All Pensioners' associations in one voice rejected zero percent. I would like to know the number that is calling me for people that are not stored in my phone. But less so actual fake interviewers. If you can hide your phone number every time youre calling or returning a call to an unfamiliar number, you are minimizing the risks of your number being a part of a call list. I hope the other interviewee found something, though. Still wonder what the heck was going on, though. I hate my given name and use it as little as possible, my professional existence is under my nickname, which isnt normally short for it and is also a name in its own right (ex: my legal name is Linda, I go by Lee). Lamps! Your friends experience makes all of us who have gone the bootcamp route look bad. This letter had me in the first half because appearances change and maybe John didnt mention the kids so he wont be discriminated during the hiring process. My employee doubled (and later tripled) down! I am completely baffled and hugely entertained at the same time. Bizarre! They are waiting to hear back from legal I think they are weighing whether they confront John and let him try to explain or let him go anyway. But in that case, it wouldve been sorry, this is his brother Mike, we sound the same on the phone. He agrees and joins video with another device but video is on mute and has incredible lag. Then Im away from my phone for a few hours and come back to Cyrano! Im loving this post too, and I wish that there was also an end of year category for favorite drama in a post! ; Follow the instructions for We hired him and on his first day my boss asked him to log in to our team meeting early to make sure his audio was working correctly and it just was a different guy. Sounds like they could avoid this by designing tests that require to actually demonstrate knowledge, rather than regurgitate memorization. OH also- the company has implemented a new policy already (unsure of the record on how quickly a corporation can enact a new policy but I imagine they could be close).all video interviewees will have to give consent for their video interview to be recorded. If you need more, they instruct you to bring the used ones out to them. Moreover, the services we have mentioned can only hide your caller ID when youre making a call. I heard about this too! The first step varies depending on your Android unit and the Dialler app. They would have to be hired according to the laws of that country and the company would have to comply with all their regulations. Both should be blackballed from the industry. But also apparently the system takes a screen cap? WOW. But the one competent guy who worked there had to try to patch things up as needed, more and more frantically as their numbers increased, and got totally burnt out and ended up quitting. I swear to Bob that this is happening at my work right now Either that or they were bamboozled by white male mediocrity. Same! (And it was a lot to learn! After I dont answer and IF they leave a VM the phone number shows. My guess is that if they proved fraud they might be able to get out of paying him, but that it would be cheaper to just pay him. You could easily hold your finger over that part of your ID, though. There are places on the internet dedicated to helping people by any means necessary so they can secure the job they think they want, whether they are qualified or not. He couldnt see what the problem was. What I dont understand is why the questions over if this is the same guy if they saw his face on the interview. Not that Id get someone else to do mine, to be sure, but the odds that it would ever affect anyone are very low. The machine is very easy to start, and it is easy to free your hands. So, funny thingaccording to family lore my grandfather and his brother did something similar during the Depression. I got my license renewed this summer, and I could tell the picture wasnt great because the woman looked at it and said uh do you want to try one more? I like a FOOL was all nah, Im almost 40, I never get IDed anymore! You know, because retaking the picture would just have been sooooo arduous. Most coding tests have zero to do with the job, and are just there to see if they had the same college classes as the interviewer and can still regurgitate the answers. While its great to find a unicorn, you wouldnt necessarily expect them to have the exact set of skills and experiences youre looking for to the exclusion of all else. Numbers in my contacts are even coming up as No Caller ID. Mr. Sleazyclown may have found an immediate patsy and never called me back. Havent experienced this firsthand, but someone was telling me recently that their spouse, who works in tech, has run into a version of this with Zoom interviews. I hope there is some sort of update to this, but it sounds like one of those things where you may never find out the full story. That way he could keep his existing job and rake in some money from this side gig without having to do any of the actual work. I have had an emotionally taxing day at work. The I-9 has a whole list of what counts for identifying you as eligible to work in the US. Then Im like oh, yeah, Im Cercis canadensis, I go by canadensis generally.. Ive learned all the tricks in how to expose these types of candidates but once in a while they make it to the final interview. Yes, but that wasnt the John they thought they were hiring, and Real John was well aware of that when he accepted the offer under these false pretenses. I dont know if we definitely hired anyone this way, but Im sure one or two slipped through. LOL, he bought the basic fake interview with ads. My office buddys field is 100% tied up with government work and he says this would be a nightmare scenario for him. And theyll need to (in the US) do an I9 (Employment Eligibility Verification), anyway, which will include identifying documents. +1, Im sure everyone involved got way more entertainment from this saga than the company could otherwise have bought for a days salary! I wouldnt think it was bizarre to be asked for ID or anything but Id be a little surprised. We are an essential manufacturer so the telework situation is not a factor here and our locations employees work at the physical office/plant (if they arent sick). People seeing get the job as a goal and forgetting all about the part where then they have to -do that job-. Im from the US (near DC) so this may skew my experience but Ive never been asked for ID in an interview- just when onboarded. I want no misunderstandings. It sounds to me like one of the millions of IT certs CCNA, CNA, MCSA, A+, insert your own alphabet soup. I would have been suspiciousand asking others to contact Captain Awkward or Donna Ballman for affirmation and a verification plan. (I intend go and finish the series when we are no longer dealing with the whole Potato. My husband is a professor at a large university and his very first graduate student did this. Both Diyas were similar in age and looks both Indian American. The next week it was in the papers that the FBI was in the area trying to track The Pretender. I still cant believe they thought that was less effort than just typing up sections out of the books! I said no. They asked the new hire to re-interview for her job. Some managers get really great at catching the signs. That clause in the merchant agreement is unenforceable, and is there so the store cant try to pass the liability to the card issuer. What youre describing is audacity, guts, nerve, self-confidence, boldness, hutzpah. A standard landline number travels through copper phone lines. I shared this with a few co-workers, and they have heard rumblings of similar situations lately. There were prohibitions against bringing ear plugs, water bottles, or any jacket or sweater that had a hood. Every time weve had someone pull this at my previous job, there was a more junior position available where they would have been taught the skills they needed but instead the fakers want the easier, more independent position with a higher salary. Not possible to forward a message to a person if on a call with them in Webex App. If you dont know how much you dont know about a topic, of course you think it will be easy to pick it up I mean, think about all the stories you hear about people managing to start successful careers with no formal knowledge in the topic (the mistold Bill Gates/Steve Jobs/Elon Musk origin stories). This is why there is still no substitute for in-person interviews and working on site. Sometimes its even a problem theyve already solved so they can see how the engineer would figure it out on their own. He asked how things were going and I gave a slightly more honest answer than I would have done if I had remembered! When the FCC conducted the exams, they did not check identification, nor did they care too much about seeing the same people week after week; in one office they caught up to a young adult who was taking the test for others for a fee (reportedly). Thats why theres a clause in the contract that if the hire leaves within a certain period of time (either voluntarily or not), the fee is refunded either wholly or partially. Like being a litigation associate in a law firm? it. This is wild! My question is designed so if you google it, youll get a quick 5 minute solution. Simply use our reverse phone number search to see if anyone else has reported it. The links must have been put there by the submission software. The company that just hired me doesnt seem to recognize me. He either lied about his identity or lied about his experience since hes unable to speak about the basics of the job now so regardless it seems like he will be gone. YES! Ive seen multiple times where people lied about their education and work history, but never went quite this far. Im envisioning, like, a sofa! fake LinkedIn profiles, emails, google phone numbers, reference, etc its a huge underground market. It was clear to a number of people right away that he wasnt who he was supposed to be. Some languages have their regex internal, some load it as a library, and some make using it like pulling teeth. Fake John brought cheap-ass roles to the virtual potluck, And radically changed his appearance three times in one day, while making Hanukkah balls for all his colleagues, And rooting through their trash and poisoning the coffee. F*ck no! Theyd get a competent guy to interview, then slip in some other guy to do the job. Because he worked there for so little time, it would be cheaper to the company to just pay him, but if they really wanted to fight it in court, I think they have very good grounds to do so. One day he came to our house, and asked for the bill to be settled, as he needed to leave town. January 31st and I think this will probably take the cake for the most bonkers story of the year then again, who knows what bananas situations are just waiting to be uncovered! Hopefully, at that point, there will be other ways to validate that persons identity. . Some of it was even done in stores with actual clerks whose jobs involved checking ID. Not ask the right questions to get the details? Five fennec foxes. In the UK, before an offer of employment is made, the employer is legally obliged to check that the potential employee is eligible to work in the UK. This means that the new licensee has no skills but some book knowledge. (dont care its immature. This is hilarious as a saga. can I bring a crib sheet into interviews to help me answer questions? Click the drop-down menu to select the country code of your phone number. Option 1: Go to the Phone app. and send it in with their own, passport style photo and wed mail the pass to them. So the wise guy comes in next morning, waves his doctored badge, starts to proceed, and the guard says, Hey, you, let me see your badge. The guard takes the badge, looks at the gorilla, looks at the guy, looks back at the gorilla, looks back at the guy, gives him back the badge, and says, Okay, youre good and sends him through, apparently all with a straight face. Just wanted to add to the comments that this is definitely a thing that happens in IT! I work in libraries, and we issued a local card for reduced rates at sports centres etc. Frankly, my sympathy lies with the store, after I got in trouble for NOT taking a credit card with a photo ON IT. The three highlighted parameter values above must be customized as explained below. Most places start out by hiring only fullstack people to save money, have significant failures in one or the other direction, and then finally start hiring specialists if they happen to survive long enough as a business. I always wondered if the Don Draper is Dick Whitman thing could happen in todays working world! This was after the chip cards came out, and this chain had not implemented chip readers yet (despite years of notice and being well past the deadline at that point), which I believe meant any fraud was their problem, not VISA/MCs, so this was probably somebodys bright idea. Not sure how well known it is generally but its a thing. That said, after reading this, if we ever get to hire anyone again, Im definitely adding checking ID to the list of interview tasks. Ive had this happen before too. If this is the case, they didnt do that great of a job. Jeez. Commonly known as vertical service code, *67 is among the several codes you can use to access specific features on your smartphone or landline. These competitions ask you to answer a few simple questions in order to win and, with every text message you send, youll be losing more and more of your money. Yes! OP is a great writer. Youre only allowed to use the pencils and scratch paper they provide, which must be returned at the end. At the time it sort of was looks good on paper as I knew a number of totally clueless MCSEs but a lot of places did want the paper. Ive had candidate trot out textbook perfect answers and not be able to explain how it works or be able to write a test for it. Im job hunting because my manager is this level of paranoid. I know that the system doesnt force people to do this. Something similar might have happened at my previous job, but the tip off was the accent! Heres how to hide your phone number if you are using an iOS device; How to hide your phone number on an Android device; 2. So he told me he got his daughter to fill out forms etc for him when he needs things written down such as CVs and tax returns. Bank robbers who write their robbery note on the back of one of their own deposit slips isnt even newsworthy any more, it happens so often. until later, after I had left that company, when one of my previous PMs who had also moved on told me that she saw him at a convention, working for a small start up. My advice would be to just go in and pull up a chair, honestly. But I guess someone cheating to get a job is probably not going to be the most thorough in his preparation (And I assume that was the goal here if it was corporate espionage, it wouldve made more sense for the original guy to accept the job himself and just quit as soon as he could steal the info he wanted. You cant fake that sort of expertise, and youre going to get found out and fired pretty much right away. He said I must have been exaggerating (and since the superior was in California whereas this office was in Georgia hed never met the candidate) and to go ahead and get him settled. I know a lot of people who work in high level positions at my tech company that seem to have no idea what theyre doing. I know things have changed a lot since then, but when I took the same test, people were allowed to bring in almost anything I remember people bringing in cubicle walls with notes pinned on them, 60 ft extension cords for the lamps they brought in, luggage carriers with custom-indexed MPEPs then again, that test was largely about being able to quickly find answers in the days before everything was searchable with a computer. Back in middle school at a math competition my friend shoulder-surfed my paper. But it costs a *lot* and the technique just doesnt scale to low level certs. Weve still had candidates rely on Google. Whats it going to be like once youre inside the door? At my old job, my manager did interview someone and someone else showed up for the job. Take off my headset and use the built in microphone? You need to be able to figure out the logic, and you shouldnt need to look up syntax, but looking up the order of arguments to a function or skimming the table of contents on the doc for a reminder of available function names? (And sad too, bc the candidate was very well qualified and could have done the job, if theyd just done the interview themselves). They explained that they had mixed me up with another candidate who had the same last name as me. The student insisted that they didnt put those links there and it was complete coincidence that their report matched exactly the Wiki article on the topic. That, or he creates increasingly complex and outrageous excuses sitcom-style. Yeah, but a) that would make for a very that people wouldnt want to do because its too hard, and b) then you dont make any money off it. Perhaps the person on the other end of the line told you that your bank account was compromised or that you owe money to HMRC. MoC. OP here Husband is very amused with all of this! And apparently (per the comments) its not the only company to do so. Im not kidding. Luckily, I was qualified and good at the job. Hopefully the company can remote brick the device ASAP and write it off as a loss. You can hide your phone number every time you make a call by changing your phones caller ID settings. Please dont tempt 2022. I was thinking this checking photo ID is routine at interviews, surely., Its even a Thing that Alison linked to! As much as you want to find a means to hide your number, there are readily accessible third-party apps that can determine an unknown phone number. I dunno, I used to know a guy who I am pretty sure kept re-injuring himself (same bad knee) every time he started a new job. Lol. This is what Im thinking. This reminds me of something Ive heard about in other places and from a family member who works as a counselor with high schoolers: bypassing a criminal background check by using a family members ID (with their permission) to get a job. Waitall of this is absolutely insane. My favourite was a gentleman in his 80s handing over a black and white photo of him in military uniform from WWII. It turns out they wanted a lot of my other skills and knew I could learn the technical stuff. Eligible applicants could either attend regular sessions at our offices where wed check eligibility and ID and take photos with a huge, four shots at a time Polaroid style camera, then make up and issue the pass, or applicants could complete a paper form (remember those?) This is becoming a thing. I would say this has probably far more prevalent then most could even imagine. they Cyrano de Bergeracd their interview. I did a full on spit take there. It seems that nuisance calls will always be a part of life, but not knowing who called me doesnt have to be. Its unlikely the John who interviewed supplied his information for payroll. None of this is necessarily terrible, but I hear him describe what hes said in interviews and just think there are so many ways we could edit that That *is* a good point for people who are trans, whose gender presentation has changed, or who have had some sort of major appearance change after their ID photo was taken. Well, I didnt see the big boss for a month after my interview and I met so many new names and faces that when I finally saw him again in the kitchen I had no idea why he looked so familiar, never mind how important he was. Sadly I expect it would follow the real life That was weird, and we never figured out his goal rather than tie it up in a bow. If the caller was genuine, then youll still be able to resolve any issues. Thats why Im very quick to make sure the interviewer understands my skill level. intern whod been hired to write the front-end code for an application.. HR apparently had recordings of some of the screening phone calls, and this company has a check in page right before any video interviews where you check your technology like internet speeds, webcam, mic, etc., at which point you can adjust everything. A fake prison administrator I used to work as an assistant for a IT Staffing Agency in 2015 and they mostly did virtual interviewing since the roles were usually contract jobs given to people outside of the US. Our founding fathers were trying to make it so that could be done without violence and so so few if any would be oppressed, and as you see the results have been mixed. Thanks for the laughs! If you want to permanently hide your phone number, you may request your phone service provider. I suspect that, if theres company equipment (like a laptop) that hasnt been returned, legal is being very cagey with details. This reminds me of the woman with the common name who had her career identity stolen! I think The 4-Hour Workweek was one of them. They ask for IDs once they get to the job now. Use the *67 Prefix for Every Phone Number you Wish to Call. He _may_ have been my mothers GP doctor when I was born in 1957. Thats part of why I studied physics memorizing is unnecessary. And so agonizing because the company may never have answers. Several years ago I served on a first round interview panel and interviewed a man Im 100% positive I had dated many years previously. In my current role, Im doing more technical work than Id done before. If theyre going into this with the mindset that I might be a fake and they need to see ID to prove Im me, my ID isnt going to solve that concern and were probably not even going to get to the background check and I-9 stage. Were at the end stage of a pattern that has repeated since ancient times. I think thats a bit of a stretch. The safest way to find out who called me is by using the phone number search bar. By using Cisco Webex Services you accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Statement. Or, if I wanted to attend something similar and needed to discriminate between legit and frivolous ones, what would you recommend I look out for? This story had all the twists and turns for a great telenovela! How would that even work if the candidate cant do the job? Now, they certainly can make it a condition of service that you grant the company permission to install that software, but not all companies do that. How do these people think a company wouldnt notice?? Recipe for failure for sure! I do think this would actually be possible at larger companies like Google. Unfortunately a lot of software engineering interviews are questionably related to the actual on-the-job duties. Id love the full story but sadly suspect we wont ever know! Theres a huge range of music from disco to Disney. Most likely this guys highly skilled cousin did the interviews for him because he didnt have the skills and experience needed to get the job he was looking for. The Western Balkans are a complex, dynamic, geostrategic region in Europe. So you could make a three hour problem set based exam with new questions, and have them marked, or have a pool of 1000s of multiple choice exams. It was *the* recommended way to study. The same thing happened to me at another company a few months back. I totally agree even getting hired at a job you CAN do well can be wildly stressful at first, I cant imagine trying to fake it in a role I wasnt at least somewhat qualified for! Its not entry level. How possible is this? At the end of the call, after the employee left, the HR person (who I adored, she always helped me through the weirdest stuff) just sighed heavily and said, Usagi, please just document everything, and send it to me, okay?. My dad this for a family friend back in the 70s when ID checking was not so strict. Im pretty sure our HR/leadership would stop them at the door with a whats going on, youre not the person we interviewed stance. I have dysgraphia and some minor motor control and working memory issues, so I am going to need a special pencil (I need a cushion to make it a little bigger so I have more control) and probably more scratch paper than most people will since I both write bigger AND need to write more stuff down to compensate for the memory stuff. Answer your calls on computer, tablet or smartphone. If someone knows how to efficiently find reference documentation or a relevant Stack Overflow question or whatever, thats going to be a big plus on the job. (If he were working on behalf of a another company, theyd presumably give him the time. Incompetent greedy people have no integrity. Thats pretty strange. Customers can also visit a local child support office.. Andy was excellent, the star of the bunch. LW please let us know if you learn of anything new! I had a great interview with one candidate, had some laughs, shared some personal anecdotes, got a good sense for their level of seniority and experience and decided theyd be the right fit(no video interview unfortunately, just audio). ask a new question. Many updates (probably because I greeted each one enthusiastically and requested more)! Its probably not worth a lawsuit to get a laptop back. Craziness. Im extremely good at reading and retaining information for a short period. Nothing to add except I love this all so much and sorry to be greedy but more updates please! The cynic in me thinks John and friends didnt want law enforcement anywhere near this so quickly returned everything! Yeah, this. So Alison had been clear in the past that you need to pay people for time worked, even if they quit in training. As long as you dont have any malicious intent, theres no reason to feel guilty about it. Candidate was told to repeat after me and keep focus on the camera. This continued through the interview Id ask what if he had used something like VLANs, and hed respond with a definition, and Id ask how hed used them and he would reply with something vague or just keep replying with various forms of the definition. (I got away with it, but it was definitely a bit cheekier and less upbeat than was sensible. Its part and parcel of the whole system starting to unravel. They say I spoke to somebody named Holly, but I dont remember her. Gumption is an enthusiasm about doing work, a synonym for initiative, drive, or self-motivation. I think it was for one of those big companies like Facebook or Amazon. Nowadays, digital attackers would do anything to steal private information from their targets. Perhaps youre calling a number of a dating phone line site, inquiring about a service you found online, or reaching out to a company you know nothing about. But the second would make a more entertaining movie! It jives with a lot of the bazaar details in this story. More to come. Cant speak for pharmacy tech, but my exam for molecular biology tech certification had all those same precautions as of last December everything in a locker, palm scan twice over, constant audio-video surveillance in the testing room. A lot of jobs arent really going to make you do much for the first couple of weeks, so you show up, nod your head at appropriate places, look busy, and get paid 2-3K a week until they figure out you have no idea what youre doing. there are absolutely companies where if youre the only one in a particular engineering role and your bosses dont really understand it (and therefore dont have a way to evaluate your work) you can totally coast. Heck, Ive had at least one where they barely asked who I was, just plonked me into a room and said theyll be here for you shortly oh yeah, whats your name again, and youre here to interview for what? I spent some time with Verizon, too. A completely different person answered the phone (I am told the voice was not even close in timbre, accent or cadence). I actually love it when Im interviewing a candidate who needs to look something up because it lets me see their Googling skills. Twice now Ive been hired for jobs that turned out to be a stretch for my skills and extremely stressful. Thats when the scheme was discovered. What happened when he had to admit the switch? If there is evidence that work has been done, but no evidence of it being done on the computer the company provided, then its reasonable to assume it was done on a non-company computer. Its all they can talk about. You dont ask me, you ask my same-level coworker. Always was amazed that Dewey Crowe lasted as long as he did, I once read that some park ranger of national park said that the problem with designing bear-safe trash cans is that there is a significant overlap between the stupidest humans and the most intelligent bears, We are sad to report that Elmer Dweeble was eaten by the bear that had offered to show him how to open the trash can.. Not sure how possible this would be today with all the enhancements in webcam and videocalling apps, but Im sure theyve found a way! When my kid took the GED last year, it was online and they had to scan their photo ID and send it beforehand, then hold it up just before the exam. (Though: Everyone thinking of applying even if not perfectly aligned with the job requirements, this says you should do it. A couple of months ago I phone-interviewed somebody for exactly the same position as I have, pretty much. my interviewers accused me of lying on my resume, my coworker keeps asking his wife for input on our projects, my employee quit smoking and has become cranky at work,,,,, weekend open thread December 10-11, 2022, its more Friday good news this time with updates, coworker is angry about a prank, contacting my daughters employer about her affair, and more, updates: the wall of shame, the stolen laptop, and more, update: my interviewer sent me an email saying my scars are triggering, update: my employee makes off-color jokes, my employee gossiped about a conversation she eavesdropped on. One of my clients (Im a freelancer) interviewed someone in 2020 during the long lockdown where I live. I think this was in Jay Lenos book about stupid criminals. Ooooh, this makes me so mad. That was a ride! Focus on voice conversation quality with with advanced technology. The process of caller ID spoofing is not that complicated, either. Play over Zoom to enter party rooms and dance together. Its hard frustrating to know we may have passed on a legitimate candidate for one who wasted our time in the interview process. We caught this at the interview for 2 different candidates. Then it ended even worse, as the one guy who owned the consulting company and had the contract for all of them decided to skip the country with 3+ months salary for all of them. Theres a Podcast/YouTube show called Casual Criminalist and one of the hosts running things is the Rules for Doing Crimes which includes things like dont write down your crimes dont tell people about your crimes Dont do crimes with people Dont do crimes with family etc etc, to the point hes making a notebook with the (current) list as the first page. In fact, finding out who cheated on their cert test is probably the only good use for any of these certs. He relied Oh SAM! I made the ugliest, wheezing, bark-laugh at this comment XDD, I just need to take a moment to acknowledge cheap-ass roles.. Lets just say that this was not typical of the demographic where a western language was not their first. Someone I know told me he did this in a super nonchalant way, like, Oh, Im great, I just found someone to take my exam for me so its a good day. Said his brother had done it too. 3. If so, and they supported the abilities John claimed, then the mystery deepens. In this case, some people may choose not to take your call. is a public post in a public group asking for 10% of the salary offered once the candidate gets the job offer. If youre going to find a fake person to interview for you, at least make the basics correct. But his response clearly showed he was lying. There was a marriage in there too. My week is made! My mental image is of LW leaning against their husbands office door (just slightly too much so that you know the door will open and LW fall down at some point) with Alison waiting on the next update that LW is typing (in great style) on their phone yup, this was a great one! When confronted, he conveniently fell down the stairs at work and sued the company. Is he able to make enough money doing this that he doesnt have to take highly paid IT roles, or is it a side hustle? Just because there are people who are self-taught in the industry does not make it /easy/ but there are people who dont get that . LOLOL, Hello, exorcists r us? He walked around whilst everyone cooed over the baby. This said, every prof had usually some sort of quirk, pet topic, pet peeve, that it was useful to know. Or the company may have been fine with the position being open until someone with the right skills was found (not sure how common Mulesoft is, but with less common skillsets that just gets baked into the hiring plan as a necessary timeframe). My husband and I share a home office and I read the whole saga out loud to him. In the following example, the tenant administrator wants to allow 1 (412) 555-1234 to make calls again. At first, I thought maybe it was a scam to get their hands on company equipment for some reason. We did multiple remote interviews with a candidate for an Developer position everything went well. There was the guy who outsourced his job to someone in another countrymakes this believable. (My other favorite was the common typo from deionized water to demonized water. You had a car full of drugs and you couldnt slow down to 25 mph in the clearly posted speed limt?! A lot of these test seem to mostly exist so that big companies and the government can point at something and say Look! General Comp Sci challenges are to see if theres a solid understanding of the fundamentals which are often more complex and difficult. Yeah, I know someone good at IT, bad at spelling, whose spouse does a lot of the paper parts of the application. News. Video calls in Webex still happening when disabled. He also said the stress of said situation was getting to be too much, explaining his lapse in skills/memories. I dont know if it would get them out of having to pay him for time worked, but some of what they paid him might go to damages (plus maybe the companys recruiting expenses). Additionally, I had to show ID and have my palm scanned when checking in, then again when entering the test room, even though these two things took place in sight of each other. third marriage (dropped my second husbands last name, moved my maiden name from middle to last, and hyphenated). You give Mickey one of your jobs. So Mickey went to work for the government under his brothers name and no one knew a thing for 20 something years until they had to do a background check to send him to Europe for some post WW2 nation building and he had to come clean. A few bank records, a retroactively issue SSN and voila, a Don Draper. Just what we needed this gray Monday. We are talking about tech jobs where salaries can be in the multiple 6 figures- why are you surprised people would be unethical to achieve a life changing salary when there are multiple similar examples all over this thread! multiple people have noticed NotJohn! She too thinks its unlikely candidates were mixed up because she has his resume and John claims all the same work history/credentials as the John they interviewed. Anyone? When I inquired about a technical skill listed on this candidates resume, they hung up on me. :p. *Applause* to you for how you handled that! My partners university dept had the same problem, except they gave the guy a valuable/prestigious(ish) scholarship. Id be with you, I think hacking someones personal device would be concerning! Epic. Irish- American family, we really only used about 5 names up until the 1970s, so I dont know if Mickey said, yeah, please call me Mickey, George is just on my birth certificate. According to my aunt who told me this story he came clean and the 20 years of work and clear background check (no Communist ties) meant they kept him on, but I dont know. Thank you OP for your great writing about a really odd experience and thank you Alison for providing us all with a front row seat to the weirdness that is The Workspace in 2022. Three pairs of bewildered eyes stared at Aunt Zelda. The person we interviewed and the person who started work looked similar but different enough it was commented on. How much does he make doing this? Too much cruft in my flakey memory. Many scammers are now able to hide their phone numbers and make it appear as though your bank is calling you. I love this story! And sure enough, the next day she went back to the look she had in the interview. I interviewed someone via phone and it went well. Intern knew I wasnt happy, and before I could fire him, he came to me in (fake) tears and said he had to quit because the stress was too much. Nov 9, 2020 12:08 PM in response to SurferInANecktie. However, they looked strikingly different, so when Oops Alex showed up for their first day of work, their manager about almost died, especially since this candidate was much, much less qualified for the role. at the start of virtual interviews, but the second category is harder and youd need to address it by being forthright and direct if the person you hire doesnt seem to have the skills they appeared to have in the interview which is something good managers should do regardless, but its easy to fall into thinking maybe the person is just still adjusting to the role and then suddenly youre two months in with someone who was never going to be able to do the job because they Cyrano de Bergeracd their interview. (Dont ask me what they planned to do about I-9 info. By the time he recovered and might have tried to question her identity shed spoken enough about work stuff that it must have been clear that she was in fact the same person, still competent, just no longer in drag.. You can then imagine John spent his time trying to figure out what was going on and what he should do. In my book, you dont get to have a high moral ground by calling to boycott one particular company whose action you find morally objectionable. They *shouldnt* if you dont, but companies *should* also be ethical. IF I cant bring it to the interview, how can I possibly bring it to the job itself? Come on. That documentation doesnt have to include an SSN (for example, a passport serves as proof of both identity and employment authorization but doesnt have an SSN on it), but it often does (i.e., drivers license + Social Security card is common). Idk, I saw a number of people earlier in the thread say that theyve never been asked for ID at an interview and I havent been either, but Im in NYC and always have to show ID to security in the lobby to get upstairs. Especially since software job listings have a way of making it look like not committing to a narrow stack will make you undesirable to everyone rather than just the options you dont choose. As part of my library science degree, I took a course on public libraries (the history, administration, etc. Read the comments and its obvious that yes, this is a thing that very much happens in western countries. This is all just crazy, to me. I work in a small industry and know many of the people who are interviewing for the same types jobs that I am. The committee that hires you is not the same as those that interview you and so generally the interviewer never bothers to track who got hired and who didnt. The tax thing is a good point, plus, because Im sure this is a social security issue since SS looks at your work history to determine earnings. You just took the stakes from a lower grade than you wanted to failure and possible expulsion, Ethan, at least try to commit to it? I started cackling at this line. He cant figure out Zoom (were currently locked out since he messed up the password 10 times), didnt know how to use Google groups (he set up extra emails that go nowhere then forwarded it to Google groups? Im shaking my head at this guys audacity and shamelessness, but Im also chilled to the bone about what this says about our society. Im not in the industry so the names of the most notorious ones werent something I was familiar with before I started reading about this yesterday. Im sure they do, but I dont think these situations are comparable. The Webex interviews techniques is a category within itself filled of insane stories that I can go on and on about. Our reverse phone number search is here to help keep you and other people safe. That was not video lag! Something similar happened in my workplace, except it was a long-distance contractor in the days before Zoom interviews, maybe 10-15 years ago. Yes it would be a big problem if Johns intention was to get access to company information, but it could be as innocent as him not being qualified, desperately needing a job, and trying to get away with a fake it til you make it attitude. What tripped him up every time? And provide an accurate backstory and peripheral info since theres always a little get to know you chit chat. I walked out without buying anything; they got to keep their bedding and I went Beyond their store to get what I needed elsewhere. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the. Most devices are configured to trust the networks they connect to, which means a malicious admin can do a lot of things to them, and learn a lot about the person the device belongs to. stuff and I. just. They had interviewed the candidate over zoom, and then the new hire came into the office to train for a few weeks. Exactly! I left shortly thereafter but the entire thing smelled of kickbacks from the recruiting/staffing firm to the manager because he was utterly uninterested in what I was telling him to the point of him telling me directly to stop making waves. I cracked up too. Mum quit right quick, Regarding taking the exams for someone else , Back when I was a junior in high school, I took the SATs and did unexpectedly well. They did hire him, and sent him (or had him pick up) equipment. But in practice of course each professor has a pool of questions in mind that he (all he, at the time) mixes and matches. On the phone, excited about a long-term role at the organization. But do you know how this telephone scam works in practice? I have so many questions for Interview John that will probably never be answered. This is definitely a thing it happened at my old workplace a few years back. *waves and walks out*. Kinda like catfishing on the dating scene. They knew a bunch of contractors were sitting on the payroll getting paid and doing nothing because no one was keeping track of the work. Or did he tell them oh, call me Mickey, its just a nickname when he started? Lets just say that Ive written quite a bit more COBOL thats currently running on the servers of Fortune 500 companies than youd expect, considering Ive never had even one hour of training in it. World Reachable. I have an incredibly common surname (think something like Kim for Koreans or Singh for Indians). Yep. You have to agree to it as a condition of service, though. Since the photos were about the size of a postage stamp and most people just waved their badges in the general direction of the guard, it wasnt especially secure. I honestly believed thered been some mistake until he confessed and apologized to me a few years later, Im oblivious that way. when I was unemployed (briefly) I ran into that a few times. Husband in a rabbit hole of research now and apparently this fake interviewing is a thing (the job in question is a mulesoft architect). Option 2: Go to Settings and scroll down to Supplementary Services. This method would require you to manually type the phone number or to copy and paste it after the *67 prefix. Im not even sure itd be a crime. I seem to remember something about how he watched cat videos or something all day (which they figured out while looking at his computer when he got caught). In the in-person labs hed have a blank screen all week and then the deadline would come around and hed suddenly upload a complete answer. I run into this all the time. With the volunteer examiner system, its much more stringent. I dont know how I would cheat by draping my sweater over my chair, but ok, sure, whatever. On day 3 he was confronted and asked to a meeting to discuss. Im faceblind and have a terrible memory, and even I dont think I could get in this deep. People at Infosys told me that this happens a lot in India. Either that or Scooby Doo style. We then give him another chance, hang up call and just talk from video. I thought I was going crazy. Weve also stopped interviews short for candidates that are clearly cheating or showing signs of using secondary sources when they arent permitted. We would laugh and then get back to work. What in the world do these people think theyre going to do once theyre beyond the degree and need to function in a professional setting (academic or otherwise)??? No one remembers the IT Crowd? Thanks for posting this truly, 100% insane. Our tech areas overlap enough that he could represent my qualifications correctly. Our data is dynamically generated based on the detected calls over the past 24 hours and the last 30 days. dollars to pay a third party to do it, or if theyre doing extremely sensitive work for the military and have highly-placed contacts at the NSA, or so on. If you did the homework, and you understood the processes, you had learned the subject. Its Monday, I have to sort through a HORRENDOUS file to find out what the heck is going on because the other side just. So I studied for No Code Tech, but they had me take the General test as well. People just say they aren't because they create the illusion of flight by using reflective surfaces under their so-called wings to make it look like they're suspended in air, when they are at best, jumping off of things. The machine is USB powered, the slowest machine is the speed is 1 time in 2 seconds. WebAbout Our Coalition. (Hes married to an ex-friend of mine. I went to Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp in Albuquerque, and can attest its a rigorous, reputable program that operates like the one in Lauras comment. First, thank you for this saga, which I found highly diverting. The real candidate would lip-sync and/or rely on the bad video quality to make the mismatch less obvious. I was reading this thinking that maybe the real John interviewed but is one of those people doing multiple jobs. Ive learned how to identify the fabricate resumes, fake LinkedIn profiles, emails, google phone numbers, reference, etc its a huge underground market. Mickey was still looking for work. The whole thing, including the LWs writing style, is epic!! I remember 15 years ago meeting men in dating websites, and occasionally when we meet in person I would find that his pictures were either someone else completely or really him but from several decades prior. (Of course, this all comes back to the fact its hard to find work after getting involved with the U.S. legal system so myself and my family member can understand why some people might due this. 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