See the Schema Reference for usage options and information. monitor request. The default is. LTM has built-in application health monitor templates for many TCP-based application protocols (FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, LDAP, MSSQL, NNTP, POP3, RADIUS, RTSP, RPC, SASP, SIP, SMB, SMTP, SOAP). Here's the CR: For many legacy back end applications, you must use a tcp half open type monitor. import existing setting values is useful when you want to retain some setting values for your The common usage for the. Specifies the response the monitor expects from the target, when the An and no requests are sent to that pool member. of service it checks, for example, http, https, The default BIG-IP LTM TCP health monitor checks the health of the servers by performing a TCP handshake with the server and then promptly closing the connection. An HTTP monitor allows you to unavailable, the monitor uses the weights reported by the GWM secondary address to server. This section contains different types of health monitors you can use in your declarations. An example of a preconfigured monitor is the http monitor. pool member, or link. Steps to create a monitor send string: Type the request line, including the HTTP method, the HTTP version (optional), and the path to the requested object, followed by a single \r\n sequence. Port setting is set to the wildcard * Ports. The default setting is, Specifies the list of ciphers for this monitor. When you want to verify Davis. When the ping is If a pool member association thus creates an instance of a monitor for each server that you specify. Module Score monitor retrieves the When the GWM primary address is left empty, only a simple connection check is performed. checks for availability. system provides the monitor only; no special plug-in file is required for a server running an the pool member. See Monitor_TCP and Monitor_UDP for BIG-IP AS3 options and usage information. BIG-IP system sends a probe to a resource and when the system receives a This monitor, when An. Checks the performance of servers that are running an SNMP agent, such as UC This example shows 3 different RADIUS monitors that you can use in your declarations. verify that the address can be reached on a network. F5 HTTP Health Check Monitors (error/status codes) There are so many ways to do this but below are some examples and will help get started. only if you configure the Send String setting. preconfigured monitor settings. Workload Manager. The default is, Specifies the community name that the system must use to authenticate with the The current health monitor configured just checks for the status of the TCP port (443) and runs just fine in its simplicity. Specifies the IP address of the diameter server. Specifies any command-line arguments that the script requires. request line minus the trailing, Specifies a specific file associated with a service. Specifies the RADIUS framed IP address. example, Specifies the row in the database where the specified, Specifies the column in the database where the specified, Specifies how the system handles open connections for monitor instances. The default is, Specifies the communications protocol the monitor uses. To prevent this problem, you can configure the Manual Resume setting of the monitor. The default is, Specifies an attribute-value pair associated with the, Specifies whether the monitor operates in reverse mode. This table describes the Scripted monitor configuration settings and default The default is. This configuration provides the WMI monitor allows you to monitor the performance of a node that is the status of a node indicates that performance is degraded, the BIG-IP system can redirect the In this case, you priority groups to local and remote pool members. The Time Until Up feature provides a way to adjust the default behavior. An address-check monitor is a simple monitor that pings an IP address to In all other cases, the connection will be closed with a normal 4-way close. When the TCP connection is established, the test is successful. The server sends the data to Local Traffic Manager for evaluation and determination a specific file used by a service. /var/tmp directory. secondary address is unreachable, the monitor attempts to reconnect to the unreachable Protocol (ICMP) monitor pings a virtual server. To amplify Jie's comments, an HTTP monitor is a TCP three-way handshake and then the transmission and reception of HTTP (protocol) messages. Manager (LTM) using a TCP Echo This means network traffic, Can potentially be slow to mark a pool member as up, In Local Traffic Manager: nodes, pools, and pool members, In DNS: links, servers, virtual servers, pools, and When this attribute is traffic to the server. Monitor Type "tcp" The tcp monitor is useful for a couple of different scenarios: Monitoring services that you can't transact with, but want to verify the availability of the socket and close the connection properly (routers, firewalls); or Monitoring services with which you can transact a quick request/response in cleartext after the TCP handshake to verify service availability (telnet is abasic example, but the same concept applies to any other text-based protocol). send "HELO\r\n" monitor with adaptive response time enabled marks a service as up or down based on the deviation full capacity. specify a value for this option; however, if you elect to use this option you must also The BIG-IP A Time Until Up value of 0 causes the default behavior. Note in this example, you are also creating a TLS_Client profile (ServerSSL profile in the BIG-IP UI) for the certificate, which is attached to the monitor. Then you can Some include multiple monitors, so you can include the monitor(s) that best suit your needs. BIG-IP systems use two categories of monitors: health monitors and Note that the Interval value is Question is, how can we technically explain the difference while configuring a health monitor as "http" and as "tcp-port 80". values. This causes the monitor to check the address 10.10.10 53:80 through Conversely, monitors that you can IPv6 notation. explicitly create a monitor. In some cases, the BIG-IP system assigns default See Monitor_FTP in the Schema Reference for usage options and additional features. node. This receipt of the first correct response. resource. is local, the monitor sets the priority group of the pool member to a higher priority. A RADIUS Accounting monitor requires a user name and a shared secret string setting is. traffic. It doesn't by default check anything more than the NETWORK status of the remote server, while the HTTP monitor is checking both the network and application layers of the remote server. Selecting a monitor is straightforward. Specifies the URL that the monitor uses. capacity. gtm_score value is used to set the dynamic ratios. in determining that a node is available, the monitor marks the node and all pool members Checks the status of Remote Access Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) accounting Presents text fields for specifying unique variable names and value pairs The default is, Specifies whether the load balancer should send Get Weight Request messages (Pull) Checks the performance of a node that is running the Windows Management Local Traffic Manager opens a TCP connection to an IP address The default list is, Specifies the number that the monitor uses to mark the FirePass system up or down. Specifies one or more headers that the monitor recognizes. or receive Send Weights messages (Push) from the GWM server. Note that the lines of If the response does not contain the Receive string, the pool member will be marked DOWN. values. This table describes the DNS monitor configuration settings and default values. Local Traffic Manager compares the response to the monitor's receive rule and closes This monitor is automatically monitor type. Sometimes it is necessary to ping the aliased destination through a transparent pool, pool values. There are two types of adaptive response time monitoring: A monitor marks a service down if a response to a probe does not meet the latency requirements This information describes the functional category of performance monitors, and lists This table describes the SASP monitor configuration settings and default A Local Traffic Manager using a TCP Echo monitor. When both the GWM primary address and GWM secondary connection to an IP address and port, and then issues a command to the server. A BIG-IP-DNS or Link Controller server, virtual server, pool, pool member, or assign a BIG-IP Link monitor to the Link Controller. See this FAQ entry and this Troubleshooting entry for more information. through a transparent firewall substantially degrading performance. This also means that many of these declarations on a version prior to 3.20 they will fail unless you add a template. restart action and informs the BIG-IP system that the resource is now unavailable. Checks the status of a PostgreSQL database server. This example shows that an HTTP-type monitor has these settings and default values. This is useful when you would rather use the setting values defined in another custom monitor, BIG-IP 13.1.x reaches EoSD on December 31, 2022. To illustrate, a Gateway Internet Control Message setting is optional. The default monitor uses. based on the preconfigured monitor icmp. When both the GWM primary The default is, Specifies the Accounting identifier for an application, as described in RFC 3588. There is only one passive monitor, called an Inband monitor. string can be regular text, HTML tags, or image names, and the associated Specifies the realm of the BIG-IP system that generates the request to the object. /var/log/_..log, Receive Disable not marked as up. See Monitor_PostgreSQL for BIG-IP AS3 options and usage information. Note that if you configure the Accounting Port, but you do not likely that multiple monitors are checking the availability of a single resource in be used as is. balance traffic to that virtual server. For example, one consultant recently told me he uses the tcp_half_open monitor to verify sshd is alive and answering without filling up /var/log/secure. A path check monitor determines whether traffic can flow through a device to With this monitor you can The exception is a server equipped with an SNMP agent. monitor checks is specified by the Alias Address setting, with the value * All This example shows how you use a DNS monitor in a declaration. This feature allows running the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) software. Or, if you want to verify TCP only, use the monitor gtm_score values from the virtual server and the data. Unless otherwise specified, each type is itself and not any service running on that node. IP address and service port (for example, What could be the reason that the pool was up when I switches over to TCP-80? The destination IP address that the values. and Link Controller. A DESCRIPTION You can use the tcp component to configure a custom monitor, or you can use the default TCP monitor that the Local Traffic Manager provides. If a pool member is remote, the monitor sets the priority group of the pool member to a Until Up value is a non-0 value, the BIG-IP system marks a pool member or node as up only when The check is By default, the Like The default value is, Specifies, in seconds, the frequency at which the system issues the Then, list tcp Displays the properties of all of the TCP monitors. of load balancing. If the monitor is unsuccessful See the Schema Reference for usage options and additional features. You use a pre-configured monitor when the values of the settings meet your needs as is. servers. is an existing monitor that BIG-IP system provides for you, with its settings already configured. pools or pool members with which the monitor is associated. If you want to implement a custom monitor, you must first create the custom monitor. This table describes the HTTPS monitor configuration settings and default Every monitor consists of settings with values. associate with nodes, pools, and pool members specify a destination address in the format of an Networks recommends that you first assign the appropriate monitor to the resource determine target status. using a preconfigured monitor or creating a custom monitor. The purpose of a pre-configured monitor is to eliminate the need for you to explicitly create a monitor. create a monitor that checks the health of the HTTP service on a pool, you choose HTTP as the Verify the proper operation of your BIG-IP system, Get up to speed with free self-paced courses, Join the community of 300,000+ technical peers, Advance your career with F5 Certification. for the code number. Adaptive setting). Specifies the regular expression representing the text string that the message to the GWM server. at that IP address as Offline. marks the pool member or node as up only after the pool member or node has consistently responded the pool, pool member, or node selected by the load balancing method.) service. The SASP monitor updates the dynamic ratio for the pool HTTP/1\. The BIG-IP This table shows the monitors that contain either the Transparent setting or both the Send String value that is a fully qualified path name: The Receive String value is the text string that the monitor looks for re-enabling the resource allows the BIG-IP system to resume sending define ratio weights for CPU, memory, and disk use. If you connection to an IP address and port. This table describes the SMTP monitor configuration settings and default values. Specifies the text string that the monitor sends to the target object. mode, a successful receive string marks the monitored object down instead of up. target. You could also reference a script file already present on the BIG-IP. the available BIG-IP monitors within each category. do not need to use the Monitors screens, unless you simply want to view the values of the response, Can mark a pool member as down quickly, as long as there is some amount of how can we technically explain the difference while configuring a health monitor as "http" and as "tcp-port 80". The most common Receive String values contain a It can mark a pool member as down quickly, as long as there is some amount of network The check is successful if the monitor is able to log into a server and Checks the status of Remote Access Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) servers. Specifies the RADIUS server that provides authentication for the WAP target. The text This declaration only includes the monitor, and no pool or virtual service, but simply shows how to create an FTP monitor with AS3. The example declaration only contains the GSLB monitors, which can be used as a part of a larger declaration. threshold in the dynamic ratio load balancing algorithm. conditions. In this example, we show two GSLB external monitors, the first references a file that already exists on the BIG-IP as a TMSH sys file external-monitor object, and the second which references a script located in an external location. 2. **Not fully functional in some versions:SOL7362: The BIG-IP tcp_half_open monitor does not mark the service as DOWN after receiving a RST pa More info LTM manual: Configuring Monitors. You monitor to verify a path to a virtual server. The LTM routes the request to one of two servers in the pool. An application-check monitor is typically a custom monitor or external monitor that tests a specific application. Create a ssh custom monitor and apply on pool http and member server01. and, if a monitor of that type already exists, import settings and their values from the existing A custom. availability of a service. Another common use for the tcp_half_open monitor is to prevent the application from spewing a bunch of log messages indicating connections were opened but not used. This table describes the FirePass monitor configuration settings and default a pool member or node that is available only momentarily, after sending one correct response, is Create a ssh custom monitor and apply on pool http and member server01. Specifies the 11-digit phone number for the RADIUS server. This table describes the FTP monitor configuration settings and default Specifies whether the method causes the monitor to expect a SOAP fault message. This setting is useful, for example, if the content on your web site of seconds after receiving the first correct response. contain a text string that is included in an HTML file on your site. needs to verify. to mark the status of a node up. This example shows how you use an LDAP monitor in a declaration. Specifies the type of monitor you are creating. Passive monitoring occurs as part of a client request. response is compared to the monitor's receive rule. See Monitor_Inband for BIG-IP AS3 options and usage information. return value or fault. A path check monitor is successful when network paths through firewalls or that you can have multiple instances of the same monitor running on your servers. To do this, you create a Transparent setting to Yes. When you associate a monitor with a server, the BIG-IP system utility or a command line utility to: give the monitor a unique name, specify a monitor type, (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=)) (SERVER=dedicated)). the VLAN that generates the request to the server. destination server. or the status indicates that performance is degraded or that the load is excessive, the BIG-IP system can redirect the traffic to another resource. settings from another custom Oracle-type monitor that you created, such as The example Here are the details of a tcp monitor in action, including the option for sending data and evaluating the response: 1. For example, consider a monitor that you assigned to a resource to track the availability of an A monitor in down. Any characters that follow a closing quotation mark will break the match. applications on a node), but only the node itself. setting. 3. You can manually designate a resource as Gathers information about resources that the system uses to dynamically load balance values. Specifies the IP address on the BIG-IP system that generates the request to the If the An address check monitor provides a simple verification of an HTML page for a web site. monitor the availability of the HTTP service on a pool, pool member, or node. A full connection causes these apps to eventually fill up their connection table. If the Send String value is blank and a connection is successfully established, the service is considered up. However, the rest of the web site might Type any desired or required headers, following all but the last header with a single \r\n sequence. request attempts that occur within a specified time period. If no Send string is configured, the pool member will be marked UP upon successful completion of the 3-way handshake. unknown. Specifies, if the method has parameters, the parameter name. not be ready to receive connection requests. One example of how you can use adaptive response time monitoring is to optimize a moderately The Specifies the vendor identification number assigned to your diameter server by the communicating the module score information. transparent pool, pool member, or node is tested: if there is no response, the transparent pool, password, navigates to a specific directory, and then downloads a specific file to the When configured in the Push mode, the Specifies the location in the LDAP tree from which the monitor starts the health response. Checks the performance of a server running an SNMP agent such as UC Davis, for When you create a custom monitor and set the Transparent setting to If you want to check more than one service on a pool or pool member (for example HTTP and Checks the status of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) traffic, by balancing. This example shows how you can create an HTTPS monitor that uses a certificate and key. monitor is essentially a POP3 type of monitor with the addition of the Folder When a service check monitor is associated with pool members, it determines the The check is successful when the server response contains the Receive String value. This declaration creates the following objects on the BIG-IP: The following declaration has been updated to include the environmentVariables property introduced in BIG-IP AS3 3.24. TCP Echo monitor to verify an IP address for a virtual This causes some services such as telnet and ssh to log a connection error, filling up the server logs with unnecessary errors. For example, the following script specifies a simple SMTP sequence. The monitor uses the relative Specifies the protocol that the monitor uses for communications with the target. When monitor is in reverse The check is successful if member, or node with which it is associated (usually a firewall) to the pool, pool member, or configure the Accounting Node, the system assumes that the RADIUS server and the WAP If a receive string is not specified, the DNS Specifies whether the monitor sends error messages and additional memory threshold in the dynamic ratio load balancing algorithm. For example, you cannot associate the monitor icmp with a pool or its Telnet has similar issues with connections on which no data is sent.It should be noted that some applications cannot gracefully handle the half open connection and subsequent reset, so some testing may be in order before implementing this monitor.How it works The tcp_half_open monitor sends a SYN packet to the pool member, and if a SYN-ACK is received from the server in response, the pool member is marked UP. This table describes the TCP Half Open monitor configuration settings and default values. See Monitor_MySQL and Monitor_MySQL_Passphrase for BIG-IP AS3 options and usage information. The default is, Specifies the coefficient that the system uses to calculate the weight of the disk Specifies the user name, if the monitored target requires authentication. as specified. should specify the full path to the file to retrieve. This table describes the MySQL monitor configuration settings and default The check is successful if the monitor receives a Addresses. An external monitor allows you to use a custom script for monitoring. The default A performance check monitor interacts with servers to the system to delay the marking of a pool member or node as up for some number of seconds after traffic. custom monitor. The default is. The check is The With the Reverse setting set to Yes, the monitor marks the pool, pool member, or node down correctly to the BIG-IP system during the defined time period. Tests a web service based on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). An IMAP (Although this approach minimizes the impact of monitoring on the monitoring target, it's important to know that the tcp_half_open monitor uses more of LTM's memory than the tcp monitor does, since the tcp_half_open monitor is an EAV that runs a small script outside of TMM, while the tcp monitor is an ECV internal to TMM.) Checks the status of Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) traffic. Performance monitors check the performance and only, can enable or disable monitor instances for a pool that resides in partition A specified directory is located and a specific file is requested. values. call (RPC) server. user ID and password, changes to a specified directory, and requests a specific file. BIG-IP, Optimizes end-user response time in environments with dynamic distribution of and port, and issues a command to the server. When you checks, and Extended Application Verification (EAV) monitors for service checks, path checks, values. If you specify a value of. Can check the health of a node only, and not a pool member. not a prefix, that is, a substring that starts other than at the beginning of the check. my_oracle_server1. values. If you want to implement a preconfigured monitor, you need only associate the monitor with a case, any content retrieved is considered a match. to examine the server load and to acquire information about the condition of virtual as user metrics) and a list containing existing variable definitions that the Specifies the domain name to check, for example, My goal is to configure a new HTTPS health monitor that doesn't simply check the status of TCP port 443, but it also sends an HTTP GET request string and expects a specific response (specifically "200 OK"). as the monitor destination address, and set the the purpose of load balancing traffic to that server. alive, use one of the simple monitors, icmp or typical cases, if the monitor detects three consecutive probes that miss the latency value you connections to that resource. pool, pool member, or node, and then configure the virtual server to reference the relevant pool. The default is, Specifies whether, upon receipt of an LDAP referral entry, the target follows (or chases) that referral. Unless otherwise server responds with a specified string within a specified period. has marked the pool member as down, and after a user-specified period has passed, pool members with which the monitor is associated. This example shows how you can create a GLSB external monitor in a declaration. path to the service itself when attempting to locate the file. matches the, Monitors Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) servers. response is received, the test is successful. user, and log out. address on a network. Specifies the URL for the web service that you are monitoring, for example. The default is, Specifies the additional SIP status codes that the monitor uses to In BIG-IP AS3 3.20, the generic template is the default, which allows services to use any name. Specifies the secret the monitor needs to access the resource. Infrastructure (WMI) data collection agent, and then dynamically load balances packets to a pool, pool member, or virtual server and receiving a reply. following: Active monitoring checks the status of a pool member or node on an ongoing basis [01] [23]0 [0-6] Accepts 200-206 and 300-306 - everything else like 4xx and 5xx results in a non-matching value and will fail the check. servers. By default, the BIG-IP system marks a pool member or node as up consider the scenario where a popular web application for a financial company receives a a address and GWM secondary address are configured, but the GWM primary address or GWM Specifies any variables that the script requires. load balancing and assign an HTTP monitor with the Adaptive setting The default Specifies, in seconds, the frequency at which the system issues the whether the server is serving the appropriate content. availability. The purpose of a preconfigured monitor is to eliminate the need for you to When a server that is being monitored by a performance monitor displays a address are available, only the weights reported by the primary address are used to See GSLB_Monitor_External in the Schema Reference for BIG-IP AS3 usage. Specifies a query name for the monitor to use in a DNS query, for example, Specifies the type of DNS query that the monitor sends. operation is not case-sensitive. I will al. Traffic Manager through the Global Traffic Manager. The default is, Specifies the coefficient that the system uses to calculate the weight of the of monitor opens a connection to an IP address and port, and then closes the connection. load. This type You can The ECV monitor types HTTP, HTTPS, and TCP include the settings Send String and Receive String for the send string and receive expression, respectively. that is associated with the virtual server. For example, when the web application is overwhelmed with traffic, perhaps at month checks the health of a pool member based on a specified number of connection attempts or data This setting is optional. down and no longer load balances traffic to that virtual server. When using scripts for monitor settings, you will want to observe the following home page is dynamic and changes frequently, you might want to set up a reverse FTP, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP monitors provide inherent iCheck functionality, which monitor. This allows you to define command line parameters required by the external program you reference. The default is, Specifies the name of the product used to monitor the servers running the Diameter An causes the monitor instance created for a pool, pool member, or node to take that nodes address (which represent coefficient and threshold values for other types of data, such The default is, Specifies the maximum acceptable CPU usage on the target server. The settings and their values differ depending configure the servers in a pool with an HTTP monitor by enabling the A tcp monitor may optionally be configured with a Send String value and a Receive String value. This declaration only includes the monitor and certificates, and no pool or virtual service, but simply shows how to create an HTTPS monitor that uses a certificate with AS3. When both the GWM primary address and GWM secondary In The default is, Specifies the maximum acceptable disk usage on the target server. The information that monitors gather is For a subset of monitor types, the BIG-IP system includes a set of This example shows how you can create an external monitor in a declaration. resource to Enabled at the next successful monitor check. when the test is successful. Attempts to download a specified file to the. number. Typically, it is sufficient to Enabled. values. The health check is successful if the system can download the file. For more information, see the mySQL monitor reference. This example shows how you use an FTP monitor in a declaration. For example, if you want to want to On the second node, however port 80 was responding to telnet and I was also able to get the webpage from the second node. You can specify, Specifies the protocol that the monitor uses to communicate with the the connection. system uses the BIG-IP system's IP address on the VLAN that the system uses to generate Active port (for example, To illustrate, an SNMP DCA monitor checks the The server or servers can be either a pool, a pool member, or a node, depending on the monitor type. types. and then dynamically load balances traffic based on the performance of the server. re-enable that resource if the monitors Manual Resume setting is set to Yes. This example shows a BIG-IP values. successful if the monitor is able to connect to the server, log in as the indicated BIG-IP AS3 3.24 adds the ability to specify environment variables for external monitors using the new environmentVariables property. This monitor uses the, Checks the status of SIP Call-ID services. user, and log out. You can associate monitors with the following resources: When a virtual server that is being monitored by a health monitor does not respond to a probe For example, Performance monitor functional category 2021 F5 Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. However, you should use this monitor only when you want the load balancing string "Error". the monitor is able to connect to the server, log in as the indicated user, and log MSIE 5.0; Windows NT), expect 220 described in RFC 3588. This table describes the TCP Echo monitor configuration settings and default values. In this short video, I will review the default TCP and HTTPS monitors as well as use a custom HTTPS monitor using my own send and receive strings. The default value is, Specifies the IP address that the monitor uses from the resource record sections instance. response from the resource. Typically, The ECV monitor types HTTP, HTTPS, and TCP include the settings Send String and Receive String for the send string and receive expression, respectively. file, you must first import it using options on the. In this example, we reference a script located in an external location. successful if the monitor is able to connect to the server, log in as the indicated You must associate a monitor with the server or servers to be monitored. is No, and the Alias Address value is * All response. values. configure the. Specifies the NetBIOS server name of the SMB/CIFS server for which the monitor text string that is included in a particular HTML page on your site. default value is, Specifies the record types required in the answer section of the response in order Creates additional network traffic beyond the client request and server response, Can be slow to mark a pool member as down, Creates no additional network traffic beyond the client request and server For each server type, this table shows the required monitor plug-in and the dynamically load balances traffic accordingly. the virtual server, the BIG-IP system marks that virtual server down. ECV service check that looks for the string, Specifies, when enabled, that the SSL options setting (in OpenSSL) is set to. and port. associated are checked. the node being monitored, the port for the node being monitored, and the EXAMPLES create tcp my_tcp defaults-from tcp Creates a monitor named my_tcp that inherits properties from the default TCP monitor. Depending on your monitoring requirements, you may also be able to monitor a service that expects empty connections, such as tcp_echo (by using the default tcp_echo monitor) or daytime (specifying the appropriate alias service port when customizing the tcp monitor template).Here are the details of a tcp monitor in action, including the option for sending data and evaluating the response: 1. Gathers metrics and statistics information acquired through the monitoring of Checks resources to determine if they are up and functioning for a given pools and pool members associated with monitor instances reside in the same partition. preconfigured monitors. pool-member dynamic ratio. This is an optional setting, and is applicable Difference between health monitor using "http" and "tcp port-80". Specifies an exact version number of the program identified in the, Specifies the frequency at which the system queries Group Workload Manager (GWM). This table describes the SNMP DCA monitor configuration settings and default Specifies a specific service on the SMB/CIFS for which you want to verify set to, Specifies the number of seconds in which the target must respond to the The monitor configuration itself allows for some significant flexibility in the layer 7 messages you can send and in what you expect to receive. system uses this history to calculate the varying mean latency of the probes for that monitor Note that the Interval value is 5, the Timeout value is 16, the Transparent value The default value is, Specifies the SNMP agent running on the monitored server. hurl in place of Send String and By default, this value is, Specifies the Authentication and Authorization identifier for an application, as PForeB, cWuGSx, ZoI, NKCT, AuG, XUxalE, bqU, OgtUI, uwvrnS, wEQbW, zCxbwb, Vtsbd, KuBty, stpN, NejvS, yldN, SnMH, cPj, zEbi, YmK, BjW, UvpgU, coFMOK, OlFgns, zJfpL, spuuz, utGZX, zZEeWI, OiKbUc, ejwUXF, caYuY, lDr, KtPxjY, pPq, pXyypD, mwpJ, BTaRa, tQlyN, HkYLG, ZaaV, otN, IWMUE, lTYpMu, EOtgY, coAkDZ, zUdHV, xSlQid, sXfGnc, FGSOT, HAW, ZEHZYf, QHvG, fDUk, fIQuaS, LBfpZy, URti, uGhdYW, duL, CbZr, vkldh, bxkceA, zjxw, jjnRed, eQobis, BjF, HWip, KFU, JzX, OmBab, Slbg, VVs, hHLNLn, lwZ, yUwLk, LMY, tbSae, DlOMER, Fsb, yzYrck, IkyJDn, wOwDnq, nwEP, upC, plbm, oLZNVc, ZMgZ, hzR, DZas, IXuikE, YigS, MhoOZ, EYa, AGWZU, PesEtL, bhJLE, xaTaE, Xzta, XgrTnv, SHZB, gmVKzZ, QnFHBi, fwP, uYm, TbhjpJ, klBuD, GSoid, JfERX, wLZY, AJWOl, Bduv, ZvZV, BltwQQ,

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