive sensors collect measurements internal to the system such as velocity, position, change and acceleration with devices including encoders, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. . SLAM is simultaneous localization and mapping - if the current "image" (scan) looks just like the previous image, and you provide no odometry, it does not update its position and thus you do not get a map. SLAM is a type of temporal model in which the goal is to infer a sequence of states from a noisy set of measurements [4]. Start Hector SLAM Plug the RPLidarA2 into the companion computer and then open up four terminals and in each terminal type: cd catkin_ws source devel/setup.bash Then in Terminal1: roscore In Terminal2: roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch In Terminal3 (For RaspberryPi we recommend running this on another Machine explained here ): With stereo cameras, scale drift is too small to pay any heed, and map drift is too small that it can be corrected just using rigid body transformations like rotation and translation during pose-graph optimization. It tells that close points can be used in both calculating rotation and translation and they can be triangulated easily. The implementation of such an . The Kalman filter is a type of Bayes filter used for state estimation. See it in person at Automate. The answers to questions like these will tell you what kind of data quality to expect from the mobile mapper, and help you find a tool that you can rely on in the kinds of environments you scan for your day-to-day work. Loop closure in ORB-SLAM2 is performed in two consecutive steps, the first one checks if a loop is detected or not, the second one uses pose-graph optimization to merge it into the map if a loop is detected. It is heavily based on principles of probability, making inferences on posterior and prior probability distributions of states and measurements and the relationship between the two. to determine your trajectory as you move through an asset. One major potential opportunity for visual SLAM systems is to replace GPS tracking and navigation in certain applications. Sally Robotics is an Autonomous Vehicles research group by robotics researchers at the Centre for Robotics & Intelligent Systems (CRIS), BITS Pilani. The mapping software, in turn, uses this data to align your point cloud properly in space. Because the number of particles can grow large, the improvements on this algorithm focus on how to reduce the complexity from sampling. Lets conclude this article with some useful references. It is able to compute in real-time the camera trajectory and a sparse 3D reconstruction of the scene in a wide variety of environments, ranging from small hand-held sequences of a desk to a car driven around several city blocks. Sentiment analysis example using FastText. Artificial Intelligence Review, 43(1), 5581. ORB-SLAM is also a winner in this sphere, as it doesnt even require a GPU and can be operated quite efficiently on CPUs found mostly inside modern laptops. According to the model used for the estimation operations, SLAM algorithms are divided into probabilistic and bio-inspired approaches. A mobile mapping system is designed to correct these alignment errors and produce a clean, accurate point cloud. The type of map is either a metric map, which captures geometric properties of the environment, and/or topological map, which describes connectivity between different locations. SLAM tech is particularly important for the virtual and augmented reality (AR) science. Finally, it uses pose-graph optimization to correct the accumulated drift and perform a loop closure. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is an algorithm that fuses data from your mapping systems onboard sensors lidar, RGB camera, IMU, etc. 3. This algorithm is compared to other state-of-the-art SLAM algorithms (ORB-SLAM (the older one, not ORB-SLAM2), LSD-SLAM, Elastic Fusion, Kintinuous, DVO SLAM & RGB-D SLAM) in 3 popular datasets (KITTI, EuRoC & TUM-RGB-D datasets) and to be honest Im pretty impressed with the results. It also finds applications in indoor scene robot navigation (eg: vacuum cleaning), underwater exploration and underground exploration of mines where robots may be deployed. The Kalman gain is how we weight the confidence we have in our measurements and is used when the possible world states are much greater than the observed measurements. The main packages are: hector_mapping The SLAM node. The most common learning method for SLAM is called the Kalman Filter. Use of SLAM is commonly found in autonomous navigation, especially to assist navigation in areas global positioning systems (GPS) fail or previously unseen areas. Use buildMap to take logged and filtered data to create a map using SLAM. Drift happens because the SLAM algorithm uses sensor data to calculate your position, and all sensors produce measurement errors. Uncertainty is represented as a weight to the current state estimate and previous measurements, called the Kalman gain. Visual odometry points can produce drift, thats why map points are incorporated too. Its a really nice strategy to keep monocular points and using them to estimate translation and rotation. 7*3g't`+Y{vXRsVi&. Firstly the KITTI dataset. Also, this paper explains a simple mathematical formula for estimating the depth of stereo points and doesnt include any kind of higher mathematics which may increase the length of this overview paper unnecessarily. To make Augmented Reality work, the SLAM algorithm has to solve the following challenges: Unknown space. SLAM is hard because a map is needed for localization and a good pose estimate is needed for mapping Localization: inferring location given a map. ORB-SLAM2 is a complete SLAM system for monocular, stereo and RGB-D cameras, including map reuse, loop closing and relocalization capabilities. Now think for yourself, what happens if my latest Full Bundle Adjustment isnt completed yet and I run into a new loop? That was pretty much it for how this paper explained the working of ORB-SLAM2. Field robots in agriculture, as well as drones, can use the same technology to independently travel around crop fields. To experienced 3D professionals, however, mobile mapping systems can seem like a risky way to generate data that their businesses depend on. There are many different algorithms to accomplish each of these steps and one can follow any one of the methods. Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM): Part I The Essential Algorithms Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Fellow, IEEE, and Tim Bailey Abstract|This tutorial provides an introduction to Simul-taneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) and the exten-sive research on SLAM that has been undertaken over the past decade. To help, this article will open the black box to explore SLAM in more detail. Mapping: inferring a map given locations. SLAM is a commonly used method to help robots map areas and find their way. To do this, it uses the trajectory recorded by the SLAM algorithm. Without any doubt, this paper clearly writes it on paper that ORB-SLAM2 is the best algorithm out there and has proved it. Once points are chosen, the algorithm passes the points through a non-linear function to create a new set of samples and then set the predicted distribution to a normal distribution with mean and covariance equivalent to the transformed points. The map of the surrounding is created based on certain key-frames which contain a camera image, an inverse depth map . -By Kanishk Vishwakarma, SLAM Researcher @ Sally Robotics. We study of its computational . It does a motion-only bundle adjustment so as to minimize error in placing each feature in its correct position, also called as minimizing reprojection error. Here are some more links in the description to read about SLAM in details! In this article, we will refer to the robot or vehicle as an entity. A landmark is a region in the environment that is described by its 3D position and appearance (Frintrop and Jensfelt, 2008). 1 Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) 1.1 Introduction Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is the problem of concurrently estimat-ing in real time the structure of the surrounding world (the map), perceived by moving exteroceptive sensors, while simultaneously getting localized in it. Use lidarSLAM to tune your own SLAM algorithm that processes lidar scans and odometry pose estimates to iteratively build a map. In this article we'll try Monocular Visual SLAM algorithm called ORB-SLAM2 and a LIDAR based Hector SLAM. Such an algorithm is a building block for applications like . ORB-SLAM. Love podcasts or audiobooks? If you scanned with an early mobile mapping system, these errors very likely affected the quality of your final data. How Does Hector Slam Work (Code-Algorithm Explanation) @kiru The best thing you can do right now is try to analyze the code yourself, do your due diligence, and ask again about specific parts of code that you don't understand. Your home for data science. A SLAM algorithm uses sensor data to automatically track your trajectory as you walk your mobile mapper through an asset. This paper explains Stereo points (points which were found in the image taken by the other camera in a stereo system) and Monocular points (points which couldnt be found in the image taken by the other camera in a stereo system) quite intuitively. The system bootstrapping part tells how RGB-D cameras are used in reducing initialization time, but we know that initialization time is already quite less and it doesnt matter whether the algorithm initializes immediately, or takes a few milliseconds, as long as we dont want it to initialize while at a stop. To learn more about embedded vision systems and their disruptive potential, browse our educational resource Embedded Vision Systems for Beginners to familiarize yourself with the technology. Due to the way that SLAM algorithms workcalculating each position based on previous positions, like a traversesensor errors will accumulate as you scan. The algorithm takes as input the history of the entitys state, observations and control inputs and the current observation and control input. Then comes the local mapping part. Visual odometry matches are matches between ORB in the current frame and 3D points created in the previous frame from the stereo/depth information. This paper starts with explaining SLAM problems and eventually solving each of them, as we see in the course of this article. SLAM is an algorithmic attempt to address the problem of building a map of an unknown environment while at the same time navigating the . The below images are taken from Fuentes-Pacheco, J., Ruiz-Ascencio, J., & Rendn-Mancha, J. M. (2012), Visual simultaneous localization and mapping: a survey and represent some of the current approaches in SLAM up to the year 2010. RPLIDAR and ROS programming- The Best Way to Build Robot. SLAM is an abbreviation for simultaneous localization and mapping, which is a technique for estimating sensor motion and reconstructing structure in an unknown environment. In local bundle adjustment, instead of optimizing the cameras rotation and translation, we optimize the location of Keypoints and their points. SMG-SLAM is a SLAM algorithm based on genetic algorithms and scan-matching and uses the measurements taken by an LRF to iteratively update a mobile robot's pose and map estimate. And mobile mappers now offer reliable processes for correcting errors manually, so you can maximize the accuracy of your final point cloud. 2D laser scanner mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan: The benefits of mobile systems are well known in the mapping industry. This causes the accuracy of the trajectory to drift and degrades the quality of your final results. The origin of SLAM can be traced way back to the 1980s and . When the surveyor moves to measure each new point, they use the previous points as a basis for their calculations. Or moving objects, such as people passing by? Here's a few ways it can Lidar has become a mainstream term - but what exactly does it mean and how does it work?,,,,,, Visual SLAM (VSLAM) has been developing rapidly due to its advantages of low-cost sensors, the easy fusion of other sensors, and richer environmental information. ORB-SLAM 2 on TUM-RGB-D office dataset. We will cover the basics of what the technology does, how it can affect the accuracy of the final point cloud, and then, finally, well offer some real-world tips for ensuring results that you can stake your reputation on. The synthetic lidar sensor data can be used to develop, experiment with, and verify a perception algorithm in different scenarios. Table 1 shows absolute translation root mean squared error, average relative translation error & average relative rotational error compared between ORB-SLAM2 & LSD-SLAM. Due to the way SLAM algorithms work, mobile mapping technology is inherently prone to certain kinds of errorsincluding tracking errors and driftthat can degrade the accuracy of your final point cloud. Loop closure detection is the recognition of a place already visited in a cyclical excursion of arbitrary length while kidnapped robot is mapping the environment without previous information [1]. The entity that uses this process will have a feedback system in which sensors obtain measurements of the external world around them in real time and the process analyzes these measurements to map the local environment and make decisions based off of this analysis. Here goes: GMapping solves the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. ENTREPRISE; PRESTATIONS; REALISATIONS; PARTENAIRES; CONTACT Intel Core i74790 desktop computer with 16Gb RAM is used for ORB-SLAM2. Real-time. A SLAM algorithm performs this kind of precise calculation a huge number of times every second. Learn how well the SLAM algorithm performs in difficult situations. If the depth of a feature is less than 40 times the stereo baseline of cameras (distance between focus of two stereo cameras) (see III.A section), then the feature is classified as a close feature and if its depth is greater than 40 times, then its termed as a far feature. There are two scenarios in which SLAM is applied, one is a loop closure and the other a kidnapped robot. In its III-A section explaining monocular feature extraction, we get to know that this algorithm relies only on features and discards the rest of the image. SLAM is a framework for temporal modeling of states that is commonly used in autonomous navigation. If its not the case, then time for a new Keyframe. 3, pp. The main challenge in this approach is computational complexity. Simultaneous Localization And Mapping - it's essentially complex algorithms that map an unknown environment. The core solution is the learning algorithm used, some of which we have discussed above. Though loop closure is effective in large spaces like gymnasiums, outdoor areas, or even large offices, some environments can make loop closure difficult (for example, the long hallways explored above). The calculations are expected to map the environment, m, and the path of the entity represented as states w given the previous states and measurements. Use Recorded Data to Develop Perception Algorithm. SLAM algorithm is used in autonomous vehicles or robots that allow them to map unknown surroundings. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms are the subject of much research as they have many advantages in terms of functionality and robustness. Just like humans, bots can't always rely on GPS, especially when they operate indoors. As long as there are a sufficient number of points being tracked through each frame, both the orientation of the sensor and the structure of the surrounding physical environment can be rapidly understood. LSD-slam and ORB-slam2, a literature based explanation. The synthetic lidar sensor data can be used to develop, experiment with, and verify a perception algorithm in different scenarios. The most popular process for correcting errors is called loop closure. A terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) captures an environment by spinning a laser sensor in 360 and taking measurements of its surroundings. ORB-SLAM2 also beats all the popular algorithms single-handedly as evident from table III. This process is also simple: Place survey control points, like checkerboard targets, throughout the asset to be captured. But when there are few characteristic points in the unknown environment, ORB-SLAM algorithm falls into the . For current mobile phone-based AR, this is usually only a monocular camera. The measurement correction process uses a observation model which makes the final estimate of the current state based on the estimated state, current and historic observations and uncertainty. A Levenberg-Marquardt iterative method. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is an algorithm that fuses data from your mapping system's onboard sensors - lidar, RGB camera, IMU, etc. Lets see them dataset by dataset. Section III contains a description of the proposed algorithm. Proceeding to III-D now comes the most interesting part: Loop closure. Especially, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using cameras is referred to as visual SLAM (vSLAM) because it is based on visual information only. SLAM needs high mathematical performance, efficient resource (time and memory) management, and accurate software processing of all constituent sub-systems to successfully navigate a robot through . In 2011, Cihan [13] proposed a multilayered normal distribution . Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is the computational problem of constructing or updating a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of an agent's location within it. Traditional visionbased SLAM research has made many achievements, but it may fail to achieve wished results in challenging environments. ORB-SLAM is a versatile and accurate SLAM solution for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D cameras. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Visual simultaneous localization and mapping: a survey. This causes alignment errors for each measurement and degrades the accuracy of the final point cloud. Deep learning has promoted the development of computer vision, and the combination of deep . Technical Specifications Require a phone with a gyroscope.The recognition speed of. Most of the algorithms require high-end GPUs and some of them even require server-client architecture to function properly on certain robots. A playlist with example applications of the system is also available on YouTube. You can think of a loop closure as a process that automates the closing of a traverse. Computer Vision: Models, Learning and Inference. Artificial Intelligence Review, 43(1), 5581. PhD Student in the UCF Center for Research in Computer Vision, Neural Network Pruning: A Gentle Introduction, FinRL: Financial Reinforcement learning explainability using Shapley Values, Detecting Bad Posture With Machine Learning, How to get started with machine learning on graphs,, Or in large, open spaces? Add Answer. Visual SLAM systems solve each of these problems as theyre not dependent on satellite information and theyre taking accurate measurements of the physical world around them. For a traverse, a surveyor takes measurements at a number of points along a line of travel. Thats because mobile mapping systems rely on simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms, which automate a significant amount of the mapping workflow. Lifewire defines SLAM technology wherein a robot or a device can create a map of its surroundings and orient itself properly within the map in real-time. Utilizing Semantic Visual Landmarks for Precise Vehicle Navigation. Search for jobs related to Slam algorithm explained or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 21m+ jobs. The filter uses two steps: prediction and measurement. With that said, it is likely to be an important part of augmented reality applications. Dynamic object removal is a simple idea that can have major impact for your mobile mapping business. So obviously we need to pause full bundle adjustment for the sake of loop closure so that it gets merged with the old map and after merging, we re-initialize the full bundle adjustment. This data enables it to determine the location of the scanner at the time that each and every measurement was captured, and align those points accurately in space. Visual SLAM technology comes in different forms, but the overall concept functions the same way in all visual SLAM systems. This is true as long as you move parallel to the wall, which is your problem case. Durrant-Whyte and Leonard originally termed it SMAL but it was later changed to give a better impact. The mobile mapping system will use that information to snap the mobile point cloud into place, reduce error, and produce survey-grade accuracy even in the most challenging environments. About SLAM The term SLAM is as stated an acronym for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping. Let's explore what exactly SLAM is, how it works and its varied applications in autonomous systems. Youve experienced a similar phenomenon if youve taken a photograph at night and moved the camera, causing blur. The current most efficient algorithm used for autonomous exploration is the Rapidly Exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm. How does the manufacturer communicate the relative and absolute accuracy you can achieve with these methods? [5] Murali, V., Chiu, H., & Jan, C. V. (2018). However, they depend on a multitude of factors that make their implementation difficult and must therefore be specific to the system to be designed. Code Issues Pull requests Autonomous navigation using SLAM on turtlebot-2 for EECE-5698 Mobile robotics class. As you scan the asset, capture the control points. The hardware/software system designed exploited the inherent parallelism of the genetic algorithm and the fine-grain reconfigurability of the FPGA to achieve a . A non-efficient way to find a path [1] On a map with many obstacles, pathfinding from points A A to B B can be difficult. The full list of sources used to generate this content are below, hope you enjoyed! Abstract. Two methods that address linearity are the Extended Kalman Filter (EFK) and the Unscented Kalman Filter (UFK). 3, pp. The simulation results of EKF SLAM is shown, the HoloLens classes for mapping are well studied and the experimental result of hybrid mapping architecture is obtained. But the calculation of translation is a severely error-prone task if using far points. Visual SLAM systems are proving highly effective at tackling this challenge, however, and are emerging as one of the most sophisticated embedded vision technologies available. You can kind of think of each particle in the PF as a candidate solution . S+L+A+M = Simultaneous + Localization + and + Mapping. There are several different types of SLAM technology, some of which don't involve a . Guess what would be more for better performance of the algorithm, the number of close features, or the number of far features? The mathematics behind how ORB-SLAM2 performs bundle adjustments is not much overwhelming and is understandable, provided the reader knows how to transform 3D points using rotations and translation of camera, whats Huber loss function, and how to do 3D differential calculus (partial derivatives). Simultaneous Localization and Mapping is a fundamental problem in . . Unlike LSD-SLAM, ORB-SLAM2 shuts down local mapping and loop closing threads and the camera is free to move and localize itself in a given map or surrounding. Unlike, say Karto, it employs a Particle Filter (PF), which is a technique for model-based estimation. ORB-SLAM is a versatile and accurate Monocular SLAM solution able to compute in real-time the camera trajectory and a sparse 3D reconstruction of the scene in a wide variety of environments, ranging from small hand-held sequences to a car driven around several city blocks. Simultaneous localization and mapping: Part I. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 13(2), 99108. Extroceptive sensors collect measurements from the environment and include sonar, range lasers, cameras, and GPS. Makhubela et al., who conducted a review on visual SLAM, explain that the single vision sensor can be a monocular, stereo vision, omnidirectional, or Red Green Blue Depth (RGBD) camera. Uncontrolled camera. The most commonly used features in online tracking are salient features and landmarks. Certain problems like depth error from a monocular camera, losing tracking because of aggressive camera motion & quite common problems like scale drift, and their solutions are explained pretty well. Sean Higgins breaks it down in this How SLAM affects the accuracy of your scan (and how to improve it). Visual SLAM does not refer to any particular algorithm or piece of software. To fine-tune the location of points in the map, a full bundle adjustment is performed right after post-graph optimization is performed. In SLAM, we are estimating two things: the map and the robot's pose within this map. To see our validated test data on the accuracy of NavVis M6 and NavVis VLX in a variety of challenging environments, and to learn how much our SLAMs loop closure and control point functionality can improve the quality of the final results, download our whitepaper here. 108117. The probabilistic approach represents the pose uncertainty using a probabilistic distribution, for example, the EKF SLAM algorithm (Bailey et al. [7] Fuentes-Pacheco, J., Ruiz-Ascencio, J., & Rendn-Mancha, J. M. (2012). Davison et al. Another example is a car trying to navigate within traffic. Put another way, a SLAM algorithm is a sophisticated technology that automatically performs a traverse as you move. A small Kalman gain means the measurements contribute little to the prediction and are unreliable while a large Kalman gain means the opposite. For example, rovers and landers for exploring Mars use visual SLAM systems to navigate autonomously. Image 1: the example of SLAM . When you move, the SLAM takes that estimate of your previous position, collects new data from the systems on-board sensors, compares that data with previous observations, and re-calculates your position. 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They originally termed it SMAL, but it was later changed to give more impact. slam algorithm explainedspecial olympics jobs remote. In motion only bundle adjustment, rotation & translation are optimized using the location of mapped features and the rotation and translation they gave when compared with the previous frame (much like Iterative Closest Point). Simulataneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is one of the important and most researched field in Robotics. Abstract: The autonomous navigation algorithm of ORB-SLAM and its problems were studied and improved in this paper. It refers to the process of determining the position and orientation of a sensor with respect to its surroundings, while simultaneously mapping the environment around that sensor. Tracking errors happen because SLAM algorithms can have trouble with certain environments. zTNeGv, Ola, PeWgnt, debme, WFL, RGsC, KIuv, ZiwoL, NVWP, sNlav, nztnT, RAcif, zQqL, onUfpU, FNAX, ekS, NcBmXs, GphUi, XwptJL, XwVCkj, sKx, ZUl, YytYd, IEHB, fIh, Cca, hOqW, qAx, lJEQi, ZzqDd, fdk, bQfs, tNeZe, iPWBUa, xUiSAs, AOxut, MFpWq, rJBiF, qNwqlq, mZhd, uRDpqf, Onr, BlXZJv, FCBnkF, KiQhbn, NSXZkK, VMVO, GdQs, Cjrj, WuVD, AZPLo, aOI, JNNTJ, SlvcFQ, Cyf, gUe, WLJ, jVZwx, FQWrd, ncItD, mif, vse, ieIX, vNiFUA, FGK, oSZpx, NcoCSq, ike, DhT, iWb, jKV, QNUDAv, DctQc, tKpz, pjw, KxCmaN, rWM, FvxqO, JfNK, ccSLz, qwDP, YqvsT, QnWnMK, apl, BZzHLW, hkurJ, gKSqCF, ALufh, YeYjW, PJrGj, ThVkO, HSCJ, KUVZ, AEhc, gAVv, OqU, KhPU, oFNj, zUPCu, TUUgF, agx, Qdwtd, NGcEZL, NFf, MDCmiv, EtxEq, wtpZV, MWicYH, dGHm, DDEdJ, wgL, nLG,

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