#10 - They might be gassy. The worst is those greasy fat guys on the subway who you can smell from halfway down the subway platform. Shared bacteria can explain why a family or people living together in a household may have a common smell. Old people really do have a chemically-distinct odor. You* revolt me (Im pretty sure you cant revolt someone). The study appears in the December 2004 issue of the International Journal of Comparative Psychology. Some of it escapes with urine but it is also excreted by sweat and through the respiratory system. Its not rocket science and you can get a bar of soap at the dollar store for fifty cents. "All were located . These results suggest that older people do have a very distinct smell, but its not necessarily unpleasant or intense. But the reason why I dont is because I have bipolar disorder. People sweat and smell and have great odors and foul odors and you are no different. "Sage (Salvia officinalis) 1" by Mokkie - Own work. I am having that same problem BO for long as i could remember my pits feel like ants biting me i cant work i feel so shame please help me. Odors tend to worsen if you have more bacteria on your skin or you're sweating more. TextSpeak is her native language. Philip Ross, "Stress Makes The World (Literally) Stink, and 5 Other Negative Effects Of Anxiety," iScienceTimes. Learned a lot of things. Accessed July 21, 2017. All of us are walking bacteria but of it can be aired out we are less likely to smell. Research suggests that, while people recognize older adults as smelling different, they dont necessarily consider it an unpleasant smell. so dont be rude to these people because who knows one day it may happen to you ass well, Your email address will not be published. If you've played sports, then you are probably familiar with this condition. every last one of you are pansies, especially you who wrote this article. I do not get mad at them at all. Avoid stressful situations or try meditation to calm your nerves. Like what marcus above said; you wouldnt last a day with our disorder if you were diagnosed with it. This isnt a hate message at all, infact, some of the smart ones will realize the sincere truth in this. They said oh yes I am fine. I was raised in a family of nine kids and my parents didnt follow through with how to bathe or take care of your teeth, etc. Scientists have known,. The major odor compound at play is called 2-nonenal. Go to a Pharmacy and ask for a waterless body cleanser. Ever thought that maybe those who dont smell as you would expect in polite society may find those who think they smell pleasant offensive to their senses?!? Even after my shower using antibacterial soaps I still smelled when I dried off. There was a kid who sat next to me in Business Law with the permament stinkboy smell, which may have occurred from the fact that he seemed to rarely shower, and was wearing all black jeans and sweatshirt. What Are Vital Signs, and What Can They Tell Us About Our Health? There is a myriad of drugstore anti-fungal creams designed specifically to treat athlete's foot. When bacteria have a wet or moist environment, they tend to thrive and grow. If problems persist, your doctor may suggest a prescription-strength medication. She stank to sweat in summer and in the other seasons a poignant smell tomold, i guess. Often they aren't wrong - the potential cause of your smelly farts could be constipation. He doesn't wear cologne and need some badly! I asked them are u okay? hi, I have tried everything in my life to stop smelling bad. We avoid using tertiary references. My point is, is that if you have a problem with someone confront them about it, instead of being a typical wuss who hides behind their desktop acting all high and mighty because they can verbally humiliate someone over the internet. It comes as a hand soap, body wash, or bars of soap. its* not about the weight its* about the molecules in their* sweat . Incidently, I had a husband who smelled. These dont only give bad breath but they seep through your pores. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I share a room with a friend and he is capable of being exceedingly kind, but unfortunately is very smelly. Maybe this will help you. oh my goodness. I hate him. I believe youll see some great results. I live a normal life up into 2015 when my world turn upside down. I find your rticle really very useful and interesting. For those who smell May God bless and provide you a way in life. By the way, I am not overweight. Body odor naturally changes as you age. etc.b It is not a overnight problem. I hope that you all who go through this find hope and get better. . He predicts that in 10 to 20 years, all products will be branded to a specific odor. (some other dude said he had taken the pills in double/triple douses but I wouldn't recommend that, as people can have various reactions to taking too much.) And even if you feel better dont stop using it until u can find a dr or gastro who can tell you whats wrong because ur having to take OTC supplements to keep your body going and thats costly. i homestly smell and am in grade nine. I was in class today and this girl in front of me stunk so bad i puked in class. I dont know if youre aware about TMAU. However, I thought to myself she knows she smells bad maybe there is nothing she can do about it. Its a rare metabolic disorder. Thank you for taking time and reading this. It takes more time and effort to cover up the smell of feces and unwashed rear end with that stinky new oil that people are slathering all over their bodies. In general, smells can help people lose weight, boost sexual arousal, increase speed of learning, reduce severity of migraine headaches, and even quell claustrophobia, says Hirsch, who has . Eating something out of your norm or that's heavy or spicy is a likely cause of smelly gas, but, if your gas smells really bad and is chronic, you're probably wondering if it's something more serious. The smell lasted for a few seconds, which was quite long when you take into consideration that the stink was terrible. This is caused by extremely low levels of insulin. I found it on Walmart.com. Yeast away, Canadian away. When I do gym class after 10 minutes I have a lot of sweat and people laugh and make fun of me. Not wearing clean clothes. Content Summary. I had a bad body odor from my digestive system which all my symptoms are the same as a IBD flare up and candida with it, i wanted to kill myself i dropped out of college and i had to work so i was severely ridiculed for months i almost lost my mind until i came across someone on a ibs forum state the smell issue and gave out what to do, so for anyone else suffering from a smell a having bad digestive issues and candida build up. They, too, have a distinct scent thats very different from a babys. So all you porkers please do the rest of us a favor and boycott polite society. Sometime, even if my T-shirt is not wet yet from the sweat, I can feel the smell coming out of my body, it is like it tries to get rid of something. I havent said anything to her about it, because she really is a nice person whom I dont want to offend, but at the same time its really getting unbearable. If you dont wash your rear end and attempt to cover up the odor with stale Shower to Shower body powder, you WILL stink. Showering will give them a few hours of cleanliness, but they will then begin to stink again. No cure, no treatment & no research because there are more important diseases like cancer. Witch hazel lowers the pH, making it impossible for odor-producing bacteria to thrive. 2011. Taking riboflavin (vitamin B2) encourages existing FMO3 enzyme activity (the enzyme that breaks down TMA). The problem is that as perspiration gathers in the fabric's nooks and crannies on its path to freedom, it gets consumed by germs that have established themselves in the same crevices. My old high-school calculus teacher was a great teacher, but he was one of these people. I then tried, smashing/cutting 1 good size clove of garlic with 6-8 oz. After nearly six months of sharing, however, his smell is really starting to make me feel ill. It's the bacteria that we have on our skin," says Dr. Constantine George, an internal medicine specialist and founder of Hygeia Health & Wellness in Las Vegas. But what causes our body odor to change with age, and why does it happen? It was very frustrating. Really ignorant and rude how you talk about someone not knowing their situation merely assuming someone doesnt take a shower. Because they air out their clothes instead of washing them. Its certainly an amusing idea, but I have no idea whether it makes medical sense. But be warned. Dont be such a fucking dick some people cant help that. Thats why I get mad when people stink in the supermarket, I have to leave my husband do the shopping by himself while I go back to the car. I think an antiperspirant roll on would help in the same way. Yale School of Medicine. I also suffer from terrible body odor. Benzene is added to the gasoline to increase octane levels, which improves engine performance and fuel efficiency. I've always smelled bad for as long as I can remember. Benzene has a naturally sweet smell that most noses are particularly sensitive to. [only treatment, doesnt entirely work]) is simply inhumane. Have you even noticed that animals smell one another and move away if they do not like the smell. Those haters are dumb and dont deserve to be your friends. Finally I divorced him because I couldnt imagine spending the rest of my life smelling him. The Ad Min found super strong blueberry candles at Walmart that were lit at first sign of their car in the parking lot. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cabbage are high in sulfur, which when broken down, make your sweat smell like rotten eggs. Nothing has or ever will work. Wierd thought: Ive noticed a couple of kinds of sweat smells. It's the usual combination that we usually make for cleaning and refreshing our kitchen. Like my sister and dad, and its not that they stink otherwise or dont bathe, they just smell really bad after working out outside. I can admit it is friggin tough world man and im not fat and i eat healthy foods if i can. Dial Gold Antibacterial soap! Like other body odors, this "old person smell" is produced when chemicals from the skin glands get broken down into small odorous. One is what is described above, that perhaps gasoline evokes positive memories of road tripping or paint the memory of a good day's work. Nothing will stop the stink 100%, and there are extreme cases, including a condition known as hyperhidrosis that leads to excessive sweat production. Trust me if I had more people just not approach me and tell me that I was disgusting and embarrassing. Accessed July 21, 2017. Jesus, why dont you learn to spell. In fact, that 2012 study found that participants rated the odors of older individuals as less unpleasant and less intense than the odors of some younger groups. The corn starch thing really works under boobs, on bikini line, anywhere you sweat. someone pray for her! God bless all. We googled and discovered tea foot soaks and neti pots. Have enough hungry bacteria on your tootsies, and you can clear a room by taking off your shoes. 6. It's only then that body odor becomes an issue. A dog smell his own shit frist. How could u say that about ur own family . I have tried eating clean. Botox injections are also an option to temporarily block the nerves that stimulate sweat glands. Findings in the American Journal of Medicine show that one-third of people who report unexplained, persistent body odor suffer from an inherited metabolic disorder called trimethylaminuria.1, This hereditary disorder prevents your body's enzymes from breaking down trimethtylamine (TMA), a fishy-smelling compound found in choline-rich foods.2 Because your body is unable to digest TMA, the excess is released through your sweat, breath, and urine, and causes you to stink. If youre concerned about age-related changes in your body odor, you dont need to purchase any products specially formulated to target 2-noneal. I am on 7 different medications and my dosages are constantly being adjusted. I think this has to do with some people having poor standards of maintaining themselves. of water. i thought i was alone in this. For the study, 44 men and women were divided into three different age categories: 20 to 30, 45 to 55, and 75 to 90. I can say from personal experience, that my body odor became an issue after my immune system became weak. I got it from my father. And thats just my opinon.SO IF YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING NICE AT ALL THEN KEEP YOUR. Different people are sensitive to different foods. And to anyone who has this like me I pray that you grow out of it or just learn to live your life, like I did. Although little empirical data exist, Herz says, cultural studies back up the new results. Dr. Axe, Food Is Medicine. I am worthless and should just die from something so I no longer have to live depressed all day and in shame. Exactly why this happens is still a mystery. "In hospitals, people who are more positive recover quicker than those with negative outlooks," she says. Hi! "Bad Body Odor May Be Caused by Metabolic Disorder," MedicineNet. Next incorporating more vegetables helped some. Why do I smell bad even with deodorant? Ive seen doctors who got angry at me for wasting their time to talk about something like this. Diet heavy in cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods, or heavy spices. Adulterated, in the interest of good science . These women who spray themselves instead of taking a shower smell worse than if they had not sprayed themselves! Fast forward to now at 27 about to turn 28 in September, and Im still suffering. Most over-the-counter creams can effectively treat this problem, but if the smell and itching persist, ask your doctor for a prescription medication. Lenny Rinen has been an online writer for more than 8 years and writes about diverse topics such as personal hygiene and New Zealand. Use clinical- or industrial-strength deodorants and antiperspirants. What do you smell like? I did not assume she was a pig I fear that maybe there is no resolution for her. During puberty, they start to produce sweat. I agree with most of these people but I have to say something important really people usually stink because dont clean themsevles like they dont wash their DICK OR PUSSY OR ALSO UNDERAMS. The pH balance of your skin, the amount of dry or oily skin you have, your hormone levels, and even your food are all thought to influence how your body reacts to scent. This little girl was in the restaurant smelling of shit. I smell like a strong, offensive body odor and fish. That will help kill internal body odors. So I am seeing this guy who im about to cut it off with because he smells so bad!!! I have a friend who suffers from this and he got it bad in high school. I had suffered with this nasty skunk like odor for over a year and a half. It taught me to help insteadvof focusing on the smell. If you find it hard to minimize sweating by reducing stress or depression, an antiperspirant or deodorant will either block sweat or neutralize the odor caused by bacteria. I have the same issue maybe a gynecologist can help. I drank much more water. I would try something for constipation, because backed up toxins causes very bad odors. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a62721082527c5939a7b755402a51b2b" );document.getElementById("g009dcb296").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Keep in mind that experts are still trying to fully understand how body odor changes with age. When she sweats it gets terrible she goes to the doctor and medication works temporary what do you think she should do, Sometimes people dont realize they smell and they may not have been taught to don't mind me just can't help following. So I kept buying different antiperspirant and deodorant and nothing work. If irritation occurs, discontinue use. #6 - They have smelly feet. #2 - They get dirty fast. This can be caused by byproducts like ammonia or hydrogen sulfide. I have this really bad smell about me now its been going on for about 7 years now i dont know what to do to help it i take alot of showers at least two a day if anything i can do. These vegetables contain high amounts of sulfur. id just like to say sorry for the two people who were sick, due to my state of personal hygiene. When they overheat, they have no way of evaporative cooling.". This only occurs when these people are sick. However, no matter how hard I try, by the end of the day I smell. "So if you're out running or jogging in the summertime, it can get really hot and your body has to somehow cool down. Most cases can be treated with an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream. As Dr. George explains, "Let's say you eat garlic, onions, and spicy foods that have odors. Let them sit, in the water for a an hour or more. (2001). Body odor is trapped within the cloth as a result of this. 4. Stimming is short for self-stimulating behavior. Viome specializes in gut health testing kits but do they actually work? Ive cried myself to sleep asking GOD to remove this curse. Is it genetics? Spoilage odors come in many flavors . Haze S, et al. 2013. This was much better than how i learnedin fact we are going to explain soon about daily summer body care. I take multiple showers a day and still start smelling bad after not too long, in the past even on the busride to school, only 10 minutes after taking a thorough shower people were sniffnig their noses and looking around. When lathering up, avoid soaps heavy on chemicals, dyes, and fragrances. If your sweat always seems to smell, one (or a combination) of these causes could be the culprit. #1 - They have oily skin. She doesnt know what English is. At the end of the day, most soaps do the same job. At least it won't be as bad when they're sitting next to me on the subway. Remove or reduce choline-rich foods in your diet. Blood has an elevated pH, and . The cause of body odor varies from person to person. Or a man who complains that it is too stressful to wipe his rear end after a bowel movement? Now, a study reveals more than 800 new reasons why this strange phenomenon happens.. Many describe their scent as being mildly sweet and musty. It only manages to metabolize about 90% of alcohol this way and the rest gets excreted in different ways. When you don't drink enough water, everything becomes more concentrated, and odors come out through the pores. I would cram as many clothes as possible into my washer and my clothes would sour sometimes if i forgot them them in the washer. Rarely, people can have bad breath because of organ failure. (don't despair,) Peace. Tea tree oil is a natural anti-fungal ointment, apple cider vinegar is beneficial against yeast and fungus, and the probiotics in yogurt contains beneficial yeast that can fight pathogenic species of fungi. The interesting thing is that people cannot usually smell themselves. This makes me really sad. Ive contemplated suicide because of this issue. I am extremely hygienic. It's a foul, acrid, nose-curling smell that a normal person will never emanate even after a sweaty workout, but which certain people emit as a matter of course. It was one of the biggest changes from the gluten free diet. So it started over a year ago and then summer past and i started going to school and i noticed it was gone but then it came back a week later and it gives me axiety i dont like sitting by people and i just wanna know why it stopped then came back, Our food supply is being changed and is not being labeled as such. Black people may smell bad because of glands that evolved in subsaharan Africa to repel the numerous large predatory animals and poisonous insects and reptiles there.. . My life is suffering. When he speaks to me or hugs me, I have to turn my head away as he seems to breathe all over me and his breath is so terrible. The funny thing is her house looks like a rat trap and she said her daughter is just like her. The bacteria that are always present on our skin create acid when they "eat" the sweat on our feet. Never wear unwashed clothes. I agree with Charles Sommers some people do think bigger people smell more which isnt always true as Charles has said about the man who was slim who used to come into the shop where he worked. They say my body is working ok, I don't have problems with my thyroid, everything is just fine. They just keep smelling. The best way to avoid this problem is to choose clothes that are labeled . it is disgusting when you are riding on the train somebody sitting close to you have a terrible odor, so terrible you want to throw off. I wouldnt be so saddened about all this and I just hope to regain my life back. But everyone's gut flora are different, and some people just have smellier farts than others. I am tired of fucking ppl. Ive known people who shower, wear deodorant and still smell bad. It's so pungent that the human nose can detect it if there's just 1 part per million in the air that we breathe. The smell of age: perception and discrimination of body odors of different ages. I was at the coffee shop today getting a sandwich, and somebody came in with that stinkboy smell. Breath that smells fruity or like rotten apples, for example, can be a sign of diabetes that's not under control. Wash. Its not rocket science. Erika Gebel, PhD, "Diabetic Ketoacidosis: How to Spot and Treat DKA," Diabetes Forecast. For older people, this change in smell is likely due to an increase in levels of a compound called 2-nonenal. When bacteria move from your nose into your throat, it can cause your breath to have an incredibly unpleasant odor. When they walk thru a room and leave, the smell lingers and its twice as worse as the smell of vomit, Ive never smelled anything like it! This decline results in greater oxidation of lipid acid. 1. After taking a bath, few minutes later i would stink and smell bad. The studys authors believe people tend to find the scent more unpleasant when they know its coming from an older person. try working in some stress-management techniques like deep breathing, . I have brother that uses a nicotine inhaler.\. Both smell a little funky -- but the dude on your right with the cutoffs and baseball cap smells like a combination of stale fruit and Roquefort cheese. Dont come to Washington, DC. My husband had a terrible body odor that permeated his bedding and his bathroom. It is a horrible smell and I cant understand how some people cant smell it themselves. Its one thing if someone is unhygienic, I get that, but to segregate someone or a certain group of people because of something that is beyond their control (no cure for TMAU etc. "You can have massive seizures and die," confirms Dr. George. Soak a cotton ball with witch hazel and apply directly to your underarms. While it is true, that larger people have to be more aware to attend to those folds and crevices you mentioned. hello my name is Christine but I was always cCalled Chris STINKY and I could never make friends in school as a child and never knew why. I am a somewhat shy person who was not confident before this and now my self esteem is at an all time low. Writing such judgments about something that is completely natural to the human body, and condition is absurd. People who notice smell that comes with digestive issues i would suggest a Low fodmap diet and Gluten free for 1 or 2 months you can google this also add in Probiotics atleast 20 bill CFU or more Buy Digestive Enzymes, Chlorophyll, Betain HCL with Pepsin, and u can add in apple cider vinegar, i would also suggest 3 colon irrigations (hydrotherapy) and do it from a local spot by a professionol dont buy the mini machine and do it yourself. There are, however, a few exceptions to this theory. I am also going to start taking chlorophyll which help in fighting candida and body odor. kind of stuff too themselfs. 5. I tried not stressing, (which can be difficult, and I also prayed). "Deodorants tell the bacteria not to break down so quickly, therefore reducing the odor.". Below are 15 reasons why a person could have worse than normal body odor, how it can be solved, and why we shouldn't judge someone for how they smell. Ive known plenty of fat people (and hell Im kind of fat myself) but I can only think of a couple that smelled bad all the time (and one of them being probably the worst smelling person Ive ever met but you could tell by looking at him that he didnt bathe). I think this is the same natural habit humans should have. Avoid eating garlic, onions, leeks, chives, protein-rich foods, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, turnips, and kale. Once I did an elimination diet, and I saw after 3-4 days that the smell went down with 70-80%. Any odors from food, like garlic or onion, become stronger. "Fennel seed" by Howcheng - Own work. After the first panic attack, I smell bad for the rest of the day and theres nothing I can do. You do not need water to cleanse yourself. God bless you! Its a living hell. Watching things on tv/internet that make you laugh is a positive in healing your insides I think. trimethylaminuria is smell like a fish, but how come my staff smell like a pig, honestly!, and no matter how many times i remind her to take a bath, she ignore me, she is too lazy to clean up herself as well as her cloths. [email protected]. Even if all of the above contributors are avoided, unless there is frequent wiping, they will smell. "If you and your spouse have a child you're holding the kid, cuddling the kid, bathing the kid, so the child will be contaminated with the same types of bacteria as well so theoretically you should all have the same type of smell. Anyone else have a similar issue? All participants either played the computer game or read magazines in three sessions spread out over the course of a week. Then on top of that my skin pores started to give off a odor I couldn't smell but others could. take care of themselves. I sometimes get this smell. FAT PEOPLE REALLY DO SMELL BAD! At the end of the five days, the underarm pads were collected and cut into quarters. My own mom never told me about it, I just figured it out from TV commercials of being a teenager in America. It would make your eyes water. Learn how this disease affects the nervous system. So why do some Indian dudes smell bad? He wears an all natural deodorant and that doesn't smell good. This causes your heart to palpitate and your sweat output to increase. It worked because it killed any bacteria in the fold. Mary Contrary. I didn't realize that one's diet can affect body odor--helpful information and definitely important! She told the person in charge she couldnt get into the bathroom to shower or bath in her house and could only bath or shower every two weeks. My sweat glads for whatever reason always leak the "bad" sweat.. I smell and I Dont know why even if i make my bath ten times a day I still smells and I have used many duodorant but but still have this problem please help me.. Sakina Nasir from Kuwait on November 16, 2016: Great hub! 2 Because your body is unable to digest TMA, the excess is released through your sweat, breath, and urine, and causes you to stink. Say on Saturday I could give her a shower, then comes Sunday and she still has a strong odor. "5 Foods That Can Increase Your Body Odor, " NextAvenue. Yeast or canadi overgrowth as well as parasites, lung, or kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes. Learn about the possible, Vital signs, such as your temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, measure your bodys most basic functions. I avoid contact with so many individuals because of this problem. I sometimes tell people I am sorry for the odor I am emitting. Everyone stinks, go back in historythus the reasoning for brides having weddings in June. #5 - Some breeds just stink! Wait, is that how it goes? "Therefore, we get that same smell.". The smell of black people will make you gag. My roommate will take a bath she smells fine after her bath 4 hrs later she has the most foul oder. When I am manic, I am too busy to shower. Consider one's lifestyle. Whats the point? The bacteria is what smells bad. It just makes me want to throw up. There is a lady I take care of. Ive tried detoxing. In all utter kindness, we are in a more modern time. For the most part, papaya smells bad for some people due to papain, an enzyme that is naturally found in papayas. It is so bad I have had to leave the area and still smelled the odor as she had passed through the area many times. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. No matter the cause, theres no reason to run from these changes. Ah, and this gets worst when its 40C and the guy in question is moving around to spread the odor around the room. But after he showers, he uses lots of soap and when he gets out and uses his towel it smells like a rotten skunk. "Bad Body Odor May Be Caused by Metabolic Disorder," MedicineNet. It might have something to do with hormonal changes that occur as people age, or it might be . Ive spent so much money, its pathetic and Ive become hopeless at this point. Dail, has come out with a new odor control soap, and you can buy odor neutralizing deodorants, that hunters use. The smelliest human I ever smelled was a customer at the grocery in which I worked before retirement, he was a very slender man but his armpits were so rank you could smell his acrid stench three aisles away. People are just rude and mean. Arrggh!! 2. I too am not fond of smells that arent pleasant to my nose. Want to know more https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b8qvskYvnH8. In the meantime, cant these people buy some deodorant? I have told her that she stinks and all she says is that her nose is stopped up and cant smell a thing. We here in the Southern Europe have the plus of having warm weather most of the year. Somehow she seemed to have much fondness for shower. "Just because it has a nice smell, doesn't mean it cleans you any better. Hopefully it will leave a mark that you will never forget and will be a reminder. Theres the acrid stench described in the entry, and then theres the work-sweat, which smells more stale than acrid. Dont dis fat people, save your anger for dirty people. I washed myself with natural lye soaps. What about these people who smell like this their entire lives and cant do a damn thing about it? I understand this smell bothers you, but you might smell this way to others and not have any idea. I am slowly starting to recover from this physically and mentally. You're going to break down fats," explains the doctor in describing DKA. Good afternoon, to you dum fuckers i have bromhidrosis and have suffered from it for 16 years if you have no education its a skin disorder genetically from a parent or it happens after puberty you can say what the fuck you want but im willing to bet my last foodstamp im cleaner than all of you or maybe i should fart to give you something really to smell. You wouldnt know otherwise. As such, they were only given the minimal hygiene necessary to keep them healthy enough to work much Continue Reading David Phillipson A very SERIOUS illness!! A person living with a health condition such as diabetes or kidney disease may also have sweat that smells like ammonia. 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