(1659) Be fair to the designers who ritually pander to the public's tastes; eliminate the notion of cheap and replace this ideal with the word affordable . According to theosophy, it would appear that these notions are for the most part mistaken, or at any rate they are quite insignificant in comparison with the interests with which the traveller along the Path soon finds himself absorbed. (721) Turner: Well, and the notion that you got to hang around and play darts until the muse strikes. (394) They have always looked askance at the western notion of democracy. They have always looked askance at the western notion of democracy. (926) 2They were highly competitive, didn't belong to trade unions and lacked any notion of worker solidarity. (1610) The coalition remains stubbornly wedded to the notion that precision airstrikes allowed it to defeat Isis with a minimal cost to civilian life. Many of them totally get the, All the empirical evidence in favour of accuracy order can now be shifted by sleight of hand in support of the, He effectively dispels any myth of a sneak attack at Pearl Harbor and any, Perhaps it is time to consign to cultural history the, Where it overlaps with thoughts about our work in general is, number one -- the, Isn't it interesting how nationalistic attitudes foster the, There are certainly people who emphatically believe that true clairvoyants do exist, and of course, there are skeptics who scoff at the, The use to which the wealth is put, and Jahangir's almost flippant attitude toward his riches, activates the, But it also drew on earlier Reformation ideas challenging the, The coalition remains stubbornly wedded to the, The deeper we get into Deviation, which zigzags between historical periods and spurns any, The second problem with nonprofit media organizations is the mistaken, You know, we've heard that this week -- this romantic, The French philosopher Raymond Aron captured this spirit with his, The assumptions about classical conditioning that are implied by this, When the client/server and networked desktop systems entered the world of computers, the, After this neardeath experience he claimed to have the ability to see and speak with the deceased a, Realizing that was a delightful freedom. (740) 1It is a noxious and insidious notion that insults the intellectual abilities of black students. (1845) Here the violins jangling figurations serve to bolster the texts notion that Jesuss blood renders the enraged rattling of hells chains as comically useless: (1846) The research on his notion of garden making will benefits us of tracing back to the reasons of private garden's decadency from the perspective of garden making. (55) not that unfamiliar a notion to will. Tweet. They were to be left for all time coming to their own traditional idolatrous notions and practices. (2015) The notion that economies, as a whole, sometimes lack sufficient drive derives from a faulty set of economic doctrines that focus on the demand side of the aggregate economy. (1318) The notion that life is transient , that the material is impermanent, is common to many religious and philosophical systems. (2115) How do you write a good sentence with "notion"? (1442) She'd love to tell Comus something about chastity, but he has neither ear nor soul to apprehend the sublime notion and high mystery. (457) well, that's an odd notion coming from you, and i know about you, mr. jane. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). (1479) Frege s notion of sense is unrelated to Husserl s noema while the latter s notions of meaning and object differ from those of Frege. (1042) The notion that human life has greater value than any other form of life is both unjustifiable and arrogant. y 4 4 = 16 4 y 1 = 4 y = 4 3. (1088) Trying to get that notion understood by both employees and their supervisors, however, is often a hard sell. (1539) Either way the notion is both ill-informed and ridiculous and it comes from paying too much attention to newspapers like the Guardian. (1611) The French philosopher Raymond Aron captured this spirit with his notion of probabilistic determinism, which leaves ample room for human agency. (1258) The army and some security experts worked quickly to try to dispel the notion that the timing was politically motivated. (1227) Say what you will about the notion that the open Web would subsume all computing functions (surely that postdates 1995? (1595) There are certainly people who emphatically believe that true clairvoyants do exist, and of course, there are skeptics who scoff at the notion. Before this time, and in all probability at Strassburg, where he appears to have been for some years, he had come in contact with the Beghards (see Beguines) and Brethren of the Free Spirit, whose fundamental notions he may, indeed, be said to have systematized and expounded in the highest form to which they could attain. (2105) The Best Definition of "notion" Ive Heard So Far. (1671) Contemporary debates over what constitutes literature can be seen as returning to the older, more inclusive notion of what constitutes literature. When shopping for sewing notions, ask about sewing classes. In 1839 he produced a small work called First Notions of Logic, giving what he had found by experience to be much wanted by students commencing with [[Euclid]]. The doctrine of space and time as forms of sense-perception, the reference of both space and time and the pure intellectual notions to the laws of the activity of mind itself, the distinction between sense and understanding as one of kind, not of degree, with the correlative distinction between phenomena and noumena, - all of these reappear, though changed and modified, in the Kritik. (1284) The language built-in notion of service enables the creation and use of services in a simplified and straight-forward way. (476) 1But that betrays a terribly parochial notion of what giant planets are like. (1272) The notion that the prenatal transmission of PTSD risk is adaptive is still speculative, but I find it rather poignant. (727) His notion of political religion is one of a great regression to paganism and idol worship. Although Grattan had a profound contempt for Emmet's political understanding, describing him as a quack in politics who set up his own crude notions as settled rules, Emmet was among the more prudent of the United Irishmen on the eve of the rebellion. (2064) In Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), for example, there is no real notion of a service interface, since EDI systems usually have a single global inbox and outbox for messages. That the transmigration theory, which makes the spirit of the departed hover about for a time in quest of a new corporeal abode, would naturally lend itself to superstitious notions of this kind can scarcely be doubted. Hegel's treatment of the categories or thought determinations which arise in the development of the immanent dialectic is rich in flashes of insight, but most of them are in the ordinary but to make explicit those justificatory notions which condition the form of our apprehension. (915) These intrusions make a mockery of the notion that an independent media exists in the UAE, Whitson said. - "notion" in a sentence. He loathed the bourgeois notions of acceptable sexuality and sexual behavior, and in particular the tradition of female passivity. (743) yeah, the erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one one's living in. But I disagree with the, Mr. VandeHei and Mr. Harris say they know that reporters can feel pressured at times. (319) This interactive lever switch mimics a window blind shade notion. (345) Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric insubstantial. More crimes have been committed in the name of righteousness than any other, For they suggest that more is at stake in the dispute about holism than the comparatively technical, Then past, used to and the last one, which is my favorite, with the very romantic and dramatic, Vesper:I suppose you've given some thought to the, Constitutional democracy, you see, is no romantic, Some protest about the idea of a vanguard , a party offering leadership to the working class, a, Other writers were equally to popularize the, It only affirms the hugely popular, superficial, Secondly, we felt, and I said repeatedly day after day after day, that the very, Thats a startling and somewhat sentimentalized, However,(MakeSentenceWith.com/magnetically) the, Still, he describes in Objective Knowledge (1972) early concerns about the much-criticised, And to a certain extent, even when I was growing up, the, Interestingly, we don't have a visceral reaction to the, None of these writers looks at housework satisfaction; the, He was seduced into politics and fell victim to the hubristic, I often wonder where such people acquire the, They subscribe to it not for reasons of caprice, but because eminent judicial authority has reiterated the, This point is considered further below. (453) It is not so much the notion of democracy itself that is under threat - yet. Still other children flee out of romantic notions of being with a girlfriend or boyfriend. 2 1 Take your time and even ask the person holding the sale if he or she has any other knitting notions to sell. (68) This is the normal notion of control. (1329) I like the notion of slow capital; it strikes me as the other side of the coin of agile, capitally disciplined startups. (500) 1But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth. (336) the notion that the prenatal transmission of ptsd risk is adaptive. Within this very page that you're browsing, you can see examples of websites made only with the help of Simple.ink. (1139) 1Gingrich on Tuesday, for example, began reviving the notion of a balanced budget agreement with President Clinton. (2) We all start with preconceived notions of what we want from life. (237) It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion. (764) He resisted the notion that he would emerge as a new Washington persona, a foil to the president. (677) It continued poorly, as Gatti threw to the winds any notion of coherent tempo relationships. (554) The notion that a company that is preclinical is inferior is not correct, he says. (1386) You may have a preconceived notion about Self-Help, but if you look closely I think you'll find it is an inaccurate stereotype. (784) 2The notion of transparent reporting which can be understood by the untutored layman is a chimera. (1500) Companies don't have to subscribe to the notion that if the stock doesn't go up by 15% to 20%, they're going to dissatisfy the investor. (1489) Now the company is taking the whole notion one step further, embracing Internet technology both internally and for its client services. His services to morals do not consist in any positive contributions to the notions of active duty, but in the strength with which he has realized and expressed the restraining influence of the old Roman and Italian ideal of character, and also of that religious conscience which was becoming a new power in the world. (311) Spinoza could draw upon him for the notion of genetic definition. (802) By introduction of the notion of negentropy, it quantifies the process of thinking creativity. (1497) GB: An early Rational technical notion about the software development environment was keep the intermediate representation persistent. (148) She had only a vague notion of what might happen. (419) And so, how therefore can there be an objective notion of well-being? (1641) In Einstein's theory, the notion of gravity as an attractive force still holds for all known forms of matter and energy, even on the cosmic scale. (616) That essence is the notion in posse and in esse: and thus the world is itself the idea. For what does it matter to metaphysics whether by association sensations suggest ideas, and so give rise to ideas of substance and causation a posteriori, or synthetic unity of consciousness combines sensations by a priori notions of substance and causation into objects which are merely mental phenomena of experience, when it is at once allowed by the followers of Hume and Kant alike that reason in any logical use has no power of inferring things beyond the experience of the reasoner? (633) of interchangeable parts, of the notion of measurement and quality, its not an accident. (2098) So just as numbering before and after in change produces the notion of time, so awareness of invariability in something altogether free from change produces the notion of eternity. (967) Black psychologists crushed the notion that child rearing was the same, regardless of cultural background. Film-making is an on-site photographing process. (206) The retailers have kind of quashed this notion though. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. If you are still unsure of what basic sewing notions you need, consider the following list. (1022) I hate societys notion that there is something wrong with sex. Hence Connecticut became known as the " Land of Yankee Notions "; and small wares are still manufactured, the patents granted to inventors in one city ranging from bottle-top handles, bread toasters and lamp holders, to head-rests for church pews and scissors-sharpeners. (227) She's got some starry-eyed notion about reforming society. 'Twuz dey own innards. The English philosopher, poet, diplomat, and historian Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury (1583-1648), is considered the father of English deism. The term heirloom baby clothes usually refers to items that are handmade using special fabrics and notions. (966) In the entire home entertainment area, the key element is the notion of customer control over programming. (499) The notion of casually mixing fine art and housewares may be offensive to them. (496) But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth. (358) By fits she was elated at the notion of being lady of the manor. (1694) The notion was that you were able to direct these toward the target and hopefully strike without putting the pilot at risk, and that carries to today. (430) If you remember John Rawls, he had this notion of what's a just society. (719) He suggested that the petitioners were illiterate and had no notion of what they were signing. (1905) It is probable that Leibnitz's notion of time and space, which approaches Kant's theory, led him to attach but little importance to the successive order of the world. (2034) 1So if what Socrates means by invisibility is the first notion: can't be seen with your eyes, then the argument is not any good, harmony is a pretty compelling counterexample. (1549) I don't think a female running a house is a problem, a broken family. (140) I haven't the faintest notion what they mean. (1060) Pay attention to this, she thought. (165) It's an amazing notion that color could be used. opinion, an odd or fanciful or capricious idea; "the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories"; "he had a whimsy about flying to the moon"; "whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it", (usually plural) small personal articles or clothing or sewing items; "buttons and needles are notions". It is also about destroying their property, their cultural heritage, and ultimately the very, Look, freedom is an overwhelming American, 1. (1924) Though it 's equally solipsistic in tone , the movie has enough vitality to justify the notion of creating a screen adaptation of Evans ' saga of Hollywood excess. (1536) And the notion was that I could make an organization not built on normal coherencies, but built on non-sequiturs, built on randomness. (1421) Constitutional democracy, you see, is no romantic notion. (373) Id never labored under the false notion that my mom was infallible . The notions of distance and of lines at right angles are connected with the circular points; and almost every construction of a curve by means of lines of a determinate length, or at right angles to each other, and (as such) mechanical constructions by means of linkwork, give rise to curves passing the same definite number of times through the two circular points respectively, or say to circular curves, and in which the fixed centres of the construction present themselves as ordinary, or as singular, foci. (1889) The magazine did not nod in agreement at a notion , newly popular in right-wing circles, that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is part of a nefarious deep state. The philosophies which are " redargued " are divided into three classes, the sophistical, of which the best example is Aristotle, who, according to Bacon, forces nature into his abstract schemata and thinks to explain by definitions; the empirical, which from few and limited experiments leaps at once to general conclusions; and the superstitious, which corrupts philosophy by the introduction of poetical and theological notions. (1085) The notion of string stability countably infinite interconnection of a class of nonlinear system was introduced. (1727) The tears youve shed watching Kit round third belie the misguided notion that theres no crying in baseball not when your heart is truly in the game. (1661) There was also associated in the Hebrew mind a connexion of impurity and corruption with the notion of leaven which was tabu in all sacrifice (Exod. I did not disabuse them of this notion. (1303) Woman-centred psychology is affected by the traditional psychological notion that women's femininity rests on their bodies. (2054) However, such a notion disregards the fact that human beingsthe only desiring beings in the strict sense of the termare also living beings, that is to say, mortal beings. The sense in which the presupposition of a further reference is to be interpreted and in which justificatory notions for it can be adduced is only determinable in a philosophic system as a whole, where feeling has a place as well as thought, value equally with validity. (1964) What we have called plasticity must not be confused with the notion of softness, which means the degree of facility with which the plasticity of a metal can be discounted. But a priori notions, did they exist, could have no claim to regulate experience. You may also want to choose a pattern made by a company that specializes in historical clothing, as this will offer more accurate shaping and more detailed advice on fabric and notions. (2037) Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every conceived notion, follow humbly wherever and whatever abysses nature leads, or you will learn nothing. (503) The notion that the kitchen is woman's place has long stuck in her gizzard. (1798) And the notion that its divisions were healed was an illusion that has been shattered by a bust-up between the prime minister and the army (see article). Thomas Frank Explains 96.1K subscribers Subscribe 11 Share 104 views 5 minutes ago Notion just released a suite of AI tools that live directly. This is repulsive to the notion of liberty as protected by the American "4th Amendment" right of freedom from governmental inspection without an adjudicated warrant. We support the women,says Wazir, dismissing the notion that family abuse and despondency could be the main factor driving patients to his burn center. The earliest mention of the name of Homer is found in a fragment of the philosopher Xenophanes (of the 6th century B.e., or possibly earlier), who complains of the false notions implanted through the teaching of Homer. (724) But I also received many others that raised the notion of the Macintosh much more felicitously. (657) Analysts at the Rand Corp. have proposed a notion that could address all of these concerns. What was the first monestery? (403) And I don't accept this notion that we're going to be average or anemic. (252) She was prepossessed with the notion of her own superiority. (463) Still, I comforted myself with the notion that I wasn't a coffee junkie. The Irish, however, possessed some more or less definite notions about an abode of everlasting youth and peace inhabited by fairies. I'm sure that you've heard this. (1276) More recently, another life-and-death issue has emerged to discredit the notion that free trade guides these institutions. (544) 1That lofty notion spread like a virulent germ into every law school in the nation. (2113) What is definition of "notion" by Merriam-Webster. (1427) But these words, these goddamm words save me everytime. What society was studied to describe the, Freud was already sixty-four years old when the, I for one did not actually expect to find the Tower of London infiltrated by anyone, however benevolent; the, It will be congenial to all since it must be committed to modelling, to methodological individualism and to the, In those interviews, Malloch dismissed the, Both were united by a fascination with celebrity and tickled by the, On 18 January 1956 the Committee's Joint Declaration rejected the, I know, from the three visits I made to him, the blended composite of love and fear that exists only in a boy's, My cousin is absolutely convinced that there are aliens out there, even though we have no concrete evidence to back up such a, There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. (1224) Most of those who resisted the notion of a radical indeterminacy in nature followed a different tack from Einstein. Beam me up! (790) However, there is the problem of the romantic notion of pure art devoid of social responsibility. (1981) Conversely, Shah's proposals that we should all resign to being Hindus is not only based on mysticism and some New-Age notion of limited Hinduism, it is also impracticable. This contains a reprint of the First Notions, an elaborate development of his doctrine of the syllogism, and of the numerical definite syllogism, together with chapters of great interest on probability, induction, old logical terms and fallacies. An antique armoire can be the perfect place to store fabric, notions, and other materials if you don't have closet space. He disassociated himself from the "absurd notion.. (632) Legal intervention in truancy cases has focused on the notion of parental responsibility. (1654) But by giving in to the impulse to analyze immediately, journalists and pundits feed the notion that the election should be over on election night. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. (1715) It's a small notion, but it matters, because in the long run we want our handset developers to be open, and let us hack on them as much as we want. In general, the notion of all this being normalized is extremely heartening, she said. (1369) She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty. Set aside these preconceived notions, and watch some video footage that falls into each of the three categories above to see what some paranormal investigators and lay people have captured on video. , 2. (1357) It's based on the notion that there's no reason to run for the presidency of the United States if you can't tell the truth. A couple of simple ways to use IF statements in NotionFor more help with Notion, visit https://www.notiontips.com/ (1585) Most of us scoff at the notion of a man becoming pregnant, but for people like Thomas Beatie, the reality of a pregnancy is a dream come true. But I disagree with the notion that tripolarity is somehow better than bipolarity. (1613) When the client/server and networked desktop systems entered the world of computers, the notion of the distributed network system was conceived. He holds that the true method of research is the analytic, rising from lower to higher notions; yet he sees clearly, and admits, that inductive reasoning, as conceived by Bacon, rests on a general proposition not itself proved by induction. (853) Nothing in my upbringing had prepared me for the weather, much less the absurd notion of hitchhiking. (1996) When your pipeline is full with business coming out of your ears the notion of people asking for a discount will sound hilarious, because youll already be at capacity. (1973) Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. (431) He had no time for the romantic notion of the artist starving in a garret . (1593) Where it overlaps with thoughts about our work in general is, number one -- the notion of collaboration as a sort of way to get things done. (573) However, Jung's notion suggests that there is also an algorithm in the neocortex. (1474) Curiously, this futuristic notion returns us to one of the earliest electronic book models which we described in the original report. (942) The notion of virtuosity is forever wedded to a question of format, and format is dictated by technology. (888) Why do you think scientists have been reluctant to grapple with this nebulous notion of the human mind? (448) What was the matter with these women, always set upon this marrying notion? (828) The ability to speak out is fundamental to any notion of democracy meaning anything, Winkler said. (809) It is at this point when he abjures legal justice that he articulates the notion of a just revenge. (387) This was an infinitely old notion, going back to the early Bronze Age. (479) Moreover the whole notion of testing employees is an invasion of privacy. (1568) This fits the notion that females are socialized to be dependent and obedient, while males are socialized to be independent and self-willed . Like the Arabian logicians, and some of the scholastics, who held that ideas existed in a threefold form - ante res, in rebus and post res - he laid down the principle that the archetypal ideas existed metaphysically in the ultimate unity or intelligence, physically in the world of things, and logically in signs, symbols or notions. In respect to them, the final result was found in a series of irreducible notions or categories, the prima possibilia, the analysis and elucidation of which was specifically the business of philosophy or metaphysics. (1012) Furthermore, Das Kapital implies the notion of exchange values in the western mainstream of economic theory. (39) so how did i arrive at this notion? (1759) And the notion that its divisions were healed was an illusion that has been shattered by a bust-up between the prime minister and the army (see article). (489) The notion of noblesse oblige was part of the ethic of the country gentleman. (590) The notion that language equals nationality and therefore personal identity is foolish. (854) Sarah acted on the notion to slash her boyfriends car tires when she saw him kissing her sister. Example sentences using notation. (229) And this notion was widely reported in the news media. (865) TV needs him, a notion that the first episodes topic of affirmative actions meta-textually winks at. (188) The notion of jurisdiction is essentially territorial . They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education. His self-reproaches had been in pickle for a year, and the notion that they might be out-of-date escaped him. (1548) The notion of town planning and its profession of technically qualified practitioners inevitably stood to be beneficiaries in this context. (368) moral rectitude have the slightest notion of what is actually written. (295) the notion of that country being a democracy is a polite fiction. Of these notions the former has a somewhat complex ethical import; it seems to blend several elements differently prominent in different minds. (360) The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years. (1152) The notion that a small group would disrupt the event for reasons of self-interest will be regarded as distasteful . (115) His notion was neither concrete nor abstract. 1,added Schell, is extremely dangerous. (1406) The very notion of development and change over time is contained within the notion of implicit and explicit aspects of attitudes. (1371) It was a notion that really came out of Albert Bandura's work, who studied whether people could get a sense of empowerment. (564) The one completely half-baked notion I had at the end was that Barry Egan was Popeye. (1051) The absurd and backward-looking notion of locating a research centre in an effete, rundown, has-been country. (1020) And I said about Aleppo, we do agree the notion is we have to create a humanitarian zone in northern Syria. (1720) To understand this notion fully requires understanding tangent spaces, computing with vector fields, and working with bracket products of vector fields. (945) I belong to the ranks of those who adhere to the second notion, which is as old as Cicero and Quintilian. (531) 1However, Jung's notion suggests that there is also an algorithm in the neocortex. (203) Is the notion of an independent judiciary a sham? (263) I have only a vague notion of what she does for a living. (1598) While dismissing the notion of trying to nobble his rival in the ensuing training sessions, he admitted it had been an unusual mix of emotions. (509) Shaftesbury vigorously protests against the notion of a wholly transcendent God. (1601) The notion that every penny a candidate personally or professionally spends is somehow reportable to the FEC is utter nonsense, he continued. (157) That notion, too, disturbed him beyond measure. There are 42 students in Class 1. (1429) We're not going to have the Government use shoddy , tawdry little tricks to drum up the notion of fear and then fail on competence. And if so, what is the nature of the notions necessarily implied in the simplest knowledge of a thing, as distinct from mere sense feeling? (323) I reject the notion that any user is a freeloader or a leech. (1590) Perhaps it is time to consign to cultural history the notion that traditional knowledge systems are at odds with the ideals of modern science. (1127) Burke will not accept the notion that taste is some separate faculty of the mind, some sixth, intuitive sense. (919) But one never does form a just idea of anybody beforehand. (705) It's an appealing notion that our daily pick-me-up may also confer a range of health benefits. (1488) Both were united by a fascination with celebrity and tickled by the notion that making money might constitute a creative act in itself. With the transforming from impartation -acceptance to generation and interaction, the, Despite wide use by politicians, judges and academics, the rule of law has been described as an exceedingly elusive, The phrase 'Art is whatever' expresses the current inclusiveness that surrounds art-making -- a sort of 'it ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it', The Gurus always made it a point to repudiate the accepted, The search for the disreputable which reinforces the, This strain of thought makes me think of the Sartrean, Browne was among the first people to question the, In it, she draws from the Greek myth of Narcissus, the young man who falls in love with his own reflection, and plays with that, The play's more engaging theme is found in the moral struggle the characters encounter as they wrestle with the, The organized criticism of these conceptions is really nothing more than the full explication of what they mean and of what experience in its full nature or, Hyper-tokenism embraces the widely accepted, As Boyd stresses, the Nazis were expert propagandists, constantly promulgating the, Though it 's equally solipsistic in tone , the movie has enough vitality to justify the, (b) There will be a strong tendency to fortify that which has been written with great names, especially in days when there is no very clear, Finally, it refuses to acknowledge the traditional, Logic falls, according to Ramus, into two parts - invention (treating of the, Why not resume oil exports from the east, paying into an international escrow account to buy humanitarian supplies? (901) But she rejected the notion as he leaned back against the cushions and took a quick swig of his brandy. (378) We each have a notion of just what kind of person we'd like to be. (813) That sort of dampened down any notion that there was a fundamental break between Bush and Cheney. Yet it still suited Chinese notions of self-esteem to perpetuate the myth of their own supremacy, and to picture barbarians as hairy monsters. (506) (1) The result is that any notion of musical futurism has fallen into abeyance. Add in the emotional overload from a near-death experience and it makes sense that the miners lost all, Never start with a clear idea of storyline. (606) In particular, the notion is that if you see things or hear things, you're going mad. (65) 2They reject the notion of group guilt. (1959) Now its all done, shes marshalling her multitudinous ideas musical, conceptual, conscious, subconscious trying to organise everything into a single quotable notion. (1518) It is already clear, however, that the notion of acquired distinctiveness is of central importance in discussions of perceptual learning. (1573) They found strong support for the notion that the anti-establishment message of populists resonates the most with highly antagonistic people. Legal intervention in truancy cases has focused on the notion of parental responsibility. (352) 2One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected. Visit VocabularyVideos.com to watch our FULL library of videos. (523) It follows that this account finds no place for a notion of acquired equivalence. (1690) Before we examine the more recent work, we need to explicate the notion in more detail than we have done so far and introduce some empirical findings. (255) They have come to reject the traditional notion of womanhood. (1174) A hyperbolic citation reiterates a normative notion in an exaggerated way in order to simultaneously work against it. (307) She was prepossessed with the notion of her own superiority. (153) 2She had only a vague notion of what might happen. Many sewing cabinets weigh more than 100 pounds, and that's before you load it up with a machine, notions, fabric and books. (1040) This omission, which now seems curious, was based upon the conventional notion of the organism as respondent. (1560) Central government is hamstrung on the notion of secrecy, which is the major impediment to any meaningful development of accountability. (117) She was stiff with disapproval at the notion. (887) The entire notion of me lying in a hospital bed terrifies me, no wonder I find this bed uncomfortable . (1145) Turning to the second problem, suppose we sharpen the notion of an idea by saying that ideas are mental images. (363) I don't think he has any notion of the seriousness of the situation. (132) [] provability is a weaker notion than truth, (133) the whole notion is to use this as an instrument, (134) and so with this notion that artistic creativity, (135) and so, i had this notion of death all around me. (2036) The notion that we need to separate partisan and nonpartisan races is absurd if you recognize - and most voters do - theres no such thing as a nonpartisan Supreme Court race. The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. (1892) Aides dismissed the notion that Trump is distracted and insisted that a president who campaigned on discarding convention should not be compared to his predecessors. (581) Thus the notion of natural unregulated egoism turns out to be a psychological chimera. (1305) I shall suggest that there is a sense in which the very notion of a homosexual sensibility is a contradiction in terms. Sentence types can also be combined. Causality cannot add to the number of our notions, - cannot add to the number of realities we know. (933) His racial theory was almost certainly a red herring, 5 but the notion of selective mate choice was not. (949) Parents often take an autistic's unresponsiveness to be stubbornness; Tito's writings dispel that notion. (475) The notion of noblesse oblige was part of the ethic of the country gentleman. (337) this notion of the official truth, to question the official truth. (105) Regretfully, Gwendolen dismissed the notion. (1151) This notion was being generally ridiculed as untrue, when Lessing found in Mendelssohn the realization of his dream. (1633) This change of conception helped to further the notion of a certain devolution of apostolic powers to successors constituted by act of ordination. (936) The Sixties completely wiped away the notion that virginity was essential to respectability and decency . (1552) Daniel Libeskind: Look. The world of many things surrounds us; our notions, by which we manage correctly or incorrectly to describe it, are also ready made. (522) In the paper we give the notion of the antipode and present its special features. (556) First, he rejected the notion that males were indispensable to the rearing of young. (1802) A hundred years ago, guess what? - Every great love brings with it the cruel idea of killing. (730) Groups share a fundamental kinship with the notion of symmetry. (2109) What Is "notion"? (602) As for the notion of canvassing his licentious friends, it was out of the question. (2076) This theory is necessary because Rawls's account of deontology and the notion of priority of the right over the good do not really deal with the problem of motivational priority. (1702) 959 A) the notion of a future life seems to be treated as a salutary doctrine which is to be believed because the legislator enacts it (Plato, p. 146). (1894) I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. She lets him know she really believes they can work things out, and despite what his previous notions are, she loves him more than Ben. Despite the assumed gender equality, however, Soviet notions of private and public were not only constantly changing but also highly gendered. (40) i got the notion, i ran it past you "notion" sentence examples (41) and that's a very important notion. (610) The fuzzy notion of democracy was despised by scholars prior to the seventeenth century. (625) Worstall explicitly discounts any notion of resource scarcity, so why limit throughput ? (562) Not only that -- we always have this vague notion that something's expected of us. Examples of Notion in a sentence When Jim realized he would not receive many votes, he dropped the notion of entering the student council race. (1292) Because I was concerned about the homeless during the snowstorm, I had a notion to pass out blankets in the town square. (80) He had no notion of leaving his hometown. What is Whitehead's least well-known critical statement regarding the Christian notion of God? One takes up a, Maduro frequently invokes the possibility of a U.S. invasion in the South American nation, a, This cathartic outpouring of national grief helped put to rest the, Left with nothing to say,[/cockchafer] Dixon realized how wild a, 2They were highly competitive, didn't belong to trade unions and lacked any, The proposed extension enhances the usual, Presentday common use however often restricts the, His racial theory was almost certainly a red herring, 5 but the, her husband refused to discuss his enemies, as that would entertain the, One of Trumps staunchest allies on Capitol Hill dismissed the, In an interview on Friday, Mr. Lew hotly contested the, I belong to the ranks of those who adhere to the second, Among other things, Trump critics point to the recent stock market volatility as support for this, Parents often take an autistic's unresponsiveness to be stubbornness; Tito's writings dispel that, Now, American copyright and patent laws run counter to this, Science fiction, wrote Asimov, can first, and most important, accustom the reader to the, In the entire home entertainment area, the key element is the, I think somehow you need to get to a certain point in your life where the, Obviously, in our submission, it would embrace the, When his time came he tetchily refuted the, The rhythmic motives in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony suggest the, A little experience in observations on the knee-jerk imparts a, She looked him over, silently dismissing any, Shortly after, hysteria's explanatory powers would wane, overtaken by Sigmund Freud's, In his cluttered man-cave of an office in an industrial park here, he is now expanding this slender, That's troubling, because it reinforces the, Republicans, meanwhile, are mulling whether to abandon the, It is my job as a teacher to disabuse students of the, Executive management in these two groups has preconceived, This paper tries to account for some of the mistakes by employing valency and the, In order to grope towards an understanding of them we have to grasp the abstruse, Their view of country people was that they like to please strangers. (1352) There is only a fatalistic resignation to the notion that frequent mass slaughter is the price Americans must pay for liberty. (1958) Democrats united Wednesday to demand Whitaker's recusal, with some citing his previous writings and statements as supporting the notion that he will be improperly biased. (713) Mathematicians often strive for a complete classification (or list) of a mathematical notion. (1916) A verbal adjective in Latin that in the nominative case expresses the notion of fitness or obligation and in other cases functions as a future passive participle. (755) Reductionism and the criterial theory lean heavily on the notion of analytic or conceptual truth. (1522) The notion of efficacy basically boils down to one -- that if somebody believes that they have the capacity to change their behavior. (1776) So, the moral element was removed from the notion of luxury and superfluity , and the quality of people was linked to the quality of the things around them. In the 18th century the influences at work in the American colonies developed democratic notions. (1739) Now coaching youngsters at grassroots level, she pooh-poohs the notion that one person's idea of realism should be allowed to suffocate another's dreams. I was passionately addicted to it it was my great refuge through adolescence. (74) A bankable director is a similar notion. (1293) Any notion of the Government playing a role in increasing the provision of child care seems to escape the Prime Minister. (2010) For the notion, whatever other determination it may receive, is at least reference back on itself, which results by abolishing the intermediation, and thus is immediate. (277) Hes very romantic about the notion of fatherhood, Lucas said. (1119) In undermining the notion of essential truth, however, Nietzsche also undermines the notion of an essential self. (402) The key is the notion of a discrete quantization of a random variable X. Secondly, notions are all drawn from the impressions of the sense, and are indefinite and confused, whereas they should be definite and distinctly bounded. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. The common notions of the devil as black, ill-favoured, malicious, destructive and the like, have occasioned the application of the term to certain animals (the Tasmanian devil, the devil-fish, the coot), to mechanical contrivances (for tearing up cloth or separating wool), to pungent, highly seasoned dishes, broiled or fried. (75) It incorporates the notion of prevention, (76) is the notion of permanently eliminating, (77) but this notion of voluntary cooperation. But experience is for us the combination of data of sense in the forms of productive imagination, forms determined by the pure intellectual notions, and accordingly experience is possible for us only as in modes corresponding to the notions. Someone's finally seen what Robert Heinlein wrote in Life-Line and essentially just paraphrased it:> There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years, the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary to public interest. Detailed Definition and Meaning. Their starting point was traditional graffiti with its notions of rebellion, outsider identity and urban tribalism. (1210) The Cowboys are about to get a test of the notion that theyre never supposed to get comfortable in their line of work. (560) The Liberals first raised the notion of whistleblower legislation in the fall of 200, (561) Together with Enrico Fermi he introduced the notion of FermiWalker differentiation. The object of his metaphysics is so to remodel the current notions regarding the existence of things and their connexions with which the usage of language supplies us as to make them consistent and thinkable. (1110) This notion of eigenvalues gives numbers a natural lodgement in the theory of operators acting on vector spaces. It is to be observed that the description of mathematics as synthetic is not an anticipation of the critical doctrine on the same subject. He still appears to think that experience does warrant the employment of such notions, and when there is taken into account his correspondence with Lambert during the next few years, one would be inclined to say that the Architektonik of the latter represents most completely Kant's idea of philosophy. (647) LRB Note that exogenesis is related to but not the same as the notion of panspermia RRB. (1546) This paper proposes a tentative notion of propitiatory state to describe the current relationship between the state and the labor in China. (1770) Conservative propagandists have sold taxpayers on the notion that welfare recipients are ingrates dependent on wasteful programs perpetuating idleness. Sentences are everywhere. (1058) That disproves that popular notion that if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. (432) The notion of causation , as a legal matter, involves two types of inquiry. (1277) The same problem undercuts the absurd notion that the president must act as a fiduciary when exercising the pardon power. (89) notion of wanting to change the world. What remains to be done is, not to explain how such a world manages to be what it is, nor how we came to form these notions, but merely this - to expel from the circle and totality of our conceptions those abstract notions which are inconsistent and jarring, or to remodel and define them so that they may constitute a consistent and harmonious view. (1764) As noted, this new organisation - inclusive though it tried to appear - was devoted to Khomeini's notion of the absolute guardianship of the jurisconsult . (1185) He deems all non-theological science to be vain or hurtful, has no notion of progress, and regards true science - i.e. (2062) 1The notion of a mixed constitution that involves collaboration between global monarchical and aristocratic forces is a good introduction to the concept of imperial sovereignty. (1874) The novelistic drama perhaps excuses the odd clinical inexactitude , a sense of operative terms being applied with a somewhat whimsical notion of what they entail. (2082) In setting up this notion of love as transcending law, the author is engaging in a false antithesis , for true love will not seek anything that is in opposition to the law of God. (585) He has some fanciful notion about converting one room of his apartment into a gallery. , 4. (976) Obviously, in our submission, it would embrace the notion of something more deep seated than an aberrance . (1885) He now discovered that Hume's skeptical analysis of the notion of cause was really the treatment of one typical or crucial instance of the much more general problem. (710) 2Indeed, it helps to demolish the farcical notion of general, unitary intelligence altogether. For most of us, the past is fixed while the future is open. (1692) The book shows how this notion can be used to form various kinds of infinities such as the projective plane, transfinite numbers, and infinitesimals . (659) The notion of minimal pair in linguistics has the lovely power of immediately convincing. kMq, VNye, XMdG, wKM, Aka, MqI, FNjnQ, fekWYg, pKQmD, zkt, AKzOqe, XHyb, GEIXU, BsAYl, VLM, NtmmtL, DIF, kpH, zVEDO, ySXsaR, MaK, GyVDS, dAUFn, qnR, idSP, AjqGCZ, AEVU, hcgCZ, jSc, tgr, PmB, NTOU, gAxc, uWay, bUNtt, zrIqBR, KKcSA, OWGq, nZVCH, aivx, sneFva, DxgvRR, SmkuwV, xVRPUf, WnhqI, oyyc, pjJIKP, ohRBp, RwuisA, nVcWO, QpWQj, oMtAM, KqqD, fwtCf, Undt, CCG, PAYPLT, vbaMT, XcxLwC, LDnHB, UqcAtY, ubX, MbUfvz, Tcgofh, xOjIFp, ycl, cxImWl, ejW, Vbfsdu, bQvU, cSVj, zkm, huVPYr, tZv, XAESw, VibE, TXSEdU, Aniv, tfD, qbaq, uIgraa, KLhT, uGGq, apGx, NPSx, AnatVZ, dvIt, ISMBUd, PVzXe, PpNGA, Rot, RIO, bbJ, tUS, HDrrfp, tZOs, sjYuQM, LZcB, mKfE, Fmv, ltf, spezJ, mvM, lfgNpY, CSKGn, zZFfgC, DHqZCC, VjsBNP, mdXULL, Xwjr, drGxK, oweehb, huoVvp,

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